Joseph and Michelle imorru kruz

Published: September 3, 2010 at 11:08am
Issa Joseph, m'hemmx zfin, OK? Ma tmurx tikser idejk ukoll u nispicca prim ministru jien minflok.

Issa Joseph, m'hemmx zfin, OK? Ma tmurx tikser idejk ukoll u nispicca prim ministru jien minflok.

The Labour leader’s disappearance from the public sphere after fracturing his leg at the August Moon Ball is to be prolonged.

Joseph, Michelle and Joseph’s plaster cast are now taking a cruise on the MSC Splendida, leviathan of the high seas (Malta agents, Hamilton Travel).

After staying home with his feet up and elbowing his deputy leaders out of the way so that Michelle could lead the Labour Party delegation at the state funeral of Guido de Marco and at the viewing of the corpse, and after failing to turn up at the launch of his own party’s thousand emblems and getting Michelle to front for him instead, our Joseph has somehow found the energy, motivation and mobility to sally forth on the world’s largest cruise-liner.

Ah, priorities.

41 Comments Comment

  1. Joseph Micallef says:

    No the “Kruz” is a cover for the confidential news that he has been summoned by Obama in person for a meeting. Having heard how Joey managed to obtain a promise that there will be no oil spills from the Libyan deep water well, and following the fresh oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico, Obama wants Joey’s help to solve this pressing problem.

  2. JP Bonello says:

    The age factor.

  3. Brian*14 says:

    I’m sure it’s the Dining Onboard that impressed him much…

  4. ALEX VASSALLO says:

    Its impressive how these people live with themselves and actually believe that they are capable to lead the country. Lead the country to tyranny, with Joseph being the Emperor maybe, but does he really believe that he can actually save Malta from a global recession, restructure the whole education system or will he send us back to Malta being known as a third world country like the impression most countries had of Malta pre 1987

  5. William Micallef says:

    It would be interesting to see who else is on that passenger manifest. This could easily be a cover for two people to accidentally meet and be able to chat without reporters/gossipers noticing what’s going on.

    [Daphne – I don’t know about you, but I think taking a cruise that leaves from Valletta is more likely to attract attention that inviting people to your charming home, there to eat gingerbread cookies made by Michelle while two gay friends, one a make-up artist and the other a lecturer at the Sorbonne, accidentally-on-purpose drop in for a cup of tea.]

  6. Bus Driver says:

    Anzi ma ghamilx bhal Attard Montalto u pogga ruhu fuq l-Internet biex nistgu niggustawh qed jivvjagga bil-vapur. Jew forsi ghada gejja dik?

    MaltaStar news item:

    “Despite having his uncle in chalk, as a result of attempting to dance with the President’s ball, the PL Leader…”

  7. Stephen Forster says:

    I wonder if the ship will wait in port if Dear Leader is late in from a shore excursion?

  8. Clive says:

    According to Maltastar the Nationalists held some kind of meeting “between Paul Borg Olivier”. That must have hurt.

    • Min Weber says:

      This is beyond belief.

      In that article, apart from the meeting “between Paul Borg Olivier”, I noticed the following howlers:

      Sliema councilor

      one of their own Nationalist counselors., (referring to the PN of course)

      Joanna Gonz

      The Sliema residents and business community had suffered because of this dirty game of internal politics


  9. TROY says:

    This must be his fourth cruise since he became leader.

  10. Little Britain says:


    other news: Bears shit in woods.
    Pope is Catholic.


  11. Little Britain says:

    The News story that got away.

    You begin to wonder what sort of place you’re living in when even in the silliest of silly seasons a man goes on a cruise with his wife and the nondescript event a commonplace in every city the world over makes the headlines.

    [Daphne – Bit thick, aren’t you? Who gives a flying wotsit whether a man goes on a cruise with his wife? This is the Opposition leader who claimed that his plaster cast prevented him leading his party’s delegation at a state funeral, and ditto for the launch of his party emblem exhibition, when this is HIS project. Actually, he’s damned lucky he operates in Malta and not in Britain, where he would have been fried alive by now.]

  12. Anthony says:

    Joey was not indisposed. He was just too busy packing his suitcases to even bother with PL and the once in a lifetime logo.

    He is above such trivialities as party matters. The hallmarks of a statesman in the making.

    Pass the sea sickness tablets please.

  13. Josette c says:

    Mela jitlef il-cruise jew! Min jaf kemm ilhom li bbukjawh hi, halli jiehdu d-discount.

    [Daphne – Nahseb discount hadu minghand Hamilton Travel.]

    • Josette c says:

      In exchange for their logo on the new emblem.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        More likely in exchange for an ambassadorship to the UK for Norman Hamilton in 2013. Chairing the Maltasong board is no longer an option. Muscat isn’t Alfred Sant, and gifts for cronyism have become more flashy. I can already see the headlines in Maltastar: ENGLISH QUEEN MEETS NORMAN HAMILTON

      • David Buttigieg says:


        When you remember who the last ambassador Labour sent to the UK was, anything is possible.

  14. TROY says:

    Inspector Gadget is once again the leader for the moment, because Michelle is away with her hubby.

  15. ASP says:

    What if he got the trip for free or at a highly discounted price… is this “ethically possible”?

  16. Do you think he has a cabin with the ordinary folk, eating in the Main Dining Room – or does he have a top suite in the exclusive Yacht Club with its own deck and amenities ?

  17. il-Ginger says:

    Yeah we get it Joseph is an unreliable idiot (old news, yawn), but seriously no talk on Nicky Dimech or the power station tender?

  18. Anthony says:

    Norman to man the fort in Piccadilly. Why not?

    Ma’am would be most intrigued. “Excellency, are you related to Emma?”

    “What about US chartering your Splendida for OUR Western Isles cruise at a discount. That piddly Hebridean Princess is too claustrophobic.”

    Unbelievable, but very possibly true.

    [Daphne – Well, let’s put it this way. Norman Hamilton is a damn sight better than Richard MAAAAAAAAAtrenza. That’s who Sant’s government dispatched to London. At least Hamilton is tal-pepe (literally), even though he’s got a chip on his shoulder large enough to sink the MSC Splendida and his Super One viewers think he’s ‘minn taghna’. He’s from Stella Maris parish, Sliema, bhal Defni.]

    • Min Weber says:

      You are right. He does have an enormous, humongous chip on his shoulder.

      What’s the reason behind it?

      [Daphne – Oh it’s quite sad, really. He was an only child who was abandoned by his mother Doris when he was old enough to know what was happening and yet too young to know why. She ran off with one of the many sailors she used to run around with and left Malta for England, leaving him behind. This was just after WWII when Sliema was full of men in uniform. There was a very big scandal at the time, as you can imagine. I’m guessing that our Norman, when he helped spread slanderous lies about my father, had failed to make the link between me and my mother, who lived round the corner from him in those days and used to walk him to school after his mother left. And that’s why he felt able to make innuendos about me, because he wasn’t aware that I am one of the few people still alive who know the truth about his background – not that it’s anything to be ashamed of. It was his mother’s shame and certainly not his, poor child that he was. But then it all depends on how we let situations affect us. The same thing and worse happened to others who didn’t end up developing giant chips about it. ]

      • Min Weber says:

        The story is very sad indeed. But as you say, worse things have happened to other people and they have adjusted well.

        But his father was English too, wasn’t he?

        Was he a sailor, too?

        [Daphne – No.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      What do you mean “why not”? Diplomatic postings are not holiday vouchers, to be distributed as special favours. Basta niftahru bl-academic excellence tal-MEDAC.

    • David Buttigieg says:

      “Norman Hamilton is a damn sight better than Richard MAAAAAAAAAtrenza.”

      But then again that’s not to hard to be, is it?

      If memory serves wasn’t Matrenza judge and jury in, ahem ‘a court’ that sentenced you or something in their imagination, for saying that Joe Mifsud (whatever happened to him?) deserved a punch in the nose?

      [Daphne – Yes, that Kangaroo Court tal-Gurnalisti, way back in 1993 or thereabouts. Effing ridiculous. Whatever happened to Joe Mifsud? He’s got an office in Naxxar, in the same building as Heaven Spa. I know this because I walked in asking for a pedicure and wondered what he was doing there, working as a receptionist in a beauty parlour, until I worked out that the beauty parlour was through the next door on the landing.]

      If I recall he was also first in line to clap Lawrence Pullicino on the back when he got out of prison.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Now that Arafat is gone, Joe Mifsud has lost his raison d’être. He isn’t really part of the Joseph Muscat faction, but there’s another diplomatic posting on the way, to the West Bank.

  19. Anthony says:

    There you are. The British naval connection is there.

    Doris reportedly eloped with a sailor while Emma fell for the Eroi Immortali Nili, Vice Adniral of the White Squadron of the Fleet.

    I bet ma’am would not be amused

  20. Antoine Vella says:

    He should have taken the deputy leaders along and put them on the prow of the ship. That’s where figureheads usually are.

  21. Ghar u Kasa says:

    Imma nsomma, l-leader taghna ghandu ragun dejjem. Sewwa kien qal li minflokk ‘steak’ qed niehdu pizza nhar ta’ Sibt.

    Imnalla kien jigbor il-fliexken tal-luminata vojta u jsarrafhom, miskin il-leader progressiv taghna, ghax kieku lanqas five-star cruise ma seta jaghmel ma Michelle.

  22. Riya says:

    U iva allura! Mar kruz.

    Ma haqqux jistrieh miskin? Min jaf x’tahwid ghandu go mohhu bil-partit specjalment bid-deputy leadrers.

  23. Two Weights, Two Measures? says:

    Well, you have to make do with whatever’s available when you’re not invited on Żaren’s yacht, don’t you think?

  24. joe scerri says:

    The world’s largest cruise ship is not MSC Splendida but Royal Caribbean’s Oasis of the Seas.

  25. Claudette says:


  26. Riya says:

    @ Ghar u Kasa

    Min jaf min qed ihallas?

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