L-GHOLI TAL-HAJJA UPDATE: Labour rips you off by 84 cents

Published: September 20, 2010 at 11:21pm


I logged onto the Labour Party’s website – not yet pl.org.mt but still mlp.org.mt – to find out if it’s telling its people how much they have to pay to vote in the Emblema Election.

They’re not saying anything about that.

Instead they’re telling us about Muscat’s ‘exciting and modern new concept of a living wage’ (not new at all; Adam Smith wrote about it in his Wealth of Nations in 1789). But more about that from me on Thursday.

What I did find, interestingly, is the price of Labour Party membership: EUR5. Here it is:

Il-hlas tas-shubija huwa ta` €5.00 li tigi mhallsa lill-istess Partit Laburista.

So, if the membership fee is EUR5 and the price of voting is EUR1.16 for Labour Party members, why is the Labour Party charging people EUR7 to vote and become a member?


9 Comments Comment

  1. M. says:

    Min ghalihom ha’ jaghmlu profitt minn fuq dahar il-mittilkless.

  2. p dimech says:

    Jaghmlu hekk lil nieshom ahseb u wara x’gej meta jkunu fil-gvern. Povru poplu Malti.

  3. Michael Gatt says:

    “Il-Kummissarju Dalli jżur lil Duminku Mintoff

    L-eks Prim Ministru Dom Mintoff għadu rikoverat l-Isptar Mater Dei wara l-puplesija ħafifa li tatu l-ġimgħa l-oħra fir-residenza tiegħu.

    Illum mar iżuru il-Kummissarju Ewropew John Dalli, li għamel xi ħin ħdejn il-Perit Mintoff. ” (maltarightnow.com)

    Anke l-Kummissarju Dalli “m’ghandux triq ohra” hlief li jmur jara lil Dom Mintoff? Daphne, ma’ tindunax li Mintoff baqa’ jgawdi r-rispett ta’ hafna nies?

    [Daphne – The word you’re looking for, Michael, is ‘bandwagon’.]

    • kev says:

      Now I see why Komissar Dalli was absent from his usual Strasbourg grilling…

      Please don’t miss these sessions, John. The MEPs miss your antics.

  4. Brian says:

    Bring in the Consumer Protection Division.

  5. A. Charles says:

    John Dalli has insulted me. He is an EC Commissioner and does not represent me as the prime minister does, So I think his visit to Mintoff was uncalled for.

    Maybe, he had a telephone call from his buddy, Gaddafi, so that he acts as the Colonel’s Hallmark get-well-soon card.

  6. ciccio2010 says:

    Someone has got to pay that salary of Euro 40,000 p.a.

  7. Brian*14 says:

    Daph, qalbi, insejt l-exclamation marks wara gONziPN…

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