Labour bans facial hair

Published: September 13, 2010 at 11:15am
Labour moustaches put themselves out of reach of Kurt Farrugia's razor

Labour moustaches put themselves out of reach of Kurt Farrugia's razor

Had you noticed?

Somebody has taken a razor to Joseph Muscat’s ‘western paedophile in south-east Asia’ goatee and to Anglu Farrugia’s ‘1980s police inspector’ moustache.

Both have suddenly disappeared.

Even as we speak, Mario Vella is being strapped to his ‘deks’ as Kurt Farrugia hovers – well, beneath – with a Gillette (it’s the best a man can get).

Toni Abela has locked himself screaming in the Labour HQ loos, and has armed himself with a lavatory brush and a bottle of bleach. Nobody’s taking his moustache.

10 Comments Comment

  1. Sweeney Todd says:

    Ara kemm hu sabih Anglu taghna minghajr mustacci:

    • David Buttigieg says:

      Alas, his ferocious speeches will never be quite the same again.

    • Rover says:

      Oh how sweet. He now has a face as smooth as a baby’s backside. Shame about the drivel that comes out of it, such as the four page list of bought votes in the last election.

  2. Bus Driver says:

    It is just a case of all of them going grey. Grizzled facial hair is not consistent with the ‘young leadership’ image they seek to project.

    Issa halli naraw kif ser jimmenigjaw iz-zaqq mdendla. U kif sejrin jittekiljaw il-qara’ li ga bdiet tidher sew. Tghid naraw lil-Kurt Farrugia appuntat ‘sole official party photographer’, ghaliex dak qajla ghandu cans li jgiebhom minn fuq fir-ritratti.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Hanging bellies have never deterred Maltese politicians. We are a nation that laps up aesthetic monstrosity as if it were Venus de Milo’s left tit.

  4. Leonard says:

    Upon reaching a certain age, men with facial hair need to take a decision: paint it or shave it. Otherwise they will look much older than they actually are. I think Toni Abela will keep his tickler and paint it black.

  5. ciccio2010 says:

    Daphne, Labour is using Wilkinson Quattro, not Gillette. It is Next Generation.

  6. claire marie says:

    Forsi l-image consultant tal-partit hekk issuggerixxa. Dan partit frisk u zaghzugh, mela m’hemmx lok ghall-mustacci.

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