What are the odds that Keith Lanzon's father burned down The Times and ransacked the Curia?
Anyway, you’ll find him on Facebook. Because he’s certain that Labour is going to win the next general election (in two and a half years’ time), he’s feeling very confident and using his own name to issue threats in violent language.
The political party leaders think that between them, they have eradicated this violent mentality over the last 23 years.
Why – did they ship all the ghastly sub-literate and mentally incapacitated proles out to Australia and leave them there in a purpose-built hen-house?
How daft do you have to be to think that people raised on a lifetime of lanzit, hdura, violence and ignorance are going to change? Even their children are no different, and they were born post-1987 and live in an EU member state.
Eddie Fenech Adami’s government in 1987 was wrong not to hunt these people down and make them face justice. They thought they were doing a Gandhi.
But what they really did was allow them to believe that their behaviour was acceptable and that they could get away with it.
And they have raised the next generation in their own image.
Keith Lanzon is 20 years old. What hope is there for him? None.
keith lanzon
Submitted on 2010/09/23 at 12:53am
Jekk int hero ggibom l-comments tieghi bestjaaaaaaaa – kollox qed nahdem, daqt jasal l mument li niehu l-ahhar pass u nitfawk …..haahahahahahah sahahar psikopatika!
keith lanzon
Submitted on 2010/09/23 at 12:56am
hmieg tal oqbra mbajjda – kiku tigi taht idi naqsmek bhal qazquz u nsajjrek f tagen hahahaha – HMIEGGGGG
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A twenty year old bully, with such a low IQ – new face of labour?
Perhaps the weight of the ear-ring is dragging his chicken-brain down.
Mintoff was a horrible, despotic dictator who ran the country by terrorising and destroying the lives of his own people for personal gain.
Funny how these people insist that Mintoff was our ‘saviour’ and not one of them comments on or tries to deny that life in the 70s and 80s was sheer hell, and that it was embarrassing to say you were Maltese in those days.
Today, on the other hand, Malta and the Maltese are highly respected internationally.
But, as you rightly point out, these 20-somethings have been brainwashed by their blinkered parents into believing totally the opposite.
A while ago while at a dinner party, I witnessed a young lady at our table explode in a fit of rage as we joked about the latest antics of the Labour Party.
She stood up, burst into tears, and told us that “Borg Olivier had buried her nanna at MAGHTAB because she was a Labour supporter”.
If she believes that she will believe ANYTHING.
Notice the 3-minute interval between messages – another one like Paul Borg who very evidently needs time to recharge his brain and to recover from the strain of writing a few foul words and hitting the submit key.
One trusts that the police are registering details of these incomplete, inherently violent, beings.
I love how his religion is listed as “christian chatolic”.
It is a type of religion where you chat about it, but do nothing more in substance. It is what Labour practises.
It is a sub-variant of Christian Chat-oholic.
Just wanted to add that it is widely practised on Facebook. And those who come in close contact with Labour usually convert to it (I believe there was a certain Perit on his way to converting to it).
Maybe he meant ‘chaotic’, but doesn’t know how to spell it.
While he’s sending threatening language and hate speech he’s also a ‘christian chatolic’ (please note the spelling) and a member of a group called ‘jekk thobb lil GESU’ amel like’
….and probably this is the e-mail address he regularly uses; keith.lanzon@hotmail.com
Seriously, are you reporting these overt threats to the police?
I couldn’t resist taking a look at this guy’s Facebook page. His ‘About Me’ section made my eyes bleed.
I hope you are taking action!
I hope the police are involved. These psychopaths need to be interrogated! We’ve had enough of them. Mintoff is dead. They should wake up.
“Keith Lanzit” – Definitely one of your best captions I’ve seen here.
A message to all those who are grumbling about the unfinished pavement in front of their house and to those who are still waiting for the changing of the street bulb: read all these contributions to Daphne’s blog and you have just a slight taste of “things to come” if and when Labour wins the elections.
Sant’s efforts and slight success in cleaning the party have been brought to nought. There is enough clear and unmistakable evidence provided by these comments.
Mintoff would have had us all like this scum!
What does ‘hmieg tal oqbra mbajjda’ mean?
[Daphne – One imagines that it’s a biblical reference, Christ having called the Pharisees ‘painted tombs’, i.e. beautiful outside and horrible within.]
Labour spend twenty years trying to persuade us that they have changed and, then along comes Keith Lanzon and gives them away.
What is sad is that Keith Lanzon is 20 years old. So really, he does not even remember Mintoff or KMB as prime ministers, and therefore, it would not be even right to say that he was influenced by them.
This shows the depth of political hate within the Labour grassroots and how little 16 years of Alfred Sant and two years of Joseph Muscat have achieved. I think the situation under Muscat, an inexperienced leader, is getting worse.
[Daphne – He wasn’t DIRECTLY influenced, but he has certainly been influenced through those who sort of raised him.]
The odds are low – it must have been his grandfather or older uncle because his dad was 14 in 1979.
The only worry I have is that if the PL wins the next general election we shall witness the same violence we had in the eighties, if not more .
We will witness the same ignorance. That’s bad enough as it is.
A couple of hours before delivering his threats, Keith Lanzon’s relationship status changed from “it’s complicated” to “single” (information kindly supplied by facebook.com). The break-up might have had something to do with his mood.
The hatred which consumes PL supporters has never ceased, as is evident from the barrage of violent threats which you keep receiving. Labour might desperately try to re-market their image, but nothing much has changed from Mintoff’s times.
Kemm int injorant, Keith – ahjar tmur titfa rasek fil-kotba jew titghallem xi sena, forsi issir xi haga.