Kemm saru jifhmu fit-tenders is-slavag tal-Labour, Alla jbierek

Published: October 30, 2010 at 8:25pm


The Labour middle-class has been out with a spray can. For desecrators of graves, they certainly take a deep interest in the finer points of public tenders.

Do you think they actually know what BWSC means, or should we just be grateful that they took a cutting from the Torca with them and got the letters down in the right order?, this morning

Vandals target PM father’s grave

Vandals have scribbled the letters BWSC on the Addolorata Chapel Wall, adjacent to the grave of the Prime Minister’s father. Dr Gonzi’s father, Luigi, died on September 6. BWSC is the company which has won the controversial tender for the extension of the power station.

The grave, where Dr Gonzi’s mother Inez (nee Galea), who died two years ago, is also buried, was also vandalised in May when it was damaged and torched. Obscenities had been scrawled on the grave, marble slabs were broken and part of it was blackened by fire.

26 Comments Comment

  1. Galian says:

    Just take a look at the comments on under that article … enough to make you puke!

  2. Riya says:

    Slavag u cowards fl-istess hin. L-arma tista’ tibdilha imma il-mentalita’ ma tinbidilx. Min ghand in-Nazzjonalisti qed jitlob skuza Dr. Joseph Muscat? Ghax ma’ jghidx li fi zmienu qed isiru atrocitajiet bhal ma’ kienu jsiru fi zmien MIntoff u KMB. Hekk kienu u hekk jibqghu. Alla jilliberana mill-Labour.

  3. Claude Sciberras says:

    What idiots! Don’t they even realise that such acts boomerang?

  4. Jelly Bean says:

    Looks like it was scribbled with a screwdriver rather than a spray can. On the left there is a scribbling which someone tried to erase. Maybe you’re right. It could have been a wrong spelling.

  5. Steve Forster says:

    Do not think or treat this as any different to the brownshirts who sprayed “Juden” on Jewish shops in Germany, or the blackshirts who were not much better in Italy,

    The detritus of humanity will always find an outlet. Unfortunately history, as so often the case repeats, itself.

    “Scum will out……”

    [Daphne – There were some lines in an episode of a BBC series I was a couple of days ago. An African illegal immigrant in hospital was hectored and threatened by a BNP-type taxi-driver and was afraid. “Ignore him. He’s just an idiot,” the doctor said, to reassure him. “You’ve been through so much worse in your own country.” And the man replied: “Yes, because of idiots like him. They are the worst – the torturers, the murderers, the ones who do other people’s evil bidding….” He’s right, of course- the worst people are rarely intelligent. The rare individuals who are both intelligent and bad end up as leaders with an army of idiots they use as tools.]

  6. Karl Flores says:

    It’s like Claude said above, such obscenities worsen the image the MLP already has. It’s useless changing from MLP to PL and the colour of the torch or whichever side it blows. It’s the attitude that needs be changed, impossible as it may seem, not the name and flame.

  7. Hot Mama says:


  8. red nose says:

    Muscat brought in what Sant had tried to get rid of. Not because he wants a “clean” party, but for the lost votes.

  9. TROY says:

    Where was the watchman?

  10. JoeM says:

    Is Kryl-on a relative of By-on Jo, or maybe Charl-on? Or maybe Krypt-on, or Zykl-on B?

  11. Gahan says:

    Ma nafx kif ikkonkludejt li min iddesagra u ivvandallizza il-qabar tal-genituri tal-prim ministru kienu minn xi partit politiku. Il-prim ministru fix-xoghol tieghu ikollu jirfes hafna kallijiet ta’ interessi varji fosthom politici u kummercjali. Min ghamel dan l-att kien salvagg u bezziegh, jew xi ras shuna u m’ahniex……s’hemm nistghu nghidu, Daphne.

    [Daphne – Thanks for pointing out that JIFHMU takes an H and that I should have checked the root of the verb. Now it’s my turn to give you a Maltese lesson: the MA that denotes a ‘negative verb’ (I don’t know/ma nafx) doesn’t have an apostrophe. Ma with an apostrophe means WITH. Hence, MORT MA’ GUZI but MA NAFX. To remember this, use this mnemomic: negative/no apostrophe. I’m saying this now because you’re always so quick to point out the very rare spelling mistake I make in Maltese and you have no idea just how many of your repetitive errors, in both English and Maltese, I correct before uploading your comments, without saying anything. The assumption that I don’t know Maltese is beyond wrong; I actually know it better than many who speak nothing but. As for the rest, commonsense is a blessing, and you have a lot of that – so commonsense should tell you that the sort of people who run companies and get cut out of tenders are not going to react by taking a can of spray-paint to the cemetery and spraying the name of their commercial rival over the prime minister’s father’s grave.]

    • Peter says:

      Uh, common sense is two words? Unless used adjectivally, when it can either be hyphenated or used as one word – I prefer the former, personally.

      On the issue at hand, however, I wondered if the readers of this blog generally agree that desecrating graves, or exhortations to such behaviour, is always a no-no? I only ask because of eager offers issued some weeks ago to befoul Mintoff’s prospective burial grave.

      It genuinely perplexes me as to what kind of person does this sort of thing in cold blood.

      [Daphne – As usual, you buzz in from afar with some smart Alec remark that misses the point completely. The desecration of the prime minister’s father’s grave is not a dreadful act because it is the desecration of a grave. It is a dreadful act because the late Mr Gonzi was a harmless soul and he can’t even be said to be guilty of having produced an evil son. I would have, however, no problem at all with somebody urinating the grave of a Mafia boss, an SS guard, Chairman Mao, or Dom Mintoff, especially not their victims or their descendants. I don’t see what it can achieve, true, but then I can’t see what harm is done, either, and it might help make those people feel a little better. Forgiveness can be terribly over-rated.]

    • Gahan says:

      Ma kellekx ghalfejn toqmos, sewwi l-izball u suq ha mmorru! Jien in-naqra Malti li naf, fejn inkun naf, nghidlek, fejn ma nafx: “ma nafx” .

      U tghid mhux se nikteb l-Ingliz li tikteb int! Per ezempju ‘Purgery’ hsibtha tajba. Nikbru u nitghalmu: jien hafna minn ghandek u int naqra minn ghandi. Tajjeb hekk?

      Regarding the vandalism on the grave of Dr Gonzi’s father, all I can say is that it could be anyone. Some two years ago during Christmas two cemeteries (Safi and Kirkop) were vandalised, and ‘common sense’ pointed its fingers at the Muslim ‘illegal’ immigrants living at the camp in the nearby Karwija camp.

      [Daphne – Commonsense did nothing of the sort. It was blind prejudice and horrible bias of the sort taught at Tal-Muzew in the past which led to that kind of sentiment. Why would anybody desecrate Christian graves just because they are Muslim? My commonsense told me it was bored teenagers from some village, and I was right. Respect for the resting-places of the dead crosses all religions of the book.]

      After some days the police found that the culprits were two young men from Qrendi. May the police catch the perpetrator/s of this cruel act which deeply hurt the Gonzi family.

      • Gahan says:

        Why do you think a Christian Church was attacked in Bagdad yesterday?

        Why do you think it is illegal to celebrate mass in Saudi Arabia?

        Why do you think some Muslim company managers don’t approve the Christmas holidays to their Filippino workers?

        Suspecting that Muslims can ‘simply’ break some marble crosses during the night in a cemetery remains a plausible theory.

        [Daphne – Sigh. You make me despair with this Muslim/Christian business, so please let’s not bring the whole thing up again. Right, let’s see. 1. Christians are outsiders in Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Therefore they get treated like outsiders and sometimes, their symbols and places of worship are attacked, with varying degrees of violence depending on the rule of law in that particular country. 2. In Malta, it is Muslims who are outsiders and it is Muslims who are, consequently, attacked. Because the rule of law is different in Malta to Iraq and Saudi Arabia, the types of attacks are different. e.g. hysteria because Muslims are seen praying on the Sliema promenade. Instead of burning the mosque, Maltese anti-Muslim right-wingers burned the homes of those who, like me, object to their views and attitudes. 3. Muslim company managers might not authorise holiday leave at Christmas for the same reason that Muslim employees are not given authorised leave of absence at Ramadan in Malta, unless they use their holiday leave. One of my sons works in Israel. He has to use his holiday leave to come home for Christmas. Not having been raised a bigot, he takes this for granted, having enjoyed the benefits instead of the rather long Jewish holiday in September. 4. No, I do not think creatures without brains, called Muslims, would bother climbing over a cemetery wall to vandalise Christian graves. That is the sort of thing a bored Maltese teenager would do. As in fact they did.]

    • kev says:

      “negative/no apostrophe” ?

      It’s easier to simpy remember that ma’ is an abbreviation of mieghu/maghha, hence the apostrophe.

      [Daphne – Whatever works for you, Kevin. Conspiracy theorists tend to prefer the more complicated mnemonics. I go for the simple ones.]

  12. VR says:


  13. Rover says:

    I suspect these are some of the black sheep Joseph Muscat has been attracting back in the Labour Party, the progressive one with the new Eur20000 emblem.

    Having read the fine print in the BWCS tender, they thought they would express their serious doubts as to the validity of the contract by, wait for it, spray painting a grave. Not any grave, because that would be somewhat tedious and nobody would take their analysis of the tender with the alacrity it deserved.

    No, it had to be the Prime Minister’s family grave. There you go, they stood up to be counted. The unbelievable lowlife that still lingers within the Labour Party is nothing short of frightening.

  14. Another John says:

    Daphne, in a previous contribution by a Caesar Caruana, it was stated that “I have read a couple of your articles and can relate to them vary well…” and “… your emotions, thoughts and opinions are so similiar to mine” and “…our hearts and minds are set in the same direction”.

    I think that your reply hit the nail on the head. Although few comments express the above directly (and I feel that there is no need to), I am of the opinion that many (or the majority of) contributors in your blog have their hearts and minds set in the same direction.

    I also conclude that lots of people are on the same wavelength here (barring the odd exception), and who knows how many else who follow your blog but choose (for some reasons or other) not to comment.

  15. c abela triganza says:

    Where are the guards at the cemetery? Are there any cameras around to protect the area?

  16. Dem-ON says:

    This episode will make for a nice couple of lines in Godfrey Grima’s next dispatch about the BWSC insinuations, which he is trying to sell to newspapers overseas.

  17. Matt says:

    Dr. Muscat should be very proud of his troops. He and his television and radio stations are doing a fine job of fomenting hatred towards the prime minister.

    “Terrimot”, my foot. Same old evil methods- hate and more hate towards the Nationalists in government.

    I sincerely hope the PN voters next election go out and vote and don’t stay home as in 2008..

  18. Lisa Azzopardi says:

    Very progressive behaviour. Well done, Labour!

  19. BigBen says:

    I’m sorry but you can’t jump into conclusions and say who wrote the words BWSC. Who ever did this is wrong whether blue, red or yellow. It could be somebody who did not get his commission. Do you remember the car of the Parliamentary Secretary Mario Galea when it was scratched by those slavag tal-labour, and then it resulted that it was done by his driver.

    [Daphne – Ah yes, but Mario Galea’s driver had a motive for covering up an accident. What possible motive could there be for vandalising a headstone in that manner? Somebody who didn’t get his commission! Honestly.]

  20. Fair deal says:

    Mela insejna x’ghamlu fuq il-qabar ta’ Moira Mintoff wara li Dom Mintoff gie mghajjar traditur?

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