Anglu Luvs Joseph 4Eva

Published: November 2, 2010 at 5:16pm
Inspector Gadget is keen to show how much he loves Captain Hindsight

Inspector Gadget is keen to show how much he loves Captain Hindsight

In past budget speeches and replies to the budget speech, we were distracted variously by nose-picking, newspaper-reading and nodding off.

But when Joseph Muscat spoke for two hours yesterday evening, the big distraction was Anglu Farrugia, banging and thumping like a crazed police inspector in Lorry Pullicino’s force in 1984, smiling like a drunk on a stag night and looking around to check whether we were all admiring him as much as he was pretending to admire Joseph Muscat.

Then when it was all over, he had to jump up and hug him, as though Muscat had just scored a World Cup-winning goal or been given the all-clear from some terminal disease.

He looked ridiculous. But more to the point, he looked as though he’s under a great deal of pressure to prove his loyalty. There’ve been rumours about for ages that the boot is going in, but I have no truck with rumours. I prefer facts. So far, the facts I see are that Anglu Farrugia is still there and still a liability to Labour.

But removing him won’t help because it’s the entire party that has to be cleaned out. Besides, Labour never really removes its people, it just moves them around like pieces on a chess-board and hopes for the best.

They got rid of Jason Micallef, after all, and then we find out that they haven’t got rid of him at all, that he’s actually in a stronger position than ever because he controls Super One and has packed it full of his boys with their Vaselined eyebrows.

Perhaps Jason and the boys with the Vaselined eyebrows are not that crazy about Anglu Farrugia because he’s not metrosexual enough despite having shaved off his 1970s porn-star facial hair.

16 Comments Comment

  1. Joseph Micallef says:

    Magnum P.I. – it’s enough to make me blaspheme.

  2. Riya says:

    U dan Anglu mhux joqoghd jimita lil ta’ qablu bhal Debono Grech, Joe Mizzi u l-kumplament tal-marmalja. Ghalxiex beda jsabbat, ghax Joseph beda jsemmi xi ‘policies’ jew mizuri ta’ barra minn hawn?

    Dak biex jimpressjona ghax dejjem hekk ghamel kull fejn kien.

    Mhux anke meta jitkellem hafna pozi u ponnijiet u ghajjat u qatt ma’ jghid xejn bis-sugu.

    Jien nixtieq naf minn fejn gaba l-esperjenza politika dan il-bniedem, ghax dan hlief jhedded u jbezza lin-nies id-Depot ma jafx jaghmel. Jew jigi jarrestak f’xi 5 ta’ filghodu bhal ma ghamel lill-Daphne, ja bniedem bla qalb. Dan jista jtkellem fuq id-drittijiet tal-bniedem illum?

    Hallina, Anglu, int dejjem kont bniedem tipprova tintoghgob u dejjem irnexxielek. Int mort tghid li Eddie Fenech Adami u Guido
    De Marco kienu jmorru barra minn Malta jaghmlu l-hsara lill-pajjiz fiz-zmien il-Labour? Anqas tisthi tghid kontra De Marco? U Fenech Adami li halliek fil-pulizija ma taghmel xejn?

    Issa ma tghid xejn dwar il-hsara li qed jaghmel Godfrey Grima billi jmur barra u jallega affarijiet infondati dwar il-gvern. Intkom klikka wahda, qatta giddibin u lill-pajjiz hlif hsara ma’ taghmlulux.

    Imma z-zmien jerga jaghtina parir, Dr. Farrugia. U mohhok hemm, ghax mhux kull ma jleqq huwa deheb u l-hbieb ghazilhom..

  3. Matt B says:

    While this is completely irrelevant, I thought it might warrant a share…

    Breaking news: “Il-Mexxej” Dr. Joseph Muscat sending his cronies around houses to become members of the glorious PL and form part of the new mittlekless. One of them just came to my house right now.

    Why I would want to become a member of such a derelict institution is beyond me.

    • K Farrugia says:

      That’s no breaking news at all. You’re referring to a campaign which has been going for some two years, headed by the infamous Emmanuel Cuschieri who is helped by a number of volunteers.

      Needless to say, Mr Cuschieri is not doing this work for free, but this task forms part of some full-time job which he has at Labour glasshouse.

      • Anthony Farrugia says:

        They came around Swieqi two months ago, knocking on doors at about 9pm. I was just settling down to watching a DVD and having a glass or two of wine.

        Too late for Jehovah’s Witnesses, so who could it be ? Guess who; our doorstep encounter lasted seconds.

        The younger Cuschieri (MEP-in-waiting) also has a hand in this drive.

      • ciccio2010 says:

        Somebody should start printing doorbell stickers like those yellow ones asking Jehovah’s Witnesses not to knock/ring.

  4. Riya says:

    Dawn kilba kbira ghandhom ghall-poter. Alla hares ikunu fil-gvern ghax kollox ikissru bhal ma dejjem ghamlu. U garanzija anke ma’ l-EU jioggieldu

  5. mc says:

    On another subject:

    What a bunch of losers! Did you see the comments below the piece on “Film company apologises for Dwejra disaster”? Why can’t people accept an apology and move on?

    And who was the wise guy who chose to call it the ‘Dwejra disaster’? Has the Times lost all its sense of perspective?

    • Angus Black says:

      Maybe The Times’ readership is on the wane and it is trying to entice Labour supporters who think of it as the ‘enemy of the MLP’, to boost its sales.

      For goodness sake, it is stooping to using the same style as MaltaStar’s broken English (purgery). Ever since Mabel joined the literati in heaven, The Times descended to the level of illiterati.

  6. anthony says:

    Two hours of gas. Joey did not proffer one single original policy because he just does not have any.

    He will build on what Gonzi is doing but will do it his way.

    Frank Sinatra reinvented.

    Perhaps that is why Anglu hugged him so bearishly. “Leave everything as it is. Nothing can be bettered. We just want to be in government.”

  7. Riya says:

    Let’s see how much hugging there’s going to be if Muscat loses the next election. Anglu always wants to be the boss, wherever he is.

  8. TROY says:

    That the Labour inner circle is trying its damnest to get rid of Inspector Gadget is no secret, but the man is a shrew and a manipulator.

    Getting up and hugging Joseph just after his budget speach is just part of Lino’s tactics.

    I’ll assure you that there will be no hugging should Joseph lose the coming election.

    Yes, the Labour elite know that this former police inspector is a problem, but he has his roots well planted now and it’s not easy for them to eliminate.

    Gadget calls Joseph ‘il-Boy’ when he refares to him amongst his ‘klikka’, so this hugging and kissing is just a front.

    No, I don’t think that they’ll be able to get rid of him so easily, but the fact remains that they’re trying.

  9. neriku says:

    Kollox gdid ghall-Labour? U b’ Anglu farrugia x’ser jaghmlu? Dan ghadu taz-zmien id-dlam u il-wahx.

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