Did Joseph Muscat just say HBIEB TAL-HBIEB?
Yes, he did. Unbelievable. Perhaps he should ask Godfrey Grima how he got that McDonalds contract in – what was it, 1995? – when he had just lost the Coca-Cola contract he’d had for yonks and practically lived off, and was sweating blood because he didn’t know how he was going to get by without it.
I know exactly how he got it. And I’m not telling.
All I’ll say is that if you knew, you’d understand just what a weaselly backstabbing little rat the man is.
He even got the GO contract back in 2000 when he was a habib tal-hbieb and hung onto it for years. AND he’s shareholder in the company that publishes Air Malta’s inflight magazine but neither he nor his new habib tal-hbieb Joseph Muscat bothers saying so in the flood of tripe about Air Malta that we’re hearing now.
Godfrey and Joseph – boy, do they deserve each other. The trouble is that we don’t deserve them.
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The trouble with Godfrey Grima is that he can’t bear to be away from the centre of power, and let’s face it, he was quite taken with Alfred Sant’s electoral victory in 1996. To this day we don’t yet know whether he was for or against EU membership. He refused to take up a position on either side, which kind of led one to suspect that he favoured the No vote but was too embarrassed to admit it. His excuse was that journalists shouldn’t take a position, but he earned his living as an adman then. Funny how he now has no scruples about telling us what he thinks about power station tenders and MEPA tariffs and god knows what else.
Well he had no scruples being Mintoff’s lapdog in the 80s. Why should he stop not having scruples now?
He wasn’t Mintoff’s lapdog. He actually hated the man. If I recall correctly, Mintoff used an archaic tool in our parliamentary system to drag Grima before parliament and be tried by the members of the house for something he had written about the government.
Godfrey Grima’s love affair with Labour was rekindled, after a long hiatus in which he was in love with Fenech Adami, when Sant came along and won the 1996 election. But he kept sort of quiet about it, which is why the Nationalist Party continued to think he was a PN man and asked him to review the reasons for its losses in the EP election of 2004. By that time he was supporting Joseph Muscat already as an MEP, so that was a bit of a stupid decision of the PN’s.
The PN will never learn.
Re “nigbhu” : I think you meant “nixbhu” (look like, resemble)