Ha nibnu MITTILKLESS GDIDA, nies! Orrajt!

Published: November 1, 2010 at 8:52pm

This frigging idiot makes me cringe.

He’s just said that he’s going to build a new mittilkless. Using what, for God’s sake? Lego and Plasticene? A couple of Michelle’s gingerbread men and a few refugees from her teddy collection?

Give me strength.

And what’s with the random English phrases with which he peppers his speech? Is this another mittilkless characteristic? The last time I heard anyone do it, it was Consuelo Herrera under cross examination (“It was a dinner party.” “I was very surprised.”).

Xi dwejjaq ta’ nies. The rise and rise and rise of the effing chav.

Kull ma ghandu bzonn karozza armata parigg il-poppy ta’ sidu.

Jesus wept.

26 Comments Comment

  1. maryanne says:

    It’s not the workers anymore, now. At the beginning of his speech he kept on repeating ‘..ahna rridu li l-haddiema, il-middle class, l-istudenti u s-self employed…’

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      If the haddiema, the studenti and the self-employed are outside the middle class, who’s inside it?

      • john says:

        Not me anymore. I’ve been shoved aside to let Joey and his friends in. I’m now middle class emeritus.

  2. ASP says:

    he said he will tax those who pollute… cars pollute so he will increase FUEL!

    • ASP says:

      super wann in…

      …2010…il-gvern jghollu l-petrol b’1c… il-poplu jinsab irrabbjat u ddisprat

      …2013… biex jonqos it tniggiz ta l-arja il petrol ha jizdied b’1c…mizura mfissra minn hafna bhala bis sens u ta gid ghal poplu malti u ghawdxi, pensjonanti, haddiema, studenti u zghazagh bhal lijder

  3. Gahan says:

    Ic-cittadin l-ewwel.

    Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi u Toni Abela (rajt sew?) x’hinuma jaghmlu fl-ewwel ringiela fil-konferenza stampa?

  4. Michael Gatt says:

    I think it was a very eloquent and hard-hitting speech. I do believe that a change in Government will do our country a world of good.

    I am also encouraged by the sharp rise in criticism of Muscat on this blog … it appears that he is doing something right and that he is worrying a lot of people at Dar Centrali!

    Gnight all!

    • Grezz says:

      Eloquent? Muscat?

      A change in government will only do our country a world of good if the change is for the better, not for a party still riddled with the remnants of its horrendous past, led by a Super One reporter raised on the considerable profit from the sale of fireworks chemicals.

  5. K Farrugia says:

    At one point the chicken nugget told the prime minister that if the latter should refer him to the Commissioner of Police, then he (Gonzi) should lend him (Muscat) his BMW.

    [Daphne – Hemmhekk mohhu. The big attraction in becoming prime minister is driving around in a Big Car. Mohh ta’ chav. Sorry – CHEFFF.]

  6. rigu says:

    Why oh why oh why do we endure 2.5 hours of Budget response to be followed by another half hour of summary under the guise of a ‘press conference’ with that motley crew sitting behind him. He repeated every cliche, every catch phrase, every friggin empty statement.

  7. Joseph Micallef says:

    He is going nuts. During the press conference currently on air he just said: “Is-sacrifficji li taghmlu intkom ha jkunu nofs is-sacrifficji li naghmlu ahna.”

    What the hell is he talking about?

    [Daphne – Haven’t you noticed yet that the man isn’t particulary bright? He’s that terrible (terrible for the country, that is) combination of a very average IQ with overweening ambition and the sort of self-belief that verges on narcissism, if it isn’t actually narcissism. That said, a narcissist with a high IQ is actually more dangerous – take Dom Mintoff as an example.]

    • Narcissus says:

      He IS a narcissist. The underlying theme throughout was “See how cool I am, lambasting the prime minister while throwing in English expressions like “dej ar tekksssinkk de pijpil drajj.”

      [Daphne – Actually, what struck me was his pronunciation of the word ‘unions’. He had just said something in well-rehearsed English and immediately hashed it all up by confusing, as his sort are wont to do, the pronunciation of ‘unions’ with that of ‘onions’. If he wants to be taken seriously as a member of the middle class, he had better practise saying ‘il-yoo-ni-yins’ rather than ‘l-on-ee-inSSSSSSSSSSSS’.]

  8. ciccio2010 says:

    I too was struck by his statement that his party will be creating a new mittel kless. And especially because he plans to do it with the introduction of a lifink wejc.

    I truly believe that this will actually kill the current (real) middle class, besides business in general.

    Who is going to take any initiative to set up a business, with all the risks and challenges, when you can settle down to a job with the government earning a living wage instead?

    It was David Cameron who was quoted as saying that the living wage was an idea whose time has come. However, he did so at an event organised by Citizens UK on the electoral campaign trail on 4 May, two days before the general elections.

  9. VR says:

    If he gets into power and manages to implement half of what he said he (not them) will do, we will all get rich, pay more taxes on an ever-increasing income, and bust the deficit in no small way.

  10. John Falzon says:

    Full of rust…Joseph expired

  11. anthony says:

    I always thought I had a tough job. When I realised that Daphne had to “rush home” to watch the leader of the opposition’s budget reply speech I almost changed my mind. I would never even have considered watching him.

    I suppose she HAS to. She is Malta’s leading political columnist/analyst and has to be on the ball.

    I can chose what and who to watch and listen to. Lucky me.

    So, rather than watching Joey, I have been reading about Dilma Rousseff.

    What a CV. What a woman.

    This is the stuff that real politicians and leaders are made of.

    This is the real McCoy.

    When you read about such people you have no time for Joeys, hair gels and all. It all pales into sad insignificance.

  12. willywonka says:

    How do you go about creating a class of people. I mean, how do you create a ‘new’ middle class. If it’s still middle, there ain’t pretty much nuthin’ new about it….right?

  13. Fairy Liquid says:

    Will Joseph Muscat insist on a living wage large enough to pay the fees for two, three or more children at San Anton School, where his own twins Etoile and Sophie are now pupils?

    Well, if Daphne’s children went there, then of course Michelle Muscat’s must follow suit.

    Ara gejja dar fil-Bidnija next.

  14. John Schembri says:

    Ma nafx jekk kellix nidhak jew nibki. Il-klassi tan-nofs tahdem u ghandha xi investimenti. Milli stajt nifhem, Joseph irid jintaxxa ‘l-banek bhall ma kien ghamel Leo Brincat bil-‘one off’ fil-budget tieghu tlettax il-sena ilu.

    La lingua batte dove il dente duole.

    Dan irid jikkopja ‘il-konsevattivi Inglizi, Eddie Fenech Adami, Tony Blair, u l-bqijja. Kakofanija shiha ekonomika.

  15. red nose says:

    Michael Gatt has disappeared, it seems.

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