Published: November 3, 2010 at 2:03am

26 Comments Comment

  1. Alan says:

    Big mistake watching that at 7am. It’s like watching though a camera stuck to a roller coaster.

    The Labour Party has ‘upped’ its campaign to promote itself, with things like this and the ‘posters’ shown in the previous post. But they are offering no alternative, nothing new, no policies.

    They are in fact making it quite clear that they intend to do roughly what the PN has been doing, but with different people (duh).

    Joseph Muscat is being shoved into the light as THE different person …. who can do the same as the PN.

    Except I’m not stupid enough to forget that he is a spoilt puppy, and all the zibel he has around him will be there too.

    Sorry McNugget, mur bellahha lil xi hadd iehor.

  2. Charles Darwin says:

    How ironic – we weren’t born to follow.

    And yet the first shot appearing before the video starts is ”familja wahda” with daddy and mummy in front.

  3. Bob Gauci says:

    I saw this on YouTube a few months ago and thought that some school kid with a Labour fetish did it. Then I saw it on Supe One and never got over it.

    [Daphne – Yes, now it’s been uploaded on the, as though it really makes sense to mix criticism of the economy with something like that.]

  4. david says:

    A little detail: they can’t spell.

  5. Steve says:

    That’s illegal use of the soundtrack. Youtube will mute the video once they catch on.

  6. A.Charles says:

    I prefer Dr. Who.

  7. anthony says:

    What about a warning for epilepsy sufferers ?

  8. Chris says:

    Can someone point out to them that there’s nothing wrong with following? Why try to reinvent the wheel? It’s all been done before, and it’s been done better than the PL will ever do it.

    Moving on to something unrelated but interesting. In The Times this morning there’s an article about Muscat’s answers to RTK listeners who posed questions regarding his policies.

    When asked how he would reduce utility bills, he said that everyone would have to wait for election year to know.

    Let me get this right: he has a great idea on how everyone can receive lower water and electricity bills but instead of telling it to us so that we can all benefit immediately, we’re going to have to wait till 2013. What happened to being sensitive to people’s needs?

    He claimed that he can wait till 2013 to tell us his proposals because Lawrence Gonzi only told us about his ‘reducing income tax’ policy on the eve of an election. Hasn’t Muscat been calling the proposal an electoral gimmick for the months on end? Why follow in his footsteps.

    Joseph Muscat’s stupidity is unbelievable.

    [Daphne – Alfred Sant told us in 1995 that we would have to wait until he won the election in 1996 to find out what he would do to remove VAT. There’s no difference with Muscat’s statement that we will have to wait until he wins in 2013 to find out how he plans to give us lower water and electricity bills. The short answer is: like Sant with VAY in 1995, he hasn’t got a damned clue but is using the promise to get the vote of the gullible.]

    • Joseph Micallef says:

      The key to unlock Joey’s deviousness lies in evaluating his statements in a four-dimensional reality, that is, apart from evaluating what he says in the instance he says it, you need to factor in what he adds on to the same subject later.

      First he says he will reduce W&E charges. Then we find out that it will be by just 5%.

      First he says he will reduce taxes. Then he says that he will tax the polluter – but we all pollute in one way or another, even by breathing or using the lavatory.

      First he says he is a convinced European and wants to be the best European. Then he says he will not respect EU rules.

      First he says that he will control the deficit. Then he says that he will not respect the Maastricth criteria.

      The list goes on.

  9. TROY says:

    Born to follow! Mela ahna n-naghag ta’ Bendu.

  10. Not Tonight says:

    I’m not going to watch it. Something tells me it won’t be pleasant to see on an empty stomach OR on a full one. My constitution is probably not strong enough.

    They’re right about not being born to follow though. They are usually so far behind everybody else that they have to make their own tortuous way forward. Or is it backwards?

  11. Anthony Farrugia says:

    This should have a health warning for pregnant women and people affected by flash photography (a la Sky): Might make you queasy before and after your first coffee of the day.

    Did Godfrey Grima of ANG have a hand in this blockbuster?

    One of the stills used was that of you-know-who shaking hands with King Juan Carlos of Spain – yes, when he got there too late and left the king waiting.

  12. Andrew Borg-Cardona says:

    Migraine inducing … and is that a rock’n’roll version of a spermatozoon (is that the singular?) trying to fertilise something?

  13. Ishmael Dalli says:

    As I see it, the Labour Party too is presenting an idea of excellence. L-aqwa fl-Ewropa, the year is 2017 as opposed to the Vision 2015. And they weren’t born to follow. In my lifetime, I still have to see the Labour Party come up with an orginal idea.

  14. Grezz says:

    L-ahjar wahda l-kelma “kredibBilita'”. L-aqwa id-djalett, barra minn nuqqas ta’ kredibilita’ li ghandhom.

  15. il-Ginger says:

    Someone has got to make a good spoof of this.

  16. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Hats off to Godfrey Grima’s advertising team. They really did a good job on this one.

    I, however, can see through the marketing bullshit like superman could see through kryptonite or brick walls, whichever it was.

    The video, with its Disney-like “glowing tip” animation, is meant to project that “Christmassy feel-good atmosphere”.

    The music, carefullu chosen to avoid hamallu tunes like Infinity 2008 and Rise Up, creates that warm fuzzy feeling, harking back to the early 90s when you’d taken Ritienne to that Bon Jovi concert.

    The sequence of buzzwords ties everything together, making you think they’ve got a policy document three inches thick.

    The Nationalist Party, in contrast, is still stuck in epic “300” soundtrack mode, which makes it look rather silly. If I were its marketing firm, I’d ditch tunes altogether, and replace them with “the sounds of reality” in a sort of Philip Glass arrangement (need to brainstorm here!).

    That way they’ll distinguish themselves from the opposition, and PR is all about distinguishing yourself.

  17. Matt B says:

    The clip is about as hollow as the ice-cream cone logo.

  18. Godfrey A Grima says:

    Reminds me of the opening scene in ‘ Look Who’s Talking’.

  19. Libertas says:

    They’d better have a look at what happened to Obama today. Elected with a lot of hope and nice words, two years down the line getting a thrashing at the polls.

    Results declared up to now:

    House of Representatives: Republicans 239, Democrats 183 (the biggest advance for any party since 1938);
    contested Senate seats: Republicans 23, Democrats 13.

  20. Bob Gauci says:

    What is sure is that ‘we weren’t born to follow’ Joseph Muscat.

  21. DeMarco says:

    The irony! They have some cheek to write ‘EWROPA’ in block letters.

  22. Riya says:

    Jien ma fhimt xejn ghax pecpicni, imma fl-ahhar irnexxieli naqra dan is-slogan ‘Fost Ta’ Quddiem fl-Ewropa’.

    Dan bis-serjeta’ jew? Mhux ahjar Dr. Joseph Muscat jispjegalna ghalfejn kien daqshekk kontra l-Ewropa?

    U jispjega minn fejn kien se jgib dawn il-flus kollha li gew kieku bqajna barra mill-Ewropa jekk irid ikun kredibbli. Vera jipprova jidher helu minn fuq dar in-Nazzjonalisti!

    Dan il-bniedem beda l-hajja politika tieghu fuq sieq hazina u Alla hares il-poplu Malti ma jindunax bil-problemi u nuqqass ta’ mhuh u ntelligenza li hemm fil-Partit tal-Labour ghax jekk ikun fil-gvern disastru akbar minn ta’ zmien Mintoff jerga jkun hawn fil-pajjiz u nitilfu dak kollu li ksibna.

    Fosthom il-liberta’ u s-serenita li tezisti llum grazzi lill-Dr. Fenech Adami u lil Dr. Laurence Gonzi.

  23. Tom says:

    Ghall-Pajjiz Ahjar should read Ghal Pajjiz Ahjar

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