What a crying shame – unbelievable
To accommode Dom Mintoff, the socialist miser with millions, the man who only recently got a million euros in ‘compensation for pain and suffering’ because a power station was built outside his SECOND home in Delimara, the old people who live at the state nursing home, St Vincent de Paule, are being deprived of a recreation room.
The government has undertaken to convert this room into a private suite for the rich but miserly Mintoff, the pig who remains more equal than others until his dying day.
The conversion of the old people’s recreation room is being paid for by public funds.
St Vincent de Paule nursing home has been designated as a respository, for want of a better word, for those elderly patients who cannot be kept indefinitely at the state hospital, but who cannot return home either. Before St Vincent de Paule was allocated to this purpose, these patients were sent to Mount Carmel Hospital.
This crawling report in L-orizzont is JUST TYPICAL of the socialist tendency to accept that its own pigs are more equal than others. Just imagine how different the content and tone of the report would be if, say, the person for whom all this expense and trouble are being taken were anyone else.
It doesn’t seem to occur to these utter, craven fools (no wonder, really, that Mintoff came to power with such stupidity) that this kind of behaviour is in direct contradiction to the values and principles they are supposed to espouse as socialists. Or were those values: grab and leech as much as you can while you can?
From l-Orizzont online 03.12.2010
minn Josef Caruana
L-awtoritajiet għaddejjin b’ritmu mgħaġġel biex ilestu xi arranġamenti neċessarji ħalli l-eks-Prim Ministru Dom Mintoff joħroġ mill-Isptar Mater Dei, fejn iddaħħal għat-tieni darba fi spazju ta’ xahrejn fil-bidu tax-xahar li għadda, u jiġi ytrasferit għar-Residenza San Vinċenz de Paule.
Minn tagħrif li kiseb l-orizzont, jirriżulta li “l-Perit” se jkun akkomodat f’kamra maqtugħ għalih fis-sala tad-dimensja fil-fergħa l-ġdida ta’ San Vinċenz, li ġiet inawgurata ftit tax-xhur ilu. Jingħad li minħabba li din is-sala ma kinitx attrezzata biex tilqa’ lil xi ħadd f’kamra waħdu, inkluż bil-faċilitajiet sanitarji, ittieħdet id-deċiżjoni li kamra li kienet isservi bħala post ta’ rikreazzjoni għall-pazjenti tas-sala, tinbidel f’dik li se tospita lill-eks-Mexxej Laburista, li fis-6 ta’ Awwissu li għadda għalaq l-94 sena.
Għal dan il-għan tqabbad kuntrattur biex jieħu ħsieb l-alterazzjonijiet fil-bini, bħal spazju għal kamra tal-banju u anke xi bdil fl-aperturi. Qiegħda ssir pressjoni mill-awtoritajiet, l-aktar tas-saħħa, biex ix-xogħlijiet meħtieġa jitlestew malajr kemm jista’ jkun.
Żaru wkoll il-post ulied Mintoff, Anna McKenna u Yana Mintoff Blend, akkumpanjati mill-ogħla uffiċjali tar-residenza.
Bħalissa Mintoff jinsab rikoverat fis-sala tas-CCCU (Critical Coronary Care Unit) fl-Isptar Mater Dei fejn ilu rikoverat mill-10 ta’ Novembru minħabba kundizzjoni tal-qalb u deidratazzjoni, iżda minn dakinhar ’l hawn dejjem irkupra sew. Minkejja dan, fil-bulettini mediċi dwar saħħtu ngħad li hu qed ibati wkoll minn kundizzjonijiet relatati mal-età …wisq probabbli li d-dimensja inkluża.
Fis-16 ta’ Settembru ta’ din is-sena, l-aħbar li l-Perit Mintoff kien iddaħħal b’urġenza l-Isptar, bil-kundizzjoni tiegħu tkun deskritta bħala gravi tant li għamel ukoll xi jiem fit-Taqsima tal-Kura Intensiva, kienet ħasdet lill-pajjiż, partikolarment fost il-Laburisti li jqisuh bħala l-vera “Missier Malta”.
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Objectively speaking, the state owes it to Dom Mintoff for the service he did to the country, both when he served as Prime Minister in the seventies and eighties and when he single-handedly brought down Alfred Sant’s government in the nineties.
‘Service’ he did to this country? It was more of a great ‘disservice’, to put it mildly. Bringing down Alfred Sant’s government doesn’t redeem him from his previous transgressions. And in any case, Alfred Sant more or less sent himself out of office – he didn’t have to go to the polls. I believe the novelty and thrill of having an office at Castille was beginning to lose some of its fascination by the nitty gritty of actually running the country, not bereft of problems (most of which he had brought on himself, e.g. the removal of VAT). Our dear Joseph is likely to go down the same road, except that I can’t see him resigning, no matter how messy things get.
The PN licked Mintoff’s backside and they are still doing it to this day.
This man should face justice for the atrocities committed during his reign.
Mintoff is nothing but a nasty old manipulative brute. The less I hear about him the better.
How come he is called ex-PM and not emeritus PM?
I remember my late father saying that when my grandmother was at St Catherine’s hospital for a minor operation, Mintoff’s dad was there as well, and he made him leave St. Catherine’s and go to St. Luke’s – ghax, according to him “ghanda sptar b’xejn, m’ghandekx ghalfejn tonfoq il-flus hawn”. He even dictated to his own father what to do with his money…..
“Żaru wkoll il-post ulied Mintoff, Anna McKenna u Yana Mintoff Blend”
Qishom se jhallsu huma. Nispera li ghogbithom il-colour co-ordination. U halluna.
Tghid Alfred Sant mar izuru?
No prizes for guessing what the tone of this article would have been had it been an ailing PN leader/member/minster instead of Mintoff!
Ara kemm kien jinsisti li jsiru investigazzjonijiet Joseph Muscat kieku
Min jaf il-PAC u l-Awditur Generali kieunx jintalbu jinvestigaw dawn l-ispejjez
U in-Nazzjonalisti se npaxxuh u wara li tant haqarna.
qisek ma tihux servizzi socjali li ghamilhom il-perit? daqt jispiccaw tajt dal-gvern ghax issa anke l=paga se tonqos minn idejna bil-bolla tizdied ghal tlett snin. U l-iskejjel … li gab lil kulhadd jitghallem indaqs ghax gabha obbligatorja.,, biex mhux il-fqir jibqa’ d-dar. Kien itina anke l-pitazzi b’xejn… u jipprovdu trasport ghall-hrug ta’ l-iskola b;xejn mhux qed ikollna nhallsu prezzijiet gholjin… tant li ma jistghux imorru hargiet edukattivi ghax irid jhallsu fejn jidhlu plus transport u jaqbzu limit li jaghti l-education 5 euro.
taf x’missu kien iqassam b’xejn Mintoff u l-gvern li ghandha fil-prezent? Condoms u mezzi ohra ta kontracettivi. Forsi dawk li ma joffordjawx familja joqghodu lura milli jgibu t-tfal fid-dinja, mhux kulhadd jippretendi kollox minn ghand il-gvern.
Irridu l-school visits b’xejn, pitazzi, after all min qed jixtri l-pitazzi u jhallas il-bus ghall-hrug ta’ l-iskola uliedu qed igawdu, la l-prim ministru la l-ministri la t-teacher u hadd iktar.
Mhux l-anqas lesti naghmlu sagrifficcju ghall-uliedna ghax irridu li l-gvern jekk hu possibli irabbihomna.
Would a Labour government do all this for a Nationalist ex-Prime Minister ? No way.
A Nationalist ex-Prime minister would have the decency to pay for his/her care him/herself.
How come l-orizzont is not asking for an investigation into whether the contractor doing the urgent works at San Vincenz has been given a direct order?
Agreed on all counts, but who took this decision and approved such actions is probably out of line or is it the thing to do for an ex-prime minister?
No private nurse in his or her right mind would wish to have to deal with the whims and shouting of this old cantankerous old man.
Let us look on the bright side. If his personal hygiene is to be in the hands of others, then the world will probably be a better place.
While most of us know what a “pig” Mintoff has been, and the hardship he brought on a great many people on these islands, I disagree with this hdura when talking of a helpless old man soon to die.
And on the other hand, what is the government thinking in giving him all these unfair benefits at St. Vincent De Paule. It’s a mad, mad, mad world.
We did not hear anything about the alteration of the hall from other papers. Were it not for you such things remain under the carpet.
It is a shame for the Nationalist government to squander our money on such a rich person when we are asked continuously to make sacrifices. Yes, shame indeed.
This reminds me of the days when the Socialists used to campaign against all kind of privileges.
Ma nistghagibx! Zmien ilu l-WSC klienu naddfulu u sewwewlu xi gibjuni jew xi drains imblukkati “as a sign of goodwill” kienu qalu. U mlili johodli t-taxxa mill-pensjoni u ried jarrestani ghax ghaxar snin ilu, qalu, kien baqaghli nhallas LIRA taxxa.
Un…f*****g…believable! Say it ain’t so? Has this government gone insane?
Are they not means tested? If he has money then he will have to leave or pay surely.
A very fitting end.
Next door to Ghammieri.
Mela ser jaghmlulu bhalma kien jaghmel hu.
Bhal dan iz zmien qabel il-Milied kien jidher fuq it-tv u kien ihabbar xi mizura biex ikisser il-ferh kollu li kien igib mieghu il-Milied. U issa ghamlulu il-mizura biex jiehduh l-Imgieret is-Salvatur ta’ Malta.
L-aqwa li ser ifottu il-kamra ta’ fejn kienu jirrikrihaw ruhom il-pazzjienti.
Haqqu, wara kollox, ghax ma ghandux centezmu fuq xiex jahlef.
Inti qieghed tghix fl-istess pajjiz li qed nghix jien u hafna mill-maltin. Mhux se nidhol fil-mertu ta’ kemm jisthoqqlu jew le mintoff…. imma naf li s-servizzi socjali ghamilhom hu…imma ghadek ma tafx li aktar kemm ahna mghaffgin bil-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma…. gonzi tana rigal ghal dan il-milied… gholla l-fuel.. u l-bolla li trid tibqa tghola ghal tlett snin. ma nafx kif titkellmu ta. partiggjanizmu sfrenat… kunu oggettivi imqar ftit.
On TVM news this evening, in a piece on Mintoff being moved to St Vincent de Paule, they said something about the redecoration works giving rise to speculation that the hall was being converted into a private room for him.
Could L-Orizzont perhaps be victim of a practical joke?
[Daphne – No. He can’t stay at Mater Dei. He can’t go home. Nobody will take him. His daughters live abroad. Everyone else doesn’t give a damn. His usual obstreperous behaviour is worsened by dementia. The health authorities can’t work out what to do with him, so pending the required paperwork/approval to get him transferred to the nursing home, they’re preparing a room ‘just in case’. Just in case he doesn’t drop dead in the interim, that is.]
How about the newly-opened St Francis Home at Ta’ Qali?
Why do you want to inflict Mintoff onto hapless animals? They deserve much better.
I never and could never support Mintoff and his party. In his time Mintoff and his party made many of us Nationalists suffer all type of discrimination and injustices.
But both as a Nationalist and as a christian I cannot agree with the adjectives being attributed to him by most of you.
After all he is a human being as we are and as such he was and is still subject to err. As a human being he should be respected and loved. Remember we often pray our Lord to forgive us as we forgive others. So let us behave as true Christians and love and respect also those who made us suffer..
But yes on the other hand I agree that state social services should be granted free only to those who are really in need and those who have such big financial fortunes as Dom MIntoff has, should be made to pay for such services. That is what social services really mean.
“But both as a Nationalist and as a christian I cannot agree with the adjectives being attributed to him by most of you”
“After all he is a human being as we are and as such he was and is still subject to err. As a human being he should be respected and loved.”
Oh cut the crap!
What I am interested in is how he made his fortune and whether he paid all the tax due to his beloved phrase ‘il-kaxxa ta Malta’.
It is all very well getting preferential treatment as an ex-prime minister but did he contribute as much as he should have done? Did he do as he preached?
I will bet my last cent that he was another Socialist tax evading scoundrel. He couldn’t be trusted as far as you could throw him.
Lord forgive me for not forgiving Dom Mintoff.
Please,please,please check on these persons(with all respect) to see if they have paid an EURO on being treated in Mater Dei hospital…:Eddie Fenech Adami, Mario Galea and so on…imbghad komplu itfghu l-hdura ta’ ‘Nsara l’ inthom.
Dear Godfrey
Were you born stupid, or did you have to work at it? If you had to work at it, may I suggest that you should apply for the Haddiem tas sena award as you are exceeding every expectation.
Mater Dei is ‘free’ (of the paid out of your taxes free variety.)
MIntoff is not just an ex-PM; he’s an ex-dictator. Why don’t they send him to Gheddafi, his blood brother? I’m sure living in a tent would appeal to Mintoff’s sense of parsimony.
This is actually a good idea. In addition, according to Wikipedia, Gheddafi has a couple of blonde Ukranian nurses.
I meant Wikileaks and not Wikipedia
And what a unique dictator! In fact, the Malta Labour Party is probably the only political party ever which took a political step, knowing that it would lose power because of it. The year was 1987. And the person who was persuaded that this step should be taken was….Dom Mintoff.
Really? And why was he not persuaded 6 years earlier when he had actually lost the majority of votes. We had to be dragged into the gutter before the inevitable victory over a ghastly tin pot dictator.
Give in dear God, send him to his place.
I cannot understand why many want this government to act (vis-a-vis Mintoff) in the same way that HE used to act. I feel that the authorities are giving an example in this case.After all the heirs will be paying a small fortune in Succession Duty when their father dies.
There is no succession tax in Malta.
Sorry, Daph. Isn’t it “to accommodate”?
I was struck by the “coinage” of the verb, also as reference to the noun “commode” (a chamber pot) and the adjective “commodious” (comfortably or conveniently spacious) applied to his “accomodation.”
Nisperaw li il-gvern jeholdu 80% mid-dhul kollu tieghu kif jiehu lil haddiehor. Nistennew u naraw li ma tkunx xi farsa doppja.
what a f***** disgrace! May he rot in the abyss of hell together with his lot!
Putting aside all consideration of who he is and what he has done, why should he receive any different treatment to you or me? I hate politicians, with a vengeance. They look after their own, even if they happen to be on the other side of the political divide.
It is said that when Dom kicks the bucket, all the Maltese people will attend – one half to mourn him and one half to make sure he’s dead
My children’s end-of-term outing is a talent show by their school at St Vincent de Paule.
I’m beginning to regret the 5 euros each they were asked to donate towards the purchase of Christmas presents for the elderly there.
I wish I’d known beforehand that Mintoff is going to be one of them.
I am sure he would ask for cash as a gift
I believe he’s still in this world because a deeper pit has to be dug and it takes time to get to the appropriate level.
Dejjem kien qammiel bi flusu u hali bil-flus tal-poplu.
What a cheeky man. Isn’t a normal ward suitable for him? Or better still, a private nursing home? Bloody parasite. And please stop insulting the pigs, they are far more intelligent creatures than this scum of a man man is, or ever was.
Looking at these comments, what an absolute disgrace for a country that masquerades as a Christian country. Mintoff singlehandedly took on the might of the Church and the Church party and he won. If it were not for him, you would still be living in the middle ages. You do not even have divorce thanks to the former President of Catholic Action and now PN PM.
Mintoff, more than any other, held Malta in the Middle Ages and would have held it there if he had had his own way.
His aim was to keep people ignorant and happy with a mediocre existence, while he and his accomplices got rich and powerful. He fought any opposition with violence and vengeance.
He made thousands of families miserable. He is single-handedly responsible for the rude manners and lack of education that characterise a sizeable part of the Maltese population.
And while we’re at it, he also did nothing to help promote the introduction of divorce.
Maybe because of Dom we have civil marriage and the Catholic Church had some power in those times, but we would still have been in the Middle Ages with a telephone Strouger system, no power station in Dellimara, a heap of coal in Marsa, a dilapidated air terminal, no computers, no adequate supply of potable water and calling the opposition “enemies of the people”.
You can look at Dom from the other side: Dom Mintoff singlehandedly took on the might of Alfred Sant and his own party and he won.
If we have divorce it would not be because of the unelected Joseph because he chickened out of the divorce debate soon after he started it with his private member’s bill; Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando re-started the debate and prime minister Gonzi gave the public the last say on this issue which was not included in any electoral manifesto.
Now we have Evarist running the show instead of Joseph: he’s a founding member of the pro-divorce IVA group, he is running the show on the BWSC mud-slinging at the PAC and is in charge of the PL’s media machine.
What a mess!
Jiena ta’ l-opinjoni li jaghtuh kamra bhal ma jaghtu lil cittadini ohra. Jekk ma joghgbux imur go dar ta’ l-anzjani privata. Veru li xi haga ta’ gid ghamel ghal Malta, imma deni ghamel ukoll. Ibda mis-sistema edukattiva li kellna. Kemm irrovina futur ta’ zaghzagh! Nahseb li gie trattat ta VIP bizzejjed u l-istat tah flus bizzejjed.
Daphne, when you come back, we need another article about the “Be double-you ass see” – we need to analyse Joseph Muscat’s statement about the Prime Minister’s “lies,” which he describes as “the worst kind of politics.” If the PM has lied so badly, why didn’t Joseph sue for libel?
Faced with some damning questions and a public scrutiny like never before, Joseph has continued to cling to different straws including the HFO and the PAC this time (last week, it was corruption committed by subcontractors overseas).
Meanwhile, timesofmalta.com reported that the Infrastructure Ministry has repeated very clear statements about the Labour Party, Joseph Muscat and Bateman Litwin. Can’t Joseph sue about those as well?
Leave him alone. We cannot judge. There is God to do that, after all. He was our Prime Minister, elected democratically.
He might have done a lot of wrong things when in office. That I agree. However if it was not for him, (when not in office) Sant’s government would not have ended after only 22 months, we would possibly still be a non-EU member state and not in the Euro-zone.
History does repeat itself, remember this……..
As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”
“Who are you, Lord?” Saul asked.
“I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” he replied. “Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”
The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone. Saul got up from the ground, but when he opened his eyes he could see nothing. So they led him by the hand into Damascus. For three days he was blind, and did not eat or drink anything.
Those who live at St Vincent de Paule home pay 80% of their pension because it is considered a hospital – at other state-run homes they pay 60%.
I do hope that, at least, Mintoff will pay the fixed rate like every one else.
WHY so spiteful little lady?
Is this the Christian upbringing you want your kids to have?
You have forgotten all the good that Mintoff has done for Malta and not for himself (miser that he is, as you said). This is the man who made us proud to be Maltese. By the way, have you forgotten the respect the Labour Party had for a nationalist PM by the name of Gorge Borg Olivier?
Ghaliex din il-hdura kollha kontra bniedem li riesaq lejn l-ahhar jiem ta’ hajtu?
Any pride is in spite or, not because of, Mintoff, though I’ll allow for the fact that none are so blind as those who will not see.
anzjan li kienet tbiegh il-haxix fuq karettun ukoll ghamel il-gid lil Malta, imma jrid joqghoqod fil-waiting list u jistenna xi sentejn (jekk ma jmutx qabel). Imma ‘l-perit’ ghax kien ‘is-salvatur ta’ Malta’ naghtuh trattament differenti. Viva s-Socjalizmu !
I cannot believe this. There is a long waiting list for a place at San Vincenz so Mr. Mintoff should get in the queue.
One would say that that is a privilege reserved for our ex-prime ministers but that would be wrong. To my knowlege ex-prime ministers are given a special pension and that’s it.
If you cannot wait in the queue then pay for private care. I’m sure Mr Mintoff and his family can afford it.
Why is my money being spent on Mintoff? I must agree with the guy who said that this government is going crazy. Didn’t we pay enough over the years for the Perit’s great ideas…
It-tfal tieghu marru l-ahjar ghax li ser jifranka mill-home ser igawduhom huma meta jirtuh. Mhux ta’ b’xejn marru jispezzjonaw u jaraw li kollox miexi harir.