John Bundy writes in
John Bundy has just posted a comment on this blog. I think it deserves more attention, so I’m putting it up as a post.
Qatta nies bla bajd, kollha tiktbu anonimu, qatta kodardi u ipokriti.
N.L, jihder li ma’ tafx x’inhu l-Partit Nazzjonalista biex ma tafx li jien kont attivist. Iva kont impjegat ukoll u ghandi unur li kont.
Kellek bzonn ghamilt pulzier wiehed xoghol daqs kemm ghamilt jien ghal Partit Nazzjonalista Int u l-propjetarja ta’ din il-blogg.
Dak li ghamilt ghal Partit Nazzjonalista ma’ jhammarlix wicci u kburi li ghamiltu. Dak inhar kien Partit Nazzjonalista, llum Partit ta’ sitta. John Bundy
You can see why he’s happier with Super One and Labour, and why he’s become a sort of permanent keyring to those super-naff Herreras and Mister Musumeci.
Our man Bundy was terribly cut up because I called him a charlatan, and rushed straight to his Facebook ‘wall’ yesterday evening to upload the usual pidgin smoke-signals for his peasant followers:
This is what Daphne Caruana Galizia wrote this evening on her blog “Oh, and incidentally, it took us more than half an hour to drive from Il-Gillieru (where, at another table, Magistrate Herrera sat with her lover Musumeci, her brother Jose and that charlatan Bundy).
The hamalla tal pepe who looks like a Perrier bottle and writes in english has called me a charlatan. MISKINA.
Ah, to think that Magistrate Herrera has been reduced to the dregs of society. Sunday lunch with John Bundy, eh? Now that’s really going up in the world. Imagine the cussing at table, what with her brother’s ghoxxijiet and Bundy’s bajd.
Xi Stacy Bartolo kien jonqoshom, but then I suppose it’s only a matter of time.
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Daphne, ara tahseb li ser iddejjaqni b’dan id-diskors bla sens tieghek, il-frustrazzjoni tieghek thallik taghmel dan biss u jekk qed tahseb li lili se tavvelini b’xi haga sejra zball. Iva jien nista nkun carlatan imma int mara bla sens u bla skrupli. Int issejjah lilek innifsek Nazzjonalista? Hallina ja ipokrita, hares fil mera u dur dawra ma’ dwarek. Jien lilek qatt m’ghamiltlek xejn u int iddecidejt li tinfex fija. Ma’ gara xejn, tista tkompli ghax int taf x’inhu bizzejjed il-bajd tieghi.
[Daphne – Frustrated women spend their time hunting for illicit sex, like your Sunday lunch companion, John. But then you don’t know the half of it. Your wife had better watch out – though I know you’re man enough to resist the temptation of a quick shag on the side with a nice, bouncy bottom and some big, solid thighs (I’m told that’s the main attraction), even if she does appoint you court expert on TY game shows.]
“… int iddecidejt li tinfex fija.”
Tinfexx fik ghax ghamlet kelma wahda quddiem ismek? Staqsi naqra lill dawk li qeghdin fil-kamp li qed tappoggja int bhalissa x’jigifieri tinfexx f’xi hadd.
Nissuggerilek tkun naqra modest. Tahseb li jien u hafna ohrajn nappoggjaw il-PN ghax kien hemm int fih? L-ebda bniedem ma jikkonvincini biex nappoggja partit jew iehor. Tikkonvincini biss il-paci li nghixu fiha kull meta jkun hemm PN fil-gvern ghax jien doqt il-morr, John. U ahjar bla flus u nghix fil-paci.
Ma John Bundy qbat issa Daphne? Mela n-nazzjonalisti hekk taghmlu? Kont naghmlek aktar sports u thalli lil kullhadd jaghmel dak li jrid. Jigifieri Bundy ma ghandux dritt imur ma ONE jew mal-PL? Jew jiekol ma min irid? John jien nammirak anke meta kont u ghadni kemm mal-PN u wisq aktar mal-PL u qed nghidlek bl-onesta kollha ghax dak li temmen fih tghidu u l-irgiel hekk ikunu bil-bajd. Daphne ahjar toqod naqra bi kwietek u thalli l-proxxmu fil-paci.
Kun ghaf haga wahda ja hamalla tikteb bl-ingliz li lili in-Nazjonalisti qatt ma’ tawni xejn imma taghjthom jien minn qalbi u ma’ jiddispjacinix, imma int, int mandra, int il-mandra li minhabba fik qed issir hsara kbira lil Partit Nazzjonalista, kompli ghax jien ma jiddispjacini xejn illum li m’ghadnix naghmel parti minn dan il-partit specjalment ghax fih hemm int.
[Daphne – Oh, bugger off, Bundy. You’re another one of those cheap skanks who always want something in return for the great good they do for their ‘partit’. I’ll wager my last cent that I have unwittingly and unintentionally rallied far more support for the Nationalist Party simply by speaking my mind than you ever did with your comedy songs and breakfast shows, but you won’t catch me spitting blood for a pay-cheque, a backhander or a pat on the back. You’re just so common it’s unbelievable. No wonder Consuelo and Jose enjoy your company so much that they seek it out whenever they can.]
On your bike, you selfish hasbeen.
It’s very simple to understand what happened: hasbeen here told the party, ‘no Bundy no party’. But the party is still on, John, with no Bundy.
And if you, numb-nuts, think that you did more good for the PN than what Daphne did, even though she was never a party employee like you were, you are a dreamer.
So take my advice and go ride on the back-end of a bus!
Oh bugger off, Daphne. Blog with just one g. Bilhaqq “ghoxxijiet” without the gh.
[Daphne – Fil-fatt, John, ghoxxijiet tinkiteb bl-ghajn. Intkom tal-Labour ma tistawx ghall-fatt li anke fil-Malti nimsah l-art bikom. U jekk trid tkun taf zgur dwar kif tinkiteb, staqsi naqra lil Jose.]
Anyway jekk minghalik jew l-informazzjoni li tawk dwar il-hidma tieghi fil Partit Nazzjonalista kienet ghal flus vera tikkonfermali kemm inthom ipokriti u mizinfurmati.
Meta jien kont fuq quddiem niggieled ghal liberta ma’ Fenech Adami fit toroq ta’ Malta int kont toqod id-dar tikteb ghat Times.
[Daphne – Fil-fatt, John, kont l-iskola. Ghalhekk naf nikteb bil-Malti u bl-Ingliz u issa m’hemmx bzonn li naqbad ma’ ta’ Herrera biex isibuli xoghol ma’ l-istazzjon immexxi mil-habib tal-qalb ta’ Consuelo, Jason Micallef. Imma, kif jghid l-Ingliz, water always finds its own level.]
Meta jien kont naghmel l-iljieli naghmel il-maratoni biex nigbor il-flus ghal hidma tal Partit int kont tkun rieqda fil lussu li trabbejt fih, jien kamra tas sodda u kcina biss kelli id-dar. Lili qatt u hadd ma’ xtrani u f’hajti qatt ma’ thammigt ghal xi haga jew xi hadd. Nerga ntennilek, razzan ilsienek ghax qed taghmel aktar hsara lil Partit Nazzjonalista min kull ghadu iehor tieghu.
[Daphne – Issa ndunajt ghaliex thossok daqshekk ‘at home’ (kliem favoriti ta’ Jose) ma’ tal-Labour: ghax mifni bl-istess hdura, lanzit u odju. Int ma tafx li jien trabbejt b’mod semplici hafna (tinsiex li kien zmien il-Labour) u hadd qatt ma xtrali xejn. Taghmel l-izbal li jaghmlu hafna nies tal-klassi socjali tieghek u ta’ Consuelo/Jose: thawdu l-klassi socjali mal-flus u l-gid, meta huma zewg affarijiet differenti u separati. Bhalissa, per ezempju, int qed taghmilha ma’ nies li ghandhom hafna flus imma xejn izjed, imma ma tafx id-differenza. Consuelo, imma, taf u tista tispjegalek – ghax meta marret ma’ Musumeci l-iktar biza taghha ma kienx it-tifrik ta’ zewg familji – wahda minnhom b’tarbija – imma li n-nies se jibdew jarawa bhala ‘having gone down in the world’ ghax hu gej minn minn certu tip ta’ familja. Li ma kienitx taf, minhabba li fil-familja taghha l-flus u l-klassi socjali huma l-istess haga, kien li l-imgieba taghha u t-tip ta’ nies li taghmilha maghhom ‘brought her down in the world’. Fil-kaz tieghi, hdimt hafna, rabbejt familja fl-istess hin, u xtrajna ahna stess dak li kellna bzonn. Kif qal xi hadd iehor hawnhekk: self-reliant people are attracted to the Nationalist Party, but dependent people go for Labour. Ovvja li int ghandek attitudini ta’ ‘somebody owes me a living’, u ghalhekk thossok tant ‘at home’ mal-Labour. Aghmel li trid, imma hu daqsxejn parir: those who are not self-reliant will spend their lives moving from teat to teat.]
This is why many people can’t understand what you are doing, John.
People who like you were there in the 80s, risking their life for Malta’s democracy, can’t now join Labour. If it wasn’t for Eddie and the people around him (including yourself), we could easily be in Tunisia’s situation today.
So how can you now work for a political party which is still full of those same people. These are not at the fringes of the party, but include the future Deputy Prime Minister, Anglu Farrugia, you are working so hard to elect.
Please explain your rationale, now that all this is out in the open. How can you support people whose values were so opposed to yours, so much so, that you risked your life to uphold those same values?
It looks like Bundy logged on even before taking a shower this morning.
John hanini,
Lil Daphne qed tghid li qed taghmel hsara lil PN? Il-programm ta’ nhar il-Gimgha fejn gibt lil Joseph Muscat insejtu? Hsara lil PN int qed taghmel ja gakbin.
Did I miss something? Has Daphne joined the ranks of the PN? I have never seen her at any party activities or in any local committees, at least over the last 15 years that I have been active.
As for John Bundy, it is true you were a PN supporter. They made you popular via Radio 101. I remember the Guinness Book of Records award you got.
As for myself, the PN has given Malta a lot, I consider that way I have gained too, as have you and many others who cannot see further than pence, shillings and cents.
‘in-Nazjonalisti qatt ma’ tawni xejn imma taghjthom jien’ hi naqra kbira meta fil-fatt kont tahdem ghalihom u tithallas mill-istazzjoni taghhom. Ikkoregini jekk jiena zbaljat imam nisthajjel li min ikun fuq mezz tax-xandir jiehu xi hlas talli qieghed hemm… sakem ma jkunx xi had nghidu ahna tal-Klubb Qawsalla!
Bundy, we never knew MLP gave free whoremone pills. I guess you might be overdosing.
What’s that pose in the photo?
Oh my gosh, is it already Republic Day, and Labour is doing another round of fund raising on Super One?
You rushed up to your blogg to tell your half a dozen cowards that I was eating with the Herrera’s at Gillieru. You wanted your half a dozen chickens on your blogg to know that you went to Gillieru for lunch and unfortunately I had to be there. Have a good night sleep dear.
[Daphne – 1. Blog has one ‘g’. 2. Websites do not place high in the rankings when they are popular with half a dozen chickens. 3. Aren’t you proud of your cosy friendship with those Herreras? For you, hanging around with a member of parliament, an architect and a magistrate, however downmarket they are, is a step up the social ladder. 4. I didn’t notice you at lunch, so you didn’t spoil mine. One of my friends did. But don’t worry, I’m not a snob or social climber. I don’t think it’s infra dig to eat in restaurants patronised by Magistrate Herrera, Jose Herrera, Robert Musumeic and John Bundy. 5. Only chavs like you and Moira Delia address women as ‘dear’ in what they take to be a sarcastic manner. ]
Kemm hu mahruq Johnnie.
uejja cmon ta tiddefenduwa lil din u lil john taqlawlu … ala ma naf xjin ?
kulhadd andu dritt u opinjoni jamel lazlit tijew fil- hajja …
ahna nejxu fpajjiz demokratiku u hadd ma jista jindahal….
daphne ma nafx lil min ma dejjaqx.. tista tahseb jin isima biss iqallani ax kulhadd jejd kemm hi antipatka u arroganti…
issa ma nafx araw intom imma johntinkwetax tatix kas xtajdlek din…….
keep it up john
I vaguely remember his radio shows on Radio 101. As a PN supporter, I couldn’t bear listening in, but nor could anyone who supported the Malta Labour Party back then.
Kemm ghandu bokka bih innifsu.
Jiddispjacini hafna li se ntik hafna x’taghmel dalghodu. Mhux tort tieghi, jien inqum kmieni hafna biex immur ghax xoghol u int tqum tard ghax komda. Issa se jkollok hafna risposti tieghi x’tiskrutinja. Se jkollok naqra aktar x’taghmel dalghodu babe x x x
[Daphne – Not really, John. Aside from the fact that I’m far less comfortable than you are because I’m partly responsible for a small business and don’t pick up a pay-cheque at the end of the week, it might come as a surprise to you that people like me don’t read sentences word by word, which is why we can read a book in a day rather than, say, a year. But I am concerned about you: you seem high on hysteria.]
John, jekk tirrispetta lilek innifsek, anqas ma titkellem aktar ahjar.
John Bundy reminds me of people of the class of “tony”, addressing Daphne as “dear” and “babe”.
[Daphne – That’s how those chavvy chavs all communicate. Just take a look at the exchanges on their Facebook walls. Pathetic. You’d never believe these people are middle-aged. Laqwa l-babe u d-dear u l-kisses. Mentalita vojta u stupida. Kazijiet serji ta’ arrested development, u bil-kbir.]
I really think you need to review your understanding of the word Chav. Maybe once you have had one of them hold a knife to your throat, as I have, then you’ll understand.
[Daphne – Not at all members of the underclass or working-class are chavs, Jon. Chav describes an attitude, and a particular type. Footballers’ wives are chavs, for instance, though they have plenty of money and they’re not (with any luck) going to hold a knife to your throat. Some thugs are chavs but not all chavs are thugs.]
Speaking of chavs, I saw the chairperson of the IVA ghad-divorzju u IVA ghaz-zwieg delivering a press conference on the news tonight. She was wearing a Burberry scarf. Sitting next to her was Marlene Mizzi. I couldn’t help thinking whether Marlene checked if the scarf was a fake.
[Daphne – And I saw Veronique Dalli this morning, carrying a Burberry check bag. Is the Burberry check the international language of chavs and Japanese tourists?]
I direct your question to John Bundy. He is now “at home” with chavs.
I live in South East London, famous for its English chav population. Most of the dodgy and shifty looking people wear Burberry and Lacoste clothes round here.
Bundy mar mal-Labour ghax il -Partit Nazzjonalista ma tahx dak li ried.
Dan il-buffu tal-kummiedja ried in NET TV taht idejh,izda il-partit irrifjutah, u sewwa ghamel.
Issa sar Lejburist ghax ihhossu aktar komdu mal-hamalli.
Well John, good riddance to bad rubbish.
U bil-haqq ha nghidlek min hu bla bajd; bla bajd hu dak li meta go club xi hadd staqsieh jekk issa sarx Laburist, hu wiegeb, ‘Ma tarax li mhux se mmur ma dawk il-hamalli’.
Dan il-kliem ghedtu meta kont ma’ Karl, il-loser l-iehor.
Karl min?
Jiena gieli nara Bongu Bundy filghodu u vera li jkun hemm hafna diskors dopju sens. Dan mhux ‘freedom of speech’ imma kas ta’ hamallagni u nies baxxi.
Ninnota wkoll li l-prezentatur bil-kemm ihalli hin lill-‘esperti’ li jistieden iwiegbu u jitkellmu u dejjem irid jirredikola kollox.
6. Herreras not Herrera’s
Bundy kellu c-cans li jkun protagonist imma jidher bic-car li f’temp qasir tajjar kollox mar-rih.
Fl-ewwel programmi tieghu prova li jaghmilha li hu bandiera bajda imma maz-zmien bil-botti kontinwi kontra Gonzi u b’din l-imgieba jidher li hallu lilu nnifsu jinxtara bil-pulit minn Joseph Muscat.
Iddahaqni jghid kemm jiehu pjacir li Joseph dejjem jilqa l-istedina tieghu u mbaghad tara l-leader jidhol fil-program b’dik id-dahqa fuq wiccu b’certu sodizfazzjon…
What I hear is that John Bundy is very close to Joseph Muscat but once he becomes prime minister he will be immediately kicked out by Jason & Co. because he will then be useless to Labour and Joseph will be to busy making ends meet after promising everything to all men. Obviously il-partit ta’ sitta will not bother having a traitor back in its fold.
A traitor will not be trusted by either side… if he was so quick to betray the PN how can the PL trust he would not betray them to soon!
If Bundy thinks he is bigger than the PN he really never understood what the PN was!
Dear John,
I used to be part of the nationalist party as much as you were.
But I am not an opportunist like you. I am still proud of the Nationalist Party.
Don’t try to be an independent presenter, because you are not, far from it.
Hear hear Frank, meta tahdem ma’ partit jew ghal partit, taghmel hekk ghax tkun temmen fih u mhux biex takwista. Il-familja tieghi hadmu hafna ghall-partit tal-PN, sa gew arrestati minn tal-Labour, imma qatt ma hadu xejn (ghax qatt m’pretendew xejn) u xorta konna, ghadna u nibqghu Nazzjonalisti ghax ahna li naghmlu ghal gid tal-pajjiz u mhux ghal bwietna..
Mela mhux bhal Gonzi ghax ha 500EURO f butu mit taxxa tieghek,purcinell kollok
not even a presenter!
Rats leaving the sinking ship. PN getting ready for opposition.
Interested Bystander, are you calling Bundy a rat?
You’re right about one thing Interested Bystander, the Rats are leaving and they’re joining the Rat Pack.
It’s blatantly obvious even to an Englishman who does not understand a word of Maltese what is happening.
Ghandi mistoqsija ghal John Bundy.
Inti toqghod fil-gholi?
You deserve a medal, my friend.
Ikkonfermajt b’kitbitek stess li int parti mill-Partit Laburista! Lanqas int laqghi ukoll.
Li kieku l-kummenti ghamilhom Peppi Azzopardi minn jaf x’kontu tghidu, imma lanqas Peppi qatt m’ghadda kummenti dispregjativvi bhal ma ghamilt int hawnhekk.
Donnu li gejt bzonn il-pappa tal-Labour bhalissa. Qed nuza l-lingwagg tieghek biex tifhimni sewwa.
In-Nazzjonalist ta’ veru ma jaghmilx bhalek, John – ma jilghaqx l-art li jimxi fuqa biex taparsi jkun genwin u onest.
Nahseb fhimtni tajjeb.
L-isem Frank Attard huwa vera komuni u allura ma’ nafx minn int izda xorta se nwiegbek. Jien qatt u qatt ma’ kont laqi u qatt ma hadd xejn minn ghand hadd, tajt biss, nahdem u nithallas kif xieraq, imma flus nodfa u mhux mill hmieg. Uza il-lingwagg tieghi u tkun qed tuza lingwagg genwin u onest.
John, staqsi lill-qraba tat-Tabib Jimmy Farrugia…Alla jtih il-Glorja tal-Genna !!
Il-lingwagg tieghek ma tantx hu nadif sur Bundy, jew insejt xi ktibt qabel.
I have never been a die-hard “Nationalist”, but have voted PN since day one. I’ll carrying on voting pro-PN for as long as I breathe, to keep the awful Labourites out of government.
People like John Bundy inspire me to do so all the more.
John Bundy (dear): I don’t care how much “work” you did or didn’t do for the PN. Truth be told, I have always found your programmes obnoxious, whether on Net TV, Super One or TVM.
Why all this fuss, for goodness sake? John Bundy is finally home.
His next job in 2013: A chairmanship of some authority within the Ministry of Culture. Any bets?
Or the next Xarabank presenter..
I see we have our new meme of the month.
Nahseb John hadd qatt ma tak titolu ahjar iktar mil li taghtek Daphne: charlatan.
Minghalik bravu u cuc fl-istess hin.
Certu nies l-anqas ideja ta’ principju m’ghandhom. Ideja li mhux biss qatt hasbu fuqha f’kemm ghandhom ghomor.
Dawn it-tip ta’ nies jekk ma jkunux direttament imwahhlin ma xi partit politiku m’hemmx cans li jaghmlu karriera, specjalment dik televisiva (forsi anke tort tal-kultura Maltija).
Filli ma partit, filli mal-partit oppost. Possibli l-opinjoni politka tinbidel hekk malajr?
Fil-fond ta’ qalbu John x’opinjoni politka ghandu? Bhalissa il-partit Laburista qed jaghtih il-hobza ta’ kuljum, mela allura jissapportja lilu.
Onestament lil John Bundy dejjem rajtu bhala bniedem simpatiku u ntelligenti imma meta nara li f’persuna m’hemmx principju nitlef kull rispett.
Imbaghad xi nghidu ghall-Partit Laburista? Kull min iwarrab minn man-Nazzjonalisti jiehdu hu. Imbaghad ikun hemm xi hadd li verament kien dejjem leali lejn il-partit u jigi mwarrab.
Ma nafx jekk il-partit hux qed ihares lejh bhala dak il-prezentatur li kapaci jigbed aktar nies lejn l-istazzjon tal-partit.
Like Joe Grima and Eileen Montesin? lol
[Daphne – Like Joe Grima, but not like Eileen Montesin. The latter switched allegienace on a crucial matter of fundamental policy: EU membership, and said so. She did not switch for a job.]
That name Montesin just brings bad memories.
Mhux se nidhol fil-mertu tad-decizjoni li ha John Bundy ghax lili ma taffettwani assolutament xejn imma ha nhalli dan il-kumment ghax inhoss li l-Maltin ghandhom bzonn jimmaturaw hafna.
[Daphne – I’m sorry, Andrea, but taking an interest in things that don’t affect you directly is part of being a well-rounded human being. You shouldn’t BOAST about not commenting on things that don’t affect you. You should be embarrassed about it and try to make an effort.]
Il-problema tal-pajjiz hija wahda ovvja: il-media li tintuza l-iktar mill-poplu Malti (TV) huwa bbazat fuq zewg stazzjonijiet politici li l-hin kollu jattakkaw lil xulxin waqt li l-istazzjon statali juza dawn l-attakki biex jkun hemm programmi ta dibattitu.
Jien nghida kif inhossa, il-poplu Malti qatt ma jista jimmatura mis-sens ta’ politika u qatt ma jista jkollna nies li jinsew it-twemmin tal-familja u jaghmlu ghazliet maturi ghax ghad ghandna hafna familji li jaraw l-istazzjon tal-partit u l-ulied jigu “brainwashed” bil-messaggi li jintbaghtu.
Int tahseb li wasalt f’dan l-istadju ta’ maturita’?
Bob, I am proud to say that I am not like other Maltese people who breathe and talk politics every time. Unfortunately our country is split into two due to political parties and most of the towns/cities are split into two due to religious beliefs.
Daphne, I’m not boasting I’m just preparing the reader what I’m going to comment about, so that if the viewer is not interested in my comment he/she can read any other comments without reading mine (which doesn’t interest him)
To Mr Bundy. I used to be an avid Labour supporter. Daphne’s sensible and no “bottom licking writing so I will get something in return” coupled with an open mind were the main factors for my defection to the PN and for staying there.
It is true that her writing is so one sided, but that is only because the LP is so rubbish in its leadership and its policies.
Hope you feel comfortable Mr Bundy, that for your own personal gains you are supporting a party that has caused so much harm to the country.
Worse still you may be contributing to the return of the bad old days, well not so old if you just look back to 1996-1998.
I am afraid I have to write under an anonymous name Mr. Bundy. Your rantings are pushing your credentials with your employers who will be running the country in a few years. So your heroism is actually a big investment.
Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox, jiddispjacini ghalik li jkollok tikteb anonimu izda jiddispjacini aktar ghalik meta inti tikteb li jien qed nikteb ghal xi gwadan personali mill PL. Jahassra, kemm int fqir fi hsibijietek, kemm ma’ tafnix habib, kemm ghandek zball.
Daphne Caruana Galizia tiftah attakk fuq kull min ma’ jaqbilx ma’ l-idejat u l-principji taghha. Naccertak li l-principji taghha mhumiex il-principji ta’ n- Nazzjonalisti li jemmnu fid-Demokrazija, il-hniena u l-kuxjenza safja.
[Daphne – If you consider being called a charlatan an attack, John, then you have a very thin skin, are overly touchy and sensitive, and should have left the heat of the political kitchen a long, long time ago instead of moving to an even hotter scenario. Now imagine if I were to react so hysterically under the sustained onslaught of years of libel and slander from the Labour Party, which has now been extended to my sons, my parents, my siblings and my husband as a desperate measure resulting from my total indifference? Grow up, John. If you expect to do what you do and have nobody say anything about it, you are living in a parallel universe. You would have had more respect and kept your dignity had you washed other people’s floors with Bad Boy to earn money for your family, rather than compromising yourself in this manner. You seem to be of the utilitarian peasant Maltese mindset, the product of many generations of tough survival on a barren rock, that it doesn’t matter what you do as long as it puts bread on the …..floor (there were no tables).]
Daphne ha nghidlek haga ta’ l-ahhar u dahhala f’mohhok darba ghal dejjem. Jien m’inihix politikament involut fil PL izda nghati s-servizz fuq One sabiex naqlal- hobza ta’ kulljum ghal familja tieghi u fejn toqod il-familja ma’ joqod hadd.
[Daphne – If you are paid by the Labour Party then you work for the Labour Party. They are your paymasters. The Labour Party is a political party and not a business. Everything it does is geared towards winning general elections. It has a television station to help it achieve that end. It employs you to help it achieve that end. Joseph Muscat is not an impresario. He is not in the entertainment business. Nobody is saying that you shouldn’t earn money for your family. I am saying something quite different: that you preferred to compromise your principles, whatever they might have been, so as not to change your line of work. Do you imagine, for one moment, that if The Malta Independent were to sack me as a columnist I would accept an offer to write a column for Maltastar or KullHadd? No, I would do something completely different. You don’t seem to understand the meaning of the word ‘credibility’ or how it works. I don’t blame you, because Joseph Muscat doesn’t either. He didn’t seem to understand, for instance, that by announcing the fact that he would be paying Marisa Micallef a large salary to help sell Labour, he destroyed the very thing he thought he was buying: her credibility.]
Issa jekk trid tkun taf ghala jien qieghed fuq One nissuggerilek tistaqsi nies bhla Claire Thake Vassallo, lil Profs Joseph Pirotta, lil Gordon Pisani, lil Paul Borg Olivier u anke lil Dolores Cristina.
[Daphne – Did it occur to you that they might simply have thought your shows sub-standard for the public broadcaster? You have such an overblown opinion of your own abilities that you probably believe that you were rejected by PBS for personal or political reasons. I think it’s because those who make the selection find your performances as irritating and unentertaining as I always did, including when you were on NET. The political stations attract a different sort of audience, so somebody squeaking and uttering stupidities on NET or Super One is fine, but the state broadcast should have a different quality standard because it’s got the audience that doesn’t watch NET and Super One.]
Meta trid niltaqaw u nghidlek hafna aktar u jekk taccetta li dak li nghidu jkun publiku jien ma nsib ebda problema. Jien ragel hafna aktar milli tahsibni int u nzomm fommi sieket biex ma’ nitfa l’hadd f’halq in-nies, wara kollox jien jinteressani min dak li naghmel jien biss.
[Daphne – That’s not a wise attitude to take when you’re working for a political party, John, not concerning yourself with what others do. It should be of maximum concern to you, because those others can really land you in a lot of trouble. When your lunch companion manipulated you into a job with Super One, no doubt presenting it to you as a string pulled for a friend, she did so to serve her purposes not yours, knowing full well that you would end up in the crossfire and that your personal interests would not be served. Her interests, on the other hand, have been well served: a helping hand for her friends at Super One and you converted to a loyal lackey and hanger-on to feed her hungry ego. You’ve been chewed up and spat out and you haven’t even noticed.]
Se nghidlek biss li ghamilt hafna aktar milli kien possibbli sabiex jien nibqa mal PBS izda nissuggerilek tistaqsini u jien inwiegbek qabel ma’ tikteb fuqi.
Inti ghidtli biex nikber (Grow Up) nassigurak li jien kbirt f’esperjenzi tajbin hafna u ftit ohrajn hziena u dawn sawru fija sens ta’ rgulija u nassigurak li l-principji tieghi ma’ tlifthom qatt izda mhu se nhalli lil hadd jitla fuqi u juzani tapit.
]Daphne – As I explained above, that is EXACTLY what you have allowed to happen.]
Jien naghmel dak kollu li nhoss li hu tajjeb ghalija u ghal familja tieghi izda nzomm f’mohhi li ma’ naghmel hsara lil hadd pero nwissi li jekk xi hadd jipprova jaghmel hsara lili niddefendi dan kollu b’kull mezz possibbli u onest.
Nittama li qed tifhem x’qed nipprova nghidlek. Grazzi talli dak kollu li ktibtlek ippermettejtu jihder.
Nixtieqlek is-sahha u l-kuntentizza.
[Daphne – Well, John, you can always do what your current crowd does and insist that the police take action against me for calling you a charlatan. No doubt you have a lot of free advice from Cons and Hossy….and Charlon Gouder.]
Daphne, how very well said. Prosit.
John Bundy insists he is a celebrity but is not willing to take public scrutiny. Imagine if Justin Beeber, a 16 year-old superstar, had to react to all those internet pranks, including the ones reporting his death.
Daphne: John earns a living as a TV presenter with ONE TV.
John: you can still survive without being perceived as Joseph’s lackey. Do as Eileen and Joe Grima did with Eddie Fenech Adami but don’t cross that line. Naqa dekor trid izzomm, hekk izzomm ir-rispett.
Nahseb dan il-purcinell ahjar ikun ftit umli u jammetti ghal fejn tkecca minn Radio 101 zmien ilu.
Bundy, you are wrong about Daphne , for sure she gained the PN at least two votes , my wive’s and mine, in the last election since once she explained the mathematics we decided to give the PN number 1, and the AD number 2 vote, to make sure that the MLP dont get elected. What you need to understand Bundy is that Daphne attracts floating voters and these are the ones who swing elections, that is why she is so valuable to the PN, at the cost of both the MLP and AD, plus she has credibility, which you don’t, Im afraid.
[Daphne – My mathematics, Lino, told you the precise opposite: that giving the PN your first vote and AD your second carried serious risks of your vote being lost to the PN. My advice was to vote PN at least nos. 1 to 5 but possibly all unless, like me, you couldn’t bring yourself to give even a no. 10 to people like Tony Abela.]
Il-veru nithassarkhom meta titkellmu fuqi, hadd minnkhom m’ghandu l-icken idea ta’ x’inhu jikteb u jghid, tpecilqu biss u tikkalunjaw l-istejjer bhal ma’ dejjem ghamiltu, vera msiken.
P.Shaw, Dan il-pulcinell ma’ tkecciex mill 101 imma telaq u ahjar talaq halqek int ghax gejja riha tinten hafna.
Dan hu l-lingwagg genwin u onest?
Tal-Labour ihalluk taghmel riklami ghal Bundy Tours?
Ara kemm inthom pcielaq u patpiti qed tghidu li jien mort mal Labour, fejn smajtuni nghida din jew fejn rajtuni nagixxi. Qatta kodardi, tiktbu anonimu u bla sens.
Jien kburi b’dak li ghamilt mal Partit Nazzjonalista u jekk qed tahsbu li ghandi xi haga minn xiex nisthi sejrin zball. Komplu immaginaw u kkalunjaw u z-zmien ser jaghtikhom l’akbar parir. he he he
“he he he” – nahseb li din id-dahka daqxejn falza, Johnnie, ghax donnok inhraqt u milli jider harqitek xi naqra Daphne – “he he he”.
Mr. Bundy, how can you approve of Nationalist Party politics one day and of Labour Party politics the next? It only shows how little you know about the Nationalist Party that you claimed you worked hard for.
Since you obviously don’t know the difference between the parties, except as centres of power to which you can hitch your wagon, here is a synopsis of what the PN stands for in terms of policy and attitude.
1) Subsides are a drain on the Maltese economy and the taxpayer. Only the truly needy should be helped, and not everybody.
2) The only way to raise the standard of living is by liberalising the economy, and privatisation whenever possible.
3) Raising the standard of education across the board merits huge investment, because it is crucial to the development of the country’s economy and, in turn, raising the standard of living.
4) Labour preaches dependency, while the Nationalist Party preaches self-reliance, and that’s why Labour tends to attract people with a dependency mindset while the Nationalist Party tends to attract the self-reliant and go-getters. Labour works to make more and more people dependent, while the Nationalist Party works to make more and more people self-reliant. Labour’s constant undermining of the education system stems from its understanding that the more educated a person becomes, the less dependent he or she is.
5) Labour believes in a centralised economy because this makes total control possible.
6) Labour fears freedom of speech, and though who militate in its ranks will take extreme measures to silence opposition. Look what happened to The Times, and look what happens on a regular basis to Daphne herself and now, by extension, to members of her family.
Mr. Bundy, it is very hard to command and sustain a TV audience when people don’t respect you. A new year’s resolution for you Mr. Bundy, is to try to respect yourself, then start educating yourself. You should also try to respect your audience and help educate and inform them.
How about taking your Super One crew to Greece, Ireland, Spain and Portugal, to show your viewers – who seem to know nothing about this, how the very same socialist policies that Dr. Muscat wants to emulate ruined their respective nations and left them bankrupt or almost bankrupt?
Let me know when you plan to do this, and I shall be sure to watch.
Din tal-bidu tas-sena l-ahwa? Nemmen li kulhadd ghandu dritt jesprimi l-opinjoni tieghu izda nemmen li l-moderazzjoni fil-kliem u l-kitba taghna hija importanti.
John Bundy ha decizjoni f’hajtu; tajba jew le jara hu. jien min jien biex nghid dan il-bniedem minn xiex ghadda? Ghamlulu jew ghamlilhom ma tinteressax lil poplu tat-triq.
Nahseb li Bundy ma qaghdx lura u tkellem ma nies fil-PN ghaliex ha din id-decizjoni. L-ahwa tieghi, zmien il-glied inzommuh passat! Passat ikrah wisq kien, glied, tkissir u sahansitra qtil.
X’hawn isbah mill-ghaqda fil-familji u bejn il-hbieb? Jien Nazzjonalist, int Laburist, imma flimkien ahwa Maltin. Zball kbir jekk ma naghmlux hekk.
Tks Daphne talli taghtina cans niktbu fil-blogs tieghek. Nistenna hafna iktar maturita’ minn kulhadd.
[Daphne – Honestly, Gabibbs – “X’hawn isbah mill-ghaqda fil-familji u bejn il-hbieb? Jien Nazzjonalist, int Laburist, imma flimkien ahwa Maltin. Zball kbir jekk ma naghmlux hekk.” Pass some of Maggie’ Magic Earth and light a couple of joss-sticks.]
Lil John Bundy: Min ghamlek DJ popolari?
Veru li kont tahdem bil-qalb mar-Radio 101, ghax DIK kienet l-opportunita ta’ hajtek li tak xi hadd li kellu fiducja fik.
Narak li ghandek problema fejn hallat l-amministrazzjoni tal-101 taht Mallia li kien il-manager, il-partit li hu taht Gonzi u il-pajjiz li hu taht il-Prim Ministru.
Kollha ghandhom ir-responsabbilitajiet taghhom u ma jistghux jidhlu fuq xulxin. Qed nghidlek biex tidhol ftit f’qoxortok u tahseb x’qed taghmel lilek innifsek li jigi bejn wiehed u iehor bhal meta fis-sitta w disghin bdejt tghajjar lil-Laburisti minn fuq il-101.
Zgur li ma kienx l-istation manager li qallek biex taghmel hekk.
Inti qieghed fejn qieghed ghax ma kellekx triq ohra fejn tmur, issa juzawk u wara jarmuk. Hares ftit madwarek u tinduna b’li qed nghidlek.
L-awtokritika toghgobni ta’ meta’ kantajt Pajjiz tal-Mikimaws fl-Ghanja tal-Poplu, u konna iggustajna il-kanzunetta miktuba minn awtur tajjeb.
Ghandek zewg affarijiet li trid tikkontrolla: kif u meta taghfas il-gass u meta ghandek taghfas il-brejkijiet, jekk ghandek. B’hekk tikseb ir-rispett li tlift.
Iva, il-popolarita tieghi, il-principji sodi tal hajja u hafna affarijiet ohra taghllimthom mill Partit Nazzjonalista u ta’ dan grat hafna.
[Daphne – Jekk ghandek principji sodi, John, ahjar taghlem ftit lil Musumeci u l-magistrat Herrera, ghax ghandhom bzonn, ha nghidlek. U li kellek principji sodi ma kontx taghmilja maghhom in the first place.]
Imma dak kien Partit Nazzjonalista iehor habib tieghi u mhux dak li qed naraw illum. Din nghida b’ghafsa ta’ qalb imma dawn huma l-fatti.
Nassigurak li dak li semmejt fuq 101, Mallia, Gonzi u l-kumplament m’ghandu x’jaqsam xejn ghax jien meta tlaqt ma’ kienx hemm Gonzi Prim Ministru.
Sorry ta John imma nahseb li l-principji sodi tawhomlok il-genituri tieghek u l-Kullegg ta’ Socjeta’ Missjunarja ta’ San Pawl. Jien ma nara xejn hazin li showman jaqla’ hobzu ma’ partit li ma’ jaqbilx mieghu.
[Daphne – Really, John? The way I see it is that it’s wrong to take somebody’s shilling if you plan to undermine them. On those lines, it’s wrong for John Bundy to accept payment and a job from the Labour Party if he plans to vote PN, AD or not vote at all. That is the essential point. One TV is not ‘a television station’. It exists SOLELY for the purpose of furthering the Labour Party’s cause. That’s why the Labour Party doesn’t get rid of it even though it is a huge financial burden. It’s the same story with NET. NET and Super One are not businesses. They are propaganda tools.]
Joe Grima mar fuq in-NET imma zamm il-principji li dejjem haddan u baqa’ rispettat.
[Daphne – That’s where you’re wrong, John. Joe Grima was forced out of the Labour Party by Alfred Sant. The Nationalist Party was dumb enough to offer him a temporary home on its television station. Then the minute Sant was forced out, Grima rushed back into the Old Labour fold. Respect, did you say?]
Ma nahsibx li Daphne oggezzjonat li int (public person) mort tiekol mas-sinjura Magistrata. Daphne hawn dejjem oggezzjonat li Membru tal-gudikatura tissocjalizza ma’ persuni pubblici….dik ghandha tkun NO NO fl-etika tal-gudikatura.
Inti innocentement dhalt jew dahhluk bejn il-basla w qoxritha. Taghtix kaz l-ilsna hziena li jistghu jinqdew b’dan il-blogg (kelma bil-Malti) biex isahhnu l-qiegha.
Nista nifhem it-tbaqbieqa li taghtek Daphne, mhux la kemm thallilek helwa ghal-morra! U int mhux nieqes l-anqas ghax zaqqek tesa’ hobza u kelma ma tessahiex! F’kelma wahda ; “Iltqajtu”.
Nahseb li ghandek naqra ‘grudge’ ghal Gonzi ghax m’accettax l-istedina tieghek ghal programm ma’ Dr Muscat. Li kieku giek kien ikollok ‘audience rating’ tajjeb hafna dakinhar.
Il-Partit Nazzjonalista ghadu li kien: lil-batut ghadu jghinu, u naqqas il-hela per ezempju: lilek u lil Daphne nehhielkom is-sussidju tal-pitrolju biex issahhnu djarkom. Naf ghax insegwi lil Daphne, u lilek kont insegwik.
U bilhaqq , sa fejn naf jien, int “Ta Ta “ tghid mhux “bye bye”.
Mr Bundy, meta int u hafna bhalek jillamentaw l-“oh zmien helu kif hallejtni” tal-PN, x’qed tghidu ezatt? X’inbidel? Ghax jien hlief li n-nepotizmu u l-favoritizmu issa sploda, minhiex nara li nbidlu wisq affarijiet.
U jekk issa hemm il-favoritizmu li gustament idejqek, dak li sar mieghek x’kien jekk mhux favoritizmu? Il-PN ta’ zmien Fenech Adami mhux xorta kien oligarkija?
Sakemm wiehed jaghmel xogholu ta’ prezentatur fuq TV politiku jista’ jibqa’ “above board” mill-politika, tghid mhux se nemmen li per ezempju Gemma Portelli kienet se tivvota Labour meta kienet hajja.
Ikolli nammetti li veru tkun qed tbus l-id li tixtieq maqtugha meta tahdem ghal partit li int kontrih. Imma l-hobza trid tigi minn x’imkien.
[Daphne – The mistake you’re making here is to see Bundy’s choice as a stark one between a job with Super One or no job at all. He didn’t have to stay in television, just as I don’t have to stay in newspapers.]
John kien ta’ fuqu senduqu meta mar mal-ONE TV. Huma gabruh, dak kien l-uniku bieb li kien halla imbexxaq. Xorta nghid li jigrilu bhal Joe Tanti, dak kwazi ezatt bhalu kien ghamel. KWAZI .
‘Rispettat’ ta’ Joe Grima kellha tkun “between inverted commas”. Ma ridtx nuza’ “u xorta zamm l-istess notarjeta”
We now have proof that this man Bundy can read the future. When he was still licking boots and all at Net TV he made a ‘name for himself’ with the expression ‘Malta pajjiz tal-mickey mouse’.
To prove his theory further, he joined One TV with all his licking style. Keep it up ‘dear John’.
This move confirms the universal believe that the PL is a party of losers, and should Joseph and his merry men manage Castille in 2013, then we will have a nation of losers.
Tal genn din il-blog qed niehu gost nikteb hawn. blog li fiha thoss l-imhabba vera u sinciera. Orgja ta ferh u kuntentizza.
Inhobbok Daphne b’qalbi kollha x x x x x
How do your words fit in with your idea of true love and happiness, John? Mandra, bla bajd, bla sens, bla skrupli.
You have some serious issues and deep down you are quite obviously unhappy with your choices and seeking to justify them even to yourself. Your problem now is that, should Jason Micallef et al turn their backs on you, there’s nowhere to go to feed your massive ego.
Speak to Norman Hamilton. He might find a little spot for you as an entertainer on a cruise ship. Remember, that’s how Silvio Berlusconi started out.
Dan il-blog tal-genn John, issa anke int intlift fuqu ghax gejt ivvutat bogger of the day. Imma issa hu break ghax tispicca tiggieled ma’ tas-Super One u ma jaqbillekx.
bongu nies …… tistaw thalluh jaghmel li jrid b hajjtu lil bundy? Dan il bniedem ha din id decizzjoni u nahseb li mhi affari ta hadd.
[Daphne – You’re wrong on this one, I’m afraid. John Bundy didn’t move from one software company to another. He moved from being one of the public faces of the Nationalist Party (God help us) to being one of the public faces of Labour. He acts in public and both of you need to be reminded of the fact. It is astonishing how people who work for the Labour Party, like John Bundy, think it’s perfectly all right to behave like rabid peasants with pitchforks towards a newspaper columnist who doesn’t work for a political party but in the private sector, and that it’s fine to expose her entire family to lanzit, while they themselves have a right to react with hysteria if somebody calls them a charlatan. This is, apparently, Labour’s perception of free speech, and Bundy fits right in.]
Jien nazzjonalist kont, ghadni u nibqa pero irridu nammettu li gonzi tefaw lura l partit u jien mhux wahdi qed nghid hekk. Dan l ahhar dahlet apatijja kbira u hafna nies qed ihallu l partit. Jien nghid ghalijja fl elezzjoni li gejja mhux sejjer nivvota zgur jekk l affarijiet jibqaw hekk. Lil labour ma nasalx nivvotalhom u mhux se naghmel bhall bundy zgur imma trid tirrispetta l opinjoni ta kulhadd. proset daphne …….. intrested blog.
Daphne, jien lilek qatt m’attakkajtek u qatt f’hajti ma’ kellimtek, kont int li bdejt tinsulentani ghax kont ma’ habib tieghi Robert Musumeci li int kellek gwerra kontra tieghu. Jien lilek qatt m’ghamiltlek xejn, kont int li nfexxejt f’attak sfrenat fuqi.
[Daphne – John, the use of one word, charlatan, does not constitute an attakk sfrenat. I am not at war with Robert Musumeci. I merely think that he is sad and ridiculous and that he has ruined his life and his political chances, and that he is, in that way the mind has of protecting itself, in an on-going state of denial about this. You were not with Robert Musumeci. You were with Robert Musumeci, Magistrate Herrera and Jose Herrera. And you often are. But when Musumeci lived with his wife, you never went out with them and with Mrs Musumeci’s siblings for Sunday lunches, did you?]
History repeating itself, u wara nibku. All the Labour Party is interested in is winning the general election for the sake of it, and the EU presidency when it opposed EU membership wholeheartedly.
As for the rest of it, they have no idea how they are going to govern. At least if mistakes are being made by this government, we still have our jobs and the country is still thriving, relatively speaking when compared to the immensely serious economic problems among our European neighbours.
John Bundy, Daphne described you as a charlatan. You called a whole nation ‘pajjiz tal-mickey mouse’.
You are a public figure and you have to expect to be criticised. Maybe we can start calling you is-sahhar tal-Fgura, given that you think so highly of yourself as being God’s gift to the political parties you happen to support?
One thing I never thought I was, God’s gift to political parties. ha ha ha
I was going to comment but then I thought “is this person worth the hassle?” Definitely not.
John Bundy
Marisa Micallef
John Bundy wrote: “Komplu immaginaw u kkalunjaw u z-zmien ser jaghtikhom l’akbar parir. he he he……..”
He’s planning a U-turn already: that is, when John Dalli becomes the new Nationalist Party leader.
Id-dubju jidhol f’kollox. Jista jkun li John Bundy qieghed jahdem bhala entertainer ma l-istazzjon Laburista u baqa barra mill-politika? Wara kollox l-istazzjon dejjem jaqbillu jkollu bniedem tal-livell ta’ Bundy. Jiggwadanja jista.
Nahseb li John Bundy qatt ma beza jmur kontra l-kurrent, bhal meta hareg bid-diska li kellu u issa propju f’dan il-mument li sar prezentatur mal-istazzjon tal-Labour.
Daphne … one personal question. Will you actually vote for the PN in the upcoming elections? If yes, would you feel comfortable doing so?
Would you at least consider not voting at all?
[Daphne – Not only will I vote for the Nationalist Party, but I will also tell everyone that I’m doing so and remind them that they have to be demented, stupid or totally eaten up by spite to do anything that will put the running of the country into the hands of Joseph, Anglu and Toni. I will make it public that I am voting PN even if the final polls show that Labour will win. This is because I want it on record and absolutely clear that I will have had no part in the election of that trio of monkeys, and that I am not demented, stupid or driven by spite towards people because of what they earn and positions they hold.
Not voting is a dereliction of duty. I would never do anything so short-sighted and childish. If I am going to have a government, then I want to have a say in choosing it. Not voting, instead of voting PN, has exactly the same effect of helping put Joseph, Anglu and Toni into power, so I will definitely vote PN. And that is quite apart from the fact that this government deserves to be returned to power because it has done a bloody good job. I like to think that I have my priorities straight. I don’t give a flying **** if ministers earn X when I can wake up every morning and be thankful that I’m not living in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Ireland or, for that matter, Iceland, Romania, Bulgaria or Poland.]
Iceland? Why Iceland? Because instead of bailing out the banks with taxpayers’ money they chose to let them fail?
Name ONE bank in Malta which failed because of the international crisis? You can’t can you?
That’s because they never got any advice from Joseph Muscat.
Sly but dim.
Tqabbilx l azzjonijiet ta’ bniedem WIEHED, ma l azzjonijiet tal partit Laburista ghaziza Daphne!!
Daqs kemm hemm carlatani, hamalli, purcinelli u injoranti fil partit laburista… hemm tant iehor u aktar (peress li qeghdin f maggoranza :) ) fil partit nazzjonalista !!
U persuna bhalek li tifforma parti minn partit… imissa tisthi titkellem b’dan il mod !! Jaqq!! Diskustanti!!
Tghajjar lil Bundy… but you’re made of the same dough !! Ghalhekk Malta dejjem tmur lura!!
[Daphne – I do not belong to a political party, Lela tal pepe. I am neither a member of a political party, nor do I work for one. I am merely an elector, like you.]
Well.. you don’t need to be a minister to form part of a party!! If you’re a promoter.. you automatically become part of the party!! One way or another!! M’hemmx bzonn firem u kuntratti! La qed tikteb sabiex tirraprezenta partit… mela bil kliem li tghid u l mod kif tghidu.. qed titfa dell ikrah jew sabih… f’dan il kaz ikrah.. fuq il partit!!
[Daphne – What in God’s name are you thinking? Do you actually know that you live in a free country and that people can express their political opinions? Do you know that out there in the civilised world political commentators who don’t form part of political parties are the norm? And what sort of logic is it that equates a political opinion with ‘promotion’? There are many who, like you, can’t accept the fact that it is precisely because my mind is clear that I think the Labour Party is rubbish, so you have to come up with some other explanation: “She doesn’t really think that. She’s just being paid to write to order.” Yes, right. And I’m a white rabbit.]
Yep.. and you live in Wonderland!!
Can’t you share a comment without actually being ironic and offensive?! You’re always putting everyone in one big general circle!! AND btw… ‘Do you actually know that you live in a free country and that people can express their political opinions?’ YES I know… that’s why I’m waisting my time on this blogg.. BUT every time someone shares a comment AGAINST PM.. int tibda tinbah!! U ma tati cans lil hadd!!
[Daphne – Thanks for posting this and confirming that you’re a fake. I had my suspicions and ran a search for other comments that came through your IP number, and what do you know, they were all in idiomatic English under at least three different names. Suddenly Lela tal pepe has inserted the idiomatic sentence “Can’t you share a comment without actually being ironic and offensive?” into her semi-literate Manglish. Hmmmm. Amazing. And all I had to do was taunt and prod until you cracked. So much for the self-reliant 22-year-old with a baby and dead parents.]
Have it your way :)
We can meet for a cuppa… and I can even show you my ID card… maybe I manage to convince you!!
[Daphne – No thank you. But if you’re desperate for company, perhaps John Bundy will take you to Sunday lunch with a magistrate who is completely undiscriminating in the company she keeps. And I’m quite sure you know that undisciminating does not mean the absence of prejudice.]
John, jidispjacini li kelli nikkumenta u ukoll mhux b`ismi. Jien la jien pecluq u lanqasma jien kodard kif qed takkuza lil kull min jikteb hawn.
Din irrid nghidlek John ghax ghad ghandi hafna rispett lejk bhala habib antik. Nahseb jien ahjar ma tkompliex sejjer kif int sejjer ghax fejn sejjer trid titkisser b’ xi mod jew iehor. Ieqaf u gieb rispett lilek innifsek.
After reading the above comments it has become crystal clear in my mind why the PN dumped this Bundy chap.
What I still cannot fathom is how on earth it got itself lumped with him in the first place.
Yet another gross error of judgement, I presume.
John Bundy b’xi mod jahseb li hu xi cajtier fin. Smajtuh dalghodu jipprova juri kemm hu brava u “smart”, jghidilna speci ta’ cajta fuq “is-suf”?
John komdu fejn hu issa ghax ghandu udjenza tal-“belly laughter” li ma tantx trid tkun cajtier fin biex iddahhaqha.
Le, udjenza ta’ toilet humour.
Why all the fuss? Actually Bundy should be thanked for having defected to the Labour Party. His true colours are coming through vividly and no respected political party would welcome such a sore loser.
He really belongs to the LP where grapes are always sour.
Jien ghandi 22 sena, loan, tarbija u ragel. Ommi u missieri it-tnejn mejta… u ilni minn 16 nahdem u nfendi ghal rasi! Imma xorta nivvota labour!!
Din ic cucata li ghidt tas self reliant u mhux self reliant GHoxxata grandjuza! Jien u familti qatt ma ddipendejna minn HADD!! U minn dan il gvern hlief daqqiet ta harta ma qlajniex!! Kontijiet ta l ilma u dawl wiehed wara l iehor.. zieda mizera fil paga.. u gholi tal hajja tal biza! Tant li wara li tixtri 2 pakketti nappies, 2 bottijiet halib, u 4 bzonnijiet ta kuljum.. apparti il loan u l insurance… tispicca FIXXA!!
Qabel titkellem u tghid il ‘FATTI’ dur dawra madwarek… u ara ftit id different point of views!!
[Daphne – Sorry, Lela tal pepe. I have to qualify what I said earlier. People who are self-reliant and DEVOID OF LANZIT AND HDURA tend to be attracted to the Nationalist Party. However self-reliant you are, if you have lanzit and hdura, you go for Labour. Actually, I’ve long wondered about this. Does being raised in support of the Labour Party condition people in lanzit and hdura, or does being raised with lanzit and hdura ensure that they vote Labour?]
No lanzit and hdura in my case… but pure love and respect!! And a father (single parent) working 3 jobs to raise a family!
Aw nazzjonalisti li ghandom hdura!!… ibda minn certu kliem li ntqal aw fuq minnek stess!!
Lela tal pepe jekk tqis ruhek “self-reliant” x’qeda tistenna min dan il-gvern jew ta’ Joseph?
Qed nistenna li jghinuni nibqa self reliant… u ma jkolli bzonn niddependi minn HADD u minn XEJN!!
[Daphne – Oh dear heavens, that’s a new one to me. ‘I expect the government to help me so that I can be self-reliant.’ Off I go for another cup of tea. Tal-biki.]
Ga biex tibni familja saret impreza difficli!! U biex tixtri post trid taghmel 40 sena minn hajtek thallas!! Hafna zaghazagh jispiccaw jikru… umbad la jigu biex ihallu wirt lill uliedhom.. ma jsibu xejn xi jhallu!! Il landlords jibqaw ikabru l but.. u z zaghzagh jazqu fl arja!! Isaqqu u ma jinbed xejn! .. let alone… thallas il kontijiet u tlahhaq ma l gholi tal hajja!! U apparti minn hekk… meta jkollok it tifel ma jiflahx on new year’s day.. ikollok tiehdu privat… ghax mater dei (state of the art) issib mal 20 tifel u tifla li ilhom jistennew ghal check up madwar 6 sieghat!! b tabiba WAHDA on duty!!
[Daphne – Isn’t this the usual Labour mantra? You sound just like Stacy Bartolo and all those other whiners in ivory towers who Kurt Sansone interviewed for The Times. Do you honestly think there is anywhere in the developed world where you can own your own home and start a family properly at 22? I had two children at 22, but we lived in a rented, sub-standard post-war flat with no heating, no kitchen and a squalid old bathroom. And I didn’t blame the government, even though it was Labour. I just got on with it. Of course, you could always head for the undeveloped world and start a family in a hut you’ve built yourself, but I don’t think that’s what you mean. You want a real house at a price you can afford at 22. And you think ‘Joseph’ can give it to you. Do you know what I find really incredible? That you are 100% the product of the post-1987 years and you still think exactly like your parents did. It’s strange how evolution skips out whole chunks of society.]
I started living on my own at 14 an thus pay bills!! I started working at 16 and thus pay tax!! :)
[Daphne – Yes, right, of course.]
If I want to use !!!! let me use them … that’s none of you business.. i don’t need some daphne caruana galizia to let me know i got poor style and a strung personality!! because I can assure you I’m stronger then you poor 46 year old, full of herself bagger!!
[Daphne – The trick to faking a member of the underclass, Lela whoever you are, is not to push your luck and exaggerate too much by, for example, pretending to think that highly strung is a measure of strength, especially when you have used the words ‘ironic’ and ‘offensive’ elsewhere. If you wish to learn how to mimic the way that members of the underclass write and communicate on the internet, go to the Facebook walls of people like Ronnie Pellegrini, Robert Musumeci and John Bundy for inspiration and instruction.]
Jien ha nhallikom… ghax bhal ma Daphne ma tqattax gurnata fuq il laptop ghax she has to earn a living… tant iehor jien!!
Nixtieq biss nikkummenta fuq il fatt.. li bhal ma int Daphne ghandek familja u hajja… nies bhal Michelle Muscat, Stacy, Joseph Muscat etc… ghandhom hajja u familja!! Stop mentioning them GHALXEJN!!! Grow up!! the bug 50 is near!!
Btw Joseph.. that’s what I’m going to do… i’m going to stop digging… and have it my way in the next election!! :)
@Lela tal-pepe
You shouldn’t have taken your son to Mater Dei if he was feeling ill unless your doctor advised you to do so.
The reason why people have to wait for hours on end in the emergency room is because unfortunately a lot of people do not understand that there are health centres available 24/7.
For heaven’s sake, stop whinging about how difficult it is to be an adult and having to shoulder responsibilities (because that’s really what it’s all about).
You aren’t the first person who had a child; you aren’t the only person on the island who has bought a house. Oh yes, it would be swell if you could just buy a nice spacious house without having to borrow money. It would be even nicer if you could buy it cash down without feeling the pain. But most of us aren’t millionaires, are we?
You know what? I have noticed that the persons who complain the most about how difficult it is to make ends meet are the ones who:
– believe that it’s their RIGHT to eat out on Saturday evenings (with Sunday lunches at least once a month);
– waste gallons of water each week to wash their car;
– go (at least) through a pack of cigarettes a day;
– are tweezed, teased, painted and taloned (the women)
– stand at the supermarket check-out till with a cart laden with frozen ready meals and junk food
And trust me, I know the type. Unfortunately I live in Fgura and I meet these kind of people on a daily basis. Those who REALLY struggle to make ends meet spend less time complaining and more time trying to work out how they can improve their situation for the better.
My mum often says that “the type of poverty this country is plagued with is not the monetary type, but the common sense type.” She’s right.
Maybe we should tackle this by replacing religious studies with home economics in our schools in the hope of raising a generation of responsible adults who are actually aware that they are no longer five-year-olds who expect everything to be handed to them.
Dear Daphne… as I already said my parents are both dead!!! I barely remember their faces let alone their political views!!! I didn’t say i’m expecting the government to give me a house!!!! i said that the BILLS make it far more difficult for us to live a decent life!!!
[Daphne – Well, that’s life, Lela, and it’s life wherever you go in the world. Bills, bills, bills. And take it from me, the bills increase with the passing of the years, and not the other way round. If you think you have bills with a baby, you won’t know what’s hit you when in 15 years’ time. Just thank God you’re not 22 and living in Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Italy or Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland….shall I go on? Do you know what’s going on there? Give Super One a break, widen your horizons and find out. And thank God, too, that you’re not living in Germany, Sweden, Denmark or Britain, because then you’d know what real bills and mortages and repossessions are.]
Toqodx tghid ghax jien u stacy bartolo u c cucati kollha li qed tohrog bihom.. ahna whiners!! Ghax int jekk taqra naqa x ghidt aw fuq.. tirrealizza li wara kull kumment fil brackets titfa xi kumment kontra l labour I.E. WHINING!!!
U jekk sejra tiehu te… kif qedgha hemm hu camomilla .. ghax ghandek bzonn!!
[Daphne – You’re the one who needs to calm down, Lela. Read through your comments. They’re super-hyped-up and full of exclamation marks. OK, your parents are both dead and they never told you that life should be easy. So who did? Is that something you worked out on your own – that grown-ups shouldn’t worry about bills?]
When I started working and paying bills.. 8 years ago, it wasn’t this hard!!
[Daphne – Yes, Stacy, because the financial obligations of a 16-year-old girl are not the financial obligations of a 22-year-old mother of one child who manages a household. As I told you from the perspective of a 46-year-old who has raised a family of three and run a household for 25 years, it gets much worse, not much better. When you earn more money, your standard of living increases and so do your outgoings. That’s what you’re discovering now. You have got yourself a baby. Babies cost money. You have got yourself a home. Homes cost money to buy and run and furnish. Besides, if you started working at 16, then that would be six years ago, not eight. If you’re not telling me the truth, be sure to take notes so that you don’t get confused.]
Things are getting worse with the passing of time! Btw I don’t watch ONE or NET or TVM !! or some other biased tv station!! I read and watch foreign news!! … I get to know what’s happening around me… through personal daily experience!!
(Btw i like to use: !!!… whether i’m calm or hyper or whatever)
[Daphne – Well, don’t, because !!!!! are poor style and communicate a highly-strung personality. If, as you say, you are only 22 then you don’t have sufficient perspective to judge whether things are getting worse or better. From the perspective of a 46-year-old I can tell you that life is much easier now even for those who don’t earn much.]
Lela tal pepe! Stop digging and look around you for the opportunities that can help you improve your livelihood on your own steam.
Believe me you will enjoy the benefits far more.
Before I came to London, I always thought that here life would be much cheaper. After all, in Malta everyone seems to be complaining how expensive living in Malta is.
I was so wrong. As a student I now have to pay all the bills, transport, rent, food (which is NOT cheaper in UK) and I still cannot afford a TV since I have to buy it, pay a TV licence and pay monthly for TV programmes.
I don’t complain and I’m not shy to say that I don’t have a TV. I also pay tuition fees. My friends (who have been working here for years) have to pay mortgages (some 2400 euros per month) and to pay them they rent rooms in their houses.
Can you imagine THAT happening in Malta?
I have confirmed that Maltese citizens are really lucky and should stop complaining about everything and blaming everyone all the time.
Have you forgotten the famous six-year wage freeze in Malta?
Oh, you must be the one waiting for the living wage.
I remember when Bundy made it into the Guinness Book of World Records.
My friend, an avid Labour supporter told me that while he never liked Bundy for his political leanings, he admired the effort he had made.
He is also very down to earth and says hi to everyone.
Let me see if I’ve understood this correctly, John Bundy threw his lot in with the Labour Party, but is offended at the suggestion that he actually supports that party.
Is the Labour Party in the habit of employing Trojan horses or is John Bundy just bluffing?
The scum flows with the river.
Ta’ min trid biss taccetta kummenti hux ?? coward
Thanks for accepting my comment!
One comment to go…
Dazgur li ma ghamiltx pulzier wiehed xoghol bhalek, bil-hlas.
Ghax xogholi mal-PN dejjem ghamiltu bla hlas u meta c-cirkostanzi personali jippermettuli nerga`nibda nghamlu u dan jekk Alla rrid ma tantx hu l-boghod.
Nixtieq nghidlek grazzi li ghogbok titfani fil-keffa tal-propretarja ta` din il-Blog u la semmejt il-pulzier, nixtieq imma… li ghandi mqar wiehed mill-intelligenza u l-kapacita taghha ghax kieku avvanzjat hafna iktar fil-hajja tieghi.
Daphne, jekk int mara ta’ l-affari tieghek ippublika dak kollu li niktiblek hu mhux dak li trid int.
[Daphne – Look, John, please use English. This blog is read by many people who are not Maltese. I don’t mind one comment here and there, in Maltese, but persisting in writing every comment in the language is just unacceptable, and very, very rude to all those who don’t understand it. You excluding them from the conversation.
You seem to think that I spend the day glued to my laptop. I don’t. If there is a delay in uploading your comments, it’s because I’m doing something else. I have to work for my living, unlike Michelle Muscat who can afford not to do so because her father-in-law’s fireworks chemicals help pay the bills.
So, for your guidance, if you see a note telling you that your comment is awaiting moderation, that’s exactly what’s happening. It’s awaiting moderation, which means I haven’t seen it yet. If I delete a comment rather than uploading it – libel and slander, for instance – you will also know because you will get a message that tells you ‘Your comment has been deleted’. But I haven’t deleted any of yours, as you can see.]
Jien m’inhix nikteb kliem oxxen jew hazin qed intik argumenti validi u oggettivi. Anke ismijiet tajtek ta’ nies fic-cirku tieghek biex tistaqsihom il-verita. Imma jihder li l-verita qed iddejjaqkhom. Int qed tiehu gost tisma lil dawn in-nofs tuzzana kodardi li jiffirmaw anonimu jiehdu gost jappoggjawk f’dak li tahseb li hu tajjeb int biss, imma l-verita hi hafna l’boghod.
Int ghandek dil hdura kollha ghal Magistrat, ghandek gragg maghha personali u tant trid tkissirha li kull minn b’xi mod jew iehor jihder hdejha jew maghha trid tkissru wkoll. Go for it jekk ghandek x’tiggwadanja forsi fl-ahhar takkwista gieh ir-Republika.
[Daphne – I don’t have a personal grudge against the magistrate. If she were not a magistrate I would be as indifferent towards her as I was before she became one. I think that hers was an unsafe appointment, because I know rather a lot more about her than you do, and that she is not fit for office. By spending so much time with a Super One TV personality like you, she carries on proving her lack of fitness for office.
It is precisely because she does this sort of thing that the Chief Justice, before he retired last spring, removed from her court around 20 libel cases involving media personalities who were at her parties or seen out socialising with her, and transferred them to another magistrate. You misunderstand me, perhaps because I don’t write in the sort of pidgin you are accustomed to on Facebook walls. I am not criticising you for hanging around with her.
I am criticising her for hanging around with you. If I criticise you for hanging around with her at all, it’s because you haven’t yet understood – because unlike me you haven’t known her for 30 years – that when she spends time with somebody it’s because she has a planned purpose for them. I am quite clear on what her planned purpose for you was/is (not sexual, don’t worry), but you seem blind to it and can only see the job her close friend Jason Micallef gave you. But I would be careful when her other close friend Ronnie Pellegrini appears on your horizon, if he hasn’t already. I’m quite sure even you would draw the line at cosy Sunday lunches with Lorry Sant’s main man.]
Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t this blog (or blogg ?) meant to be just in English? Or did you make a concession for Bundy?
[Daphne – You’re right. I shouldn’t make exceptions for celebrities. So, John, please use English as this is an international blog and its official language is English. I know that you’ve painted yourself into a corner by mocking me, on your Facebook wall, for writing in English (why use English when you can use cretinish on Facebook, eeeeee. hi, dear xxxxxx u ta amel…]
I’ve noticed that as a rule, the people who mock the use of English the most are those most ashamed of their command of the language, hence they try to justify themselves in not using it.
Ifhem.. peress li qed nitkellmu fuq problemi li qed jigru f’Malta… nies barranin… skond kif qed tghid Daphne… ghandhom hafna aktar fuq xiex jinkwietaw!!
Ma nahsibx li ghandhom mohh jaqraw il blogg ta bundy u daphne… li hlief jitghajru (b’mod oxxen f certu kazi) m’ghamlux!!
[Daphne – ‘Skond kif qed tghid Daphne’? My goodness, you really are cut off from reality if think that the economic situation in Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Italy etc etc is just my opinion. And I despair, because when it comes down to it, the only conclusion I can draw from people who rush in here to defend Labour is that you do so only because you are uninformed and have poor judgement.]
Ahna maltin u ghalhekk ghandna nuzaw il malti, mhux tmur fejn tmur imhatra min jghawweg liktar biex nidhru sbieh. Ghandna xorti kbira li ghandna l- lingwa nazzjonali taghna, li sfortunatament qed neqirduha!
[Daphne – If you want a Maltese blog, ‘dear’, there are plenty of those. But remember that this is the internet, not KullHadd, so it’s obviously international. Even the Labour Party knows that, which is why Maltastar uses (bad and ungrammatical) English.]
I think it’s a bit too late now to start enforcing the house rules on this thread. Mr. Bundy got celebrity treatment as soon as you decided to elect his lanzit-ish comment as a full-fledged blog post complete with silly photo!
I think to be fair with John, you should make an exception and allow him to write in Maltese since his command of English is not as good as yours and he would be at a disadvantage.
[Daphne – Is his Maltese any better? I hadn’t noticed.]
Since you attacked him because of his association with people you dislike, he has a right to air his views in your blog and defend himself.
[Daphne – 1. The use of a single noun does not constitute an attack. 2. If Maltese men go nuts when a noun is used in their regard by a woman, they are still living in rat-holes in 19th-century Sicily (because this is really what it’s all about, isn’t it – being called a charlatan in public by a woman). 3. He has no right to air his views here. His only right is the right to reply. This would be legally restricted to a single sentence and to the topic in hand, viz. ‘I am not a charlatan.’ 4. I have, however, given him all the rope he wishes, and he has duly gone out of his way to hang himself. 5. I did not call him a charlatan because of his association with people I dislike. I did so because only a charlatan would pop off to work for the Labour Party after years of working for the Nationalist Party, trying to convince everybody (and himself) that it was the only available job in the country. 6. John is a charlatan whether he votes Labour or Nationalist at this stage. If he takes the Labour Party’s shilling and undermines it by voting PN, he is a charlatan. And if he votes Labour because he takes their shilling, then he’s a charlatan too. He can’t win this one.]
By the way, I do agree with most of what you said about John and you are spot on. I think John is naive and very suggestible.
Ghaziz John,
Nammirak li kellek daqshekk guts li tmur tahdem ma’ nies li fil-passat ghajruk u hadmu tant personali kontrik. Nahseb taf ghal xiex qed nirreferi u m’ghandix ghalfejn infakkrek.
Forsi sempliciment infakkrek li dawn lanqas biss kienu jacettaw li jahmdu f’attivita filantropika sempliciment ghax ikun hemm int. Illum imma, ghax Joseph l-Opportunist dahlek mieghu, issa sirt OK.
Pero’ nixtieq b’mod sincier nistaqsik mistoqsija. Issa li sirt tant temmen f’Joseph Muscat u tghid kemm hu sincier u qalbu tajba, tista tispjegali kif jippermetti li l-gazzetta tieghu ‘Il-Kulhadd’ taghmel attakk vili u insensat kontra tifla zghira, sempliciment ghax tigi t-tifla ta’ David Agius?
Jekk ma tafx ghal xiex qed nirreferi, nitolbok taqra din il-gazzetta partikulari tal-Hadd 9 ta’ Jannar 2011. Fittex sew u ssib attakk vili kontra tifla zghira.
Jiena veru iddizgustani. Anzi niskanta kif in-Nazzjonalisti m’ghamlux kapital min fuqha. Imbaghad l-istess Joseph ma jrid lill hadd minn tal-PN isemmi biss isem uliedu.
Li tghajjar tifla zghira li hi cheater u li thobb ‘tfotti’ hija xi haga li fis-socjeta’ taghna ma hijiex accetabbli. Allura nghid jien kif Joseph jippermeti dan? Ara forsi tistaqsiehx, jekk joghgbok.
Jiena dizgustat. Nitlob il-kumment tieghek.
John rather than wasting time on this “blogg of half a dozen chickens”, can you intensify your effort to get Joseph elected as prime minister sooner, as otherwise we will soon suffer the consequences of the following sad but factual story
Il-klassizmu sabih!
Las dos caras de la moneda del país de Mickey Mouse.
He’s back!
And apparently he has been reading about Zapatero and the Spanish economic crisis…
Maybe he’s come back as a retro superhero – Zorro!
Ah! So I’m not the only one on this blog who is intrigued by Kev.
Did you say Zorro? No mate, that’s me, and I’m on HER side.
Which side, Zorro? Starboard or larboard?
Kev! I missed you. Join me at the bar and let’s yarn about the the old days dodging Soviet agents with BRIXMIS.
We have something in common I suspect, is Wilton Park Beaconsfield familiar to you?
Here’s a warm-up video, Baxxter – just out this afternoon:
Blimey, they got the cute little Hungarian accent on the ‘a’ right. Here’s a video by way of a riposte, Kev:
Some Hungarian Eurotechno (for the sake of symmetry)
They’re saying, more or less, that they want to bring down the house with the sound. GET THAT sound of the NINETIES!
You were saying, Kev?
Amazed! usually i never write anything on this blog but have to! Daphne its amazing people like you make me vomit!
Asfar as i know the great Fenech Adami and the oblivious Mr Gonzi always sad – sorry have to write in Maltese ‘ iggudikawna fuq li ghamilna’ and beleive me we will judge you ta!
Hopefully the time will arrive!….
It’s ‘Dr.’ Gonzi, isn’t it?
Hmmm! Now where did I hear that name before? Oh yes!
Maybe it’s time you thought up an original nick.
Need we say more?
So Mao
At last, at home
“Direzzjoni success” – the Labour Party’s perpetual campaign.
But John Bundy was only there to do a job.
I never saw any journalists/TV presenters kissing and hugging Joseph Muscat like that after/before an interview.
U hallina.
Iriid jinhabb m’Alla u max-Xitan. And he’s ending up losing all credibilty.
Bundy ……… owned
Jien ninsab iddizappuntat li dan largument sar dak li hu. Daphne, memmx alfejn tkun daqsekk biased konta l labour ax lilek qat mamlulek xejn u memx alfejn tajd konrina f kull haga li tajd.
[Daphne – The Labour Party f**ked the country and I was in it, Lawrence. And more recently, the Labour Party tried to f**k the country on a permanent basis by keeping it out of the European Union (and I have a Maltese passport). Now the Labour Party wants the chance to f**k the country again, and you’re asking me to help it do so?]
U bhekk int qed tghid li il gvern ta lghaziz tana gonzi me he*iex il malta?
Ara jek tahseb ekk vera fanatika tal partit nazzjonalista jew mandekx bix theda apparti li ggieghel nies bhali li jahdmu 10 sijat kuljum, 6 darbit f gima jidghu. U il bicca li ma nistax nifhem jin hija din. Il gver ‘jaffordja’ jghati 600 euro zieda fil gima lil nies li jpoggu fuq sormom u jien li mandi xejn fil hajja apparti familja ma hadt xejn ax self employed. Din hija gustizzja ghalik? jekk twigeb iva vera andek wiccek u sormok listess.
[Daphne – For the benefit of those who don’t understand Maltese, you are claiming that this prime minister f**ked the country. You are expressing incredulity that I think otherwise, and say that I am a political fanatic because I can’t see the damage that Lawrence Gonzi has done to Malta. You claim that you work 10 hours a day, six days a week and you have a right to be angry at all this damage (and you don’t see the inherent contradiction in complaining because your skills are in demand and work a lot rather than because you’re unemployed). You are complaining because the government gave itself a pay rise but you, who are self-employed, got nothing. Surely, if you are self-employed, then you can do what the government did and give yourself a pay rise? You ask whether I think this is justice. Yes, I do. My political beliefs are liberal (British meaning, not American or Maltese). So my thinking is, if you want to be paid like a cabinet minister, become a cabinet minister. Demanding that cabinet ministers are paid less will not help you earn more. You said that if I answer in the affirmative, then I am brazen, though the literal translation of the expression you used is ‘my arse and my face are the same’. No, I am not brazen. I am factual. Clearly, you live in an ivory tower.]
Self-employed and a whiner – if you prefer working 8 hrs a day, 5 days a week, you can always get yourself employed. You give the impression that you would be better off as an employee rather than as self-employed.
What stops you from taking the plunge?
Hi John Bundy – I am positive that Daphne has nothing against you personally, but here Daphne allows people from both political sides to criticise the media people sometimes including herself.
If you opted to join Labour it’s your choice but you have to be able to face all the criticism that comes your way. You have a life and it’s up to you what you do with it.
However, like Daphne, I strongly believe that it is not right that a magistrate should be close to media people particularly those directly involved in politics like you.
I don’t mind you being in the company of Jose Herrerra because he is a politician with the party you now work for, and in your recent case, yes, I believe he can help you. Jien nahseb li minghajr ma taf dhalt bejn il-basla u qoxrita, John.
john int lili batli msg fuq il facebook u qatli il int nazzjonalist kont adek u tibqa ajdilom il shabek il int nazzjonalist tisthix ara jien kburija il jien nazzjonalista
daqs kem andek alxix tkun kburija …
Of course she should be proud, just like I am. Who should be ashamed to say that he or she supports a party that since its beginnings has always done everything in its power to improve this nation; from giving us the basic right of democracy during the 80s (that includes the Nexos demonstration last week), to the hard work involved in preventing us from becoming penniless just like the countries Daphne mentioned.
Did you watch the news yesterday? The Dear leader wants to re-introduce the tradition of ‘karrijiet’ during their parades, so expect Carnival to come twice this year, just a few days apart.
Lawrence Saliba – I think you are very young and know nothing about Labour governments. If not very young you must have been living on the moon or else you used to be one of the boys.
Mention one issue that the Labour did with sense during its time in office, and also now when in opposition they don’t make any sense either and this is after 20 years.
Had it not been for the Nationalist governments this island would be real hell. And had we not joined EU, which was Labour’s game, that hell would only have got worse.
During Labour governments we were treated like pigs in our own country and like beggars abroad.
ai em gowing to stop riting bekos ai dowt no haw two rite in england solly. I will gow for privete lessons, then ai cume bak won day. bi bi to u all x
[Daphne – John, that kind of wit might wash with a Super One audience, but something else is required here.]
Did he actually write this?
[Daphne – Yes.]
Bundy you’re cracking; you should have got out when the water was still calm, old chap.
Maaaaaaaaa. John with that kind of writing you might get a job with Maltastar as well.
Go for it John.
All this talk about the PN not being the same party any more or not being ‘the Party I joined’.
The PN is a living party, evolving, always seeing what the needs of the nation are. That is the difference between a party that wants seven of its local committees to spend 1,500 Euro each to build carnival floats for Workers Day and a party that moves the nation towards self government, independence, democracy, the European Union and the Euro zone.
While the Labour Party’s priorities involve prancing up and down Republic Street, the PN is busy saving jobs, creating opportunities and preparing Malta for the next step in its evolution.
The PN has moved, advanced at the same pace of the country, with all the problems and difficulties that come along… but the process has always been forward looking.
The Nationalist Party does not belong to any one person, and never did. I am sure that after Lawrence Gonzi is done the ship will sail on and be manned by other good men or women.
If people fell by the wayside, or cannot keep up, they need to give way, let it go, and move on. In the same way, people who messed up should show some dignity and maturity.
Mrs. Caruana Galizia,
I am profoundly concerned regarding the degree of lopsidedness that seems to be an underlying rule within this blog. Having good command of the english language only shows that you enjoy reading and in no way means that you are fit to pass judgement especially when they are based on personal grudges and tea party conversations.
[Daphne – Yes, you are proof of that. Oh, by the way, if you’re going to use somebody else’s surname, and an unusual one at that, you should bother to check the spelling. This is how Gauci Maistre is spelled. You spell it Gauci Maiestre here and Gauci Maestre in your ’email address’.]
Mr. Bundy is a man of integrity who has strived for what he has and if it wasn’t for his honesty, integrity and hard work no-one would have employed him in the first place. Unlike, you Mrs. Caruana Galizia he has always been upfront, honest and built his career on his abilities, charisma and hardwork (Please Note: No backstabbing, inheritance, cheap talk involved).
[Daphne – I stabbed no one and inherited nothing, and yes, I agree with you that my talk is cheap. In fact, I’m due for a raise, I think.]
I do understand that the life of a rejected middle-aged woman is quite an ordeal and might get boring (especially if you spend all your day alone in a huge inherited house), yet for the sake of humanity and journalism take some time to look at the content of your work before suggesting that other people would have more integrity if they had to work for ‘Bad Boy’. If that doesn’t work try confiding in your stalker friends like Lou Bondi & co who might help you overcome your distress and equip you with the next scoop.
[Daphne – Middle-aged, yes, but rejected by who, exactly? John Bundy? And while middle age might seem an ordeal to those who are young, the perception is frequently reciprocated. Youth is often perceived as an ordeal by the middle aged, particularly when it involves ignorance coupled with self-satisfaction, inexperience and lack of insight. I look at what you’ve written and hope that I wasn’t that obnoxious at what seems to be your age, but you know, I probably was.]
For the sake of your Japanese readers here is a translation of my text:
私が拒否された中年の女性の生活は非常に試練されていることを(あなたは巨大な継承された家に一人ですべてのあなたの一日を過ごす場合は特に)人間とジャーナリズムのために、まだ退屈かもしれないいくつかの時間がかかることを見て理解しているあなたの仕事の内容で、彼らは’Bad Boyを’の仕事をしていた場合、他の人々がより整合性を持っていることを提案する前に。それはルーボンダイ&共同あなたの悩みを克服し、次のスクープを身につけるに役立つかもしれないと同じように、ストーカーの友人に打ち明けるしようと動作しない場合。
This blog is simply RIDICULOUS! Keep up your good work and professionalism!
Niktbu bil-malti ghax Malta qedghin!!!
But the internet is on planet Earth which uses English to communicate.
Thank God you’re an X
Ex Nationalist,
Bundy doesn’t rule, he is more of an ‘I suck’ kind of man.
Maybe one should emphathise because he is still searching for alternative ways to enhance his chav ‘popularity’ and the viewers of ONE are ideal for that.
But my perception tells me that he is not a steadfast sort of person, who uses cockiness and lame jokes because he has nothing else to give.
re :”U MIN GHANDU L-GHALI JKOMPLI JZIDU! ” I can’t imagine why I should have any ‘għali’ on this matter.
j’alla dak il-purcinell t’hemm fuq jaghtini bizzejjed ghomor li nara l-gurnata li nbul fuq qabartkom kollha. Galizia, is-segwaci taghha b’Bundy b’kollox. Ta l-ewwel qajla ser tibqa mfakkra bhal d-Dun Mikiel Xerri ta zmienha (skuzani ta l-analogija maskili pero fl-assenza ta mara li tiswa sold il-boghod mis-sink u l-platti ma kellix alternattiva ohra) u l-iehor qajla ser jibqa mfakkar bhala l-Johnny Carson ta l-era televizivas Maltija (Zomm…xi hadd jiftakar lil-Johnny Carson)
komplu imlew il-fossa li writtu minghand familtkom
Fl-anniversarju ta’ meta xkubettjawh semmejtu lil Dun Mikiel Xerri!
Stop stalking my email address and get a proper job.
[Daphne – Stalking your email address? It’s right there under your ‘name’, twerp. ]
No wonder these guys where always against technology.
My dear John, as an insider of the PN headquarters during your heyday with the PN media, I wish to join in the fun.
You were one of the best paid persons there. You left the PN because you wanted the promotion given to Noel Mallia, but the party bosses, including Eddie and NOT Gonzi refused to let you have it because you were just a presenter and you know nothing about management.
The PN continued to pay you for some time, even though you were not working, and they did everything possible to come to a solution. But instead you threw your weight around and expected the party bosses to kneel before you.
In the meantime your wife got a good job with Malta International Airport. But about this, perhaps a certain Mangion can write more.
So please do not tell us that you “got nothing”.
The PN made you. If that had not been the case, you would still be a salesman with Mizzi. So John, do please keep quiet. You have always been a charlatan but now you have added another title: disloyal.
I thought his wife was a salesgirl at a Paola pharmacy. Isa hej, a job for the ‘Girls’.
Mmm… Pn used to hand out jobs for the boys..or in this case, girls….
Is that what you meant?
If not, then you shouldn’t have really mentioned his wife’s job as getting something…if yes…the you’re not really doing the Pn any favours by pointing out what we already knew, that the Pn takes care of its favourite boys(and girls)
Regarding the issue at hand, I can’t really say I care who Bundy works for..but I can’t really see the sense in his taking the battle to a blog run by his ‘accuser’…..I think ‘I deny that I am a charlatan’ would have been enough…Who cares about his balls and all that anyway.
How come that one by one anybody who crticises the government you are trying to destroy ? It will be courageus Dr P .Farrugia’s turn soon.
[Daphne – You overestimate my powers, Silvio. The pen may be mightier than the sword, but it does not have supernatural abilities. If men in Malta can be destroyed, poor things, by the mockery of a single woman, then we really have a problem.]
The writing is on the wall the ‘new’nationalist party is making everybody sick of it…the raises made secreatly awarded to themselves was the last straw for many….they have a cheek to oppose the UE court decision when they passed a law not capping their pension and stole my father’s for many years and now my mother gets nothing back plus her miserable pension.
[Daphne – I don’t understand. Please explain the bit about the pension.]
They and their families and the blue eyed friends are lording it over us ..just like the x president of Tunisia.( this apart from money taken as “commisions” Malta is small and we all know ..) Keep supporting these kind of people Daphne
[Daphne – When you speak like this, Silvio, you scare me. But not for the reasons you might think. I’m actually frightened to see that people have no sense of perspective or proportion. How can you compare Malta to Tunisia? What kind of judgement allows you to do that?]
Some time ago an E.U. institution found that the money deducted from pensions of people who had a ‘service’ pension (my father was in the Royal Navy) was illegal and should be paid back. The government is appealing against this decision (this came out when the secret cabinet and MPs’ increases came to light).
My sisters and I spent most of our lives without a father, but my father earned good money and we had good clothes and food. Anybody could have joined the Royal Navy. My father paid the Maltese NI like everybody else. This ‘law’ was passed by Mintoff but the Nationalists never repealed it.
Honestly, is this who we have to defend our varied values in politics? How can people be so rude to each other in public? Instead of reading crit I’m faced with this outpouring of personal insults! Can’t all this effort of thinking up superior arguments of no worth be put to better use?
John, I think you’re asking for too much by expecting people not to judge your “move” – you were free to make it, but others are free to judge it!
And Daphne, why do you resort to such pettyness?! I had the utmost respect for your writings…
You’re grown up people acting like children because airing such laundry shows an utter lack of self-discipline – something only excused in small children and those with Tourette’s!
[Daphne – It’s actually very amusing, and I’m afraid you’re contributing to the amusement factor by putting in as Strict Miss Whiplash and not even being aware of it.]
Your predictability is quaint! But bitchiness aside, why can’t you take on my comment and put an end to this particular thread, as it does not showcase any of the Daphne wit!
[Daphne – Oh, then you must have missed it.]
Not really, there are other threads on this site. It’s just a pity that you resort to such pettyness sometimes! In the meantime, I’ll drink my hot chocolate, and continue watching the series Spartacus – I think you’d identify with it!
[Daphne – Pettiness. Which would make me, I assume, a pedant too.]
Re your comment about your fussiness: Ooops me! your attention to detail does you credit, but I was hoping you’d ‘get’ the Spartacus thing and comment on that – much more fun, wouldn’t you agree?
I have to agree with Bundy on one count, Miss Caruana Galizia. You are in fact ruining PN’s image. You’re giving everyone (including your millions of international readers, judging by your obsession to write in English for them) the impression that us PN supporters are vicious, vulgar no-lifes bigots with a taste for bitching on other people and being close-minded partisans, just like you are (on all counts).
Well, you are a disservice to the party.
[Daphne – Another credible alias. Swieqi Man, eh? If you really were, you’d know I’m Mrs not Miss. Look, take my advice (and I know others like you are listening): this business of pretending to be a ‘PN supporter’ just doesn’t wash. You give away too much.]
Honestly, I don’t really give a rat’s ass if you’re married or single. No Daphne, you’re not that important.
[Daphne – I agree. But lots of people seem to think I am, most of them appear to vote Labour, and you’re one of them.]
However, I really don’t need to prove anything to you, because, after all, you are a nobody, and your opinion counts very little to me. I keep my support in the vote, and however I can, and I really don’t need your approval. Actually, your lack of approval would be an honour.
It does bother me how you’re ruining the party’s image. If I wasn’t concerned, I wouldn’t comment in the first place. Once again, you’re a no-one who’s been given way too much importance for your own sake.
Why the hell, then do you contribute to this blog?
I am Bob but I chose this name to see if it is effective…
Aw SwieqiMan hemm xi woman jew?
Oh and if you’re living in or around Swieqi, you can come have a coffee, I’m in the SWQ3124 area.
[Daphne – Oh, that bit jampacked with nouveaux riches who aren’t riches at all. I see. No wonder you don’t know I’m married.]
Jesus Christ you give yourself so much importance. You’re pathetic.
[Daphne – Look again, ‘dear’ (to use terminology you can understand). It’s you who thinks I’m important. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be busy insisting that I’m not. When people aren’t important to me, they don’t even register on my consciousness. I’m barely aware they exist.]
SwieqiBoy, speak for yourself.
The Labour Party would give its right arm and a vital organ to have someone of Daphne’s calibre support it and write about it.
Most of us follow this blog because it is precisely NOT a political party product. The rest, like you, is because you cannot stay away from it.
And I also wonder how come you have to be part of the “riches” (which is grossly incorrect English, as riches refers to the wealth itself, whereas the plural of a rich person remains rich) to know you’re married.
[Daphne – It’s French, not English: nouveaux riches, the newly rich. And what I wrote was precisely the opposite: that if you’re part of the noueaux riches then you’re less likely to know anything about me, not more likely – like all those jabbering idiots who say I married somebody with ‘a double barrelled name’ to go up in the world. Ho ho ho. If only they knew – but they don’t.]
Asking for such a high fee that only the “riches” afford to step inside your brothel?
[Daphne – My God! Are my dogs running a brothel behind my back? Do tell.]
LOL at ‘riches’ — Swieqi man t’ghajni…how can you not have heard of the expression?
Unbelievable! A good joke at the end of a long day! The elves are out in force again.
Well Daphne, strangely enough I noticed that today a lot of people here are inviting you for coffee or tea – anything in common between them?
Yeah, I noticed it too. It’s like some repressed erotic attraction where everyone wants to have coffee with the woman they love to hate.
davidg…….”wake up and smell the coffee!” That’s one of the elves’ standard phrases on The Times comments. Next comes “only in Malta”.
[Daphne – How would they know what’s only in Malta, anyway? Most of them have never left the country and never watch, read or listen to the international news. Somebody commenting on this blog actually questioned the veracity of what I wrote about the situation in Greece, Ireland, Spain and Portugal. Can you believe it? A quick Google was too much for her. If Super One doesn’t say it, then it’s not happening.]
Bundy is right.I agree with Bundy. Daphne get a life. your cheap talk is annoying me. I am neither a Nationalist and neither a Lauborite, so i am being honest. You are so arrogant and think that you are something where in fact you are nothing but a fool. You have an evil tactic where you seem to attack people you disagree with. In this case Bundy is right and i agree 100% with him.
Where are we here, now? 135 comments down the line? And what this whole lot boils down to is that truth hurts.
The single word ‘charlatan’ in an incidental remark has evidently hit a raw nerve, as John Bundy has been at great pains to over-emphasise by his writings.
“ai em gowing to stop riting ,,,”. John, that is perhaps the most sensible thing that you have done in the past 48 hours – except that, perhaps ‘stop digging’ would have been a more apt choice of words. A more sensible thing, of course, would have been not to have commented on the matter at all.
Now, could we all leave John Bundy to settle down at the bottom of the huge hole that he has dug for himself, and turn our minds to addressing matters of greater import than those concerning a ONE TV non-celebrity.
Wikipedia: CHARLATAN: The word comes from French charlatan, a seller of medicines who might advertise his presence with music and an outdoor stage show.
Seems to fit Bundy’s Super One job to a tee. I see no derogatory insinuations at all – just an honest description of what Bundy does.
He will one day find himself without buyers of his medicine and end up drinking it up himself lest it goes to waste.
seriously Daphne?
I see that you have so much time on your hands that you like to irritate people. Stop circling around lies. Because these lies will one day suffocate you.
Insejt JOHN BUNDY kemm kont tghid li ridt tilhaq tabib imma fi zmien il-Labour ma dahhlukx l-Universita’ ghax ma kienx jidhol kulhadd?
[Daphne – Oh really? So Bundy has straight As in three science A-levels? Who would have guessed it.]
If I may ask, why all this? I think, at least I hope, that everyone commenting on this blog is more or less mature enough not to insult others.
Why all this gibberish talk, u ħafna ħamallaġni..
I know that my comment will not be important at all, I just felt that I should express my opinion here, bħal mà qiegħed jagħmel kulħadd more or less.
I think it was immature from you Mrs.Caruana Galizia and Mr.Bundy for a start – this should have stopped a long time ago – actually it should have never started I guess. .
ara naqra xi hdura ghandhom ghalik dawn ta John! Qabbel ir-rispett li qed jaghtik ONE, il-PL, il-partitarji u t-telespettaturi mal-hdura ta hafna mill-PN. Nahseb wasal iz-zmien li tibda tigbed verament lejn qalbek John u timxi id f’id ma min qed izommok fuq wicc l-idejn. Jien personali minn dejjem kelli ammirazzjoni lejk bhala persuna gentili, cajtiera u tal-punt u qed niehu pjacir li llum qieghed fil-familja tal-ONE. Keep up the good work man!
Hdura? Ahna nghiru qedin, zgur. Allahares tkun taf kemm nixxennaq inkun parti mill-“familja tal-ONE” halli Joseph jihu lili labranzetta nidhaq u nxejjer f’nofs il-Belt waqt protesta tad-“dwejjaq” u nhalli lill-mara tieghi labranzatta ma’ Toni Abela – propja qishom xi Gang of Four fic-Cina.
U imbaghad tara Xarabank u tara wahda tajjat: “Ghidlu lil Gonzi jigi jiftah il-fridge halli jara ghandniex butir”. Halliha li kienet b’kowt jiswa daqs ma nafx kemm pakketti tal-butir – u wara ftit tghidlek: “Bil-1.16 ewro zieda qas biex immorru il-Belt u lura m’ghandna”. Tider li giddiba bhal Muscat ghax il-Belt massimu ta 54c thallas, u biex tidhol il-Belt tipprotesta, flus kellha.
M’inthomx ghajjura Matt, just hodor ghal John ghax qed johrog kontra l-partit ta Gonzi PN. U lil dik is-sinjura nafha u mhiex giddieba bhal Lawrence Gonzi li qal li ser irahhas l-income tax u m’ghamiliex, imma dik is-sinjura nafa u hija armla u ghad baqala tifel adoloxxenti jghix maha u allura qed tinkludieh maha fl-ispiza tal-bus. U fl-ahhar mill-ahhar guys ejja nammettuha…1.16 x’izzikk huma? fil-kaz ta dis-sinjura, tmur il-belt u tigi mat-tifel u jkunu sparixxew. Jekk nimxu mar-realta tal-lum qeghdin naghtu COLA kif suppost? LE. Daqshekk subject closed m’hemm skuzi.
Leave them alone Matthew, your sarcasm is lost with people who have a low IQ
Argento, jien lil dik il-mara ma nafhiex, izda zgur li biex tixtri kowt bhal dak ma nahsibx li daqshekk fqira jien.
1.16 euro forsi vera m’huma xejn imma jekk trid namillek lista tat-taxxi li dahhal l-MLP fis-sentejn li dam hemm namilielek [sakhemm ma tikkrexxjax din il-blog habba t-tul tal-lista]
Forsi z-zieda ta’ 600 euro giet f’hin hazin imma allura l-1,500 ewro ghal kull karru li Joseph ha johrog idur bihom f’Jum il-Haddiem mhix f’hin hazin? karrijiet idumu ftit sieghat u jintremew … jekk mis-600 Ewro tal-Parlamentari ma wasallek xejn (li by the way anke tal-Labour haduhom u ma rrifjutawhomx) kemm missek mill-karrijiet?
Habib, joseph muscat dahal il-belt iwieghed kollox lil folla mahruqa u nqedha bihom biex gimgha wara hareg li flus ghall- karrijiet kellu u lin-nies ma tahhom xejn minnhom … 20,000 ewro mill-voti ghall-emblema dahhal imma lin-nies ma tahhom xejn minnhom.
Matt, I saw the lady you refer to on Xarabank. Why did she not get a lift with Stacy?
Streisand effect anyone?
Daphne – are you so sure that Bundy is not up for a quick shag ?
I can’t stomach how many on this blog think they’re superior to Joey tal-haxix. Your pea sized brains and your comments make me bang my head to a brick wall. You are either trying to fool, are in serious need of help, in denial , or you are damned so naive.
You are brainwashed by the two political parties. Keep hanging folks to one or the other. They just love the status quo, what would they do with you hardcore asses. My political party is better than yours and I never change alliance. I support MY political party till death ghax naghmel dnub mejjet. bla bla bla… no wonder divorce is still a long way to go folks.
In other civilised societies one shifts from one party to another in every election. Have a look at the latest shifts in Sweden in the last general election. Lords in the UK shift their alliance and there’s no hype no name calling. It is this lilliput mentality that once you vote for a party you have to marry it for better or for worse till death do you part. Unf*****believable.
It gets even more hilarious… here comes this John Bundy character a non entity who is being condemned for shifting his alliance or so being alleged. So freakin deal ! I sincerely hope that more like John will follow suit and stop this absurd mentality. Daphne for God’s sake criticise the government they have all the reigns not the PL. It is the least I expect from a decent person.
And btw if everything was so rosy on this bloody Island, we would not have over 30,000Euro per head in debt. For those students who wrote on this blog that they are having it so dam good, may I say, my God, the lecturers at Uni are doing one hell of a good job to keep you in the dark of what’s really happening around you. The government should give you a raise. But let’s face it now you can sign up to a law Degree with just two passes, no wonder such twisted produce is coming out of Uni.
One only need to browse the last statistics to identify that many are living below poverty line. But it seems that on this blog the mentality is I’m ok Jack…
Let’s have a laugh and mock the weak.
…dear sir…the mistake everyone makes is to consider Malta as a “country” on par with others in Europe. Malta is not a country, but a small island community, cut off from the outside world, bonded by family, friendship and business ties. Everyone depends on each other.
Political parties are simply a way for one group to try to have greater access to the resources of the state, however limited they were, than the other group.
Our political parties do not operate in a dynamic comparable to what goes on in the countries you mentioned. Our parties are tribes, to which one is bound by family and social and business connections.
Moreover, since one of these tribes has now gained unassailable ascendancy, an ever-bigger segment of the population will look to it as the means to obtain state resources. As long as people obtain these resources – and you will see this happening more as the election approaches – they will vote their party. I bet that even an MP who is very much in the news right now, JP Farrugia, will be on the forefront defending the PN come next election.
[Daphne – You are partly right, Albert, and partly wrong. Many people think exactly as you have described, but many others do not. I am one of them. I vote not to acquire resources but to ensure that the country is managed properly by sensible people who know what they’re doing. The mistake that you and this other man make is to assume that votes don’t move from one party to the other only because of tribal loyalty. In my case and those of very many people I know, the commitment to vote Nationalist is not bound to traditional loyalty at all (in my case, most obviously not, given that my family’s political roots are 100% Strickland and anti-Nationalist) but clear-thinking. The Nationalist Party has done an excellent job which cannot be overestimated but is most often severely underestimated and, over and above that, the prospects on offer by Labour are dreadful. What sort of person would vote to put the management of the country in the hands of Joseph Muscat, Anglu Farrugia and Toni Abela? Only the sort of person who, as you describe, seeks access to resources or thinks tribally. There is also a third category: those whose rational judgement is overcome by personal spite and resentment.]
Umbat Tajdu Li Il Laburisti Injoranti u Hamalli Mhux Ahjar Taraw X’taghmlu Intom u Tifqu Tilhqu Salib In nies…
U Sur Bundy Jekk Hassejt Li Ghandek Taghmel Hekk Sewwa Ghamilt….. Kull Minn Jgholi Taht Ijdu KullHadd Ghandu Xi Ixomm…..L-Aqwa Li Andek Mandiex Dubju Il-Familja Tieghek Warajk…..
Ftit Hin Ihor Inkun Qed Narak Fuq L’istazzjon Tas-sena Fuq One Tv….
X’bicca xoghol ghandek toqghod taghmel il-Capital letters ghal kull kelma.
He first wrote that in German, and then carried out a computer-based translation to Maltese.
Nahseb Germaniz
Stazzjon tas-sena u gvern ta’ 20 sena.
I strongly agree that there is no room for the MLP to govern. You can see the same old faces, Toni Abela, Sceberras Trigona, Anglu Farrugia, Evarist Bartolo and so on.
Do you really think that these people have changed? They formed part of the Mlp-regime. They were against (and probably still are) economic liberalisation and privatisation of state corporations. Jien ma nafdahomx!
Minhabba fihom l-universita’ ma stajniex nidhlu. Kienu huma li sa ftit snin ilu xewwxu dwar l-Ewropa, u llum tarahom kollha sejrin holiday Brussell. Issa jridu johorgu t-tajjeb tal-Ewropa.
Ghal darb’ohra se jkolli nivvota PN, mhux ghax nemmen li l-PN perfett ta’, izda sabiex lil dawn in-nies inxejjihom 5 snin ohra fl-oppozizzjoni.
This post must have broken all previous records for the interest it has generated. Even more than the “rikotta vs irkotta”.
uejja cmon ta tiddefenduwa lil din u lil john taqlawlu … ala ma naf xjin ?
kulhadd andu dritt u opinjoni jamel lazlit tijew fil- hajja …
ahna nejxu fpajjiz demokratiku u hadd ma jista jindahal….
daphne ma nafx lil min ma dejjaqx.. tista tahseb jin isima biss iqallani ax kulhadd jejd kemm hi antipatka u arroganti…
issa ma nafx araw intom imma johntinkwetax tatix kas xtajdlek din…….
keep it up john
Do they speak bad about Daphne because of her blog or because they know her personally?
I’m sure she doesn’t need anyone to defend her, but she’s just doing a job on this blog and expressing her opinion.
Disliking someone and calling her ‘arroganti u antipatka’ is irrational.
You know Matthewdemokratik, she probably approaches people in real life in a different manner than here on this blog. Did that ever cross your mind?
As regarding John Bundy, he’d have done better not to answer back. A public personality should know that he’s exposed and prone to criticism.
Not true – first time I met Daphne she was wielding a two-handed sword, with bolts of lightning coming out of her eyes and the blood of puppies dripping from her mouth… Or at least that’s how I remember it now after reading Labour’s view of her for the last few years.
In reality, it was very pleasant. We had met just before Christmas as she was writing some copy for a client of ours and we had a chat about Swedish Christmas traditions. I’m even honoured that a small snippet of that chat was mentioned in the next edition of Taste.
Basically in Sweden we have a Christmas dessert called Ris (rice) a’la Malta. It’s not entirely known why it has this name, but a very plausible explanation is that blood oranges used to be imported from Malta some years ago and this dessert was originally served with this very same fruit (it’s now normally served with a sauce made from berries and with pieces of orange or tangerine blended in).
I’m sure the puppy-eating Daphne is a more interesting version, but sadly it’s not entirely true.
Mur ara billi dhaltu l-universita…..ghammixtuna bl-gherf li hareg minn tal-Qroqq.
Din ta l-istess ucuh m’ghadiex skuza. Il-Gvern ilu ghoxrin sena hemm u wkoll l-istess ucuh hemm jimirhu fil-qalba issa.
L-Ewropa ivvutajt ghaliha jien l-ewwel wiehed pero frankament tistghu iddahluha f’sormkhom ghax xorta stat ta hokkli dahri nhokklok tieghek bqajna. Kemm fuq il-faxxa tal-PL u kemm fuq dik tal-PN. Nistghageb kif ma tisthux minn dak il-purcinell Alla li halaqkom meta nismaghkom tiddefendu l-Gvern. Qatta apologisti b’genituri bla sinsla. Hasra li m’abortewkhomx f’guf ommkhom.
Mewt ghalikom kollha
Have a mug of tea and chill out, man.
Jaqaw int deffien xogholok?
John Bundy ma jistax jibqa jilghaba tal-indipendenti issa li qieghed fuq One TV – ma taghmilx sens. Sar parti mill-media tal-PL u l-ghan tal-PL hija li jirbah l-elezzjoni generali bhal kull partit iehor fid-dinja.
L-image tieghu qed tigi uzata biex jingabru voti ta ex-Nazzjonalisti – mhix daqsekk difficli biex tifhimha.
By the way, jien votant Laburista imma nghid l-affarijiet kif inhuma. Ma noqghodx indur mal-lewza.
Ghaziz John,
Xtaqt hafna l-kummenti tieghek… Forsi qabzitlek u ma ndunajtx.
Jekk ma jimpurtax, u bil-permess gentili tas-sid tas-site, se nerga nirreperti s-sejha li ghamiltlek il-bierah. Qed naghmilha b’mod genwin ghax ninsavb konvint li int kontra dawn il-hnizrijiet. Naf kemm thobb lil bintek, u naf ukoll kemm thoss ghat-tfal. Nerga nistiednek biex b’mod pubbliku tikkundana lill-gazzetta Kullhadd.
Dan kien il-kumment tieghi:
Ghaziz John,
Nammirak li kellek daqshekk guts li tmur tahdem ma’ nies li fil-passat ghajruk u hadmu tant personali kontrik. Nahseb taf ghal xiex qed nirreferi u m’ghandix ghalfejn infakkrek.
Forsi sempliciment infakkrek li dawn lanqas biss kienu jacettaw li jahmdu f’attivita filantropika sempliciment ghax ikun hemm int. Illum imma, ghax Joseph l-Opportunist dahlek mieghu, issa sirt OK.
Pero’ nixtieq b’mod sincier nistaqsik mistoqsija. Issa li sirt tant temmen f’Joseph Muscat u tghid kemm hu sincier u qalbu tajba, tista tispjegali kif jippermetti li l-gazzetta tieghu ‘Il-Kulhadd’ taghmel attakk vili u insensat kontra tifla zghira, sempliciment ghax tigi t-tifla ta’ David Agius?
Jekk ma tafx ghal xiex qed nirreferi, nitolbok taqra din il-gazzetta partikulari tal-Hadd 9 ta’ Jannar 2011. Fittex sew u ssib attakk vili kontra tifla zghira.
Jiena veru iddizgustani. Anzi niskanta kif in-Nazzjonalisti m’ghamlux kapital min fuqha. Imbaghad l-istess Joseph ma jrid lill hadd minn tal-PN isemmi biss isem uliedu.
Li tghajjar tifla zghira li hi cheater u li thobb ‘tfotti’ hija xi haga li fis-socjeta’ taghna ma hijiex accetabbli. Allura nghid jien kif Joseph jippermeti dan? Ara forsi tistaqsiehx, jekk joghgbok.
Jiena dizgustat. Nitlob il-kumment tieghek.
WOW. It seems this post has even attracted the attention of sociopaths, people who want us all dead and then urinate on our graves.
Sejjahli li trid Joe Scerri.
Jien ghalija daqstant huma hmieg dawn li jiddedikaw hajjithom jiddefendu il-hmieg ta politici li ghandna fuq iz-zewg nahat. Ghomja u mbecilli inthom, u probabbilment il-prospetti ta uliedkom ma tantx huma differenti.
Ifhem Joe, hemm pobabbilta tajba li nispicca nilghaq it-trab qablek pero kif ghidtlek, jekk Leli tal-Galilija jaghtini bizzejjed nifs nipprova meta jkolli cans naqbez qabza u nsaqqi l-haxix u fjuri li jinbtu fil-madwar ta l-irhama li tahtha tkunu tistriehu.
Tlaqt naghmel belgha te. (skoprejt marka ta Tea bags jisimhom ‘hdura’ li huma mmensament tajbin)
Domt ma skoprejthom dawk it-tea bags. Fi zmien il-gvern tal-bulk buying minnhom biss kien hawn.
[Daphne – Tower Tea: a green box with a primitive illustration of a coastal tower, done in black or dark blue. The box was a basic cardboard package with nothing to seal it, and the teabags contained what was swept off the floor of some tea-packing warehouse. The brand is defunct. The man is fibbing.]
No I don’t think it is defunct, I actually saw some on the shelves in a supermarket relatively recently and couldn’t believe my eyes.
Then again, for all I know they are really old stock – wouldn’t make much of a difference in taste.
Hi Xandru
Ghidilna naqra fejn hi is sincerita ta Gonzi, mohhkom fil passat, mhux fil futur, Bundy wera kemm kien ragel u qasam il border politiku li jifred lil pajjizna, In nazzjonalisti ta Gonzi PN hekk biss jafu jaghmlu isemmu il passat li jifridna u le il futur li jaghqqadna. John Bundy huwa il persuna kif suppost ghandu ikun Malti He sees evil and rise against it, Hekk ghamel in the 80’s ghax kienet fehemtu, Issa ghamel l’istess, mela kemm intom qaddisin tal PN madoffi kissru partit, pajjiz u religjon issa ukoll basta ghal poter. Xandru ikkonvinci ipprova ukoll lil Dalli, Grima li gie maghkom u mar PL rega u eluf ta ex PN bhali u insaqsik” X taralu dan il partit hijacked minn 6 min nies li jahdmu ghal rashom?
Ghaziz/a Ritz,
Jiena ghamilt stedina lil John, li naf kemm ghandu ghal qalbu it-tfal zghar, biex jikkundana artiklu kattiv, insensat u insensittiv li deher fuq gazzetta tal-PL hmistax ilu BISS. (2 weeks ago f’kaz li mintiex tifhem)
Sa fejn naf jiena ma semmejtx passat, anzi ghidtlu li nammirah li kien kapaci jahdem ma’ nies li fil-passat tghidx kemm bezqulu, ghajruh u bbokjotjawh.
Nerga nistieden lil John Bundy, kif ukoll lilek li dawn il-hnizrijiet tikkundanahom, iktar u iktar meta fin-nofs hemm tifla ta’ ftit snin. Mhux sew li jigu attakkati tfal zghar u jigu mghajjra b’mod kattiv fuq gazzetta ta’ partiti politiku.
Nistiden lilek ukoll biex tikkundana dan l-agir. Nistaqsi jiena: qed jigu attakkati tfal zghar innocenti meta qeghdin fl-oppozizzjoni, x’se jaghmlu lill-adulti ladarba jkunu fil-gvern. Jiena fuq din il-haga mwerwer.
Jekk joghgbok John Bundy ikkundanna dan l-att kodard bl-aktar mod kategoriku, fuq tifla zghira innocenti, li l-uniku “htija” li ghandha hu biss li tigi t-tifla ta’ deputat Nazzjonalista. Nistenna wkoll li meta taghmel xi programm fuq il-TV issemih ukoll dan il-kaz.
Ghadni nistenna
U tistenna tibqa ghax anke jekk John ikun irid jikkundanna l-artiklu li qed tirreferi ghalih, ta’ fuqu ma jhalluhx.
Tista takkuza lill John Bundy kemm trid imma John mhux se jissogra jitlef l-impieg tieghu ghax bibien ohra kollha maghluqa u jispicca kaz iehor fi bzonn is-servizzi socjali.
Ta’ min jakkwista informazzjoni dwar kemm is-Super One qed ihallas lill John Bundy pero nista nghid li qed jaqla ferm anqas minn Marisa.
Bid-dejn li ghandu l-istazzjon li jhaddmu, wisq nahseb li zieda fis-salarju tieghu hija ferm il-boghod.
Jekk minhix sejjer zball, Bundy ha sehem attiv fil-maratona ghal gbir tal flus ghall l-LP u spiccaw jigbru in-nofs li gabru tal PN.
Zgur li l-inkwiet li ghandhom hu li flus mhux dehlin u l-eluf ta partitarji godda jew kollha fil-bzonn, jew jeziztu biss f’mohh Jowzef u Bundy.
Lela tal pepe said:
“Qed nistenna li jghinuni nibqa self reliant… u ma jkolli bzonn niddependi minn HADD u minn XEJN!!”
Haha, needed a laugh!
Daphne, just to let you know Ronnie Pellegrini stated the following on John Bundy’s Facebook wall:
“ignore the bitch”
There was another interesting comment. One said that Daphne is jealous of Bundy’s popularity…
^I can’t stop laughing, this guy was going on about how much he admires John and how real his balls are.
Ritz, jew ma tafx x’int tghid, jew giddieb jew ghadek zghir u qatt ma studjajt l-istorja tal-partit Laburista fil-gvern. “…tal PN madoffi kissru partit, pajjiz u religjon issa ukoll basta ghal poter.”
Kissirna partit – u ilna fil-gvern kwazi 25 sena?
Kissirna pajjiz – dhalna fl-UE, eurozone u hlaqna eluf ta impiegi?
Kissirna r-religion? Ma tiftakarx min ghamel gwerra kontra l-iskejjel tal-knisja? Min kisser il-kurja?
Ritz int tahseb li n-Nazzjonalisti mzazen bhal Laburisti li jibilghu iz-zibel kollu li johrog mill-partit Laburista? Le, ahna nivvutaw Partit Nazzjonalista ghaliex ma nissugrawx nivvutaw mod iehor ghax meta il-magguranza ivvutat Labour pattejnijha qares. U qawl Ingliz jghid ‘Once bitten twice shy’ u l-Malti jghid ‘Il-kelb mismut kull ilma jahsbu mishun’
Ghalaq halqek u nheba bil-misthija ghal fatt li qed tiddefendi partit li meta kien fil-gvern temghana li ried, meta ried, iggield ma kulhadd u l-GWU baqghet siekta, kien korrott, kattiv ma min ma qabilx mieghu, qatel, fera, spara fuq nies innocenti u ghamel herba mil-Qrati Kostituzjonali, haraq it-Times, invada l-istamperija tal-PN, kisser id-dar u werwer il-familja ta Eddie Fenech Adami….
U trid li b’xi mod intellghu lil-Jowzef u shabu fil-gvern?
Ghandek cans!
Din il-bicca ta’ Bundy tfakkarni fil-kaz ta’ Alfred Baldacchino meta qaleb il-kamra u mar mal-Labour, x`gara?
Li hadd ma afdah u sparixxa mix-xena politika hallieha li akkwista dar wara Sant Anton.
Tfakkarni wkoll meta wara li Toni Pellegrini (iz-ziju ta’ Ronnie Pellegrini} ma fellahx jghajjar il-Mintoff fiz-zmien il-partit zaghzagh haddiema insara, kif tela Mintoff fil-gvern, irranga biex Toni Pellegrini jigi id-direttur tad D.O.I.
Niftakar kif instemghat l-ahbar, kont l-airport u membru tal-pulizija akkanit ta’ Mintof kellu ritratt tieghu u ghamlu raghad u hada qatta bla habel kontra tieghu. Sahansitra halef li ma jergax jivvota lilu.
Dawn l-affarijiet ma tantx semmghawhom bhall Stacy Bartolo ghax kienet ghada ma twelditx, imma ahna niftakruhom.
Ritz, according to Mr.Bundy he has not crossed any borders, but he’s sitting and waiting at the DMZ for the right opportunity -be it left or right.
Live and let live :)
Why should John Bundy be so irritated by Daphne’s comment?
After all, all she said was that he is a charlatan.
Mhux ahjar iggib il-paci Daphne, milli titfa it-tajn u mohhok fil-hajja privata ta’ haddiehor.
[Daphne -Liema hajja privata, qalbi?]
Mark, this is the sequence of events.
1. Bundy was spotted having lunch with the magistrate. You know the one.
2. Daphne mentioned him in her blog and described him as a charlatan, from the Italian ciarlatano = a babbler. Not a slanderous description by any stretch of the imagination.
3. He took offence and hit back with some wild accusations and some pretty rough language.
4. He thqueamed and thqueamed and stamped his little feet.
5. When he was described as a despicable turncoat, he retorted that just because he works for the Labour Party does not mean he is a Laburist.
6. With nowhere to hide he was left with no option but to make a quick and sorry exit.
Where does the private life come into all this?
I thought this was an international blog! Your associations are turning you into a chav, QALBI!
[Daphne – If I were you, I’d change your nick. The Gauci Maistre family might sue.]
John qasam il-bahar kollu u ghereq fix-xatt. Jien ma nafx kif nies bhal dawn ma jisthux jidhru fil-pubbliku.
Bhalma qalet Butterfly: Ahjar tmut bl-unur milli tghix bid-dizunur.
Bir-rispett kollu Sur De Martino, imma mhux kulhadd ghandu dritt ghal opinjoni ?
Ghalfejn ghandu jisthi ? Mela montesin mhux hekk ghamlet ? hadd ma qal xejn
Montesin left the MLP because of the EU Membership question. Bundy embraced the PL for personal reasons
He also denied being a PN hardliner – INCREDIBLE!
Vera bniedem opportunist, ghax biex tmur taghmel programm fuq ONE wara dak it-taghjjir li kien qalalom, trid tkun vera wiccek qorqa. Dan ma tghidx kien semplici prezentatur li jxaqleb mal-PN imma kien akkanit iktar mill-prim ministru. Trid taqra biex temmen!
Read this piece of wisdom by John Bundy, who claims to support the Nationalist Party while being paid by Labour:
“Illum jien u Lindsey il-gurnalista ta’ Affari Taghna iltqajna ma’ hafna nies u familji imbikkma minhabba li m’ghandhomx flus biex ihallsu il-kontijiet esagerati tad dawl u l-ilma. Qrajna mijiet ta’ emails li jwahhxuk u tkellimna ma’ anzjani li jhossuhom iddisprati minhabba din is-sitwazzjoni”;wap2
Vince Micallef is on today’s Bundy breakfast show on One.
[Daphne – And Consuelo Herrera’s wheels within wheels continue to turn. Those are the real hbieb tal-hbieb.]
John Bundy should tell us whether he got a ‘golden welcome’ from the Labour Party, and not just the job on One.
Vera li Bundy kien hareg ghall-elezzjoni? Taf li ma niftakarx. Jien nistqarr maghkom li minkejja dan il-kliem kollu fuqu, xorta qed isir hafna kliem fil-vojt. Ix-xitan liebes l-ahmar bit-torca f’idu, u f’ilsienu hemm hafna nar..
Take a look at this and you’ll know that Bundy belongs on Super One.
PBS did the right thing to sack him. He is not even suited to presenting programmes for children, let alone a breakfast show. But oh, I forgot, this is One we’re talking about here.
Mr John Bundy
I always had an admiration for your presenting skills and your ‘parola facile’ but skills, behaviour and attitude are other things.
Joseph Muscat said that he renounced his salary rise because he’s not for sale, yet he thought you were for sale and he was right, because now you’re working for his party while claiming to support another.
As Daphne rightly said, shifting from a privately owned station to another is very acceptable, but moving from one political party to another is different. Or weren’t you aware that you’re not working for a television station but for a political party? People move from one political party to another when their political beliefs change and evolve and not for money.
You said on a programme that you started ‘Affari Taghna’ after being promised that the subjects for the programme will be left up to you.
Now, come on John, did you choose that exciting topic – the Labour protest rally in Valletta?
The future is unknown but that does not mean we should not at least try to foresee consequences. Past decisions, however, can only be mended, And the quicker, the better, John.
I wish you all the luck and above all, PEACE OF MIND.
Daphne , please do us a favour and a favour for your self. SHUT UP! taqta figura ahjar.Anke ma Bundy qbadt immisek tisthi ja mara hazina
Mario do us and yourself a favour and F off
True loads here have grammatical mistakes…. But those writing in maltese leave much to be desired….you included daphne!
I admired both Guido Demarco & Dom Mintoff.I allways voted to who I beleived was the best at the time.I am a floating voter
Whats wrong in that.
Curiosity put me on this blog & made me ashamed to see so much hatred from many maltese vs Maltese.We are democratic! Is this how we maltese should live in such hatred!??