Ha ha ha. Kemm huma tan-n**k: a magistrate sending 'Facebook flowers of friendship' to Ronnie Pellegrini

Published: January 25, 2011 at 2:38pm

I’d forgotten to tell you about this, but I just found it in the files. Before she committed Facebook suicide (it’s an expression) when the whole country tried to log onto her Facebook profile to take a look a year ago, Magistrate Herrera spent time exchanging Facebook greetings, bouquets and little kisses and smileys with, among others (including a criminal lawyer who defends cases before her), our man Ronnie Pellegrini.

This is a screenshot of one of those exchanges. It reads:

Ronnie got a appreciation and glory from Consuelo Scerri Herrera and Joe Briffa using FLOWERS OF FRIENDSHIP!

10 Comments Comment

  1. A. Charles says:

    This has nothing to do with the people mentioned above but this morning somebody in Zejtun told me that Mrs Mugliett, wife of the ex-minister, is to be a candidate with the MLP.

  2. Angus Black says:

    Ah! That flattering picture of Connie again.

  3. Hot Mama says:

    That denim ‘skirt’ has a life of its own

  4. carlos says:

    @ A Charles. perhaps she is returning to her family roots.

  5. TROY says:

    Are those thighs from Tyson Butcher, and do they come with a free bag of chips?

  6. dery says:

    You often write great articles which make me think hard (that is the best compliment a columnist can get) but then you allow drivel like this to be put online. I am referring to the puerile comments beneath your post. Don’t you see that they do nothing for your reputation as an opinion former and as a ‘free thinker’?

    [Daphne – I think you’re confusing me with Mario Vella or Oliver Friiggieri. I am not in the business of forming opinions or ‘free thinking’, whatever that might mean. ]

    • dery says:

      Oh Yes you are. Whether you do it consciously or not, when you have the ability to write simply and coherently as you have, you do form opinions in other people’s minds.

      I used the word freethinker in the sense that you often come out with arguments in a novel way. Sometimes there are ‘blockages’ in people’s minds in that they are set to think in a set way. You sometimes say things in a completely different way. I have admired this in you since the early 90s even though I have often disagreed with what you said.

      But as I said you pepper your really brilliant pieces with things like this. I love it when you talk about ideas, dislike it when you (or the comments) talk about the personal lives of people.

      That is just my opinion of course and this is your blog and you are free to use it as you wish.

  7. dery says:

    Oh incidentally…. Oliver Friggieri or Mario Vella (I am not even sure who he is) have surely not shaped my thoughts as I don’t remember reading anything by them and enjoying it. It might be just me but if some writing is going to change my opinion about anything I’d have to enjoy reading it.

    [Daphne – Exactly.]

  8. Michela says:

    A magistrate wasting time on Facebook.

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