In a world of their own – Roberto Str82DPoint Francalanza
Roberto Francalanza, that nasty piece of work from Super One who took a salary as the prime minister’s chauffeur when Prime Minister Sant drove himself around, wrote this on Ronnie Pellegrini’s Facebook wall yesterday:
Trid tkun it-times li tuza tali ritratti. Imma l-iktar il-kummenti li jithallew jixxandru. Xi kultant ninsa li kienet propju l-istess gazzetta li b’ nuqqas kbir, harget informazzjoni personali fuq l-marda li kellu l-ex Prim Ministru Sant. TAL-MISTHIJA
For somebody who works in the Labour Party’s propaganda room in between bouts of ghost chauffeuring, he’s rather ill-informed. The way I remember it, the hospital chief gave a media briefing after Sant was operated on for cancer, and he could have done this only on the express instruction of the patient.
The crowd of reporters was also addressed by Anthony Zammit, now shadow minister for health, who performed the surgery and said that he was the only person to have seen Alfred Sant on the inside as well as the outside.
This is from Super One’s website:
Roberto Francalanza/Manager Human Resources & Corporate Services
Roberto started off his career in the broadcasting industry in 1992 at Bay Radio after he has finished his academic studies in the field of hospitalisation and nursing. In 1998 Roberto joined ONE Productions Ltd serving as Assistant Manager of News & Current Affairs department. During his occupancy he produced and presented leading current affairs programmes Qribna and STR82dPO!NT, both increasing in popularity as each year passes.
Having work experience in several governmental administration positions Roberto is now flourishing his career at ONE as a Manager of Human Resources & Corporate Services ensuring the smooth running of the workforce whilst assisting the rest of the management team in organisational duties. In the past few years during the re-furbishing process at the ONE Studios in Marsa, Roberto has expressed his hidden talent for design and decoration as one can truly appreciate his natal colour matching skills and design.
On a personal note Roberto loves travelling especially to Italy and eating pasta which is in perfect harmony with his Italian name even if he was born in Malta.
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Natal skills?
Yes, it is a natal skill because when you see the colours it feels as painful as giving birth.
Fine examples of basic English literacy (confusing past and present):
“…in 1992 at Bay Radio after he has finished his academic studies…”
“During his occupancy he produced”
“…both increasing in popularity as each year passes….”
“In the past few years ….Roberto has expressed”
“ several governmental administration positions…”
“…is now flourishing his career at ONE…”
And apart from the bad grammar, the award for most banal comment ever must go to:
“…Roberto loves travelling especially to Italy and eating pasta which is in perfect harmony with his Italian name even if he was born in Malta”
“…his natal colour matching skills..” – Terrible.
He forgot to mention that he was born in Zejtun. Is he ashamed to mention this fact?
Tghid jigi mit-Tyson Butcher? According to their latest ad, “in-nies gejjin minn Malta kollha….Sliema! Mgarr!”
Tghid marru z-Zejtun bil-bus halli jiffrankaw tal-petlor?
Perhaps an article on natal colour matching in the next edition of Flair?
natal, inate, inane….
Maybe they meant “anal”.
Natal = related to the nates (buttocks)
It’s useful to have a doctor on board.
I see. So he gets his natal colour matching skills and design from his arse.
By ‘natal’ I think he means he was born with those skills. Perhaps, like his pasta-eating, he has tailored his English to his name.
I am not a paediatrician but I recall ours saying that newborns have limited focus and a limited colour spectrum .
Natal (kwazulu natal) is also an important Nelson Mandela platform. Maybe that’s why Mr.Pellegrini quoted him on Facebook.
Daphne, can you please confirm if in maltese we write ‘ghal pajjiz’ or ‘ghall-pajjiz’ cause the mlp banners all read ‘moviment gdid ghal pajjiz ahjar’ but i think it should read ‘ moviment gdid ghall-pajjiz ahjar’.
[Daphne – The MLP banner is correct. Ghall-pajjiz uses the definite article; ghal pajjiz is the equivalent of the use of the indefinite article in English. Ghall-pajjiz ahjar: for the better country; ghal pajjiz ahjar: for a better country.]
I’m guessing that the Labour mob won’t be rushing to let people know that you actually give Maltese grammar lessons on your blog. It was the one thing that allowed them to feel superior, poor things.
Daphne, the PL banner is NOT correct. It should read “Moviment gdid ghal pajjiz aghar”.
very funny….as if qed nghixu fuq ir rubini taht dan il-gvern!!!
Ros, you clearly don’t know how good you have it, or what life in the REAL WORLD OUTSIDE YOUR CUCKOO’S NEST is like. Mur arak tghix l-Italja go xi dormitory suburb mimli flats kolla l-istess, go tlett kmamar zghar u b’xi paga inqas minn ta’ hawn Malta..
This brainbox forecast a Labour victory in 2008. The victory that never happened and Inspector Gadget went nuts. STR82DPoint Francalanza had lots of answers to give.
Actually his name is Robert, he changed it to Roberto i.e. Roberto is a stage name.
[Daphne – I thought as much. I always knew him as Robert Francalanza, and I’m quite sure that’s what his birth certificate and ID card say. But then he’d have to eat sausages and mash to match his name, wouldn’t he.]
Yes, or fish and chips. Maybe Alfred Sant doesn’t invite him over any more for tea and scones.
A stage name? But the One website says he’s their human resources manager. Do human resources managers have stage names at Super One?
Another question – is there a single straight man at that station, or is the Pink Mafia hard at work looking after its own? I ask only because it seems that, in a reversal of what usually happens, heterosexual men are being discriminated against.
The straight ones went to The Point.
Jack of all trades, this Francalanza.
I think I’ve missed something. But as far as I know Alfred Sant’s driver was a dockyard worker (tal-qalba), Cefai – he used to sit in the passenger seat and then park the car.
You are right, he was not actually Alfred’s driver but parker. He used to tell everybody that he is very close to him. Xi dwejjaq ta’ nies.
Luigi, his driver was close to him because he sat inches away on the passenger seat.
Then Robert(o) must have been the one employed to crash it.
Labour Leaders seem to be bad drivers. Last I heard was that Joseph’s Alfa was involved in a crash in Burmarrad last week – round about midnight. It had to be towed away.
Thanks so much for this post. I really needed a good laugh today.
UNBELIEVIT, as Alan Mmontanaro would say.
“natal colour matching skills and design”
I would have thought pre-natal was the metaphor they were looking for. This would then describe the obvious lack of the rest of the skills in the rest of the paragraph. i.e being tucked up enjoying “womb service” and not knowing what colours matching or otherwise and design actually are.
TAL-MISTHIJA? Cor that’s some cheek. A defining “tal-misthija” in my memory is the Times of Malta going up in flames…..while Nero fiddled.
How does one flourish a career?
By sucking up to a lonely man in a wig, who looks like he’s got potential. He’s not the only boy who did it, but the other one flourished his career a whole lot more and is now party leader, while Francalanza is human resources manager and interior decorator at Super One.
Jien tghiduli xejn ghax kien jaffaxinani bil-programmi li kien kapaci jipprezenta, u minhabba l-onesta, il-qlubija, u l-imhabba li dejjem kienet tidher fuq wiccu u fil-kliem helu li kien juza kont qed nahsibha nivvutax lil Labour.
Vera jafu jazluhom il-prezentaturi dawn tal-Labour, u talli bil-kapacita tieghu irnexxielu jaghtihom rebha kbira poggewh fil-human resources.
Ta’ Net TV jafu jaghzluhom il-prezentaturi? Qas programm sura….mhux ta’ b’xejn iritirajtu mill-award…loosers!!!!
[Daphne – It’s ‘losers’, with one ‘o’. LOOSE is what your trousers are when you LOSE weight. ]
Troy your information about the incident involving Joseph’s Alfa is correct.
All this talent for design and decoration at Super One, could it mean anything?
Yes. They don’t know where they’re going so that means they’re in the right place.
Can’t they find someone who can write half decent English? A party of monkeys can beat Gonzi and his merry men at a general election but at this rate the LP are at risk of losing out.
these are stupid sweeping statements….dejjem tiggeneralizzaw u tinsinwaw kull darba li l laburisti injoranti u hamalli u li n nazzjonalisti kollha huma intelligenti u jokkupaw l-ghola karigi fis socjeta’….pfffffffff kemm sejrin zball!!! Bniedem m’ghandux ikun ikkunsidrat intelligenti ghax jaf jitkellem bl ingliz….
You’d expext the party who wants to lead the country for five years to have a reasonable command of English, especially when the language is used generally in our education system. Imagine the embarrassment when European focus falls on us and our media when it’s Malta’s turn to preside over the EU. The Labour media pulls its own party down.
Bniedem li ma jafx jikteb u lanqas jitkellem sew bl-edba lsien huwa injorant.
Just in case you didn’t understand, let me translate:
Someone who does not know how to write or even speak properly in any language is ignorant.
And I’ll add that you illustrate this perfectly.
I wonder if half of you pass these such comments in public face to face with the person in question. I just invite you! I bet you are a bunch of desperate losers with nothing to do in life.
I think you need a hug.