Brand guidelines for vandalism – my, my
January 16, 2011 at 7:13pm
The Labour Party’s brand guidelines seem to be working. Look, now they’re even using neat stencils to vandalise public property. This has been stencil-sprayed over the Bugibba/Qawra promenade.
Oh, and incidentally, it took us more than half an hour to drive from Il-Gillieru (where, at another table, Magistrate Herrera sat with her lover Musumeci, her brother Jose and that charlatan Bundy) up the road to Bidnija after lunch today. The streets were crawling with the bumper-to-bumper cars of starving protestors who can’t afford to pay for petrol and diesel or a day out.
It was like the rush hour in a big city, and I’m not exaggerating.
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Their logo may be new, but their habits are old. Back to the glorious 70s and 80s.
I thought the bumper-to-bumper snail’s pace traffic was in summer only. I have fond memories of watching the huffing pot-bellied types with overweight wife and kids in their souped-up cars from Dwejra on my Sunday runs.
These “cost of living” protests are getting ever more ludicrous. If they were of the La Terreur type, I’d be tempted to join. We need to saw off a few billionaires’ heads and stick them on pitchforks. But these deluded fools are protesting against the Nationalist government so they can have a Labour government, and more of the same. It’s like: Please keep on buggering me, as long as it’s Labour.
That’s grassroots for you, and it’s a fair warning to any dolt who repeats the “PN grassroots” mantra. What did our beloved and courted grassroots ever contribute, besides hdura, lanzit, hamallagni, violence, and even more hamallagni. Watch Xarabank for a statistical sampling of “grassroots” and then try to transform that collection of bleats and hysterics into a coherent policy.
Bundy with the Herreras and lover-boy Musumeci! Well, why not, he’s a well qualified loser in this losers-only club.
Bundy thinks that Labour will treat him like one of theirs – they will only do so until they regain power. Read my lips…….
When I see Bundy’s name in print nowadays I feel sick. A bloody turncoat! This is the problem with some people who call themselves ‘Nationalists’. If you don’t grease their palm, they knife you in the back. What happened to loyalty, honour?
Bundy does it for the money and not for political conviction.
He is like a mercenary.
And what about the thousands who throng Sliema and St. Julian’s on Saturdays and Sundays? It seems that this year there was no post-festivities lull because many of the catering establishments in these localities were jam packed with customers; while each parking spot was taken this weekend. I just hope that none of these people were protesting on Friday. But is it possible that half of Malta is starving and the other half is indulging?
I am sure there are families who, though doing their best, are finding it hard to cope financially.
But the majority can’t accept that if they are on a low-paid job the words “needs and wants” are totally different. They can’t accept that they have to see to their needs first, and then if there is anything left over, to their wants (that is after saving some of the left over).
Is it only me who feels like smashing the TV screen when some poor little pensioner says “I have a W & E bill for eur 200. How can I pay it from my pension of eur 100?” No one ever tells them that they should put something by every week so that when the W & E bill arrives they can cope.
Waqt l-ahhar programm li ghamel Bundy fuq One TV qal, “meta kont attivist mal-PN “. Meta, Bundy? Sa fejn naf jien, mal-PN dejjem impjegat kont.
Bugibba u l-Qawra mimmlija karrozzi. Tas-Sliema u San Giljan l-istess, u anke Birzebbuga u Marsascala.
U trid tikkonsidra wkoll il-Maltin li jkunu fil-lukandi ghal-weekend breaks, ghax hawn min imur kull gimgha tafux.
U oltre minn hekk dawk in-nisa li fost il-gimgha jmorru ghat-tombla.
Nixtieq jghidilna Alfred Zammit ta’ Kalamita tal-One TV kemm ikollu nisa ghat-tombla fost il-gimgha. Iva dawn kollha ma jistghux ilahqu mal-hajja?
Qatta nies bla bajd, kollha tiktbu anonimu, qatta kodardi u ipokriti.
N.L, jihder li ma’ tafx x’inhu l-Partit Nazzjonalista biex ma tafx li jien kont attivist. Iva kont impjegat ukoll u ghandi unur li kont.
Kellek bzonn ghamilt pulzier wiehed xoghol daqs kemm ghamilt jien ghal Partit Nazzjonalista Int u l-propjetarja ta’ din il-blogg.
Dak li ghamilt ghal Partit Nazzjonalista ma’ jhammarlix wicci u kburi li ghamiltu. Dak inhar kien Partit Nazzjonalista, llum Partit ta’ sitta.
John Bundy
……and I always thought that John Bundy was a singer and a radio presenter.
He just showed his true colours, a PL supporter, busy undermining public support for the PN.
One wonders what made John Bundy despise the Nationalist Party so much and why he became so touchy and sensitive. Could it be the four cents on the price of milk or the two cents on the price of bread? Or maybe he is all in favour of the living wage.
“Kellek bzonn ghamilt pulzier wiehed xoghol daqs kemm ghamilt jien ghal Partit Nazzjonalista Int u l-propjetarja ta’ din il-blogg.”
I humbly ask the proprietor of this blog to quantify her efforts in inches.
John Bundy is free to choose the station he would like to air his program.
[Daphne – That’s not the way it works, Max, and that’s why Bundy is on Super One and not on NET or TVM: force of circumstance.]
If John Bundy is speculating that now il Partit hu ta’ sitta can he please indicate who are these six?
John, I hope to see you soon on Net or Radio 101, do not burn any bridges.