Comment of the Day

Are we supposed to believe that the shadow minister of finance and head of the Public Accounts Committee knew nothing about the ministerial and MPs' salary increases?
From Gahan
Charlie Mangion tal-Labour m’huwiex ic-Chairman tal-Public Accounts Committee u shadow minister tal-finanzi? Allura nghid jien, dawn il-flus kollha kif harbulu ghal sentejn shah? Dan inkompetenti?
U l-Awditur Generali li kieku xamm xi haga procedurali tintenn ma’ kienx jitkellem?
Issa jew dat-tnejn kienu reqdin raqda tajba jew inkella Joseph qed jghaddina passata ikeskisna kontra Gonzi.
Ghax tghid Dr Mangion l-anqas fetah halqu fuq din il-bicca. Forsi qed jaspira li jsir ministru? Jew kien jaf, ghax mal-flus mhux la kemm tilaghblu.
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Bravu, Gahan. Dr. Mangion has been too quiet about the whole matter. On the other hand, he is usually the one who could tell you the exact figure of the public debt, accrued interest included, every hour.
Thanks for this award, Daphne.
Today Charles Mangion showed his concern about the suspension of property sales to foreigners. Well, what would you expect from a notary who makes his money that way?
The Chairman of the PAC, the Auditor General and, why not, the Cabinet Secretary.
All three have a lot to answer regarding this executive cock-up.
The onus is now on the house business committee.
It should take its time, let the hysteria die down and decide with untainted authority.