Inspector Farrugia rewrites history

Published: January 27, 2011 at 9:27pm

A great upholder of the people's rights

“Malta always voiced and enhanced the principle of people’s rights”

Labour Party deputy leader, Anglu Farrugia, speaking in parliament and quoted in The Times today.

I’m a bit cheesed off at Inspector Farrugia. I’m one of his constituents, but he never sends me a birthday card or rings me to wish me a hepibirrrrtey, like he does with other constituents.

One of them (not a fan of his, though he keeps right on trying – you never know, one more card and they might vote for him) told me how every year, Anglu sends her husband a birthday card. But he never sends one to her, though they live in the same house and both are his constituents.

I told her that maybe he’s making a pass, though I really don’t get any gaydar vibes off that lump.

Anyway, the birthday card to the husband arrives in splendour, in an envelope marked HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Obviously, the Labour Party has nothing to say about this waste of taxpayers’ money on the bulk-buying of 19c stamps for Anglu Farrugia to send birthday cards to people who just might vote for him if he sends enough of them.

But this year, my informant told me, Anglu Farrugia upped the ante. He’s smelling the scent of a general election and is high on an adrenalin rush. Instead of sending her husband a birthday card, he sent a voice greeting over the telephone. But the husband wasn’t in, so the wife took the call, and the pompous voice at the other end of the line said:

“Hawnhekk mill-Ufficcju tad-Deputat Mexxej tal-Partit Laburista. L-Onor Anglu Farrugia jixtieq jawguralu f’gheluq sninu. Jixiteq ukoll ifakkru biex jekk ikollu bzonn xi haga huwa jkun fl-ufficcju tieghu l-Mosta f’dawn il-hinijiet u l-granet”.

By the time the wife had gathered her wits about her and thought up a suitably scathing reply, the voice had rung off, no doubt to ring other constituents with birrrrrrtdeyzzzzz.

Please ring me, Anglu. The date is 26th August. And rest assured I’ll have my answer ready. It’s in the vernacular and comes in five syllables, none of which are witty.

47 Comments Comment

  1. Min Weber says:

    What does he mean exactly?

    It’s no mean feat getting beyond the wall of crassness surrounding thoughts externalized by this man.

  2. TROY says:

    Kif ma jisthix dan il-bniedem? Mela hasibna boloh u li xi darba se ninsew il-hnizrijiet li ghamel meta kien fil-korp?

  3. Cportelli says:

    I love u daphne – god ur good!

  4. Salvu Felice Pace says:

    When people have something to hide about their past, particularly if they are in public life, they opt for rewriting history. We see this happening about political violence, denial of human rights, tampering with justice, joining the EU….

    I remember writing one of my then fairly regular articles in The Times and in it I quoted one your articles Daphne, regarding your arrest as a young lass and the inhumane treatment you received by the same man who spoke in Parliament yesterday about people’s rights.

    I had a phone call and someone very close to Anglu Farrugia (he gave me his name) wondered why I wrote what I did as things didn’t happen as I described them. He suggested that we met for coffee. I accepted but I told him that he had to come to Gozo. He never accepted the offer, neither did he write to the paper clearing the matter.

    Presumably there was nothing to be cleared.

  5. TROY says:

    Hearing Gadget’s voice on the phone would definitely spoil my birthday.

  6. Riya says:

    Ta’ meta kien fil-korp hnizrijiet biss nistghu niftakru ghax dawk biss kien kapaci jaghmel.

    U meta arresta lil Daphne u qafilha fic-cella fid -dlam kollha hmieg biex tifferma statement falz li kien ivvinta hu. Ghax qal li Daphne uzat il-vjolenza kontra l-Pulizija. Ara kemm u villjakk. Dik kienet wahda spettakolari u min hu tampari ma’ jinsiha qatt.

    Dik ghamilha biex jintogoghb mall-bravu l-iehor Laurence Pullicino biex imbaghad meta telghu in-Nazzjonalisti ghamillu bhal ma Pilatu ghamel lil Kristu, u mar fejn l-istamperija isaqsi ghal Demarco biex ilahqu kummissarju.

    Imma f’wiccu baqa ghax fil-PN mhux kullhadd iblah u jibla dak kollu li jghidulu. U kif ghadhom bl-istess mentalita’, jahsbu li biex tinqeda f’xi haga trid tkellem lill-Ministru. Kemm baqghu lura jahasra. Mur gibu ministru lil Anglu Farrugia kemm jippoza. Ikunu vera qedin sew hu u Joseph ghax it-tnejn biex jippuzaw tajbin.

  7. Paul Bonnici says:

    If the PN don’t pull their socks up and stop being complacent, they will be in opposition soon.

    Daphne, I can’t think of the five-syllable reply you have in mind for our Anglu. Please give me a clue!

    [Daphne – It’s earthy and the first word is ‘ibilghu’.]

  8. ciccio2011 says:

    Daphne, do you really think there is a scent of a general election? Are you saying so because of a possible referendum on divorce in 2011?

    [Daphne – Anglu smells it, not me. He’s smelt it for the last 18 months.]

  9. Bus Driver says:


    Anglu Farrugia- Main Spokesperson for Employment, Quality of Life and Workers’ Rights, Deputy Leader for Parliamentary Affairs


    Roll on the Great New Era bringing with it an unparalleled rise in job creation and, of all things, Quality of Life: as in arresting 19-year-old girls from their place of work, chucking them for 27 hours in dirty windowless unlit cells, and bringing them before the Court without even the flimsiest shred of evidence.

    Ang, erga mur irkeb l-iljunfant bil-qmis hierga minn qalzietek. Il-mustacci u il-berritta li ma tigiekx telqu – imma il-passat jibqa hemm u ma jistghax jithassar.

  10. Riya says:

    Paul Bonnici, if Labour is elected, we will have Anglu Farrugia as an expert on petlor.

  11. Helen Cassar says:

    Luv ya, Daphne! You are so entertaining. Keep us up to date with Dumbo’s latest antics. I’ll keep your birrtey in mind so you won’t miss Dumbo’s phone call.

  12. Ghar u Kasa says:

    First Anglu succumbed to having his moustache removed. Now he’s sending voice messages on birthdays. What’s next? A free lottery offering his inspector’s cap as the prize? That cap can tell tales, not myths.

  13. vaux says:

    The last bit made my day.

  14. Anthony Farrugia says:

    Not forgetting Alfred Sant the “eminence grise” behind the throne; if and when they get to Castille, will they accept ministers’ increased salary and honoraria? Why will they not pledge now that they will accept the “old” salary?

  15. Jo Camille says:

    Ma pogga lill-hadd in charge mil-gideb u l-bsaten fir-roti li jaghmlu kuljum. Jew forsi tant hemm li ddecedew li kulhadd jghid tieghu – kollha flimkien, ghax wiehed wahdu ma jlahhaqx maghhom.

    • George Mifsud says:

      What about Toni? I wonder how he’s feeling, being officially left out. I know that he is only DL in charge of ‘affarijiet tal-partit’, but I am also pretty sure that they will cook up something or other.

      [Daphne – Toni Abela is not a member of parliament.]

  16. Riya says:

    Ejja, ghamel wahda tajba Joseph, meta nehha lil Anglu minn shadow minister tal-Intern, il-Pulizija u s-sigurta ghax fl-ahhar induna li Anglu fil-ligi karawetta.

  17. Riya says:

    Issa dahhal iehor antik, il-Guy. Nisperaw li mhux gejja l-vjolenza taz-zmien dawn in-nies.

  18. maryanne says:

    Jose’ Herrera is Spokesperson for Justice. I am sure Consuelo will be celebrating over the weekend.

  19. Hot Mama says:

    ‘Rewrites history’ …I thought he can’t write

  20. rowena smith says:

    Does anyone understand this ‘news’ piece from Maltastar?

    “Staff working at Wasteserv is on the books of a security company. The details have been given in Parliament of how 132 employees working at Wasteserv are registered as employees of J.R Security company.

    The employees labourers and at management level too.”

    I read and weep.

  21. TROY says:

    Il-Guy, vera bniedem ta’ l-affari tieghu. Jien niftakar meta hu u Johnnie Dalli (tal-Labour) kienu dahlu fuq iz-zewgt lanec lussuzi taghhom go l-Ghadira biz-zball ghax hasbu li kienu dehlin il-port il-kbir.

    Kien zball genwin ghax id-dahla tal-Ghadira w dik tal-port il-kbir simili hafna. Kienu gejjin minn Sqallija fejn forsi ghamlu daqsxejn shopping, taf int.

    Pero dawn l-affarijiet kienu se jqasmuhom lill-poplu Malti ghax dawn it-tnejn min-nies kienu qalbhom tad-deheb u dejjem qassmu gidhom.

    Issa dan il-Guy gie ippremjat min Joseph Muscat, u dan tah l-inkarigu sabiex jorganizza il-manifest elettorali tal PL.

    Nispera li issa Karmenu Vella tghallem il-gografija ta’ Malta li ma jmurx jitfixkel bejn il-Mellieha u l-Belt.

  22. K Farrugia says:

    This is interesting: Andy Ellul has said live on ONE TV (without explicit reference to you, obviously) that you have, and I quote “frustrazzjoni f hajtek”. I guess he’s confused with his frustration at not getting a seat on the Chamber council.

    Also, towards the end of the programme, “journalist” Randolph Debattista mentioned you by name, Bundy read your response from this blog and finally concluded by telling you “Don’t call me.”

    All in all, that part was the only funny occasion during the whole programme, which was principally characterised by Saviour Balzan’s boredom and the words of wisdom of Joe Grima’s brother.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      John Bundy brought along six men, including one priest, three journalists, one lawyer and one GWU man, to fight one woman with a blog.
      And he still lost his case.

      He had to hear some sour messages during the programme, including:

      1. Andy Ellul saying that blogs should not be regulated (he said regularised by mistake).

      2. Saviour Balzan saying that he is against censorship and that freedom of expression should not be gagged.

      3. Godfrey Grima saying that John Bundy as a public figure should not be too sensitive.

  23. maryanne says:

    Tistghu ticcekkjaw kif jien u ta’ hdejja ma nikklikkjawx fuq dan il-blog imma kapaci naghmlu tlett sighat niddiskutuh u nghidu kontra dak li jinkiteb fuqu?

    What a farce of a programme Affari Taghna was. However. there were a few conclusions to be drawn.

    1. The most important one is – this blog is super effective. It had a whole programme dedicated to it without it being referred to specifically. Imma fl-ahhar minuta ma felhux iktar.

    2. Hysterical Saviour is going to change his paper’s name from Malta Today to Bla Agenda Today (but we have one for tomorrow). Everybody else is paid by political parties and has strings attached.

    3. Godrey Grima needs to have his eyesight checked because he should look and find ‘zibel’ nearer home. According to him u ta’ hdejh, this blog is zibel and vomtu but their words, looks and body lanhuage are manna from heaven. Incidentally, I do not swear but since these two gentlemen equated this blog with a dawgha, I need to confess this sin of which I will not be repenting.

    • Suldat ta’ l-azzar Guzeppin says:

      Eh bilhaqq ……kont ghoddni nsejt ras. Issa anke Salvu tal-Malta Today gie maghna, qaxxar il-lehja bhal Joseph u qed jdher fuq is-Super One.

      • TROY says:

        Ikrah kien u izjed gie, pero qaghad hafna attent li ma jsemmix lil Daphne, ghax terga taghtieh kedda.

  24. davidg says:

    I watched five minutes of the programme, when John Bundy gave an example that he is eating out in a restaurant and at the same time he is mentioned on a blog, and robbers might call at his home.

    He wanted legal advice whether this is permitted and without getting any response from the panel, he directed his question to Godfrey Grima. Without hesitation,Grima told him of course they can do so because you are a public figure and you have to face such behaviour.

    With the same argument thieves can call at his home while he is conducting TV or radio programmes, attending Centru Laburista, etc..Now I have no doubt that the PN, Caqnu, Degorgio,and PBS to name a few did the right thing to fire him, with such a low IQ.

  25. Suldat ta’ l-azzar Guzeppin says:

    M’ghandux ragun John Bundy? Imnejn sa fejn taqbdu u tikritikawh ghax jikkonverti u jara d-dawl ta’ min ihaddmu?

    Nhar il-Hamis rajtu jinbexx lis-Sinjura Caruana Galizia x’hin kien qieghed jaghmel l-analizi tal-gazzetti.Il-botta kienet veru tad-dahk u spiccajt nitkaghawweg ma l-art. Qalina li issa id-divorzju se jaqleb bit-Three Shift: mis-sitta sas-saghtejn , mis-saghtejn sa l-ghaxra u mill-ghaxra sa-sitta!

    Kif faqghek Daphne! L-anqas tafu x’se taghmlu minghajru fl-elezzjoni li gejja inthom in-Nazzjonalisti. L-aqwa nies maghna gejjin, naq’ ohra u niehdulkom lil Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, u warajh lil Mugliette.

    U xi tridu tghidu kontra Karmenu Vella “il-Guy”? Dak habib ta’ kullhadd u ma jaghajjar lil hadd ta’ kontrih , mhux talli hekk talli gieli johrog jiekol maghhom jew jiehu xi drink. Dak b’handshake naqra specjali qalli li jirrangalek li trid f’tebqa t’ghajn, bhalma kien Gwido, Alla jahfirlu

  26. Suldat ta’ l-azzar Guzeppin says:

    Isma sinjuri Nazzjonalisti ippatentjati, tikazaw b’min qal “jien u dan ta’ hdejja ma nikklikjawx fuq il-blogg tas-Sinjura Daphne” u inthom tghidu li ma tarawx Affari Taghna ta’ Johnnie taghna! Ara jien ma nisthix nghid li dejjem lilu nara l-Gimgha.

    Halluna ja qabda giddibin bhal-Gonzi (sew kien qallu Joseph fuq ta’ Peppi)!

    Rajtuh mill-bidu sa l-ahhar u kien isbah minn Xarabank.

  27. TROY says:

    Bundy was in a panic yesterday on ‘Affari taghna’, pacing up and down his little stage wearing a suit that was two sizes too big and furious when almost nobody agreed with him that blogs should be censored.

    • La Redoute says:

      Censored, eh? By whom? John Bundy?

    • La Redoute says:

      It seems he doesn’t know the difference between editing and censorship. No blinking wonder he ended up on One TV.

      • Grezz says:

        Maybe he was thinking of censorship as in the (bad) old Labour days.

      • La Redoute says:

        No. It’s because he’s of the particular mindset that believes censorship to be a good thing because it will protect his interests, failing to see that it could as easily work against him.

        It’s no small wonder that dictatorship and censorship go hand in hand, but Bundy’s sort can’t see it. And it’s no wonder that the ignorant and small minded band together, but Bundy can’t see that either. Why else would he have sought refuge among the like-minded at One?

  28. Benny says:

    Jidher li kollox b`xejn qed jibghat. Mela kieku se johrog xi haga minn butu? U x`qal fuq id-demokrazija fi zmienu? U ahjar ma nghid xejn! Mela dan qadu qed jahseb li l-Maltin ghadhom cwiec?

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