John Dalli mistieden ghand Magistrate Consuelo – what a surprise

Published: January 25, 2011 at 5:32pm

Vince 'Hugh Hefner' Micallef with the girls of the Playboy Mansion (end of line, knock off version) at one of Consuelo Herrera's 'parties for charity' last January

Mamma mia, these people are sooooooooooooo transparent, with their great big wheels within wheels clunking all over town.

It has been brought to my attention that Magistrate Consuelo hosted a sort of get-together for friends (and useful people, no doubt) at her house on Sunday, 2 January.

Those present included:

John Dalli
Toni Abela
George Hyzler
Giannella Caruana Curran
Stephen Tonna Lowell, her lawyer in the police case against me

Do I see a pattern here?

No doubt she will say when challenged, as she did when she was asked why she invited Saviour Balzan to her house at Christmas, that John Dalli ‘was Robert Musumeci’s guest’ and that they ‘each own half of the house so invite their own guests independently’ – as though ‘Robert Musumeci’ is her housemate, and not her bedmate.

If they host a party, they host it as a couple, together. I can’t imagine opening the door to somebody at my house and telling him ‘Oh right, you’re my husband’s guest. Might I ask you to stand in his half of the house, while I stand in mine and talk to MY guests? Oh, and those are his drinks over there. Please don’t touch these, because they’re for MY friends.”

34 Comments Comment

  1. TROY says:

    This magistrate is an embarrassment to our nation.

    [Daphne – No, she’s just an embarrassment to herself, but she always has been so she wouldn’t be aware of it. The nation is not responsible for her behaviour.]

  2. Ta' Ninu says:

    Might sound childish but oh so apt – ”Birds of a feather flock together”. And please note I said FLOCK.

  3. ciccio2011 says:

    Could it be she thought John Dalli was John Bundy – like in that incident involving Michael Cassar?

  4. sixfooter says:

    By your standards and face features you should smell patterns. Got it?

  5. ciccio2011 says:

    I have to add, I admire the Magistrate for doing her best to entertain the disgruntled Nationalists by inviting them to her parties.

  6. VR says:

    Something is telling that during this party the name of DCG was never mentioned. I may be wrong or dreaming.

  7. Dem-ON says:

    Was it Playboy Mansion, or Playboar Mansion?

  8. P Shaw says:

    If she is so transparent as a prime mover – why do these people flock to her? She needs them and not the other way round, unless they need protection from the judiciary in the future.

    [Daphne – They flock to her because people are undiscriminating. What passes for society now is new to the rules and to what is acceptable and unacceptable. Also, many of her guests are just like her – they would have been social pariahs in previous generations, so really it’s a case of like sticking with like, and with a few fools hanging on.]

  9. Ivan Magro says:

    But Daphne, seriously…. what is your point? If we start pointing out these matters I’m pretty sure we’ll end up with a big list involving personalities from both PN & PL.

    Anyway, it’s your blog, so your rules but I had to vouch my opinion :)

    [Daphne – Well, if we end up with a big list involving politicians from whichever party, that is the point. Magistrates should not invite politicians to their homes for parties. Just as they should not invite lawyers who defend clients before them.]

  10. Hot Mama says:

    Consie’s Lounge Bar – where the hasbeens go to die and the parvenus go to suck the life out of them.

  11. Angus Black says:

    The stress of becoming an EU commissioner seems to be getting to John Dalli. Is he on a steady diet of genetically modified food?

    He’s completely lost it.

  12. Daphne ,

    Thank God we have Lawrence Gonzi as prime minister, otherwise we end up likeTunez.


  13. Maria says:

    I shall not/will not vote for John Dalli anymore if he were to decide to contest the next general elections under the PN ticket.

  14. Dem-ON says:

    Is Vince Micallef wearing something ‘amusing’ on his nose?

  15. Riya says:

    Dan John Dalli thawwad sew issa wkoll. Anzi nahseb tilef il-boxla. Pero’ jista jkun li mar hemm habba huh Bastian ghax dak anke dwar il-kaz tal-whisky li sar ilma ghad irid jerga jidher il-Qorti.

  16. red nose says:

    A good politician would never have accepted an invitation from a magistrate “in the news”.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      You make a good point. Would a good EU Commissioner have accepted an invitation from a magistrate in one of the member states? Barroso, please note.

  17. Anthony Farrugia says:

    Can somebody identify the gals in the photo? Could be surprising.

  18. lino says:

    The girls remind me of a magician’s best assets: a cunning array of stunts.

  19. Grezz says:

    Who is the magistrate in the infamous “green soap” case involving John Dalli’s brother?

  20. Riya says:

    Dawn ma tantx jidru mdejqin minhabba l-gholi tal-hajja.

  21. Riya says:

    Dan John Dalli sab post tajjeb fl-EU. Imma ahjar hekk ghax kien joqghod jisfida l-Gvern li jaghmel xi wahda bhalma ghamel Mintoff u kemm Gonzi kif ukoll il-poplu Malti ma kienx ikollu mohhu mistrieh.

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