Rock bottom
January 31, 2011 at 10:11pm
Are you anywhere near a television? Switch to Super One for the ultimate definition of desperately sad:
Joe Grima interviewing his brother Godfrey.
Next week: Godfrey interviews Joe.
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Isn’t that nepotism?
No….it’s fraternisation!
No, it would be nepotism if the interviewee were Bert.
This is fraternism. (Webster gives this word, so please don’t look like that at me!)
They are pathetic.
maaaaaa xi dwejjaq
How can you stand to watch such programmes? He always ‘discusses’ the same things.
Xi dwejjaq ta’ nies, u xi dwejjaq ta’ stazzjon.
Did you see this?
“The Labour Party’s reaction to the satirical ‘Visit Malta’ mock poster campaign was that “the issue merits not just the original touch of humour by a commentator, but serious consideration and a well thought campaign.” –
Is Labour losing the plot?
What do you mean, is Labour losing the plot? Labour lost the plot 40 years ago and hasn’t picked up the threads of the narrative since.
Mur gib lil missierhom jara lil ulliedu fuq stazzjon tal-Lejber, kemm kien joffendihom u jghidilhom laghqa – daqs kemm kien Nazzjonalist.
Mhux hu rabbihom? Tort tieghu, qalbi. Rabba zewg opportunisti mill-aghar. Kieku wiehed nghid hariglu zmerg, imma tnejn?
On E! you get to keep up with the Kardashians, and on Super One you get to keep up with Joe and Godfrey Grima.
The Grimm Brothers’ fairy tales, exclusively on One.
I did try to watch but I simply cannot stand them. Chris was giving them all the encouraging economic results and Godfrey, with his typical ‘know-it-all’ arrogance, kept saying that whatever the two PN speakers were saying, the people weren’t ‘experiencing’ the results.
Pathetic is a gross understatement. Sometimes I really wish to see them again in government so that they fall flat on their face again and go straight back to opposition.
Don’t you have anything better to do than watching ONE and reading Malta Today?
Bondi Plus was very interesting ……I zapped and sneaked….on ONE, but preferred Lou.
[Daphne – Like most women, I can watch television AND do something else.]
Like most people in the world, I was eating AND zapping.
I know Malta has a small population but the various chat shows/political programmes/opinjonisti/panels all seem to recruit their ‘guests’ from the same small group.
For example, is it possible that whenever a priest is present it is always one out of about ten? Surely there are many more who could give their views.
I only managed to stick it up to the first deadend looping feature about the previous programme full of mistakes and pseudo journalism, then switched to Gad Lerner.
First Joe had a programme called PROTAGONISTI, then INKONTRI. Now perhaps the Grima brothers will join forces for a new programme called OPPORTUNISTI.
I would love to know what the bigwigs at Net were thinking when they gave this ‘never was’ a show on the station after he was kicked out by the other ‘never was’.
Wiehed jintervista lil huh. L-iehor jaghmel programm. Anki il-mara tieghu taghmel programm. Dak l-iehor jaghmel programm ukoll. Eeeee ara, anke l-partner tieghu taghmel programm. And on it goes.
No wonder it doesn’t look as though these people are chosen for their broadcasting and producing skills.
I zapped to One a few times, but couldn’t take it for more than a few seconds at a time zapping away in irritation. According to Godfrey Grima, Leo and Cauchi, the NSO and world renowned institutions are just a waste of time.
All one has to do to gauge a country’s economic performance HUWA LI JSAQSI IN-NIES HEMM BARRA, and if they happen to be Labour-leaning, so much the better.
‘In-nies hemm barra” is a phrase used by people (mostly journalists and politicians) who live in a bubble.
“’In-nies hemm barra qed jieklu pizza flok stake” is one example of this kind of thinking, this time by the man who says he prefers a hamburger to a state dinner.