
Love ya, Save! A baby, eh? Now you have a real reason to spend half the night awake bitching, kvetching and grouching. But watch out for those pro-Mubarak hackers because they're out to get you.
Saviour Balzan’s and Roger de Giorgio’s website was down for around six hours today.
Hmmmm, I thought, they’ve got trouble with their server. It’s happened to me before, though not for six hours.
When Malta Today was (finally) back on line, it led with the story:
Yeah, right. Of all the news sites in the world – all of which are reporting on the Egyptian crisis – pro-Mubarak hackers decided to home in on a poxy Malta site and expend great effort on hacking through and shutting it down.
Because, you know, Malta is the epicentre of the universe, and reports written by people like Matthew Vella and Karl Stagno Navarra reverberate across the globe and send more protestors out into the streets of Cairo.
The report tells us:
Regular reporting and live feeds of the Cairo revolution has led ‘unknown’ sources to hack the MaltaToday site leaving visitors without access for over six hours. The site was up and running at 2230 and MaltaToday promises to continue to give live updates of the Cairo revolt.
Why do I get the feeling that somebody just cocked up bigtime and decided to create an attention-seeking drama around it? Or might I posit an entirely different scenario – that Saviour’s manic boasting on Super One the night before last, when he told us how his is the biggest and the best (website), caused persons unknown to succumb to the irresistible temptation to put a great big hack-rocket under him.
It wasn’t me. I promise.
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Hilarious. Cannot stop laughing. Does he truly believe he is so important? haha.
Yes, he does. He should have been personal assistant to the prime minister, remember. He still can’t get over backing the wrong horse.
Thank God he did not claim Lawrence Gonzi was trying to censor his site.
I find it amazing that the technical personnel have identified the reason for the hacking. Unless the hackers left a message in a file (if they did I am sure Malta Today would have quoted it), or left identifiers that allowed Malta Today to track them down and interview them, then how on earth do they know the hackers’ motive?
If the super sleuths who look after are THAT good the site would have been up and running a lot faster.
Are you taking backups, Saviour?
Could it be Mubarak himself? Oh well he could just blame it on the rain.
No sense of proprtion. It’s worse than I thought. – and this guy exoects to become the advisor to John Dalli, prime minister of Malta, if and when the latter becomes leader of the PN.
Plainly delusional.
Oh come off it, Saviour.
Jien nahseb li kienu tal Al-Jazeera li tfewlu il-websajt lil-Saviour, ghax tal-Egittu geluhom jitfu is-servizz taghhom u allura bezghu lil Karl SN u il-Malta Today jiedhulhom posthom fuq in-news networks globali.
Dan specjament wara li Saviour u Karl dehru fuq Affari Taghna ta’ John Bundy li nahseb id-dinja kollha kienet imkahhla mal-komputers biex titghallem xi haga mil-ghorrief kollha li kienu fuq il-palk – Ghex tghid post tant addattat ghalihom il-koll.
They’ve realised how ridiculous their story is and have removed it, along with the headline:
It was probably one of Kurt Stagno Navarra’s fantasies – a lot more exciting and attention-grabbing than a server problem which inefficiency failed to solve before six hours had gone by.
Who does he think he is, Julian Assange?
Ten years ago or so, I regularly used to attribute systems failures to Bin Laden.
I would not be at all surprised if it were indeed hackers that brought down his web site but his ideas about who those hackers may have been and what their motives were are downright ridiculous.
Besides kvetching, bitching and watching out for those hackers, cooking the minestra seems to be keeping him busy too. He kept referring to it on Bundy’s program last Friday.
Hacking is the new ‘in’ thing for Islamic fundamentalists and secular Arab protestors.