Spare us the hypocrisy
The Labour Party has begun its ‘conference week’, with a session opened tonight by the Great Leader, kitted out in a tie coordinated to the stage-set colour scheme of red, orange and yellow – the result, no doubt, of Super One man Robert-oh Francalanza’s now famous ‘natal colour matching skills’.
The conference slogan is Pajjiz Li Jixraq Lil Uliedna, because Joseph Muscat, devoid of ideas of his own, has been reduced to plundering those of his political opponents in the mistaken belief that what worked for them will work for him, rather than making him look like a cheap Chinese sweat-shop knock-off of the real thing.
Labour’s official news website, Maltastar, has really outdone itself, too, with a slick leader (no, not the one wearing the exceptional tie) titled A country our children deserve .
It tells its readers, just in case they are not particularly bright, that the party conference “is an annual meeting aimed to take stock of the situation and to look forward.”
My gosh, you don’t say.
A party conference that doesn’t take stock of the situation and looks backward – now that would be interesting.
To really drive the point home, Maltastar explains further:
“Indeed Labour is looking forward to propose better living for all. It has understood what this country needs and how it shall be done.”
What this country needs, according to Maltastar and its master, is this:
“… opportunities for social mobility. Those who want to move forward in life can make that move without being hindered. It should not depend on who you are, but on what you can achieve. The people deserve this approach.”
Forgive me if I’m missing something here, but I think the evidence of extreme social mobility is all around us. Nobody is waiting for Joseph Muscat to become prime minister to acquire what they think are the accountrements of the mittilkless.
Malta is now wholly chavtastic. There are chavs everywhere you look. Put on the television: chavs. Turn on the radio: chavs. Open the newspapers: chavs, chavs and more chavs.
Go out into the streets: chavs as far as the eye can see, especially on Valletta’s main drag, which is a horror show of chavdom. The air is thick with chavspeak. Chav ideas dominate. You can’t move for chavs who have spent the last 20 years climbing the social ladder, and Super One is the best example of that.
Look at all those Super propaganda hacks pushing and shoving to become lawyers: Veronique Dalli, Miriam Dalli, Charlon Gouder, and the rest of the Quintons and Byons.
Look at all those Labour policemen who took advantage of schemes to allow police officers to read law while still in the force, who took their salary while still studying and then promptly left to set up on this own, go into politics and now, try to infiltrate the committee of the Chamber of Advocates: Anglu Farrugia, Andy Ellul, Vince Micallef, the now-notorious David Gatt.
The Labour Party’s brass neck is unbelievable. And Joseph Muscat’s neck is the brassiest of all.
The country our children deserve? Our children got the country they deserve no thanks to him and his bad lot. The opportunities they have are all the direct result of the European Union membership he fought so hard against.
The only thing Joseph Muscat deserves from our children is a massive two-fingered reverse salute, not a vote. And from their parents, too. That’s certainly what he’s going to get from me. The bastard almost ruined my sons’ prospects, like his predecessor Mintoff ruined mine and the rest of my generation’s.
I can still remember him clear as day howling and screaming at Fenech Adami that EU membership would be the end of us. Well, it wasn’t, was it, but it was definitely the beginning of Joseph Muscat.
Where would ‘our children’ be now if he had succeeded in his malign plan? For that matter, where would he be, because without the platform he got through the European Parliament, he’d still be performing Charlon Gouder’s role at Super One, just another chav who buys an Alfa, sticks a swimming-pool in his yard, and sends his children to San Anton School.
Ah, but there’s more:
“There are many people who cannot afford to lead a good life because due to government decision they cannot make ends meet. Hence, it is now time to regroup, discuss and act. That is what the Labour Party is doing at this moment to lead this country into a new era of wealth.”
A new era of wealth? With Labour? Don’t make me laugh.
What are Anglu, Toni and Joseph planning on doing – finding a money tree and paying us all the living wage of our dreams?
Maltastar continues to bang on about how the social divide has deepened. That’s right, but it’s not the social divide they think. The chavs are taking over and the people who are not chavs are retreating before the onslaught like the Picts in Scotland.
The socially mobile chavs who are entirely the creation of the Nationalist Party want the jobs and the clothes and the houses and the cars but they feel absolutely no need of the manners and mores, the conversation or the education that doesn’t come from a textbook or a lecture.
Even the last bastion, Sliema, has fallen to the chavs. Every last table at the outdoor cafes at the Ferries is colonised by the new mittilkless, and they write about it on their Facebook walls:
“Tejt immorru tas Sliema mal puliti man u niehdu coffee l-Ferries?”
Nobody who is really from Sliema says “immorru l-Ferries” when speaking Maltese. We say “ninzlu x-xatt“.
It’s surprising anyone has all this money for hanging around at coffee shops, in any case, because as Maltastar tells us in an aggrieved tone:
“more people are finding themselves in a more difficult situation to cope…Poverty is back again and this is not fair..”
The poor, dear leader, will be with us always. Politicians can hope to do no more than restrict the numbers of the poor, and the best means of doing that are far-sighted policies, like joining the European Union and the Eurozone, throwing the university open to all-comers free of charge and with a stipend too, and acting to attract investment rather than scaring it off.
It’s a damn good thing that people didn’t vote as Muscat asked them to in THAT referendum, because by now, the poor would be legion, and he’d be feeding Anglu and Toni to the masses because the loaves and fishes wouldn’t stretch to it. Ah, but I forget: if we had voted as he told us to, then he wouldn’t he leader, would he.
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“You can’t move for chavs who have spent the last 20 years climbing the social ladder, and Super One is the best example of that.”
I beg to differ Daph. At Superrrr Wan they spent the last 20 years climbing over each other.
Did you hear that, sixfooter; ‘ninzlu x-xatt’ mhux immorru l-Ferries.
Ghadek titqaleb? Imsiken!!!!
If you insist on writing in Maltese, then the least you could do is have the decency to spell it properly.
would you mind translating that to Maltese and/or English please?
Sorry ta hi man, but how can you manage 3 mistakes in two sentences containing a total of 3 words. Do not bother answering.
“…the Labour Party …to lead this country into a new era of wealth…” – maltatarts
“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel or envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” – Winston Churchill
The independent private schools are full of the children of chavs, because nowadays even church schools are not good enough for them because….they’re full of ‘hamalli’, they say.
Oh, but Daphne says so and so say all of us. Vera bunch tad-dahq
X’qed taghmel hawn, sixfooter? Ghax ma “tmurx daqsxejn sal-Ferries?” Jew you can’t make both ends meet? Minestra ta’ Saviour Balzan illejla?
Just checking if you’re still hooked on this blog, sixfooter.
“What are Anglu, Toni and Joseph planning on doing – finding a money tree and paying us all the living wage of our dreams?”
No, Daphne, they are planning to give every Labour supporter a money tree so that theycan fulfill their 1980s battlecry of ‘Jew b’xejn jew xejn’.
That way the ‘poor’ need not lift one finger to improve their lot and find meaningful employment, and yet still be able to enjoy steak instead of pizza, lobster instead of sardines, BMWs instead of Skodas while sitting at home twiddling their thumbs.
Not that they haven’t done it before in the 70s and 80s, with bulk buying, receiving bribes to fast track applications for a colour TV, requisitioning private properties and turning them into Labour Party clubs….
Daphne, the way you reduce complex situations into simple common sense logic is something you should really be proud of.
I have been following the present Egyptian situation in many newspapers, following reports by Robert Fisk in The Independent. I find his style so similar to yours.
“Malta is now wholly chavtastic. There are chavs everywhere you look. Put on the television: chavs. Turn on the radio: chavs. Open the newspapers: chavs, chavs and more chavs.
Go out into the streets: chavs as far as the eye can see, especially on Valletta’s main drag, which is a horror show of chavdom. The air is thick with chavspeak. Chav ideas dominate. You can’t move for chavs who have spent the last 20 years climbing the social ladder, and Super One is the best example of that.”
Brava. Eloquently described to perfection.