This is what Joseph Muscat does instead of plan policy: plans a balcony to do his Juliet thing on

Published: January 25, 2011 at 10:50pm

That’s what it’s all about for him, isn’t it? The big moment, and the ultimate Arani Ma. Let’s hope this time he remembers that Lil Din (“she’s never too busy to put my ambitions first”) is at his side, and doesn’t leave her to hang on to Toni Abela’s arm.

I missed this while I was on holiday, and have only just seen it. Amazing. Frigging pathetic to think that so many people can’t see through somebody who is that far up his own butt.

Malta Today, 6 December 2010

Labour plans balcony at headquarters for Joseph Muscat’s election party
By James Debono

Labour has applied to construct a balcony on the second floor of its headquarters in Hamrun from where its leader Joseph Muscat will be able to salute supporters if he wins the next general election. The party plans to get the balcony completed by February 2011.

The application was presented by party president Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi and architect and Labour MP Charles Buhagiar.

The proposed alterations on the facade will the first renovation of Labour’s Hamrun headquarters since 1994 when it was build to replace the party’s former base in Macina in Bormla. This represented one of Sant’s first steps to modernise his party and broaden its appeal from its traditional boiler suit constituency. But the Hamrun headquarters in many ways reflected Sant’s managerial approach to politics lacking the human touch of a balcony from where the leader can communicate with the crowd.

22 Comments Comment

  1. TROY says:

    Or his Elvis impersonation as in the above photo.
    Fools rush in….

  2. Jax says:

    A little light entertainment:

    Charles J. Buttigieg(7 hours, 40 minutes ago)Boobs are a woman’s greatest asset and men’s favourite to look at. Only a hypocrite would deny that.

    ( )

    [Daphne – Somebody tell him that Kate Moss hasn’t any, and just watch her go.]

  3. Macduff says:

    Il Duce…

  4. David Gatt says:

    Ejja nkunu ftit onesti!

    Il-PL applikaw ghal permess sabiex tinbena gallarija. Il-PN bnew headquarters gdid fjamant b’gallarija lesta. X’inhi d-differenza? Mhux kulhadd jaf meta u ghalfejn jintuzaw dawn il-galleriji?

    • cat says:

      Ta’ qablu qatt ma hassew htiega ta’ gallerija imma dan iridha. Forsi gie ispirat mill-film Evita.

      Mintoff qatt ma kellu galleriji imma bicca headquarters – il-Macina (qatt ma ried jonfoq) u dejjem kellu n-nies warajh fil-meetings.

  5. J Abela says:

    Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum:
    Habemus Papam!
    Eminentissimum ac reverendissimum Dominum,
    Dominum Joseph Muscat
    Qui sibi nomen imposuit is-Salvatur.

  6. K Farrugia says:

    Actually Andrew Borg Cardona mentioned this balcony in his coloumn several months ago.

    It is simple as clicking on the MEPA website and performing a PA search by location at Mile End Street.

  7. La Redoute says:

    “a balcony from where the leader can communicate with the crowd.”

    So he’s literally above kissing babies and hugging old ladies now, is he?

    • ciccio2011 says:

      Apparently the photos showing his hugging and kissing with John Bundy raised several eye brows at the Mile End…

  8. anthony says:

    Palazzo Venezia.

  9. Jo says:

    He will be waving to the crowd from the balcony only if voters put him there. Unfortunately, the PL is no guarantee of a better government than the PN. Most of us would sigh with relief the moment we have a real alternative to the PN. It’s good to be able to change without the fear that violence would rear up its ugly head, that the trust foreign companies have in the government won’t disappear, that the good policies put in place now won’t be changed just for pique etc. Anyone else can add to the list.

  10. ciccio2011 says:

    Perhaps this is his way of bringing fresh air into the Labour Party.

  11. Cportelli says:


  12. xalataboy says:

    And they have already paid nearly EUR20,000 in building levy fees. So much for “il-ftit minghand il-hafna”…

  13. Silverbug says:

    Ejja nkunu ftit onesti…tafu li l-agha li qajjem il-PL fuq il-hlasijiet ghall-applikazzjonijiet ta’ l-izvilupp saru meta applikaw ghal din il-gallerija? U imbaghad hafna carcir ta’ dmugh ghall-fqir u l-baghtut meta l-problema QATT ma kienet se tkun tal-fqir u l-baghtut.

  14. Dem-ON says:

    Il-Partit Laburista minn dejjem kien espert tal-politika tal-gallerija. Qabel kienet issir fil-Parlament. Issa se johduha fil-Mile End.

  15. R. Camilleri says:

    I received this in my Quote of the Day widget. Thought it would be appropriate:

    Boyhood, like measles, is one of those complaints which a man should catch young and have done with, for when it comes in middle life it is apt to be serious.
    – P. G. Wodehouse

    • Patrik says:

      Wodehouse is a man who can’t be quoted too much. I grew up loving the Jeeves and Wooster series with Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry and only much later discovered the books. To call Wodehouse a comic genius is no stretch.

      “moths nested in his wallet, raising large families”

      “…he said in a low cold voice, as he had been bitten by a personal friend”

      “he was a chubby little chap who looked like he was poured into his clothes and forgot to say when”

      Just oodles of brilliant quotes from this great man.

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