You have a car, a home and a job, so protest about the price of diesel
This is the round-robin email the Poison Dwarf sent out to illegally harvested email addresses, encouraging people to turn up and protest last Friday. It was forwarded to me by somebody Maltese who is working elsewhere in Europe, and who added the ironic note – “Shall I send home some money, do you think?”
(Editor’s note: 2011, eh? Just in case you thought they might be planning early for next year.)
If you are like many of us, your year probably started with filling your car with fuel, only to find out that €20 bought a lot less fuel than usual.
Or perhaps you ran out of gas for your oven, and then found out that the price of a gas cylinder has gone up again. Fuel is one of the biggest factors in the ever-increasing cost-of-living, and it is on the rise yet again.
We all know that the international price of oil and gas increased. But what Lawrence Gonzi won’t tell you is that this is not the whole story. The government adds costs to fuel, which are pushing up the price of your utilities dramatically.
There are ways and means how the government can help, for example, by giving an energy benefit in the same way it did during 2010 which would ease the impact on your purchasing power and the economy.
But Lawrence Gonzi won’t listen.
Perhaps he can afford NOT to listen because he awarded himself and his Cabinet a second salary. That helped to boost their wages by €600-a-week, at a time when families everywhere are struggling just to make ends meet.
This government has completely lost touch with families and businesses.
Joseph Muscat is not keeping quiet. There may be times when silence is golden. This is NOT one of them. It is time to make our voices heard.
That is why we invite you to join us in a peaceful protest march against the government on Friday 14 January 2011 at 6pm in Valletta. Please join us, and forward this email on to as many of your friends as possible.
Kurt Farrugia
PL Director of Communications
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This is the classical “envy” spin so close to the heart of Communist/Socialist “primus inter pares” perpetrators. It is the aim of their existence to foment envy within society. I guess it’s all about following the Roman Empire’s maxim, divide and rule.
Berlusconi very rarely manages worthwhile sentences, but recently he did when asked if Communists still existed, replying “They do – only that nowadays they wear cashmere and go to St. Moritz”.
Most of the peaceful protesters were seen last December peacefully queuing at Norman Hamilton’s tour agency to get the best cruise holiday prices for next summer.
You couldn’t have found a more fitting photo!
Is this ‘Photoshop’ ? – because the resemblance is remarkable!
Lucky me, I’m also on Farrugia’s mailing list – no idea how I ended up there. It’s significant that Labour uses spam as a PR technique.
This sounds just as condescending as Marisa Micallef’s letter to The Times about castles and emperors or some such rubbish….besides, the English is too good to be Kurt Farrugia’s.
“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”
Winston Churchill
It is true that this quote has been often repeated but it is so succinct and precise that is should printed on billboards and t-shirts so that it never forgotten
Unless I was dreaming, I am sure I saw an economist on One news last week, suggesting that our government should buy an oil well as a hedge against oil price increases.
I thought the protest was to convince the government to buy one of those.
What this sawn-off idiot forgot to tell them was what not to wear. So instead of wearing rags to make the walkabout look more authentic (ghax kullhadd qied imut bil-guh) they all came in affordable designer wear,the latest in nail fashion, hair all set and a big smile on everyone’s face.
So I ask, if everyone can afford all this luxury and is so content, why then the protest?
Geddumhom fix-xghir…Biskuttini f’halq il-hmir
Kurt Farrugia’s thoughts about this article.’ Thank you Daffni for distributing my email on your websight!! People who have brains like me will understand me!!
Hello Pat, where did you get your websight? Did you go to Specsavers?
I got it, too – no idea where they got my email address from.
I thought I was going to see Piu Camilleri protesting against the cost of living increase, or thoses hundreds of Maltese people who already booked with Hamilton Travel for a cruise this coming summer.
Sfortunatament hafna-Laburisti minn dejjem kienu ghajjurin ghal min hu ahjar minnhom.
Flok jirringrazzjaw l-Alla li hawn nies li jirriskjaw flushom biex jifthu business gdid u meta jmorru tajjeb, dawn jimpjegaw in-nies maghhom.
Tal-Labour ghadhom bil-mentalita tal-Komunisti fejn tahdem x’tahdem u kemm tahdem, kulhadd ghandu jkollu l-istess paga.
Ghadni ma nistax nifimhom lil dawn in-nies. Issa Joseph qalilna wkol li ha jghin lil kulhadd, igifieri anka lil dawk li fir-realta m’ghandhomx bzonn.
Ghiduli inthom kif tista temmnu lil Joseph ghax jien qed nipprova nifhem imma qtajt qalbi.
Ghax dawn iridu jkunu ‘spalla ma’ spalla’ mal-haddiema imma biex ikesksuhom.
‘Spalla ma’ spalla’ mal-haddiema kien il-gvern Nazzjonalista imma, meta intervjena biex ma jaghlqux certu fabriki. Imma mur fhemu lil injorant!
Hi Daphne, I am watching the elephant men on Inkontri and he is speaking of “petlor”.
Can I ask you if you know what it is?
It’s what you put in a ‘petrol boat’.
The one you ride on wearing a sliper, after heving hedd a pirmla.
I keep getting these emails and putting the senders’ address in my junk mail, yet they keep coming from different addresses! Is this the way they intend making me interested in their policies? Fat chance!
Jien elezzjoni ohra lil Anglu Farrugia nivvota ghax se jrahhas il-petlor. Prosit Dr. Farrugia. Ghara x’deputat kap ghandna hej..
Tony Zarb qal li dak li gie imwieghed mill-gvern fl-ahhar elezzjoni mhux qed jigi mwettaq, u ghalhekk il-poplu ghandu joqoghod attent ghax hawn 60,000 ruh qed jghixu fil-faqar, u li poplu qed ibaghti.
Jien nahseb nhar il-Gimgha anqas 20,000 ruh ma kien hemm gewwa l-Belt. Pero’ iddecieda li ma jghid xejn dwar il-posizzjoni tal-qaghd f’pajjizna ghax bir-ricessjoni b’kollox qatt ma kien hawn nies jahdmu fil-pajjiz daqs illum, inkluz 1200 barrani u ma nafx kemm il-klandestin, barra dawk li jahdmu wkoll kontra l-ligi u ohrajn li jirregistraw u jahdmu. Dan tghidlu faqar?
I can’t help myself thinking that these assholes are so advanced and preparing themselves so much for the election while the PN waste their time bickering.
This Kurt ‘poison’ Dwarf and his brainless chickens mean business and it would be better for the PN to realise sooner rather than later.
‘Joseph Muscat is not keeping quiet. There may be times when silence is golden’
What times? What has Joseph ben silent about?
He’s definitely been silent about BWSC since Austin Gatt made some public revelations about Bateman.