A sample Facebook conversation between the Great and the Good of Super One
Byon Jo Zammit to Roberto Francalanza
Min jaf x tizzabel ………..!!!!!
Dino Demicoli
hali ghalih bjon ma jafx kif
Ronnie Pellegrini
Maratona ghamel …..
Roberto Francalanza
Kretini. Lanqas li kienu bniet ta’ sitt snin.
I looked up this Dino Demicoli of theirs and it turns out that this is how he describes his employer on his Facebook profile.
Serva hafna l-investiment qawwi fl-edukazzjoni, hey. It took me at least three minutes to work out what he meant by ‘in a hole’ and then I concluded that he must mean ‘on the whole’.
I’m off to watch E! and Eastenders before I blow up with irritation. At least those chavs are on televison, I can switch them off, and they’re not going to be electing the government.
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They will be as they are, and there seems to be sweet nothing that we can do about it.
The incumbents are doing a marvellous job at helping them along….methinks.
Daphne thanks for this.
You made my day.
This should constitute definitive evidence allowing for the passage from theory to Law of Evolution. You have just discovered The Missing Link.
Someone across the room is suggesting, as the scientific name, Homo deficiens (as opposed to Homo sapiens). I would, however, go for Homo cretinus.
These wankaholics need lessons in Maltese too.
Although I have Labour sympathies and voted once for the MLP but never after, it is my wish that the PL will be voted in. Having lived through the 70/80s I am sure with Labour in power many persons under forty who believe the Labour fairy tales ikollom inehhu in-nejk li ghandom.
Once in 1971, I presume.
Ma hemmx kelma wahda li hi wahda miktuba tajjeb. Anqas biss wahda.
Giovanni – I am perplexed as I can spot several words in Maltese that I think are correct. I am being serious here, Giov, do you know of any lessons for adult Maltese people which can help us refresh our Maltese ‘ortografija’?
I’d eagerly attend if any were available. I don’t mean lessons for illiterates but for people like me and I suspect many others who never use Maltese in any written communication and would like to remember what they studied for their ‘O’ Levels.
There was a time when evening classes for adults were held in primary schools, but I regret I do not know whether these lessons are still available or not. The Education Department should be able to help.
Thanks for the information you give us. Keep up your good job.
God bless you
‘In a hole’ ghandna ghalfejn niddispraw.
Two questions if I may:
(1) How can you watch Eastenders? Do you enjoy that? When I was a boy even the comics I read (The Topper, The Beano and The Dandy ) made fun of the soap. Gosh it must have been running for a quarter of a century!
(2) How do you get hold of those Facebook conversations if you do not have a Facebook account? I must admit I am Facebook ignorant.
[Daphne – 1. On television. Yes, I love it. Yes, 25 years at least. 2. You don’t need a Facebook profile to look at Facebook. You just need a bit of a brain. Anyway, people send me most things.]
re (2) aaaah a stalker :-)
[Daphne – No more a stalker than the thousands who read this blog without commenting.]
[Daphne – No more a stalker than the thousands who read this blog without commenting.]
lol @ thousands…Don’t flatter yourself, in reality i think its less than 200 daily!
[Daphne – I’m the one with the statistics, not you. A very low-traffic day is 10,000 views, an average day is 30,000. I know we’re living in a country where opinion has become an adequate substitute for fact, but these things are measurable and are measured.]
“…in a hole”…… At least he knows he is, or should I say, they are ‘in a hole’ and I think, they are digging further.
And by the way, anyone knows what a “bzall” is?
It’s what you’ve done when you inadvertently fill your car tank with petlor instead of dijzil.
Daphne, what I can’t stand and concerns me is that these people actually have a vote!
Daphne, tibqax iggib lil dan il-bnieden ghax ser igelni nivvota Labour. Anke kif kien kapaci jdahhaq b’ Dr. Lawrence Gonzi kien jimpressjonani imma meta zied il ‘o’ wara ismu aktar gennini. Kemm hu helu u ntelligenti, Alla jbierek.
Good morning
What is your email address?
[Daphne – dcg@proximuspr.com]
They’re safely corralled in their red cage for now. Could anyone ever picture this sorry lot on the international stage?
Daphne, the investment in education you’re talking about is the same one which gave us fouler language in university publications.
When you’re in a hole, you should stop digging.