Comment of the Day

Published: February 12, 2011 at 6:49pm

Jason Borg

Tuffieħ togħma ta’ sptar, żejt tal-karawett jinten pesta.

Id-Deżerta semmejtuha, imma tiftakru kemm kien hemm flavours – sa banana u pineapple kien hemm.

Imbagħad tfaċċat it-Topsy li kienet qisha xaħam b’togħma fjakka ta’ ċikkulata. U l-Menqa Hits ħadd ma jsemmihom?

L-Għanja tal-Kampanjol, l-Emigrant, u biżibilju ta’ diski li jpittru lil Malta ġenna fl-art u l-emigranti vittmi msejkna għax jinsabu eżiljati barra minn pajjiżhom, filwaqt li dawn kienu qegħdin jagħmlu l-liri (dollars, insomma) and jgħixu fis-seba’ sema.

U l-Gwida u s-Sunday Chronicle, Marbelt Department Stores. Il-ħniena x’memorji ġejjin…bitter-sweet għax vera li batejna imma n-nostalġija għandha ħabta titfa’ z-zokkor biex ittaffi l-morr.

Imbagħad tfaċċaw ir-Regal – the biscuit with a heart. Kien għamel launching tagħhom Norman Hamilton f’Sibtijiet Flimkien permezz ta’ kompetizzjoni li kaxkret il-ġimgħat.

U kien hemm ċikkulata oħra b’togħma farka iktar raffinata mid-Deserta. Fakkruni x’jisimha please. Fir-riklam kienet tiġi tfajla qisha f’estasi u l-jingle What a feeling ripetuta kemm-il darba.

U l-bagits kienu kapulavur! Tisma’ lil Wistin l-ewwel eloġju għall-progress li sar stil 1984 ta’ George Orwell imbagħad lista ta’ prodotti li se jorħsu minħabba l-bulk buying: tonn taż-żejt. Minn 10 ċenteżmi bott ta’ mitt gramma se jsir 9c5. Roħs ta’ 5 milleżmi (taħbit fuq il-bankijiet tan-naħa tal-Gvern).

Kemm nixtieq għandi l-ħin nikteb rumanz fuq is-snin tmenin.

Nhar ta’ Sibt konna nixgħelu t-tubi u t-TV sagħtejn qabel jidlam, għax tant kellna power baxx li jekk tħalli sa ma jidlam, żiggi tixgħelhom. Jibdew iteptpu u addio l-hit parade fuq Xandir Malta.

U kif kollox staġnat kien! Anke l-kantanti, Madonna – dejjem l-istess nies fil-festivals. Kellna lil Renato, Joe Cutajar, Joe Grech, X-Tend, Tramps, Bajzo, Catherie Vigar (kont niffansjaha li din u kelli crush fuqha) u Mary Spiteri.

Qisu ż-żmien kien waqaf u ma kienx se jiċċaqlaq b’xebgħa stanga.

Wasal Jum il-Ħelsien. Il-festival intrabat ma’ dan il-jum qaddis, u anke konkors ta’ novelli kienu jaqraw fuq it-TV. Temmnuha din… siegħa sħiħa tisma’ lil Charles Arrigo u Charles Abela Mizzi jaqraw novelli fuq kemm batejna taħt l-Ingliżi u kemm qegħdin tajbin issa.

U x-xewqat bejn novella u oħra: il-management tat-Tarzna jawgura lill-poplu Malti kollu l-isbaħ xewqat għal ġid u prosperita’ fl-okkażjoni ta’ Jum il-Ħelsien.

Ħa nieqef għax għandi tofija tistennieni biex noqgħod insoffha.

64 Comments Comment

  1. jenny says:

    and what about “Dardir Malta” with “run rabbit run” Never will I forgive let alone forget.

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Hemm frazi minn textbook li ghadha ittimbrata f’mohhi, u li tigbor fiha l-essenza tal-brainwashing Mintoffjan. Fil-Grajjet Malta, meta jirrakkonta l-istorja tal-Mandragg, jghidlek: “…u minflok inbnew flattijiet arjuzi GHAL-HADDIEMA U GHALL-FAMILJI TAGHHOM.”

    L-esseri uman ridott ghal haddiem. Dak huwa l-paradimma Mintoffjan.

    • La Redoute says:

      U l-paradimma l-gdida tan-neo Mintoffjan huwa haddiema tal-mittelkless.

    • catty says:

      Dak il-ktieb niftakru, kien jismu Grajjet Malta u kien it-text book ghall- lezzjonijiet tal-history li sfortunatament dam jintuza hafna snin wara li spicca l-gvern tal-Labour.

      Jiena nammetti li l-frazi tpoggiet hemm bi skop, pero hija wkoll parti mill-istorja li l-poplu tal-Mandragg ma riedx johrog mill-islums li kien trabba fihom biex imur go post ohjar kif ghid ukoll il-bqija tal-paragrafu.

      Bir-rispett kollu ma nafx kemm kienu haddiema n-nies tas-slums, ghax nafu x’jigri f’dawn l-ambjenti, kocc nies jitliequ u ma jaghmlu xejn.

  3. John (not Dalli) says:

    Mhux il-Gwida imma l-Antenna ….dik bdiet tohrog wara il-bojkott minflok il-Gwida.
    “Le le ma niċħdek qatt ja art twelidi

    Kull fejn immur niftaħar bil-ħelsien

    U jekk xi ħadd ikasbrek isib lili

    Difiża nkun għalik għax Malti jien.”

    Ohra :
    Jahweh ghalik Muammar Gaddafi

    Se jaqali il-pipi

    Ohra :

    Mhux Jien Mhux Jien mhux jien Mama

    Ohra :
    Ghana helu bhall t’ghasfur johrog mill-qalb ta’ kampanjol

    Ghalkemm sifirt go tant pajjizi qatt m’hu se ninsa bin min jien.

    Nhar Jum Il-helsien fuq Radju Malta:
    Il-haddiema tal-Malta Carpets jixtiequ jsellmu lil Malta hielsa u se joffru jum xoghol b’xejn ghar-Repubblika.

  4. Joseph Borg says:

    U insejt li ghall-hafna drabi kien ikollna talba generali, ghal xi erba darbiet fix-xahar, biex nisimghu id-diskors tal-prim ministru li ikun ghamel lin-nazzjon.

    Imbaghad awguri u xewqat mill-kazini kollha Laburisti ta’ Malta kollha li kienu itulu ghal gimghat shah.

    Jew kien jigi xi xandar fuq it-televizjoni u jghidilna li minn hin ghall-iehor qedin jistennew lill-prim ministru biex jindirizza lin-nazzjon fuq ix-xandir. U dan l-indiriz ma jasal qatt.

    Biex tghaxxaqa ministru ta’ l-EDUKAZZJONI tkun mistiedna ghal jum il-premjazzjoni li tkun ser tibda fis-6 ta’ filghaxija u l-ministru minhabba ix-xoghol sfieq li kollha ma tidherx qabel is-7, jekk mhux aktar tard. jekk is-surmast jiddeciedi li jibda qabel ma tidher il-ministru dan jaqla camata minghanda.

    Tkun ideja tajba kieku jinkitbu serje ta’ essays u jigu jppubblikati forma ta’ ktieb.

    Oh xi gmiel ta’ zmien helu. Ma nohodhix kontra dawk li ghandom inqas min erbghin sena ghax dawn affarijiet li ma jitwemmnux.

    [Daphne – Funny you should mention that bit about the minister of education turning up late. I suppose you meant Agatha Barbara, dik li skond Ritianne ta’ KulHadd ghajjarta lezbjana. Minister Philip Muscat was invited to present the prizes at my school-leaving ceremony. He turned up an hour late and was not too embarrassed to say that he was watching football. May he rest in peace.]

  5. Mike says:

    Nixtieq inkun naf aktar fuq iz-zmien ta’ snin tmenin. Jiena ghandi 27 sena, u ma niftakar xejn.

    Il-genituri tighi isemmuh dak iz-zmien, speccjalment l-inkwiet li kien inqala f`Tal-Barrani. Kont ghadni zighir hafna jiena u missieri kien ha jaqla xeba tb**s!

    Smajt bid-diska Run Rabbit Run imma ma naf xejn fuqa. Xkienet ezatt?

    • Albert Farrugia says:

      Taghmel tajjeb li titghallem l-istorja. Il-passat jixraqlu li jigi studjat minghajr passjoni. Haga wahda biss nghidlek..jekk trid titghallem fuq l-Imperu Ottoman, ma nahsibx li l-ahjar lezzjonijiet dwaru jtihomlok il-Gran Mastru La Valette!

    • GiovDeMartino says:

      Ftit irqaqat:

      Certu student universitarju ghamlulu libell ghax bil-harsa tieghu insulenta lill-president ta’ Malta.

      Il-poeti Maltin ma serghux isejhu lilhom infushom Maltese poets.

      Anqas it-teachers, anqas il-Malta football association.

      Il-Hamrun ghadha hemm spizerija jisimha Nashinal Pharmacy ghax il-kelma nationali ma setgherx tintuza.

      Il-fliexken tal-Ilma zghar ta’ Malta kellhom il-kelma Malta mhassra…ghax ma setghetx tintuza.

      Iz-zokkor kien jitqassam bi trakkijiet tal-armata mghassa minn suldati armati…..UH kemm kienu kbar it-tribulazjonijiet taghna taht il-lejber.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      Mike, Run Rabbit Run is a song written in 1939 by Noel Gay – who, despite his name, was not a member of LGBT Labour – and Ralph Butler.

      Now you can read about its origins on the internet, but it was broadcast in 1981 on Dardir Malta when Labour stole the general elections and when Toni Pellegrini was the Head of the public broadcasting service.

      If you would like to know more about the 80s, all you have to do is vote Labour in 2013, and we will relive them over again.

      Those years, also called by Labour as “the Golden Years” (the Generazzjoni Gdida call them “O Zmien Helu kif Ghaddejtli”) were characterised by political violence, disregard of democracy, breach of human rights, high unemployment, poor foreign policy and a controlled economy.

      But it is safer if you limit yourself to reading about them on Daphne’s blog. There are also some Malta Today articles you can locate on the internet and they are quite informative and shocking, but they are the ones in the archives, as long as they have not been deleted.

      Beware of recent references to the 80s (and the 70s) by Malta Today, because they seem to be following Labour’s revision of Maltese history.

    • Angus Black says:

      “Run rabbit, run” kienet b’referenza ghal Eddie FENECH Adami!

      Pero, ftit taz-zmien wara kien imiss tal-Labour ‘to run, run, run, u ghadhom jigru bla ma jafu fejn se jaslu sal-gurnata tal-lum.

      Nispera li fi zmien sentejn ohra jerga jkollhom hames snin ohra ta’ giri u Joseph jaqta nifsu.

    • John (not Dalli) says:

      Fenech means rabbit and in the Golden Years of Labour,rabbits were associated with Fenech Adami, so when Labour ‘won’ in 1981 more seats than PN, rabbits were killed and skinned in the fury of the so called ‘ Labour Victory’.

      On the public TV station: Xandir Malta clips of dancers dressed as bunnies were shown together with ‘Il-ballo del quak quak’ on which a ‘song’ was written:
      Maggoranza kollha fniek ,
      maggoranza kollha fniek
      Bla siggijiet
      Bla siggijiet

      This behaviour was sickening, and we had to put up with this kind of broadcasting ‘service’ for a whole six years.There was no other Maltese station.

      Something similar happened on a minor scale when Archbishop Michael Gonzi died. Vincent Scerri played “Michael row the boat ashore” and immediately after it Pat Boon’s “Speedy Gonzalez” on Malta’s national station Radju Malta.

      • snoopy says:

        Rabbits were also killed, skinned and BBQed in the streets in 1996 – at least in the Mosta area and Naxxar – I was on home visit duty in the evening of the 1996 election results.

        This is the type of behaviour that one expects from the Generazjoni Gdida.


        If you want to know the truth, there is no better witness than those who have lived through the times and were on the receiving end. You are free to keep your opinion to yourself, but please spare us the insult of insinuating that we are not saying the truth or manipulating it.

        It is only salt on open (and yes they are still wide open) wounds.

    • red nose says:

      Jekk trid tivvomta, sir ghaf aktar fuq il-Labour ta dak iz-zmien, li issa qed ihossuhom kburin bieh.

      Saqsi lil Joe Grima, Alex Sceberras Trigona, Joe Debono Grech, Karmenu Vella. Saqsi ukoll lil Mintoff li nahseb li jithajru jergu idahhluh biex zgur ikollhom voti bizzejjed biex jitilghu fil-gvern. Saqsi. Risposti ikollok sgur.

      Imma ibqa cert li ir-risposti ta’ verita issibhom ghand Daphne.

  6. La Redoute says:

    The worst part of the wretched experience was the strangling of individual freedom and the wrecking of the education system, all in the name of Malta socjalista, the Mintoffjan utopia where some pigs were more equal than others.

    Even that lousy failure Lino Spiteri who had announced that infamous budget – what was it? tal-qawsalla? – when thousands subsequently lost their jobs, still defends the restrictions of those times as wise economic policy.

    And that ghastly slob Joe Grima who’s all over the media at every opportunity, shamelessly defended Mintoff’s decision in that embarrassing hagiography of his hero on Biografiji: everyone would have wanted to own a computer, he told us, so money would have drained out of Malta and Mintoff was justified in denying us that privilege.

    So much for their ‘socialist’ belief in the value of the glorious Maltese worker. In their final reckoning, il-popolin was just a mass of serfs in the service of their feudal lordships.

    • El Topo says:

      La Redoute, Mintoff viewed computers as a creation by capitalists to discharge workers and let the machines do the work – not for the first or last time the MLP/PL holding back progress instead of grasping the opportunity.

      In the early 80s, someone importing a computer had to sign a declaration that the machine was solely for personal use or that no redundancies would be made as result of the importation.

      • La Redoute says:

        Oh, they’re certainly grasping opportunity. That’s something they’ve always excelled at.

        Just think about all the business and political opportunities protectionism brought to the members of the Labour Party, including those who were in government positions – and are aspiring to do so again.

  7. Denis says:

    Dik ic-cikkulata kien jisimha “Catch”

  8. Denis says:

    Economic solutions were the centrepiece of Socialist Malta:
    Korp tal-Pijunieri
    Dirghajn il-Maltin
    Bahhar u Sewwi

    ….Ifrex u Orqod!

  9. El Topo says:

    Here’s a little anecdote from those golden days. People tend to associate the Bulk Buying system with corned beef and tinned fish but the product that left the controlled group of importers the most profit, and ironically contributed the least to the Price Stabilization Fund, was that of non-castrated bulls.

    One of these importers was Edwin Bartolo (il-Qahbu). He would explain his dilemma of trying to put pressure on the minister responsible for Bulk Buying (Lino Spiteri) so they would get on with the next shipment while trying not to upset the minister responsible for agriculture (Joe Debono Grech) who on his part would be under pressure from the local herdsmen to restrict imports.

    So as soon as an importation was given the green light, the eight or ten importers concerned would drop everything and proceed to the offices to sign the necessary documents.

    One particular Friday, things followed the usual pattern but Bartolo couldn’t be reached anywhere (there was only the fixed line telephone in those days) and the deal had to wait.

    The following Monday Bartolo walks in grinning like a Cheshire cat. “Sorry ma stajtx nigi nhar il-Gimgha imma kont il-Kurja qed nghin il tad-dockyard.”

    Oh well, kollox irid ikun. There was a little twist in the tail. One of the bulls died on the way and got dumped on Edwin.

  10. Becky d'Ugo says:

    “U kien hemm ċikkulata oħra b’togħma farka iktar raffinata mid-Deserta. Fakkruni x’jisimha please. Fir-riklam kienet tiġi tfajla qisha f’estasi u l-jingle What a feeling ripetuta kemm-il darba.”

    I think that was ‘Chalet’ or ‘Chalait’… “Oh Chalait… what an experience!!”

  11. o zmien helu kif hallejtni says:

    And when the MLP stole the 1981 election Xandir Malta thought it fit to break the news by putting the emblem of the MLP on a red backdrop to the sound of the Socialist International hymn.

    Run Rabbit Run had a Maltese equivalent….maggoranza kollha fniek, maggoranza kollha fniek ghal ?? stuffat ?

  12. Antoine Vella says:

    Kien hemm ukoll l-impjegati tal-gvern li kultant kienu ikollhom jaħdmu xi nofs ta’ nhar bla ma jitħalsu (kienu jidħlu s-Sibt) biex joffri x-xogħol tagħhom lill-poplu u juru l-gratitudni tagħhom lejn ‘Il-Perit’.

  13. Dr Francis Saliba says:

    “Run, Rabbit Run” is an old song that was repeated ad nauseam on Xandir Malta to mock Eddie Fenech (“Rabbit”) Adami when the MLP retained power, against the expressed wish of the majority of the electorate, to inflict a further stretch of MLP terror on “Bongu, Malta Socjalista” – another gem from Xandir Malta broadcasting.

  14. Zmien tad-deheb says:

    The Times of Malta 6th September 1983, the same year Karmenu Vella was Minister of Industry and Alex Sceberras Trigona was Minister for Foreign Affairs and Culture:

    Dr Mifsud Bonnici concluded that, rather than lending support to what he called the Nationalist Party’s “destabilizing tactics”, the Political Bureaux of the European Union of Christian Democratic Parties and of the European People’s Party “should disown them, if the Bureaux’s deliberations are expected to be heeded by the people of Malta”.

  15. Joe Micallef says:

    U Jason x’bard qabbadtni! Ic-Chockita, il-Catch, il-kupuni, il-kju bil-barmil wara l-bowser u il-foam ghat-toilet jekk tal-bowser taqbizlu u jitlaq l’hemm!

  16. P Shaw says:

    ‘Wardakanta’ anyone?

    What about the long list (and repetitive) of titles KMB had before he became PM? The newscaster used to name all the official titles and positions (PM in waiting, acting leader of the MLP, minister of something, and Doktor) before pronouncing his name.

    When he became PM in 1983, his official title was shortened to Il-Prim Ministru L-Avukat Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici.

    Meanwhile, Eddie Fenech Adami was known as ‘Kap tal-Oppozizzjoni’, without ever mentioning his name.

    Daphne, you are in great company.

  17. El Topo says:

    Gruppi ta’ haddiema tal-gvern jghatu gurnata xoghol b’xejn b’rikonoxximent … ftit foreign cash fil-qalziet ta’ taht biex nixtri xi zewg presents … schoolkids herded to watch Gensna … a large damigiana stuffed with bars of Desserta and viewers phoning in to guess the number for prime time viewing …

  18. El Topo says:

    Take a break from those days of drudgery and enjoy a sparkling moment.

  19. Marku says:


    Jekk niftakar sew, “Run Rabbit Run” kienet diska li ndaqqet fuq Xandir Malta meta l-MLP rebah l-ahhar elezzjoni tas-snin 80.

    Niftakar li l-announcers kienu dehru liebsa l-ahmar u b’dahka kbira fuq halqhom. Dak iz-zmien ix-xandir kien immexxi minn Toni Pellegrini li ftit ilhu sirt naf minn fuq dan il-blog li jigi iz-ziju ta’ Ronnie Pellegrini, ex-bully ta’ Lorry Sant.

  20. Michael A. Vella says:

    Euronews: Yemen today:
    “Pro-government crowd carrying knives and sticks broke through a police cordon and attacked people holding peaceful anti-government protest. Yesterday, a similar peaceful anti-government demonstration was disrupted by gunfire from pro-government supporters. Security forces stood by and took no action”

    Sounds familiar?

    Some examples for the benefit of the Generazzjoni Gdida whose vote Joseph Muscat, Karmenu Vella, and the sundry Mintoff/KMB leftovers are actively seeking:

    1. Merchants Street, Valletta: MLP thugs beat up women and children holding a peaceful protest against the ongoing long-duration cuts in water supply. No arrests made.

    2. Merchants Street, Valletta. MLP thugs break through police cordon and viciously attack family groups, including young children and infants in prams, who were on their way back home after attending Mass at St John Cathedral in celebration 10th anniversary of Archbishop Mercieca [a.k.a. Peppi ta’Mawta in L-Orizzont and MLP publications]. Police pitch in and assist the thugs in their handiwork

    3. Tal-Barrani Road, Zejtun. Same as above, but with some refinement:thugs are hooded, carry firearms, and fire upon PN supporters.

    4. Saqqajja Square, Rabat. Police and/or Labour thugs in police unifiorm fire upon peaceful PN demonstrators and force their way into a private residence where a PN supporter wounded by police gunshot was given shelter.

    5. St Calcedonius Square, Floriana: MLP thugs/Dockyard workers break into Archbishop’s Curia, which is right across the street from Police Headquarters, and ransack the offices and vandalise the chapel. Police take no action.

    6. St Paul Street, Valletta: MLP supporters attack, ransack, and burn down Strickland House while night staff are still on the premises. Police there take no action, no reinforcements are called.

    Such were the ‘grajjiet li ghandhom jinkitbu b’ittri tad-deheb”.

    Such was the ‘O zmien helu tas-snin 70 u 80.’

    And I would add the ‘hamsinijiet’ The Generazzjoni not so Gdida who are still around clearly remember the identical incident in the 1950s when thugs disrupted a PN meeting at Quisisana by attacking PN supporters who were inadequately protected by the police; the attempts at muzzling the free press; and the distortion of news reports when Mintoff and the Malta Labour Party were in government.

    The marshalling of Labour resources and of their opportunistic unprincipled hangers-on in an attempt to take out this blog is but yet the latest example of the Labour Party’s vision for the nation and its people.

    Six decades have gone by – the benighted dinosaurs in the Labour Party still reign supreme.

    • maryanne says:

      I would like to know more about the incidents in the late fifties when some police stations were set on fire. I have only heard about the incidents through the older generation and cannot get to the details.

      • Bus Driver says:

        Maryanne, I suggest you consult the archives at The Times – assuming that the relevant copies of the paper were not detroyed when the building was burnt down by Malta Labour Party supporters.

        Also the records at The Public Library [Bibliotheca] in Valletta and its twin in Victoria, Gozo. The key period is 1954 through to 1958.

        The incidents in the 1970s and 1980s were but repeat performances of what had occurred in the 1950s, which is why it is vital to note that the individuals in MLP government in the 70s/80s are still active in the PL and are putting themselves forward for election in 2013.

        The Labour Party has not changed. The defective ideology is still there, as also those who seek to implement it.

        Another ugly incident took place in 1958. The Malta Labour Party, then in government, was very keen, for its own ideological reasons, to generate a few Labour martyrs and sought to bring its own supporters into direct confrontation with British troops in an irresponsible attempt at replicating the 1919 incidents. The government instructed the police not to react against any attempted attack on Strickland House [il-bini tat-Times] the streets leading to which were sealed by police barricades.

        That heinous plot which deliberately put human lives at risk was foiled by Police Commissioner Vivian de Gray, who went over Prime Minister Mintoff’s head by alerting the Governor of Malta that the situation would inevitably lead to bloodshed.

        The police commissioner was authorised by the Governor to take appropriate measures should the need arise. The much-vaunted MLP suldati tal-azzar then rapidly showed themselves to be nothing more than suldati tal-landa when police stood up to the demonstrators who sought to breach the police barricades.

        Twenty years later, with Mintoff/MLP again in government, Strickland House was successfully destroyed, but not The Times and all it [then] stood for.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      Michael, You are right.

      But the worst bit is that, faced by what is happening in Yemen and other North African countries, the best the Partit Laburista could come up with was a statement by Joseph Muscat that if he was in government, his government would be launching an intensive marketing campaign to attract tourists to Malta.

      Makes me wonder: how insensitive can the Partit Laburista be to violence against the people?

    • Grezz says:

      Why would the police feel any need to take action, seeing that the thugs were accompanied – at least near the Law Courts during their destruction – by KMB?

  21. Catsrbest says:

    I would like to remind everyone of a particular page that used to be written in The Sunday Times – entitled Page13.

    Does anyone remember it? I used to be one of its keen readers. (If I’m not mistaken it used to be written by more than one person, probably mainly they were lawyers).

    It dealt about the rapid and consistent deterioration of democracy in those days. I very much wish that this important documentation would one day be written in book; well probably it would take many and many books.

  22. Catsrbest says:

    U dwar id-Dezerta, kif hadd ma semma d-dud jew ahjar susa li kien ikollha din ic-cikkulata?

    Min jaf kemm-il darba kont immur nibdilha meta nixtri xi wahda ghax kont insibha mimlija trab abjad u susa. Intom qatt ma sibtu bis-susa jew?

    • Joe Micallef says:

      That was probably sugar bloom, which is genreally due to poor raw materials, poor production and poor storage. It was a poor chocolate for the poor.

  23. Riya says:

    It-teachers lit-tfal tal-iskola primarja tal-gvern kienu iqassmulhom il-helu, u jghidulhom li dak il-helu baghtulhom Mintoff.

  24. H MIZZI says:

    An evident lesbian is you dear Daphne who has had a crush on Catherine Vigar. Let the dead rest in peace.

    [Daphne – You really have to have patience with these Labour voters! Put your finger under each word and part your lips as you read, Mr Mizzi: That was not my comment. It was somebody else’s comment, which I uploaded as a post under the title ‘Comment of the Day’. It was written by a man. He is not a lesbian. I have only the dimmest recollection of Catherine Vigar, and even if I were a lesbian, I think I can safely say that I would not have had a crush on her.]

  25. Joe Scerri says:

    I remember in 1983 I was a student at what was then known as New Lyceum, now junior college and we were paid a visit by a truckload of the workers aristocracy, because we were protesting against the educational system of the time.

    I also remember having Solidarność stickers torn off my school bag by other students, who supported Labour. Labour was against Solidarnosc because it identified with the Polish Communist regime. We tend to forget that.

  26. Denis says:

    Tiftakkru z-zmien meta kellek timla karta hadra biex issiefer u fuqha tiddjikjara li m’ghandekx iktar minn mitt lira?

    Insomma, dak iz-zmien ftit kellhom il-privilegg li jsiefru.

    Tiftakkru z-zmien meta ma stajtx tidhol bl-IN-Taghna l-isptar ghax taqla xi xeba m’ghand is-security guards, wiehed minnhom bit-torca fuq il-bokkla?

  27. Adrian says:

    I remember the Sports Day organized for all primary schools at Marsa in 1985.

    I was in Year 3, and there was Karmenu aka z-Zero, walking along the track and waving to the children, who were being prompted to chant: Irriduh irriduh lil Karmenu rriduh ….

    This makes me feel sick to this day. I had a Socialist teacher who in fact did not participate in the strike at the beginning of the scholastic year. At least, she liked me, even though I (and others) refused to chant those horrible words.

  28. Brian says:

    The best anti-Labour song, sung to the refrain from the signature tune of trhe blockbuster film of the time, Paradise (starring Brooke Shields, I believe) was ‘Ghax taht dal-gvern it’s paradise’ Does anyone have a copy of that tape?

  29. Moxxu says:

    Ic-cikkulata Desserta x’hin tiftaha issibha bid-dud.

  30. Moxxu says:

    Niftakar ma morniex l-iskola ghax bit-trouble li kien hawn meta telghu l-Labour…

  31. Custard. says:

    Il-‘lezbjana’ tghajjar lit-teachers “krema” u “buda” waqt prize day minn fuq il-palk tal-liceo quddiem it-teachers, it-tfal u l-genituri. Daqshekk dam il-liceo….qerduh. Sar district school.

    It-telephone (landline) rates kienu hafna orhos mil-lum ghax flok taqbad ma wiehed, tispicca tkellem ma’ xi hamsa f’daqqa.

    Televisions tal-kulur, heqq……fil-kju (+ ix-xaham u xi ziemel tajjeb) u ditta wahda, wara hafna zmien li lanqas stajna naraw biss ritratt ta’ wiehed.

  32. Luciano Pace says:

    I suggest you introduce the option of sharing articles on Facebook and social networks.

    [Daphne – That’s a good idea. Incidentally,there are several groups which do that already – Daphne Hate Groups usually involving the use of the word Witch or Sahhara. They disseminate many of my posts here through links, for which I’m grateful.]

  33. Joe Cilia says:

    “Maggoranza kollha fniek,
    Maggorannza kollha fniek,
    Hudu pacenzja ghall hames snien.”

    Mur ghidilhom li kellhom jaghmlu mill-inqas 25 sena fl-oppozizzjoni.

    Anke fis-76 kellhom poster jghid ‘Das-seklu ghalina’. Poster iehor kien juri seba – thumbs up – (kont nisthajlu tal-Lorry) bit-text ‘Mit-tajjeb ghall ahjar’.

    U fl-elezzjoni tas-76 uhud mill-agenti tal-PN kienu spiccaw b’food poisoning mis-sala tal-ghadd tal-voti u nqata’ d-dawl darbtejn.

    Labour – QATT.

  34. maria says:

    It-tfal tieghi dejjem ghidtilhom “L-anqas jekk jaghmluli revolver ma’ rasi ma nivvota Labour.”

    Dak li sar fis -sebghinijiet u tmeninijiet ma jista jintesa u jinhafer qatt.

    Imbaghad tigi xi Ritienne, li lanqas taf x’jigifieri tghix fil-qamel u l- biza’, tparla fil-vojt.

    Inhoss demmi jbaqbaq meta nisma xi zghazagh Laburisti jitkellmu qiesu l-passat orribbli taz-zghozijja taghna kien xi cajta jew li qed nesegeraw.

    Dazgur, ghax l-anqas temmen li kien vera li kieku mhux ghax ghexnieh….

  35. Jacques says:

    Jien niftakar il-CATCH u l-HUSKIE, spaghetti ta’ fabbrika f’Birkirkara, zraben Soldini jew tac-China (‘is-Slipper’), shower u flushing bil-qies (bla ilma kul ftit zmien), lampi tal-pitrolju (ghal meta jmur id-dawl kull gimghatejn), TV black and white, xejn telephone, u ebda computer (ghax missieri irrifjuta jxahham ghal xi pjaicir).

    Mass meetings kull gimgha (sajf u xitwa), strikes tat-tobba, skejjel maghluqin, swat, gas tad-dmugh, nirien, etc.

    Budgets fuq it-tonn taz-zejt, il-bulu beef, il-hobz u l-ghagin.


    Jekk Muscat minghalih se jerga jgibna taht politika Mintoffjana, Malta tara l-ikbar ezodu bhal qatt ma rat fl-istorja. Din id-darba in-nies jistghu jaqbdu ajruplan u f’gimgha jkunu qieghdin jahdmu BI DRITT f’pajjiz ieher fl’Ewropa.

    Phew! Imnalla.

  36. catty says:

    Il-hmerija hi li min kien ikanta run rabbit run u l-hamallagni kollha li taf hi ghadna narawha ma wiccna flok marret tinheba xi mkien.

  37. BARBAGAN says:

    U dik il-gmiel ta’ Brigata Laburista – tisthajlek qieghed ir-Russja. Tfal kollha brainwashed.

  38. Judith says:

    Joseph Borg – Not only ‘camata’, but transfers. To be exact 3 transfers within 2 years.

  39. Judith says:

    Michael: on your third point (just in case there is someone who does not believe this), one of those shot at was my brother.

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