Gwerra spjetata kontra l-moqzieza Defni
You have to hand it to the Labour Party: more than 24 years after Tal-Barrani, it still doesn’t understand the basic concept of freedom of expression.
And it can’t get to grips with the fact that yes, people are allowed to say the truth about Labour and that you can’t have them arrested for doing so.
As armies of my colleagues queue up to kiss Labour’s butt in anticipation of Joseph Muscat’s victory in 24 months, it must really get on Labour’s nerves that they can’t scare me or pay me into liking them on paper, and that I’m not dull-witted enough (or bitter enough) to be convinced of Labour’s amazing potential for the future with a plan for 2013 written by Mintoff’s public works minister from 1976.
So now it’s a gwerra spjetata kontra l-moqzieza Defni li qed tizra l-mibgheda. We’ve moved on from the spurious logic of ‘Don’t listen to her because she’s fat and ugly’ and are now at the stage of ‘The truth makes people despise us, so stop her from saying the truth.’
The Labour Party’s official newspaper, KullHadd, has sent the following questions to the prime minister, all cabinet ministers and parliamentary secretaries, and PN backbenchers.
An entire political party and its huge media propaganda machine, and they can’t cope mentally with one 46-year-old woman and a blog.
Pathetic losers.
Mistoqsijiet lill-Ministri/Segretarji Parlamentari u Deputati tal-PN
1. Taqbel mal-kwalita baxxa ta’ kitba ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizia li qed
tirrikorri ghall-mibgheda u hdura spjetata, insulti anki bil-mankamenti
fizici ta’ dak li jkun, tghajjir bil-familja, tghajjir bil-mejtin ecc.?
Ftit ezempji ta’ dan…rigward Guido Demarco meta kien marid, kitbet li
trid tixrob ix-xampanja fuq il-qabar tieghu, lil Agata Barbara
ghajjritha lesbjana, lil Borg Olivier ghajjritu bil-hajja personali
tieghu,lil Duminku Mintoff zebilhitu kemm felhet fil-mument li kien qed
jilghabha mal-mewt.
2. Int taqbel ma’ dit-tip ta’ kitba li tidher qed tagevola lill-Partit
Nazzjonalista billi ghandha l-ghan li tiddistruggi fuq livell personali
l-avversarji tal-PN?
3. Taqbel li l-PN ghandu jiddistakka ruhu b’mod car minn dit-tip ta’
Importanti li r-risposti jaslu sa mhux iktar tard mill-Gimgha 11 ta’
Frar. Grazzi.
Ritianne Agius
Tel. 25682279
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Here’s one who’d vote for that lot.
Victor Vella
How can J. Dalli`s performance could be better when, as he said, he has been imprisioned in Brusells? This is equal to those Maltese who where expelled from Malta durig WW2 because of their polititical beliefs. The Gonzi Regime wants to instituntionilize his party and this nation- those who are not with us are against us. Patriotism tremors Gonzi Regime. The Regime wants likers with great tongue!!!!
…lil Agata Barbara ghajjritha lesbjana…
How progressive.
You took the words right out of my mouth. When I read that I couldn’t understand why they used the word “ghajjritha”.
Note to all you “progressives” in the PL: the word ” Lesbian” ( and even “gay” for that matter) is NOT an insult.
Did LGBT Labour not inform them?
Dan punt importanti hafna.
Daphne, nahseb tajjeb li tirrimarkah.
Bazikament, kif qed turi Pawla fil-messagg taghha, il-Labour (Ghax il-Kulhadd hija ‘ilsien il-Partit’) qed jghid li l-kelma “lezbjana” hija tghajjira.
Igifieri issa l-PL iqis li “li tkun gay” huwa xi haga negattiva.
Safejn naf jien, jekk persuna gay tghidilha “gay” mhux insult.
Imma mhux hekk ghall-PL.
It’s called hanging themselves with their own rope. Imbasta gejjin bil-LGBT Labour. They can’t decide what they really want, can they?
Do not understand why the PL is being so sensitive.
Surely if they have a cause they can sue DCG for libel. They also conveniently forget the continuous almost daily character assasination of PN officials or PN supporters on their media.
They are not capable of replying to DCG in her own style. Also their arrogance at requesting a reply by Friday 11 February – what will they do if no one bothers to reply to them? Any idea, anyone?
They can resort to the antics of their “glorious” past and proceed to burn or destroy people’s property and then say that the Nationalists did it.
“lil Agata Barbara ghajjritha lesbjana…”
OK, now could somebody explain this please> Perhaps I’m confused or something.
Joseph and ‘lil din’ have gay couples dropping by accidentally on purpose to be fed gingerbread men during an interview because they are progressive.
Labour make a lot of fanfare about having a gay section because it is so progressive.
Labour’s rag considers being called gay a huge insult, even if you really are gay.
What’s wrong with this picture?
Lesbian, an insult?
Mela insult tkun lesbjana? Ritienne, ghandkhom fergha fil-partit li tigbor fiha il-lesbjani – ghala qed tghid li “ghajritha”?
If you where insulting De Marco and Borg Olivier how would that fit with
2. Int taqbel ma’ dit-tip ta’ kitba li tidher qed tagevola lill-Partit
Nazzjonalista billi ghandha l-ghan li tiddistruggi fuq livell personali l-avversarji tal-PN?
Anyone wants a survey designer? Look elsewhere!
In Labour’s revised history, De Marco and Borg Olivier were great Labour statesmen.
Wasn’t it the Labour party itself that saw fit to truck a bull through Sliema to ‘honour’ Borg Olivier?
Ritianne Agius of KullHadd seems to think that Guido de Marco and George Borg Olivier were ‘avversarji tal-PN’. The Labour Party doesn’t only have star quality politicians. It’s got star quality reporters, too. Qabda mhuh ta’ tigieg.
Why were these questions sent to PN backbenchers ? One wonders..
The Mintoffian doctrine is Divide and Rule.
I am awaiting the publication of the backbenchers’ replies. I wouldn’t be surprised that they bother to reply.
Why were the questions sent at all, you mean. Given that they think the country is falling to bits, you’d imagine there’d be more pressing issues on their agenda.
“tiddistruggi fuq livell personali”
They aren’t just a bad joke. They even sound like one.
Q “What’s the difference between a sub-machine gun and a blog run by one woman?”
A The Labour Party doesn’t think guns are dangerous.
So, what’s new?,9171,923653,00.html#ixzz1DeFfKNBO
The Maltese have reason for worry. In his drive to turn Malta into a socialist state, Mintoff has grown increasingly authoritarian. He keeps the local press tightly reined and prohibits all coverage of Adami’s Nationalist Party. Businessmen complain of rising government interference in their affairs.
La verita offende or truth hurts!
Previously our so-called left wing party was against EU membership. Now we have the same party saying that being defined as gay/lesbian is tantamount to an insult.
If this is the best our left wing party can come up with, what hope is there for Malta?
Makes you think: what exactly do they think LGBT means?
Phase 2?
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788 – 1860)
Daphne is only human miskina. Haluwa bi kwieta. dik mara honesta u ma toghbod lil hadd, kitbieta is only dictated to her and she is being used. sOur national Daphne only has a soft spot for GONZIPN & Co. So what. She is so sweet. i adore Daphne`s pen. she`s my favorite waste of time (of course her blog). Ex PN.
Halluni bi kwieti, halluni bi kwieti – dan il-biki min ghand Karmenu Vella smajnieh, sabieha.
Mela Ray lesbjana ukoll?
If you consider the blog a waste of time, then why are you here? You can’t resist it, can you?
Did you know that Julia Farrugia was promoting this Sunday’s Illum’s content on Kalamita on Super One?
Coming up this Sunday: an interview with Michelle Muscat and an opinion piece by Saviour Balzan, who is now apparently writing in both Maltatoday and Illum on Sundays.
There was also a subliminal attack on your writings, with Julia saying that real juornalism is that which is based on facts and the unveiling of hidden truths.
Julia Farrugia is in no position to preach about facts and the unveiling of truth.
If real journalism is based on the unveiling of hidden truths (to quote you), then would she be interested in unveiling the hidden truths about the Raymond Caruana case? Just wondering.
I can see the ministers, parliamentary secretaries and MPs have cancelled all their meetings, appointments etc to answer Kulhadd’s questions by the deadline.
Why is it not Joseph Muscat asking these questions?
Why do they use other journalists to do so?
Shame on the Moviment Progressiv, Generazzjoni Gdida, the Golden Years, and the whole lot of them.
Thanks to this blog, I do not browse any other Maltese news site any more. It is entertaining, and at the same time informative. I do not have the time and patience for anything else.
I have not accessed the Malta Today website for ages now, and stopped reading the Times a few months ago as well. I could not read another article (or opinion piece disguised as an article) written by Sansone or Peregin. Apparently The Times wanted to compete with Malta Today. It looks that the erosion in the quality proves that they are taking this competition rather seriously.
“lil Guido Demarco meta kien marid, kitbet li trid tixrob ix-xampanja fuq il-qabar tieghu, lil Agata Barbara ghajjritha lesbjana, lil Borg Olivier ghajjritu bil-hajja personali tieghu,lil Duminku Mintoff zebilhitu kemm felhet fil-mument li kien qed jilghabha mal-mewt.”
Din xi nasba tieghek Sinjura Caruana Galizia: lil Gwido mhux se nemmnek li qed jiddefenduh tal-Kulhadd. Dak fuq Ix-Xewka Lino Cassar kien jghidlu Miss Pepsi, u Alfred Sant tghidx kemm kien ghajru..
Imbilli Agata Barbara kienet mara ragel x’fiha hazin? Ahna partit li minn dejjem accettajna lil kulhadd, lesbjani, pufti, pogguti, ingarzati, tradituri tal-PN, sinjuri, fqar u tal-middleclass. Imbasta jivvutawlna.
Lil Borg Olivier dejjem barri ghajjarnieh. Min jaf kemm kantajna “Le le le ‘l Gorg il-Barri ma’ rriduhx Assasin tal-Maltin”, b’daqshekk?
Lil Mintoff la naf insejjahlux salvatur u l-anqas traditur, imma ma jmissekx tkasbar lil missier Malta Hielsa.
Tippruvax tilghaba tal-martri. Tal-Kulhadd huma nies ta l-affari taghhom u nispera li jfittxuk bil-qorti.Ahjar tnehhi din il-blogg ghax ma tistax tghid x’jigrilek.Dan l-inkwiet x’ghandek bzonnu?
Issa anki Musulmani qed jaccettaw…..
[Daphne – Imma ma jitfawhomx go ghetto bhal dawk il-lesbjani.]
U l-Borg Olivier, mhux biss talli ghajjartuh barri, imma sa wasaltu ggibu barri ta’ veru jdur ma tas-Sliema, specjalment fl-inhawi ta’ Victoria Avenue, issa maghrufa bhala Triq Gorg Borg Olivier. Tiftakruha din?
U skarnawh quddiem daru bid-demm itir ma kullumkien – look it up in Henry Frendo’s biography of Gorg Borg Olivier. The occasion was to celebrate the 1976 election victory.
[Daphne – I don’t have to look it up. I lived round the corner and I remember. But what I remember more than the bull and the lemons was the men on the lorries. They really looked like they came from another world, because you know what, they did.]
A. Attard – I too remember the men on the lorries, relieving themselves over the side as they drove along Tower Road and even flashing at old ladies and little girls as they walked by. I know. I was there, and I was still under 10 years old.
U l-fniek imxerrdin ma tas-Sliema wara l-elezzjoni tal-81?
Zminijiet tad-deheb tassew.
Missier Malta hielsa huwa Eddie Fenech Adami, habib.
Kemm hi sabieha l-verita hux.
Kemm hawn min jiddejjaq jismaghha.
Kemm trid tkun baxx sabiex tikteb ittra bhal dik tal-Kullhadd.
Kemm niehu pjacir nikteb u naqra fuq dan il-blog.
Kemm hawn min qied jikixfulu dnubied.
Kemm hi b’sahhita il-pinna.
Kemm ghadna ghax inkunu grati lejn Daphne.
L-ewwel nett il-Partit Nazzjonalista m’ghandux ghalfejn ‘jiddistakka’ ruhhu mill-kitba ta Daphne ghax la l-PN u lanqas Daphne ma qatt iddikjaraw xi allejanza bejniethom u ghaldaqstant fil-fatt huma diga distakkati min xulxin
It-tieni, Ritianne Agius imissa indunat li waqqghet l-argument taghha stess meta kitbet li Daphne kienet kitbet fin-negattiv dwar protagonisti Nazzjonalisti u allura m’ghandiex ghalfejn tishon ghax Daphne tghid il-verita dwar il-politika dilettanteska u qerrieda tal-partit Laburista.
Jekk il-kitba ta’ Daphne qed ‘tagevola’ lill-Partit Nazzjonalista, mela kemm il-Kulhadd, Illum, l-orizzont, One TV u Radio One qed jagevolaw lill-Partit Laburista?
Minn x’hiex qed jibza il- partit tal-Lejber? Forsi qed jindunaw li l-kalibru tal-kittieba tal-gazzetti taghhom huwa tant baxx li lanqas ma jafu jispellu bil-Malti u wisq anqas bl-Ingliz?
U allura, biex tohrog ta’ mara, Ritianne trid li l-ministri u d-deputati Nazzjonalisti jirrispondu mhux aktar tard mil-lum, 11 ta Frar. Dak ultimatum! U jekk le? Naturalment Ritianne tiddikjara gwerra kontra l-PN? U allura nistaqsi jien, x’hemm gdid?
Il-fatt hu li jekk wiehed ihares lejn il-leaders tal-partit tal-Lejber f’dawn l-ahhar hamsin sena insibu lill-Mintoff li fired lill-Malta, il-KMB li halla l-marmalja tkisser l-Qorti u l-Kurja, lill-Alfred Sant li ghalkemm razzan il-marmalja ried iwaqqaf il-progress u ffriza l-applikazzjoni ta Malta biex tissieheb fl-UE.
U issa ghandna lill Joseph li jadura lill-Mintoff u rega rxoxta l-ex- ministri ta’ zmien Mintoff u KMB biex ‘isahhah’ il-partit – partit skadut, bla vizjoni u bla kuxjenza.
Jien ma nafx kemm ghandha zmien Ritianne. Forsi zghira bizzejjed u ma ghandiex ideja kemm il-partit taghha ghamel hajja iebsa ghal hutha Maltin meta kien fil-gvern u allura temmen biss dak kollu li l-magna tal-propaganda Socjalista temghahha dwar is-‘snin tad-deheb’ tas-70ijiet u tat-80ijiet.
Mur ara kieku kien il-Partit Nazzjonalista li ghamel dawn id-domandi fi zmien gvernijiet Socjalisti.
Forsi kienu jsibu l-istamperija attakkata? Forsi il-kap kien isib il-familja tieghu itterrorizzata u d-dar imharbta? Forsi xi stamperija ta’ gazzetta tinharaq bl-impjegati maqbuda gewwa?
Forsi kienu jkunu aktar vittmi li tilfu hajjithom ghax kienu Nazzjonalisti?
Forsi kienu jkunu aktar vittmi ta frame-ups ghax ma kienux jaqblu mal-politika qerrieda tas-Socjalisti?
Le, Ritianne, ghandek wisq x’titghallem, ghalkemm hemm x’jighdli li ghalik ftit hemm tama ghax inqbatt f’nassa li bil-mod tohrog minnha.
Sorry to be blunt, Daphne, but you always end up being such a ‘xewka f’sormom’. All those ‘consultants’ and anzjani ta’ esperienza fi xena politika’ and they just can’t handle you.
I would love to be a fly on Joey’s kitchen wall when he reads your column breakfast time. Minn jaf x’gargarella taqbdu kull darba.
Daphne tikteb baxx? Mela Charlon Gouder xi nghidu ghalih. Dak moderat? U tal-Maltastar x’inhuma? Dejjem jaghjru lil Daphne sahhara, qahba u anqas naf xiex. Daphne qahba?
Dik mara serja u tal-affari taghha, u l-Maltin ghandhom ikunu kburin biha. U qatt, u nerga nghid qatt ma’ tistghu taghjruha giddieba. Ghalhekk intkom mahruqin.
Tajba din! Mela issa gurnalista indipendenti anqas tista tikteb dwar il-fatti li ghaddejna minnhom?
Mhux ta’ b’xejn fi zmien l-antik konna naqilghu ix-xebat min ghand tal-Labour ghax naqraw gazzetti nazzjonalisti ghax il-verita min dejjem kienet tweggaghhom lil tal-Labour.
The only hope they have to shut you up is for Joseph Muscat to bring a Private Members Bill with a motion to that effect in Parliament, and NOT granting a free vote to his parliamentary group.
In this case, it is possible that some backbenchers on the government’s side will vote with Labour.
That is not legally possible, but it would not be surprising if he tried to do it.
I think it is legally possible – why not? – but I strongly believe it is not politically expedient. But as you say, t would not be surprising if he tried to do it.
It is legally possible to bring a Private Members Bill before Parliament. It is not legally possible to use the house of representatives to bring about an action that is illegal.
La Redoute, for Labour, what is politically expedient is legally possible.
Wrong. Labour don’t know or care enough about the rule of law. Why else do they make such a mess of everything?
You might want to take a look at this,
What a plonker. Nothing but empty, illogical waffle, of which absolutely nothing at all was “in defence of Julia Farrugia”.
Then, and if this isn’t an incredible contradiction I don’t know what is, creating a video blog post completely about Daphne the message of which is an exhortation to ignore her completely.
Loved the request to the PM to shut her up, just before preaching about freedom of speech, democracy and all that. Free complimentary speech is I suppose the type referred to.
Well, to expect nothing less from someone espousing the typical Labour “they’re all against us” loser complex.
How very very sad.
Well, here’s my message – Go to hell Saviour. I will continue ignoring you and your media just as I have done for donkeys, because there is “nothing to see” there. You and all that comes out of your stable is not a patch on Daphne’s blog, and you know that.
In fact, Saviour, you should be grateful for this blog because it is only through it that I visited your site, probably the first in a couple of years, if not longer. On balance however, maybe you’d rather I didn’t, as the rather neutral impression I previously held of you has gone south at quite a rate of knots.
Saviour is in a temper because you have unearthed his own writings of few years ago. His past villains are now his heroes.
Saviour huwa suldat ta’ l-azzar iehor, qalielek! Il-PN ghandu It-Times, l-Independent , il-PBS u (nesa jghid li ghandu in-Nazzjon Taghna) kollha mieghu. Il-Pupa, kif qal Saviour inqabad jisraq u kien mal-MLP u qaleb u sar mal-PN , kif qatt tista temmnu lil Ganni l-Pupa?
Jekk ghandek xi tghid lil pulizija mur ghand il-kummissarju, mhux toqghod tikteb l-affarijiet li jkunu ntqalu l-Qorti hawn.
Gonzi jehtieg jaghlaqlek halqek, jew inkella nibbojkotjawk, naghmlu kif kontu taghmlu intom lix-Xandir Malta.
I solemnly declare that I do not like Saviour Balzan, Malta Today and Illum.
Lead soldier: Congratulations for your improvement in Maltese orthography; have you gone to private lessons or has someone else written your post for you.
Now to business…boycott DCG: how, by not logging on to her blog? Please explain by 17.00 today.
Suldat, forsi ghalhekk mela Saviour ma semmiex isem Daphne? Forsi qed jibda il-boycott fuq isimha bhal ma kien jaghmel Xandir Malta fuq isem il-Kap tal-Oppozizzjoni Nazzjonalista fiz-Zmien tad-Deheb?
“Gonzi jehtieg jaghlaqlek halqek”
spoken like a true Mintoffjan. No wonder you admire Saviour Balzan.
Din Ritianne Agius ma tafx x’kitbu fuq il-Kullhadd dwar it-tfal tal- MP David Agius. Dik zgur hdura.
Jidher car daqs il-kristall li n-neo-Mintoffjani tal-Partit Laburista l-”Gdid” ghandhom problema akbar mill-headquarters tal-hgieg: qed jibzghu, tabilhaqq qed jibzghu minn gurnalista, minn mara, minn persuna tmexxi blog wehidha.
Affarijiet ma jitwemmnux!
Il-Partit Laburista li dalwaqt jikkontesta l-elezzjoni generali jinsab imwerwer mill-kitba gurnalistika ta’ mara wahda.
Veru tad-dahk, eh: bil-gazzetta taghhom immexxijja mill-istooges, bit-televixin jikkondizzjona l-imhuh tal-fidili lluppjati tat-Tieni Repubblika tal-Bigilla, bis-Super One itanbar il-gideb u l-propaganda Muscatjana-Mintoffjana, bil-magna llubrikata tal-partit u, safrattant, jibzghu minn mara li ghandha pinna tajba u taf tartikola tajjeb dak li tghid.
U jriduna nistmerruha u ma naqrawhiex iktar (ghandkom xi cans!) lil dil-mara li tikxfilkom sor**** bhal papra.
Zgur mhux se nibqghu nidhlu fil-blog ta’ DCG minhabba l-mistoqsijiet parlamentari ridikoli taghkom.
Mara wahda wehidha u ddawwarkom zugraga fuq suba’ wiehed, iddahhalkom minn but u tohrogkom minn iehor, u tikxfikom kull maskra li tilbsu.
Misskom taghmlu gwerra spjetata kontra l-medjokrita’ u l-injoranza grazza li ghandkom fil-Partit Gdid immexxi mill-Brimb il-Qadim.
Nahseb werwirtuha lil DCG billi mortu tigzawha lill-papa! Qatta pussies!
Rather then KullHadd they should have got Silvio Parnis to ask those in parliament as PQs.
Ghad ghandi 37 sena u nhossni tlajt fi njuranza kbira. Iktar ma jghaddi zmien aktar ninduna li din l-injuranza ghada tezisti f’Malta.
Meta naqra l-blog ta’ Daphne ninnota li din tista tkun mezz edukattiv biex dawk li bhali messithom ix-xorti hazina li jitilghu fl-injuranza jifthu naqra mohhom.
Sorry u bil-haqq fi zmien il-Milied kienet ser ittini rasi minghajr l-artikli ta’ Daphne.
Ahseb u are min hu bhali, anzjan ta l-fuq minn sittin sena li ghaddejt minn esperjenzi taht gvern Socjalista, li l-ewwel ried li nsiru Inglizi, li bhal issa ghaddejjin minn gwaj enormi, bit-taxxi joghlew, is-salarji u penzjonijiet jew iffrizati jew imnaqqsa, mhux talli l-istudenti m;ghandomx stipendji, talli biex tiggradwa fil-medicina tispicca tissellef xi 40,000 lira sterlina, imbaghad meta ma rnexxilux, kif jghidu l-Inglizi, ‘he hopped on the band wagon’ u qal lill-Inglizi “Pay up or go home”.
Il-wicc imcappas bil-**ra imbaghad jghid li kecca lill Inglizi! L-Inglizi ghamlu ftit gobon imrangat fuq nassa, Mintoff gidem u l-Inglizi qalulu ta-ta!
Iva, min hu ta eta zghira ghandu bzonn mhux jaqra l-gazzetti tal-partiti politici imma jaqra u jara documentarji mehuda minn gazzetti u entitajiet indipendenti. Imbaghad jiddeciedi liema partit politiku huwa qarrieqi u li ghamel hsara irrimedjabbli lill popli Malti.
Il-partit Laburista kemm fil-gvern u kemm fl-oppozizzjoni m’huwiex hlief partit ta# gheneb qares u ta ghira kbira ghax kellu hafna opportunitajiet li jaghmel gid u minflok ghazel li jaqsam poplu, jivvendika ruhhu ma dawk li ma qablux mal-politika tieghu (min xhux maghna, kontra taghna) u sahansitra ipprova jeqred nies li gew ‘ifframjati’ ghal delitti li qatt ma ghamlu.
Din hija l-ghazla li l-poplu Malti ser ikollu f’sentejn ohra u li ghalija m’hi ghazla xejn ghax taht partit wiehed biss ghandu garanzija ta paci, progress, gid, impiegi, investiment barrani u tmexxija ghaqlija.
Il-partit Laburista ma joffrix xejn hlief duhhan, cpar, kliem zejjed u bil-quddiem iwieghed li jiehu hsieb l-ewwel lis-segwaci tal partit, ghandhom (kellhom) lista ta nies fejn ser ipogguwhom, “biex ma jkunx hemm konfuzzjoni malli nitilghu”.
Jekk wiehed jahseb li l-partit Laburista inbidel, sejjer zmerc ghax mhux talli ma jhares il-quddiem, talli mar lura ghas-snin sebghejn u t-tmeninijiet u rega haddan il-politika moqzieza ta dawk iz-zmienijiet mudlama.
Angus Black – jien mieghek – xieh ta 85 sena u ghaddejt min torturi ghar-raguni li ma kontx Labour, Iz-zaghazah tal-lum fortunati – fortunati hafna.
Kellhom bzonn jaqraw l-istorja ta Malta kif inhi miktuba min Daphne – l-inqas bias wiehed – kollox verita sagrosanta
How can a newspaper, which is naturally made up of journalists, target a journalist’s freedom of speech when they depend on the very same laws to protect themselves?
By attacking you, don’t they realize that they are in effect putting limitations on their own freedom of expression? How ridiculous!
Do you agree with the…what was that? How clever these people are. Trying to corner the PN by demonizing a journalist who writes articles that often criticize the PL. This is just another “I know what you are but what am I” playground load of rubbish. Grow up.
Let’s cut a long story short shall we, since one needs to state the obvious to these people just to show how their intentions behind these cunning plans of theirs are blatantly obvious. The way I see it these questions are there to serve one of two functions, depending on which way the answers go.
1) If the Pn says “Yes” to the first question then the PL can go around getting its supporters to think that Daphne and the PN are one and the same thing. Anyone with more than half a brain cell knows that Daphne isn’t. She’s not even a politician. But they don’t care. With this prize in their pockets they are just going to use their opinion of her articles to smear the PN’s reputation. They demonize her first, then anyone who agrees with her. What is this? Senior school?
2) If the PN says “No” then they think they have managed to isolate Daphne and all who follow her, as some sort of plan to discourage her from writing, because they oh-so-desperately want you to stop. Some silly attempt to disillusion Daphne.
Here’s a quick lesson on democracy, Ms Aguis: You can’t bully people into siding with you. Demonizing them is even worse. You can’t use your opinion of someone’s writing as a way of smearing other people’s reputation. It backfires once people say “But I don’t think Daphne’s blog is of low quality, so what’s your point?”
Look at politicians all over Europe. Berlusconi, Sarkozy etc. They all have their critics. They have their private lives in the papers too, in case you don’t read them. Do their party’s newspapers attack those journalists in return? No, or if they do, then they do it as revenge, which everyone else disagrees with, and sees it for what it is, a threat to democracy in their country.
I doubt the PN are going to be afraid of what you are trying to do to them, and to Daphne. They all have their opinion of Daphne’s writing. Sometimes they might agree and other times they might not. Saying it’s important because she supports the PN and her posts seem to favour the PN begs the question “But don’t yours do the same for the PL?”
And please don’t call your articles high quality. I’ve read them. They aren’t. Therefore, whatever constraints you wish to have imposed on Daphne would have to be imposed on you as well. Constraints which, I imagine, you wish would include “Say only nice things about the PL” .
Edward, no decent MP is going to reply to the questions posed by Ritianne Agius of Kulhadd. Who is she anyway – a junior reporter who takes notes at press conferences?
Decent MPs will realise that they cannot make comments about one section of the media to another section of the media, especially since those comments will invariably be published.
My reading of the aim of Kulhadd is to create yet another “crisis” in the Gonzi government by getting one of his backbenchers to give them a comment against Daphne – which probably Kulhadd considers a possibility given Daphne’s criticism of some backbenchers.
Ha nkellimkom minn hawn, ghax mid-dehra aktar taslilkom:
Possibbli m’intomx qed tindunaw li qed televaw blog privata ghal status ta’ istituzzjoni?
Jghiduli, ‘tiktibx fuq il-blog ta’ Daphne ghax tpaxxiha’. Mela x’intom taghmlu intom, tehduha bis-serjeta?
Kev, min jgħidlek biex ma tikkummentax fuq dan il-blog? Interessanti din.
Sharon Ellul Bonici, Andy Ellul, John Ellul li siefer ma’ Consuelo (marru Singapore fuq xoghol) u sieheb Andy, Vince Micallef. Qabda jaqq.
Ghidilna, Kev, min qallek biex ma tiktibx fuq dan il-blog?
U minn fejn ezatt qed tkellimna – dhalt tistahba fit-toilet bil-laptop?
Issa int, ciccio2011, x’inhu affarik min qalli? Tridx il-qies taz-zarbun ukoll?
Ahh, Kev, milli jidher, mhux fl-interess tal-poplu. It must be another conspiracy…
Kev, I notice that when you trip over yourself, you resort to cliche’. Why don’t you just own up to the fact that the only reason you come here is because it’s the only place you can get anything resembling an interesting conversation….down here in Lilliput, I might add, lest you imagine that Lilliputians are getting to big for their boots?
It must be terribly frustrating for someone so worldly to have to count himself among the brainlessness of the Labour Party media.
And that is a sincere observation.
La Redoute – I come here for entertainment. There’s no conversation here. Just the chatter of acolytes, flatterers and imitators – a blog glorified by unknowing, self-deluded foes. That’s why I visit this Lilliputian corner.
But tell me, why do you sound so much like that Ms C Vella?
[Daphne – The usual knee-jerk response. If somebody’s English is perfectly idiomatic, then it must be Daphne or Corinne. I suppose we should be flattered, but really, everyone else should be insulted, kev.]
“I come here for entertainment. There’s no conversation here.”
…which explains why you scroll back through several posts and reams of comments to pick up where you left off. It seems conversation in Lilliput is a whole lot more stimulating than anything you get elsewhere.
It’s the mindset, not the ‘”perfectly idiomatic” English, that tells me it’s her. Your knee-jerk reply says it all.
[Daphne – Really? You must have missed the same knee-jerk reply by H. P. Baxxter, who is also assumed to be me or one of mine, by the idiots in your fold. The mindset and the use of language go together, Kev.]
“acolytes, flatterers and imitators”
Inti taf tisthi?
By that measure, if Christopher Booker posts a comment here I’d think he’s Corinne Vella. How egocentric can you get, Daphne? Can’t you possibly see how ridiculous you are?
[Daphne – No, kev, not if Christopher Booker uses his own name. For that same reason, you never think that Antoine Vella might be me or Corinne, even though the similarities in style are acute, because you know he is a ‘real person using a real name’.]
La Redoute, you wrote: “…which explains why you scroll back through several posts and reams of comments to pick up where you left off.”
Here’s a free tip to save on time:
Go to the thread (in my case a very few) – ctrl+F – type in ‘La Redoute’, click ‘enter’, then ‘previous’ for your last post.
It takes two seconds, La Redoute.
Oh, look. You’re back.
The point is that you *do* return to the scene. How you get here is secondary.
Daphne vs Maltatoday on
The battle of the blogs!
Is Saviour in his right mind? He is saying that The Times and The Malta Independent are ‘government’ newspapers.
Will Joseph Muscat please declare himself in favour of free speech?
The way Saviour talks and gesticulates against Daphne is not hdura and vomtu. Ma tarax.
Can’t have a proper battle if the rules are skewed. “Someone” posted the comment below under Saviour’s videoblog. It survived for two minutes before being removed.
Hallina Saviour. Bicca mara iffissatha dawritkhom fuq subghajha. Taf kemm tidher tac-cajt f’dan il-video? Min jaf kemm dahket meta ratu u x’torok idejha ghal dak li jmiss. Kompli ghati l-importanza lil min trid twaqqa’.
Wara li rajt dan il-videoblog, ha naghmel xi riflessjonijiet u nghaddi xi kummenti: se nkompli nsegwi din il-blog ta’ Daphne b’attenzjoni liema bhalha u ma nsibx oggezzjoni li jkollha sapport finanzjarju.
[Daphne – Li fil-fatt m’ghandix ghax m’hemmx spejjez biex immexxih, mhux bhall-gazzetta ta’ Saviour Balzan, mimli spejjez u bla flus hlief meta iroxxu flus minn gewwa s-sidien.]
Il-litanija ta’ aggettivi negattivi fuq DCG biex tigi skreditata altru li mhijiex tahdem mas-sapporters tal-blog taghha.
Il-konverzjoni tal-Pupa kienet awtentika; ghexieren ta’ thugs jikkonvertu; ma jikkonvertix min hu supperv.
Jien nemmen li Ganni Psaila (il-Pupa) qal il-verita’ fuq ix-xufier ta’ Karmenu Vella, is-submachine gun u l-isparar fuq il-kazin Nazzjonalista.
Nemmen li lil Ganni qatluh biex jaghlqulu halqu: ma rnexxewx billi ghamlulu bomba fil-karozza, irnexxew mod iehor bix-xaft u t-taparsi serqa li kien qed iwettaq.
Qatluh biex ma jersaqx lejn il-qorti u jrodd il-provi ghax kien se jinkixef baruni kbir tal-haddiem iz-zghir. It-ton isteriku ta’ lehen Saviour Balzan u l-enfazi kbira fuq ”mhemmx provi” thassibni shih.
Jekk missier Julia Farrugia, ix-xufier tal-ex-ministru Socjalista, kien tabilhaqq innocenti ghalfejn Saviour jenfasizza l-kliem ”m’hemmx provi”? Il-verita’ qatt kellha bzonn il-provi?
Tinkwetani u thassibni shih il-frazi ”nies vicin il-prim minisitru Gonzi.” Saviour: kieku hemm John Dalli kap tal-PN fil-gvern u Julia Farrugia ghadha gurnalista mal-Labour, kont tiddefendih lil missierha, ix-xufier ta’ Karmenu Vella, li l-Pupa xlieh bl-isparar fuq il-kazin tal-PN ta’ Hal Tarxien b’submachine gun?
Kieku Roger Degiorgio ghadu d-direttur tal-gazzetti tal-PN, u ma sarx wiehed mis-sidien tal-Malta Today, kont izzomm is-silenzju li qed izzomm illum fuq il-Mintoffjanizmu gdid fil-Labour Party fil-gazzetti tieghek?
Il-Malta Today ghandha stand cara kontra t-twemmin nisrani; il-kitba tal-gurnalisti taghha tixhed dan li qed nghid. U mhix tabilhaqq indipendenti wkoll galadarba l-agenda taghha hija l-istess agenda supperva u qarsa ta’ Saviour Balzan u Roger Degiorgio kontra l-bniedem li qed imexxi l-PN bhalissa. Punto e basta.
Vera ghas 70s u 80s morna. Dak iz-zmien isem il-kap tal-opposizzjoni anqsa kien jissema fuq ix-xandir tal-istat.
I can’t understand the PL’s logic. If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen, jghidu. Particularly applies to politics.
The die-hard PN supporters who take this blog too seriously will vote PN, blog or no blog. On the other hand, its savageness (not necessarily meant in a negative way) may drive some Nationalist dojoq away while strengthening the commitment of luke-warm PL supporters.
From – MT 57 – MT 91 – MT 186
This is why they are so pissed off. They know you have the same coverage (if not more) as they do.
Keep up your good work. The truth hurts. Those who are decent shouldn’t worry. Let those who have their conscience heavy with sins worry. May be one day they will change their attitude.
I would, also, recommend that, instead of, critisizing and searching for a pin in a haystack” in GonziPN’s work, we ought to show our appreciation, if we truly wish our country and Party to progress further.
Egypt’s hosni Mubarak has resigned…damn! By now Joseph’s marketing campaign for Malta would have been in full swing!
Except that Joseph Muscat has already told us that we’re mejtin bil-guh, so how was he expecting Malta to pay for that campaign?
Tista tghiduli jekk Saviour Balzan wara li qal dak kollu rigward dan il blog jekk kellux il-hila jsemmi ismek, Daphne, imqar ghal darba, u nistaqsi ghaliex dawn ma jsemmux ismek, ta’ min hu dal il-blog li jirreferu ghalieh.
Stramba l-affari.
P.S. Points to note:
The emphasised “HADRA”.
The mistaken belief that you are controlled by Lawrence Gonzi.
And Balzan is so angry he stumbles over words of three syllables or more.
Now he wants us to boycott you.
My, that’s really going to drive business in his direction.
saver tilifha bl ikrah miskin. Jew forsi ghajjien ghax mhux qed jorqod bil-lejl? Lanqas jisthi jghajjar lil haddiehor “hadra”, meta hu ma felahx juri iktar hdura fuq il-gazzetta moqzieza tieghu?
Anki ghan-nies li qatt ma ghamlulu xejn? Il veru bniedem vili. I hate him with a passion.
Ghogobni l-appel ta’ Saviour biex min jara l-videoblog jaghmel azzjoni wahda zghira. Ftakart f’meta kont fil-Legion of Mary.
I know of people who were angry and disgusted with Saviour’s clip. I thought it was so funny with him looking so pathetic and ”ahdar” at the same time.
He has obviously lost it and has still not noticed that Roger De Giorgio is pushing him further forward to ridicule him. Oh Saviour,just a small tip. Stick to writing, you come out so poorly on video.
Bongu all……….are you all in the mood of injecting the venom vs PL. Vera ghandkhom valuri Kristjani. Why everyone use nicknake, mela mhux pajjiz demokratiku. jew dejjem l-istess tuzana nies li jimirhu gewwa il kwartjieri tal Pieta u joqodu jghamlu video editing etc u jigu manupulati l imhuh biex ixerdu odju odju odju.
I’m impressed that you believe it is necessary to ‘inject venom vs PL.’ What you are seeing is merely the natural reaction to Muscat’s pretence at progressivita’.
Most of you PN bloggers seems to be acting like the pro mubarak camp, defensive trying to consolidate what was acquired during the regime……jobs without call for application, appointments in agencies, permits before the election etc etc…………..its over soon. time to say goodbye to power. its painful but remember, less then 30 months and GONZIPN will be in opposition.
While my previous comment is awaiting moderation. is it daphne controlling this censura. i wonder. ex pn
Jigifieri meta jitla’ Joseph Muscat lili se jsejhuli biex insir CEO fil-public service commission bil-48K fis-sena, Ray? Genjali!
Eh, le? Se jibqa’ l-istess cabal?
Gonzi looked good.
Piss off, stupid. Find yourself a field mouse and get yourself a brain transfusion.
hello me, how sweet. i wonder if your heading for mass this morning. so your a fan of gadaffi now and had a brain transfusion. you do not recall what your pn media use to call gadaffi. from me to you. ex pn
transplant ;)
I retract what I wrote previously.
It would be a grave insult to the mouse.
Would you prefer censura the Labour way? I hear some of the party’s supporters do a nice line in violent intimidation and murder.
Iva rajnieh. Ghala, ghandek xi problema?
not at all, but when i used to vote PN, i do recall PN media branding gadaffi tal habaziz, ditattur and now he is an angle in the arms of yours truly gonzi. ex pn
When Labour went to the Christmas pantomime
Biex ma nhallux lil dan il-fjur ta’ pajjiz jintilef se nergghu nifthu korp iehor, differenti minn ta’ qabel. Se jidhlu fih dawk ta’ bejn it-18 u l-25 sena. Ghal erbatax il-xahar biss, biex wara jsibu fl-industrija u jidhlu ohrajn flokhom. Din il-forza se jkun jisimha ‘id-Dejma’, ghax irridu nfakru fl-antik. Fl-antik il-Maltin kienu ffurmaw id-dejma li kienu johorgu bil-lejl biex iharsu u jiddefendu lil-pajjizna. Kull sena se nibdew indahhlu forza biex nidefendu lil Malta.”
– Dom Mintoff addresses a meeting in Birkirkara, 31 May 1981
Ray Spiteri, wara li qdewk u tawk gobb tal-PN issa qed teqred u tgorr ghax se tinqatalek iz-zejza, nies bhalek inxommom minn seba mili l-boghod.
Ha naghlmek id-differenza bejn Gonzi jaghnnaq lil Gaddafi u Mintoff jaghnnaq lil Gaddafi.
Nahseb naqblu li mal-girien huma min huma irridu nzommu relazzjoni tajba, u jekk ma’ naqblux maghhom inzommuhom mil-ghatba ‘l-barra.
Fi zmien Mintoff, Gaddafi kien jindahal xi jsir f’pajjizna….sa meetings tal-Labour kien jindirizza. Jien niftakru jigi l-Politeknik ta’ l-Imsida bil-gwardji nisa bil-machine guns f’idom, jindirizza lilna l-istudenti. Tiftakar meta semmewlu lil Fenech Adami u kien staqsihom “dan min jahbat?”
Qatt rajt ritratti ta’ Gaddafi jgholli idu fil-wiehed u tletin ta’ Marzu 1979? Dak in-nhar nehhejnielu l-ikbar xewka minn sormu u sa sitt xhur wara stmana f’sormu ghax gabilna l-gunboats ghas-Saipem Due li kien qed ihaffrilna ghaz-zejt, u skond Mintoff “ghamlilna att ta’ l-akbar ghadu”.
Meta tara lil Gaddafi jindirizza ‘l-Konferenza generali tal-PN jiddetalna x’ghandna naghmlu f’darna umbaghad tista’ tghajjar lil Gonzi talli qed jaghanaq lil tal-habba ghaziz.
Mintoff kien idahhlu gewwa u jhallih jindahal fi hwejjigna u Gonzi qed iwaqqfu sa l-ghatba u “Sahha w Bongu”.
Il Gvern ta Lawrence Gonzi kien ta Gieh ir Repubblika, l-oghla grad li jista jaghati l-Istat Malti, ID-DITTATUR EKS PRESIDENT TAT-TUNEZIJA ZINE EL ABIDINE BEN ALI.
ex PN
Allura? Konna nafu li kien daqshekk korrot?
Forsi kien ihallina inhaffru ghaz-zejt.Tajnih rigal tal-pracett tat-tifla.
Gieh ir-Republika tajnih lil Ceaucescu u lil Gaddafi fiz-zminijiet tad-deheb.Ghamilna sew?
Din bhal meta tara fuq it-televixin lil Gonzi jkellem lil Berlusconi. Allura x’suppost jaghmel, jibqa’ ghaddej u ma jkellimx lil girien?
Ray, ghadek ma’ wegibtnix fuq tal-habbaghaziz.
I cannot imagine life under Labour. If they think they are an alternative they are so far off the mark. The Nationalists 20 years down the line are still far better than Labour – their policies are progressive and not short-sighted like Labour’s.