Happy to oblige, Mr Nutcase
February 4, 2011 at 10:48pm
This was posted beneath ‘John Bundy writes in’. I’m happy to oblige, Mr Nutcase, with my latest photograph, taken last week.
[email protected]
2011/02/03 at 1649hrs
miss ras ta zobb…uri wiccek ha haga kerha u halli lil min jghix fi drittijiet u fhema tieghu….int min iz zikk tahseb li int gejja tindahal x jghamel haddiehor? ghandek xoghol? ghandek paga? qed tmut bil guh? jekk le mhintix mela m ghandekx ghalfejn tgorr u tindahal x jghamel haddiehor. ghamel li ghamel ghax ried hu u int m ghandek lebda dritt tigi tiftah halqek wicc l oxx!
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I will sleep better tonight.
Nice picture.
Is the “case” in nutcase referring to what should be between ears? The post does suggest that.
That story about the dwarf cameraman and his mama’s considerable labia has been quite a hit at Super One. It sure hit a raw nerve.
You look more beautiful in my eyes every day! ;)
Agreed. Same here Bob.
That’s a very flattering photo of you, Daphne.
I hope you won’t be stalked by some pervert from now on!
[Daphne – It’s actually not a ‘flattering’ photo but stark reality. I have plenty of stalkers already – the political variety, who turn out to be even more perverted than the other sort.]
Nice one, Daphne. However, I believe Mr. Nutcase would have been happier to see a picture in which you’re winking.
Who really wrote that excerpt?
[Daphne – No idea, but you’ve got his IP number there should you wish to play detective.]
City: Birzebbuga
Latitude: 35.8258
Longitude: 14.5269
Oh please, you shouldn’t stoop to this level. Why should you upload a picture of yours at the request of someone who didn’t disclose his particulars and even got the trouble of posting from some proxy location thus hiding his IP address? Did s/he think you were going to ask the police to trace and prosecute him?
“tmut bil-guh”? Seriously?
Some people have no idea what goes on in the real world.
This recent trend of describing yourself as dying of hunger simply goes to show how small-minded some people are. Have they ever seen pictures of people dying of hunger? Do they even know what it means?
Saying that we’re dying of hunger simply because we can’t always stuff ourselves with every single morsel of food we get our hands on degrades the real tribulations and real problems that real people suffer around the world in countries like Ethiopia.
You’re not dying of hunger. You don’t know what it means. You should be glad that you have enough food and water to get you through the day and keep you healthy (unless you spend all your money on gambling, cigarettes, manicures, jewellry, LCDs and other frivilous wallet-draining things).
Millions around the world barely have a drop to drink and are lucky to eat scraps every day. Stop your whining and let those people who really are suffering to get the attention they need and deserve.
Prosit Daphne, ir-risposta hada. Nice shot, bet John Bundy wishes you were one of his adoring chat friends.
It’s a GO IP and they are dynamic, not static like let’s say most of Melita’s. It would be difficult from one’s armchair to find out who wrote that but I ask: “Why bother?’
IP locator says it’s Marsaxlokk. Now all we need to do is find the biggest asshole living there.
Selected Location (output)*
Closest Address:b, Marsaxlokk, MaltaLatitude:35.8413148°Longitude:14.5684845°Accuracy:6: Street level.Status:200: Successful geocode.loaded from cache
Isn’t that the sewage recycling plant?
Oh and by the way D, nice smile. Who’d ever think that behind it lies a woman of steel, and ‘their’ worst nightmare.
What a beautiful smile you’ve got!
For the sake of your readers this tool give you excess to know the I.P. address of the persons sending you e-mails
to all its worth. Visit this site and try it.
Where did Bundy “write in” ? In other words where was this literary masterpiece of Nutcase posted?
[Daphne – http://daphnecaruanagalizia.com/2011/01/17/john-bundy-writes-in/ ]
Milli investigajt dan hu xi Nazzjonalist mahruq iehor li gie maghna, u joqghod Douglas fuq gzira fl-Ingilterra.
Dan ghalijja jammonta ghal indhil barrani.
Sakemm mhux qed jinqeda bi x’jeghidulu iehor minn Malta ghal-Ingilterra.
U lil Bundy taghna hallih kwiet, Daphne, orrajt? Il-bierah kellu programm b’firxa wiesgha ta’ irjus kbar li jifhmu fuq il-MEPA u programm oggettiv. Kellu lil-Dr Musumeci (daqt jigi maghna) , kellu lil-Austin Walker li la hu karozza Austin u lanqas ihobb jimxi imma jithallas daqs Mercedes u kellna lit-tifel ta’ Guido De Marco.
Hadt pjacir ukoll nara lil Glenn Vella jkanta.
Insomma programm serju u oggetiv hafna.
Ghall-informazzjoni tieghek, u ghall-korrettezza, Douglas mhuwa il-belt principali tal-Gzira Mann li avolja taghmel parti mill-Gran Brettanja, ma taghmlix parti mill-Ingilterra. Fil-fatt ghandha gvern awtonomu, kif wkoll Gvernatur jirrapprezenta lir-Regina Elizabetta II.
So you’re a “ras ta zobb” u “halq ta oxx”… come out, Daph!
Daphne, every day you are on earth is a blessing.
Now that Daphne obliged you with her photo, let’s see one of you, nutcase. Let us see your face, you twerp.
Daphne, you remind me of Helen of TROY-the face that launched a thousand ships.
Could you translate this, please?
Bundy is full of himself. I see him in Cafe Jubilee, poncing about.
You can cut this out if you want but our eyes once met across a crowded Jubilee and it was a pleasant moment. Some years ago. By our I mean you and me not me and bundy lol.
major dick head … miss your face and leave her a terrible thing to those living in
fhema his rights and …. you who think you’re following zikk iz trespassing x
enlists others? you work? you pay? are dying with hunger? if not
mhintix then you need not make an x undertake tgorr and others.
made it made because you wanted it and you not be open right lebda
oxx mouth face!
PS do you think he reads a lot of Shakespeare?
For the benefit of the non-Maltese (sorry for the translation):
Ms penis head, show your face, you ugly woman, and let others have the right and will to live like they want… who the heck do you think you are, you who always poke your nose in others’ business? do you have a job? do you have a pay? are you dying of hunger? if you are not, then you have no reason to complain and poke your nose in others’ business. he (John Bundy I presume) did what he did because he wanted to and you have no right to talk, sperm-face!
Hope you were not offended Interested Bystander… but that’s how more than half the male (and then some of the female) population in Malta talks when they are angry… Shakespeare indeed!
Yanika: wicc l-oxx means ‘c**t face’ not sperm face.
It’s a young democracy, still finding its feet.
Nice pic, Daphne.
So ‘Nutcase’ asked you to show your face and was too much of a coward to even use his name, let alone send in a photo of himself.
He is obviously a John Bundy fan (but I bet since his move to One TV) since s/he bothered to go back to ‘John Bundy Writes In’ only now, even though it’s not on the home page of your blogG.
How typical for Nutcase to think you should mind you own business and not interfere.
By ‘interfering’ Nutcase means your bringing to light these horrible characters that will affect the future of us all in a negative way.
Worse than a coward, Nutcase is an ignorant coward.
Cannot understand why certain people use vulgar words. Daphne’s photo is OK but I prefer what goes on in her mind and so beautifully put on “paper” so to speak.
its located in the south of Malta and a GO client. http://www.ip-adress.com/map/Map_of_Malta/2bfd004dc1118968344cb719469363b6
Nice pic!
He must be a graduate of the Glass House University graduated with honours.
Glass House University sans Gallarija?
One would think that he has to re-graduate once the balcony at the glass house at Mile End is in place and from where he will deliver his valedictorian address
The top photo and this photo http://daphnecaruanagalizia.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/dsc_5421bem1.jp
: two mischievous smiles.
This man needs to learn about prioritising when it comes to expenditure. If he is one of the throngs of Maltese nationals dying of hunger, then he should give up his internet to buy food.
A very captivating smile, Ms Caruana Galizia.
It is not only the smile, it’s the bright, sparkling eyes too. And then they say that we should not judge people by their looks!
How does this nutcase expect a woman in her forties to look exactly then?
To me Daphne looks like a normal forty something woman aging gracefully. Nothing more, nothing less. Way better than many of those middle-aged Maltese women who make too much effort to look like they are twenty year olds with the end result of looking like bimbos instead, not to mention ridiculous. Too many of them around nowadays, unfortunately. How unfortunate for their offspring. I feel so very sorry for them.
Mr Nutcase might actually be a Miss Nutcase.
Just search for [email protected] on facebook, it will return one profile for a certain ‘Maria Galea’
The URL to her profile is (surprise, surprise) http://www.facebook.com/MissNuTCasE
Could be a coincidence (or someone using her email address), but I doubt it.
Bingo methinks
Keep us informed, please.
so what ?
A stunning picture Daphne……….simply beautiful. An apt answer to this nutcase. Come on now, how about a full person picture of your self. (halli iktar jghiru!)
Anqas int bniedem frustrat, ‘Nutcase’ Mur hu porga halli jaddilek. Prosit, Daphne, kemm int intelligenti ghax wiccek jidher. U dawn tal-Labour ma jistghux ghalik, ghax dawk xi mara, jew tifla,. li kienet tkun mal-pom-pom girls iridu.
Good photo, Daphne….those were really terrible and ” hamalagni ‘ comments. It does not say anything good about its author.
hello all.. misses. do you want me to go and report you to the police?! if so then take off this blog….in case you think ur an intelligent woman mela m ghandekx ghalfejn taqbad man neis b dan il moghod. jekk m ghandekx xtaghmel f hajtek mur hares quddime il mera u malajr issib x tghamel…..xeba plastic ma wiccek :)
[Daphne – Ah, I see. Now that you have realised that I don’t, after all, look like a witch, rather than accept the fact you’ve been sold a shedload of garbage by the Labour Party, I must have had ‘xeba plastic’. Sorry my dear, but good genes, good food, quiet living and above all, never smoking mean that you can leave the Botox to others. And to wind you up still further, perhaps I should add that I spent the first 40 years of my life baking in the sun without ever using sunscreen – and still, no Botox. And if you magnify this photo a little, you’ll see the couple of grey hairs I left up top purposely, so that when your little friends – with their streaks and their bleach and their bottles of dye – natter on about how inappropriate it is for me to dye my hair black at my age, they’ll know it’s actually REAL. A 46-year-old woman who doesn’t dye her hair, eh? My, my, now that’s news for Maltastar. As for reporting me to the police, sweetheart, you have no grounds on which to do it. I, on the other hand, have plenty of grounds to report you for abuse of systems of communication to issue threats and insults, just as I would have been able to do if you had done it over the phone. Now toddle off and play with your ugly chav friends and stunted medieval peasants on Facebook.]
isma, who do you think you are to judge everyone and everything that moves babe?
[Daphne – It’s called ‘performing an essential role in a democracy’, nutcase. Read up about it. Also, I’m not interested in anything that moves, but in players on the public stage. Read up about that, too, though you won’t find much on Facebook. I think the real problem you lot have with me, especially the women, is best summed up in Mark-Anthony Falzon’s article today in The Sunday Times: the ‘limited goods’ thinking to which peasants are prone. The way you see it is that I’m getting the attention that you think is yours, and you’re not getting it because I am. Il-vera qabda msieken.]
Unfortunately, I missed this one. No wonder The MLP stands where it is.
jien kont pom pom girl u qatt m amilt blu films ja qahba ajdli min int .qaed tissaportja l dik il kera xebat taqla qlajjiet fuq in nies .ma kulhadd trid taqbad dik haqqa minn inessaha erwina tikxef la dam l anda u jhagruwa .bundy hamallu ??bundy jajd il verita !!!!u la tmut fuq qabrek nobzqu mela fuq ta mintoff ja qahba .amel daqs dak gid !!!ja xitan
Tidher li kont pom pom girl. Gieli nezzghuk lilek? Ma tanc tidher ghadma Daphne – m’ghandekx ghajnejn jew? Kemm tixtieq ghadek bhala f’kollox. Ara tithajjarx tibghat rittratt tieghek imma kif int illum mhux meta kont pom pom.
petra, f’liema pjaneta qieda tghix?Bundy inqela f’zejtu ghax prova jiggustifika lilhu nifsu ma’ dawk li jafuh sew.
hi Daphne… namirak hafna… imma stajt ma tipublikax id detalji kolla ta dan il proxmu, meta int wahda min dawk li hlif taqla fuq hadt iehor mintix … ara vera tal misthija
[Daphne – Meta naqla fuq haddiehor, qalbi, naqla l-verita dwar nies fil-hajja pubblikau taht ismi (u xi kultant bir-ritratt ukoll), u mhux salt gideb fahxi u libelleuzi b’mod anonimu dwar membri familjari ta’ nies li nobghod, bhal ma jaghmel haddiehor. Allura m’hemmx ghalfejn li xi hadd jipubblikuali d-dettali ghax kulhadd ga jaf min jien. Grazzi tal-interess.]
Regardless of what the issue with John Bundy was, I don’t think that anyone should get the wrong impression about the MLP because of this person.
If you want to know what sort of ‘nutcase’ you’re dealing with, you should add her as a friend and read what she writes on a daily basis! Then you can really have a good laugh!
Nutcase’s and Petra’s comments are the pits.
Hamallagni galore. The creme de la creme of Maltese society.
isma mrs Caruana, ghax jien m ghandix xirrid tal hassle fuq haga bla sens bhal din u wisq inqas irrid lin nies tieghek jghajjruni,
jien lesta niskuza ruhi ghal kumment li ktibtlek jekk inti lesta tnehhi dan l artiklu fuqi.
thank you u nispera li tifhem li qed nghidlek u naslu f kompromess.
is serata t tajba.
Nutcase: Insults and threats are no less a crime for not being published online.
You haven’t been exposed by having your comment published online. You’ve simply had a mirror held up to your face. If what you see is ugly, you’ve no one but yourself to blame.
Hi epey, I agree that Nutcase and Petra’s comments are perfect examples of ‘hamallagni’, but to state that the creme de la creme of Maltese society are all hamalli then you’re generalising in a highly wrong manner.
Your comment screams xenophobia if you’re not Maltese, and if you are, you need to be more realistic about Maltese people and stop wishing to be of a different nationality, because ‘hamalli’ can be found everywhere in any country.
nutcase, jew Maria, “int m’ghandek l’ebda dritt tiftah halqek l’oxx” Dan kien kliemek stess.
I am glad that I have the same photograph in this blog in the “Taste” magazine. Well done for the lovely and delicious recipes you gave us.
My wife and I are regular visitors on Saturday at the farmers’ market at Ta’ Qali. I fully agree with you that their products are “super-fresh”, but I disagree that it costs so much less. The cost is the same and it is worth going because of the freshness of their products.
Again, I would like to know when the next issue of “Taste” is out so I make a note on my mobile because I do not want to miss it.
Thanks for the professional work you do.
Couldn’t lay my hands on ‘Taste’ in my town yesterday and it was only 10:30 to 11:00. I visited seven newsagents. Daphne is the best thing that happened to Standard Publications.
Hi stefan, calm down.
Did you not realise that mine was merely a sarcastic comment? By creme de la creme of the Maltese society I meant Nutcase, Petra and their ilk not all the Maltese people, for heaven’s sake!
It’s the short person syndrome. Maria Galea is less that 5’6″ and has set up a ‘support’ group on Facebook
Just for Fun – Totally PointlessDescription:
someday i will write something down as a description but right know im doped and going to eat ravioli :D….
be proud ur short :D :D Privacy Type:
Open: All content is public.
apart that you are a coward, whats your name?
Please note that the title is written incorrectly!! It’s ‘Proud to be shortys than 5.5ft :D’ whereas the proper spelling should be ‘shorties’.
PS: bezaqlu I cannot help but wonder if you and nutcase are actually the same person …