Joseph Muscat: a great statesman in the making

Published: February 4, 2011 at 10:41am

56 Comments Comment

  1. Herbie says:

    What a tart. Ma jimpurtax dalwaqt jaqleb id-diska with hindsight.

  2. willywonka says:

    Prosit, Joe. Thing is that opportunism was never something that we shied away from, and in these times of economic crises

    I think that many will be hard persuaded to see how crass the leader of the Opposition actually is for being primarily concerned with (let’s not run away with our imagination either – I don’t think that there’s a killing to be made here) material well-being over the safety of fellow Mediterranean citizens and the rule of law in the basin.

    This from a fellow who could in a just a few years time be one of the protagonists of the Euro-Med process.

    Actually, he’s probably admired and not just by some bunch of fools to the south. You ought to hear what tripe a particular group of businessmen (sort of) indulge in every single day whilst having their capuccinos at Giorgio’s in Sliema. It’s sickening and disgusting.

    • Albert Farrugia says:

      .sickening and disgusting because someone at Giorgio’s dare to have an opinion which is not mainstream there? Oh yes I think we need a Tahriri Square in Sliema too it seems.

      [Daphne – Albert, if you had read the exchanges with ‘sixfooter’ (he of the ejja mmorru niehdu coffee l-Ferries) you would know that Giorgio’s etc are now jampacked with people from anywhere but Sliema: Labour voters from Marsascala and Fgura and the like, whose fathers and grandfathers came to pee on us off the backs of lorries for being tal-pepe, but whose descendants are buying up flats there so that they can be ‘puliti’. But it’s the same as it is with bars and restaurants: when the chavs move in, everyone else starts to move right out like I did, or at least into enclaves like Tigne Point.]

      • willywonka says:

        We certainly need Tahriri…but not necessarily with the Square….Tahriri from certain elements in the PL is what we need.

  3. willywonka says:

    Daph, I didn’t have anywhere to post this, but after following this link:

    I read this in the comments….would you just believe it?!

    ASpiteri (28 minutes ago)
    “Anne’s story touched Karl Borg, the mind behind the exhibition, who read her famous diary in 1996”

    I was more impressed with books of David Irving, Arthur Butz and Robert Faurisson, who unlike Anne’s book, are filled with scientific facts rather than science fiction!

  4. Albert Farrugia says:

    …funny, but I could not make out what the Prime Minister of Malta said about the crisis…could you please upload the video again, maybe some part did not upload properly? Thanks.

    • Kukkudrill says:

      Will the foreign minister suffice, Mr Farrugia?

      Here he is, quoted in The Times today:

      “Asked to comment about the situation in Egypt, Foreign Minister Tonio Borg reiterated the position adopted by the EU on Monday in favour of “an orderly transition to true democracy and full respect of fundamental rights and freedoms, including that of peaceful assembly as well as the need for a broad-based government to implement such reforms and transition”.

      Dr Borg said the clashes, bordering on civil strife, in Cairo did not augur well for a peaceful transition.

      He cautioned against the EU adopting a paternalistic approach towards Egypt and said it should instead offer all assistance in favour of reform were this to be requested.

      “The stakes in Egypt are very high for Europe and neighbouring countries.

      What we do not want is any change that would lead to extremist or fundamentalist groups exploiting the situation and filling the political void which turmoil usually creates. If there is going to be change it must be one for democracy and tolerance,” Dr Borg said.”

  5. fanny says:

    Poor, poor Malta. You/we really don’t deserve this, not after having come such a long way in the last decade or so. The man is beyond crass stupidity.

  6. T Schembri says:

    Well, seems like Joseph Muscat is in good company. What an idiot!

  7. red nose says:

    Labour doesn’t see anything extraordinary about what is happening in Egypt.

  8. La Redoute says:

    The combination of ignorance and power are lethal. Muscat is a dangerous man. Why couldn’t he settle for making a mess of his own life instead of screwing up everyone else’s?

  9. Stephen Forster says:

    Classic – the world turns and his “Churchill moment” is tourism.

  10. Alfred says:

    Shame Guz!

  11. Bus Driver says:

    Jew, kif nghidu sewwa bil-Malti, Joseph rega’ hra.

  12. ASP says:

    How sad. I think I’ll start looking for a job in another EU country so that I am away when Labour takes over.

  13. observer says:

    And this is only the beginning…just give him the chance to lead the country.

  14. anthony says:


  15. TROY says:

    Kemm hu bniedem immatur, irresponsabli u perikoluz dan Joseph Muscat.

    Nispersa li l-popli ta l-Egittu u it-Tunesija ma jahsbux li dan huwa s-sentiment tal-poplu Malti.

  16. I Fenech says:

    Like his predecessor Mintoff, the new MLP leader is appealing to the worst in human nature – selfishness, jealousy and greed.

    The average Labour supporter wouldn’t give a damn for human rights in Malta in the 70s and 80s, so why should Labourites care for human rights in Egypt today?

    Mintoff was a star in exploiting the island mentality. He always spoke in terms of “us and them” when he addressed those idiotic supporters like they were children. This Joseph is doing no different and like Mintoff, he equally insults his supporters.

    Why, only a few days ago he told Labourites that should there be a referendum on divorce, they will be free to vote as they please. Isn’t that so nice of him? And his listeners probably clapped when they heard this, thinking it is some great democratic concession from Joseph’s new Labour. Someone should tell them it’s a human right, just like the ones they’re fighting for in Egypt.

    • Albert Farrugia says:

      ….oh well…guess you are too busy to actually read some of the recent PN pronouncements regarding the subject. I mean, fancy you to pick on the LP because its “nots giving us this human right”, forgetting that (1) its the PN in government, not the LP, and (2) that the PN is not going to give “instructions” to its members on how to vote in the referendum, though it will take a position against.

      • I Fenech says:

        With such twisted thinking, ou’ve obviously an MLP supporter. Let me spell it for you: government and political parties do not “give” human rights. They can only safeguard or infringe them.

        Does it not stike you as offensive that your party leader tells you that you shall be “free” to vote as you please at a referendum, like it was some concession from him? Don’t you feel belittled, Labour man?

        Didn’t you every feel belittled and insulted when Mintoff spoke to you in that same condescending way? Or do you like being treated like an idiot?

        I’m probably just wasting my time with the likes of you. Labour – what else should I expect?

      • R. Camilleri says:

        Seriously, Albert, can you distinguish between criticising the PL and praising the PN? One does not imply the other.

        If you followed this blog (which you do), you’d have seen how the government was criticised for not speaking about Tunis, except to issue issue a travel warning. Joseph Muscat takes it all to a whole new level, however, by wanting to capitalise on their suffering.

  17. Simon says:

    What a blooming dimwit – people are dying fighting for their right for freedom and this is what he comes up with! What a case of I am fine, so f**k you Jack! I have close friends living in Egypt and right now those images are their reality. I am lost for words….

  18. GiovDeMartino says:

    Dak meta harqu t-Times, jew?

  19. SM says:

    He is becoming a poster child for the “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing” proverb.

  20. Marku says:

    I’m not surprised that the PL has little inclination to comment on these events. After all, we had our own little version of the Mubarak regime while the MLP was in power in the 1970s and early 80s.

    – Institutionalized corruption
    – Increasingly desperate attempts to hang on to power
    – Police firing tear gas, live ammunition on opposition supporters
    – Use of own supporters to commit acts of violence
    – Intimidation of and violence against the media
    – Arbitrary arrests

  21. C Falzon says:

    Good thing that not many YouTube viewers understand Maltese.

    I’m trying to think of another western leader who would make such crass statements, but I can’t. Not even George W. Bush would have done it.

    • willywonka says:

      Well…let’s not exaggerate now, shall we? Dubbya started an entire war based on a lie he believed.

      • Marcus says:

        “Well…let’s not exaggerate now, shall we? Dubbya started an entire war based on a lie he believed.”

        Or do you mean, “…started an entire war based on a lie he wanted us to believe that he believed” ?

  22. C Falzon says:

    On second thoughts I think Nikolas Sarkozy might be a contender but I haven’t yet found the right example.

  23. Riya says:

    Wiehed ahjar minn iehor isibu biex immexihom.

    Huma kienu dejjem qedin sew u issa gew ahjar.

    Imma jien ma nippretendix ahjar ghax dan anke id-deputati kapijiet li ghandu mieghu hekk jahsbuha ghax bla sustanza u esperjenza ta’ xejn.

    Hlief biex ixewxu mhux tajbin. Imma kif qatt ma johorgu b’wahda tajba? Impossibli li il-Laboristi ta’ l-affari taghhom ma jindunawx.

    Joseph Muscat ghadu jahseb li l-poplu ghadu njorant bhal fiz-zmien Mintoff, meta kont tiddutrinah kif trid, basta jghid li hu progressiv. Min jaf tal- EU kif tbelhu kif semawh jghid din il-hrafa jew ipokrezzija.

    Nahseb qalu imma dan kien MEP? Mur ara xi stragi jaghmel kieku kellu jitla fil-gvern ghax dan jghid il-hmerijiet meta m’ghandu l-ebda responsabbilta’ fuqu mohhu ahseb u ara mohhu kif jahseb kieku Alla hares qatt ikun Prim Ministru. U vera grazzi Daphne tal-gid li taghmel lill-pajjiz.

  24. Anthony Farrugia says:

    It seems that he is still stuck in the 80s. How long do we have to wait for a vist to North Korea by AST ?

    • Albert Farrugia says:

      well i think its you, Mr Farrugia who’s stuck in the 80s… are so obsessed by the 80s that you haven’t even noticeed that Bulgaria is a member state of the UE!!!! Incredible!!

      [Daphne – Now, now Albert, don’t get too excited with all those exclamation marks.]

      • Anthony Farrugia says:

        Albert, have you read Daphne’s article today? I think you will find that iit is very interesting reading about the guest speaker at the PL/MLP Conference, foreign interference legislation permitting.

        Trust AST to pull out a born-again ex-communist out of his HMS Brazen sailor’s cap.

  25. Anthony Farrugia says:

    As Del Boy so aptly put it: what a plonker.

  26. Hibernating Away From Malta says:

    Another great video by a long-time friend of this blog…

  27. Richard Muscat says:

    Only he/she, like many of us, who personally went through, even in some way, the experience of fighting to defend liberty and democracy can appreciate what suffering the injustices really means…

  28. J Abela says:

    What a douche bag.

  29. Herman says:

    Unbelievable….and this from a supposedly leftist leader. He sounds more extreme right to me.
    Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox.

  30. willywonka says:

    Actually the most dangerous thing about Joseph Muscat is that he’s an idiot.

    The real danger is the eminence grise.

    • red nose says:

      But Muscat is safe behind the old fogeys he called back into the fold. He can only ask: ‘How did you do this in your time?’

  31. TROY says:

    Joseph qed ikollu jinqeda bil-ministri l’antiki ghax nghiduha kif hini, dan ma ghandu lil hadd kapaci.

    Anglu xejn m’hu jiehu pjacir b’dan, ghax izjed ma jmur izjed qied jitwarrab.

  32. pippo 2 says:

    hibernating away from malta –

    Dan Clinton tal-genn. M’ghandux ghalfejn juza ear phone ghax Alla jbierek b`widnejh jisma il-Big Ben ta’ Londra. Possibli dawn in-nies ma jindunawx kemm huma ridikoli?

    L-aqwa li ghandhom il vot u ser jivvutaw.

  33. ta mewta says:

    Mela tal-progett ambizzjuz ghal Ghawdex ma kienetx cucata ohra jew ta’ Joseph ta’ nhar il-hadd.

    Li tant ikun hemm xoghol go Ghawdex li jkun hemm bzonn li imorru il-Maltin wkoll.

    Nissogra insaqsi dan il-progett x`ser ikun ghax ma nistax nimmagina kif ser ihaddmu l-Ghawxin kolla li hemm qieghda plus li jmorru il-Maltin.

    Joseph dahhala f’mohhok li ahna l-Ghawdxin ma ahniex cwiec daks kemm qed tahseb.

  34. WhoamI? says:

    What a twat, honestly.

  35. Etil says:

    Joseph qed jinqeda bil-ministri l-antiki ghax b’hekk ikollu f’min iwahhal meta l-affarijiet imorru zmerc. Ukoll nahseb li irid ikun hu biss ‘l-izar’.

  36. Hot Mama says:

    The real danger is that Joseph is not very bright and the people around him know this and thus take advantage.

  37. Rover says:

    What really gets my goat is the deliberate screw-you-jack attitude of this poor excuse for a politician.

    Haseb li skopra l-Amerka u ried jghidilna malajr li ma jkunx hemm min jannunzja l-iskoperta qablu.

    Thoughtless twat.

  38. silvio farrugia says:

    Why did this remind me of the burning of The Times building and the ransacking of the leader of the Opposition’s house during the ‘socialist ‘ zmien helu?

  39. ta mewta says:

    Issa gie Reno Calleja wkoll fix-xena.

    Tiftakru meta kien fl-Awtorita ta’ Transport x’qallhom fuq it-television? Min l-aqwa jhawwel. Din kien qala lil tat-transport.

    [Daphne – Reno Calleja, IL-COLONNA TAL-PARTIT. I still remember those posters.]

  40. gianni says:

    Shame on you, Dr. Muscat. You do not deserve to be the Opposition leader of this country, let alone Prime Minster. What an amateur.

    • Ray Spiteri says:

      Gianni , you should change your nick name to gahan il bieb. dr. muscat soon PN of Malta. and when Malta will be given the EU Presidency DR. JOSEPH MUSCAT WILL BE THE PRESIDENT. GIANNI JEW TRID EMIGRA JEW MHUR BRUSSEL.
      EX PN.

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