Labour’s Golden Years: The Movie

Published: February 8, 2011 at 1:45am

The rewriting of history has begun, and because most Labour supporters don’t like reading, it comes as a blockbuster video, starring Dom Mintoff with cameo appearances by Alfred Sant, KMB and Joseph ‘n’ Michelle, playing themselves.

Lorry Sant, Karmenu Vella, Joe Grima, AST, Gianni l-Pupa, Il-Botom, Ic-Caqwes, Il-Kolonna tal-Partit and the rest have been written out of the script.

PARENTAL GUIDANCE IS SUGGESTED: Watch this film in the spirit of humour or you will despair.

46 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    The soundtrack to “Blackhawk Down” no less. Whatever happened to “Ewropa ta’ Kain”?

  2. bri says:

    Wasn’t the word “nazzjon” banned from this PARTIT?

  3. rigu says:

    … thanks for ruining my breakfast and the rest of my week.

  4. sherpa says:

    O ZMIEN HELU KIF HALLEJTNI. This documentary should enter for the Oscars or at least Bafta Awards.

  5. Paul says:

    “Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici li hadem tant ghall-ghaqda”.

    I weep.

  6. mario lanza says:

    It’s a terrific job to make a movie without heroes.

  7. maryanne says:

    “Xi kultant tilef ghax habb wisq il-verita’.”

    Yes. the PL is known for always telling the truth, nothing but the truth.

    If it were so, they would have repented long ago of the shame they caused the country. They are so incapable of doing the right thing and start afresh. They just keep on digging.

  8. Edward Clemmer says:

    Time warp; delete the last 30 years from 1981.

    Remove the context of any other political forces. Gloss over the Chinese and North Koreans.

    Add dramatic musical colour and sombre tones of moderator. Contradict truth, and claim passionate fictions as reality by ignoring history and social context.

    Make use of the word magic; let the magic talk; transform the perceptions.

    Don’t loose your focus. Keep away from other mental destractions: the ones that keep screaming in your head.

    Now concentrate. That’s it. Listen to my voice. You’re getting sleepy. Let yourself go. Deeper. Deeper. Imagine. You are going to the polls. You see Joseph. Don’t be afraid. There is a long list of Labour candidates.

    Yes, mark your ballot: Joseph Muscat–1. And….

    It’s all a question of perception. Reality is what you create. Governing is like Madison Avenue advertizing. The most important human resource is talk. Then stall, forever, and convince them to thank you.

    Thou art God. You are truth.

  9. Stephen says:


  10. George Cremona says:

    The old Labour supporters used to call the MLP ‘il-Moviment tal-Haddiema’. In actual fact, it was but ‘il-Moviment tal-Vendikazzjoinijiet Kontra l-Haddiema’.

    Thousands of job transfers on political grounds were made on daily basis to workers who did not support the Labour Party. Most of these were people who lived in Gozo and were transferred to jobs in Malta.

    ‘il-Moviment tal-Holqien ta’ Xoghol Irhis, b’pagi mhallsin bic-centezmi’ in paramilitary corps with ridiculous names such as “Bahhar u Sewwi’, ‘Izra u Rabbi’, and through factories ‘tac-cekcik’ like the one ‘tal-Kappar’, ‘tar-Rix’, ‘tac-Cikkulata Desserta’.

    ‘Il-Moviment tas-Swat u tat-Terrur fuq il-Haddiema’ which KMB used to boast about as the 8th Army, the Elite of the MLP. This Moviment was composed of Drydocks workers whose leaders were Sammy Mejlak and the late Coleiro not forgetting the late Lorry Sant.

  11. pm says:

    Last night I was watching Bondiplus and I heard your friend Dr Anglu, ex police, stating something about corruption.

    Of course, he should know something about that.

    Incidentally, both Johnny Dalli and Karmenu Vella called to say that when they berthed at the Tunny Net, they did not know that the law stated that they had to inform Valletta about this. BUT they did not say anything about the boxes they brought off the yachts. Perhaps the boxes only contained “hot air”.

    [Daphne – Bloody liars. How can they not have known about the law if they were yacht-owners? Even I knew about the law, aged 18 and with no boat to my name.]

    I also seem to remember that when there was talk about such consignments, there was also talk about colour TVs, pasta, chocolate and guns available for sale at a house in San Gwann. And the colour TV were not cheap either. For a 12-inch, one was expected to pay around LM200 (remember the living wage under the MLP was around Lm30 a week. But of course one had to take into account the fact that one was saving on the MTV licence.

    • pm says:

      As for the wage, I should have written around Lm 10-12 not Lm 30 a week. And this living wage was frozen for about 5 years.

      [Daphne – I changed it to Lm30 because that is what the minimum wage was, give or take a pound or two. Lm10 a week is what student workers earned.]

  12. When I see a video of this type, I feel proud to be a Maltese who has lived in those days. God bless Malta

  13. Lomax says:

    I’m sorry Daphne, I can’t view more than one minute without bursting out crying …or feeling the sudden urge to go empty my stomach in the nearest toilet.

    What bloody hypocrisy!

  14. Why me? says:

    Someone needs to splice this video with the one of Mintoff’s visit to 10, Downing Street and a few others.

  15. Rita Camilleri says:

    Am I alone in thinking that this video looks the propaganda films the Nazis used to show the German people in the 1930s and 1940s? Documentaries on Discovery Channel sometimes include these old Nazi reels with Jews in concentration camp looking happy and well fed – this is the feeling I got when I watched this video.

  16. Anthony Farrugia says:

    I watched it once to the end and do not know whether to weep or laugh.

    The rewriting of history begins from 1919 down to these days; the spotlight is on Mintoff, Mintoff and more Mintoff. Boffa gets more mentions and appearances than Alfred Sant, but nothing is said about the 1998 debacle caused by Mintoff.

    The rejection of democracy in 1971-1987 is propaganda invented by the PN, no mention of the EU and Mintoff (from demi-god to traitor back to demi-god) U-turns. What rankles is that anybody born after 1980 will be lapping this up as the truth, the whole truth and nothing by the truth.

    This blog is the only place where history is not being rewritten and the events and players of those times are being shown for what they really were and remain today.

    It seems that everybody else is running for cover or going into hibernation two full years before the next election.

  17. Anthony Farrugia says:

    Gensa – but without the music and singing or Renato.

  18. anthony says:

    It makes you wonder how the country survived for a quarter of a century without the MLP.

    Admittedly we had to resort to cannibalism to stay alive and the hofra has now engulfed the entire archipelago.

  19. kevin zammit says:

    Only one comment: WTF!
    Who are they trying to fool?

  20. Peter Mallia says:

    Very interesting that Malta does not appear on the European map they used (I bet without permission) at the very end of this lousy USSR-style film. So much for being the best in Europe.

  21. T. Saliba. says:

    There should be a law against this type of blatant lies. They are stating exactly the opposite of what they did. What do they think we are, morons?

    In the end the Maltese will get the goverment they deserve but I want the world to know, they will never have my respect, much less my vote. They make me want to puke and they make my skin crawl, yuck.

  22. Loyalist says:

    Amazing…. Stalin would have loved to have had PL’s media people. They’re brilliant at blacking out the truth and hiding reality. KMB jahdem ghal-ghaqda?

    Worked for unity my big pasty white ass…. Sahha b’xejn? Imma bla tobba. Kollha tefhom il-barra. My uncle lived in desperate poverty in England having been driven out by the great saviour and my mum spent her medical years chaining herself to Kastilja in desperate protest.

    Nazzjon hieles?! That comment made me lose my lunch.

    What freedom? To be terrorised by Labour thugs? PN won independence – they fought for it. They gave birth to this nation not PL, who in fact strived to oppress the uttering of Malta and Nazzjon. Bunch of stupid hypocrites.

    They did some good things for this country, but I’d rather be poor and free under PN (bit difficult to be poor with such investment in our nation thanks to PN) than oppressed and…. well…. poor under Labour.

  23. Bob says:

    It is all black and white until Muscat shows up. Sick.

    [Daphne – Oh, that might be because the footage WAS black and white.]

    • John Schembri says:

      “Oh, that might be because the footage WAS black and white.”

      Bob is right. Don’t tell me that they don’t have a proper colour photo of Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici alone and with Mintoff? Or there are no colour photos of Alfred Sant?

      I noticed that some video shots were taken from an Australian film production: “Two trumpets for Saint Andrew” , which was shot in Luqa in 1969 and dealt with the political/religious war between the church(Mons Michael Gonzi) and the MLP (Dom Mintoff).

      I think I spotted myself on that video. Do I have any rights?

  24. Tim Ripard says:

    Among the many lies and half-truths I see that the PL claim to have attracted Playmobil to Malta.

    The Playmobil Malta website, under ‘History’ starts with:
    “1970 – Brand International and Inmold Ltd set up in Malta”
    Here is the link:

    History re-written, once again.

    [Daphne – Like the claim that they created Bank of Valletta, which never fails to make me froth at the mouth with rage.]

    • Tim Ripard says:

      They’re even better at creating mythology than Tolkien – and that’s saying something (tongue firmly in cheek).

      The greatest myth has to be ‘Jum il-Helsien’ though. It didn’t occur on March 31st, nor did it set us free and, above all, it was meant to happen in 1972 but Mintoff prolonged the ‘hakma tal-barrani’ by 7 years. Try getting half the population to understand that. As you say – *sigh*.

    • J Abela says:

      Banco di Vendetta!

  25. ciccio2011 says:

    Was this one filmed at the Macina too?

  26. dre says:

    It’s a shame that they concluded the video talking about EU, when they were the ones who tried ruining Malta’s EU membership in the first place.

  27. J Abela says:

    ‘Partit, li minkejja l-izbalji li seta’ wettaq’

    Importanti il-kelma seta’! Ara vera wicchom u sormhom l-istess!

    How the hell are we letting them rewrite history? This makes me sick.

  28. J Abela says:

    …and what about Alfred Sant and the value of truth? I mean WTF! Are they fucking serious! Do they seriously think that we have forgotten all those lies that he said about the EU?

  29. I.R.A.B. says:

    ‘Favur it-taghlim, mhux favur l-injoranza’ – And one of their deputy leaders said ’empire station’ two days ago on national television.

  30. ciccio2011 says:

    This is what I would call a “manufactured” video.

  31. Jason Borg says:

    Dan meta ż-żebbuġa ħareġ? Ifakkarni fiż-żmien tal-Warda Kanta u d-drammi fuq Xandir Malta mimlija propaganda moqżieża.

  32. Moira says:

    I would like to know why RED DEVIL was mentioned in the article. This is very important for me to know.

    [Daphne – Red Devil jackets and other ski wear were made in Malta primarily for export but some items were also sold on the domestic market.]

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