Not from a Christmas cracker – somebody sent it in

Published: February 13, 2011 at 12:26am

And please, no anorak comments about the type and date of this gun, because that really is not the point.

Q What’s the difference between a sub-machine gun and a blog run by one woman?

A The Labour Party doesn’t think a sub-machine gun is dangerous.

26 Comments Comment

  1. el bandido guapo says:

    Daph, correct that to “a loon with a sub-machine gun” – a sub-machine gun is perfectly harmless and never hurt anyone of its own accord.

    Oh, and that’s an Uzi, very obviously, but the year can certainly not be determined… ;-)

  2. Riya says:

    The only three persons still alive who can talk about this sub-machine gun: il-Botom, ex- Police Inspecotor Joseph Pico and George Vella who heard Il-Pupa’s confession and feels bound by the secret of the confessional.

  3. Riya says:

    Also the person who cleaned the firearm before the frame-up can say something about it. I don’t think the person who fired the sub machine-gun when Raymond Caruana was murdered was alone.

  4. Riya says:

    Qrajt x’imkien li Daphne ‘ixxerred l-odju’. Mela issa min ikollu l-guts ta’ veru, u ma jhallix id-dnub jorqod qed ninfamawh li ‘jxerred l-odju’?

    Minflok nirringrazzjawh noqoghdu najruh. Facli taghmel hekk, imma difficli li bis-sewwa tmeri dak li tghidilna Daphne.

  5. Evelyn says:

    Didn’t realize that George Vella is (was) a priest, bound with confessional secrecy.

  6. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I’m wearing a smoking jacket and fez, and I really cannot understand these snide remarks about anoraks.

    Yours in placid indignation,

    Hans Peter Geerdes

  7. the other kev says:

    Higher grammatical standards are expected from this e-newspaper.

    I really hope this does not end up in the today’s printed version. This article is definitely not of a publishable quality.

    Perhaps these mistakes are due to poor transcribing out of a notebook by a third party and not a reflection upon the poor command of the language by the author in question.

    • Bob says:

      “The workers were not working protective masks, and began breathing in contaminated gas, resulting in their dead, according to autopsies on the men’s corpses.”

      How many mistakes can you count in one sentence! Saviour needs to spend more time checking his star journalist’s spelling than recording video blogs from his cave.

    • Why me? says:

      I see your ‘Compensation’ article and I raise you ‘Divorce Referendum’ on

      Read it and weep!

      • the other kev says:

        Sorry, I tried but its very difficult to understand the gist of the article. These people should perhaps write for illum or l-Orizzont.

        One cannot ascribe Maltisism to these articles because not even literal translation into Maltese makes any sense. It’s a shame that there is no proper subbing before publication on the websites.

        Despite the bad English, no attempt is made to correct the syntax errors that are immediately flagged by any decent word processor. A simple right-click on the mouse would eliminate simple spelling mistakes like “referendu”, “introductin”, “favourof” etc.

  8. TROY says:

    Then I suggest that Julia Farrugia should take this opportunity as a journalist and investigate this story.

  9. ciccio2011 says:

    Another difference between a machine gun and a blog run by one woman:

    You can get the police to hide the machine gun in a Safi farmhouse to frame an innocent person.

  10. Viva l-Lejber, Viva l-lejber, hej, hej says:

    “The Labour Party doesn’t think a sub-machine gun is dangerous”

    Well, at least one of Saviour Balzan’s employees must think that it is just a toy that daddy used to keep in the garage, or in the bedroom closet.

  11. Ian Vella says:

    That’s an IMI Uzi submachine gun, manufactured in Israel in 1950 but still used up to this day and has an effective range of around 200 metres.

    In my opinion that’s much less dangerous than a blog because after all Napoleon said: a hostile newspaper is to be feared more than a thousand bayonets.

  12. H.P. Baxxter says:

    OK, here’s an anorak joke:

    Q: What is the difference between a sub-machine gun and a woman running a blog?

    A: The sub-machine gun can be silenced.

    • My boy lollipop
      You make my heart go giddy up

      etc etc

      *ajma* baxxter, sometimes you really over egg the pudding

      • H.P. Baxxter says:


        At least I held back from saying that guns are suppressed, not silenced, and the thingy fixed to the muzzle is a suppressor, not a silencer. A Schalldämpfer.

      • La Redoute says:

        What colour is your anorak?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I don’t own an anorak. I generally wear a HANDIA UBAS shirt to dinner parties, in whatever colour blends with the terrain (ok, regulation CCE). Meta Para Aramide fibre, class B flame resistant, IRR. The dog’s bollocks.

  13. Riya says:

    ‘Well, at least one of Saviour Balzan’s employees must think that it is just a toy that daddy used to keep in the garage, or in the bedroom closet’.

    I think you are wrong. According to il-Pupa, ‘Il-Botom’ , the father of Julia Farrugia, used to keep the sub-machingun in the Minister’s car. Tal-famus Perit Karmenu Vella, il-Guy.

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