Racists Letty Baldacchino and Norman Lowell celebrate their 7th anniversary
Arlette (Letty) Baldacchino opens for Norman Lowell with a racist speech to mark the seventh anniversary of Imperium Europa a few days ago. I just cannot believe that racist scum like Arlette still swan about in normal society as though nothing at all is untoward.
It’s no longer safe to accept an invitation to a party these days because you never know whether you will find yourself seated next to or in the same room as a convicted cocaine trafficker, a judge who has taken bribes or a fanatical ‘nigger-hater’ like this one.
I find it particularly shocking that Claire Bonello, the AD activist who writes constantly in the name of liberal politics in The Sunday Times, is this racist’s friend, confidante and lawyer, defending her in court when she sues those who call her…. a racist.
Pajjiz tal-imgienen.
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Daphne, fl-antik it-tfal u anki zghazagh kienu jmorru jew is-sala tal-knisja jew il-youth centres u jaghmlulhom tejatrin (hekk kienu jsejhulu). Emminni dal-video clip f`hekk biss fakkarni. Anki il-background u il-ftit capcic li instema. Ma tafx tikbiex jew tidhaq.
Norman Lowell should dump Imperium Europa and join the PL. It’s his natural home.
I found it significant that “Etoile” (why doesn’t she use her name?) should appeal to the “Nordics” not to discriminate against Maltese and Mediterranean peoples.
The lady doesn’t seem to have a brain. She is discriminating against Africans but uses the same arguments to protest against the discrimination of Mediterranean people.
What’s so fascinating about the illegal immigrants to defend those who are going to take our place on this magnificent island. Very soon we will be total strangers in our own homeland. Just look what is happening in Italy in UK and other countries. If this is good for you to pay taxes to help these illegal immigrants than keep paying them yourself. I for one will not accept to pay for unwanted and uninvited guests.
It seems someone stole The Grinch’s Xmas.
It’s awful and quite sickening. Many of yor readers probably don’t realise how dangerous this all is.
[Daphne – Yes, people forget that the really dangerous people are the stupid ones, not the smart ones. ‘Twas ever thus, throughout history and across the globe.]
“‘Twas ever thus, throughout history and across the globe.”
Maaa, kemm ma taf xejn! X’injoranza grassa!
[Daphne – Really, Kevin? Mention one smart despot who was able to do what he did without surrounding himself by stupid people, nowadays known as ‘tools’. Despots ALWAYS surround themselves with people who have that combination of a low IQ and plenty of malice and resentment, because they are easy to control. Despots never have aides who are intelligent, because intelligent people can’t be controlled as easily and they pose a challenge to the despot’s authority. Mintoff is a clear case in point, if you wish to take the national scene. It is democrats who rely on the intelligence of others, and Fenech Adami was another case in point.]
The world according to Daphne:
North Pole: Ponta ta’ San Dimitri
South Pole: Toqba ta’ Benghisa
Equator: Victoria Lines
Outer Space: Ponta ta’ Imnehirha
Go(o)d: Fenech Adami and smart people
(D)Evil: Mintoff and stupid people
Greatest historical event: The Battle of Tal-Barrani
[Daphne – Well, it beats being stuck in a bleak Belgian suburb, Mister Hausfrau.]
Not yet a hausfrau, Mrs Badger, but do tell me how it feels to be one. Some day, when I return to the centre of the world, I just might try it out.
[Daphne – It’s been at least two decades since I was last a hausfrau, Kevin.]
Well, some fools move to Belgian suburbs believing themselves to be at the centre of the universe.
You’re still here, La Redoute? If not Corinne, you must be ‘Mandy’. Now there’s a real hausfrau!
[Daphne – No, Kevin, it’s not Mandy. And Mandy is not a hausfrau. Unlike you, she goes to work every day.]
Curiosity killed the cat, Daphne. You know where I work. It’s what I do that escapes you.
[Daphne – You just don’t get it, Kevin. I don’t care. I haven’t the slightest interest. I reply to you out of politeness, the equivalent of being stuck with a glass in my hand at some dull event where I am pinioned to the wall by a bore who wants to tell me what to write about.]
Sorry, but I was bored stiff by 02:42. I’d much rather go to Mass (and I never do that, ever).
Not surprised that most of what I heard up to that point related to lack of interest in their forum and activities.
Norman may be misguided and eccentric, but he’s not stupid. Unfortunately, this Arlette seems to tick boxes one and three.
kev, you forgot the centre of the world, where you’re stuck doing all the house chores and logging on Daf’s blog before the Mrs gets home.
Norman Lowell is merely filling the vacuum in our political discourse. This sort of thing happens in all countries, except that our vacuum takes up just about the whole universe.
Hence the gems like Gozo Tunnel, Gozitan separatism, billboards on divorce – from God himself, Lifink Wejc and porn in hotels (whatever happened to that one?). I mean, the sheer idiocy of it all.
And the stupid people surrounding Norman Lowell have quite normal jobs the rest of the time. That alone should send shivers down our spine. But then Malta was never known for picking talent over moronity, was it?
She’s an odd duck.
Kevin Ellul Bonici, jien qatt kilt il-kirxa mieghek?
Well that woman doesn’t look very white to me. Why is she campaigning against blacks and in favour of whites?
You must have worked that out by now – she’s not very bright.
And she thinks she’s ‘purely European’ because, you know, ‘European’ is a race.
She posts on site il-Pjazza.com. I suggest you look at the bassezzi they write on this site. The woman is totally brain less.
Letty is beautiful and awesome! Viva the Imperium!
[Daphne – The day a woman can think with her face, we’ll talk. And in any case, she isn’t. Nigella Lawson – to compare with a woman of the same age – is an example of beautiful. Arlette Baldacchino is not.]