They're trying to save their skins

Published: February 25, 2011 at 11:45am

There have been reports today that Gaddafi’s chief prosecutor has resigned, and that his son, Saif Al Arab Gaddafi, has joined the revolution in Benghazi.

The first report is true, the second barely credible – unless Saif Al Arab (not the same as anointed heir Saif Al Islam Gaddafi) has inherited his father’s mental problems, which might well be congenital.

At any rate, we shall now see a stream of resignations and defections as the scenario increasingly takes on tones of The Last Days of Hitler, with Gaddafi holed up in some bunker, with or without a Ukrainian nurse, contemplating the choice between suicide and a trial at the Hague.

I don’t think there are many western leaders who wish to go for the latter option, because the evidence and documents that will emerge will shame or embarrass them.

And I’m one of the few who thinks – if I have read his personality correctly – that he won’t kill himself either. That level of pride, defiance and arrogance doesn’t permit it. Suicide is born of despair, and this is a man who, even as the world can see that it is over, will continue to believe that he has options. It is this self-belief and contempt for what others think that have propelled him to dominance. There is no reason why it should be different now.

As for those defecting and resigning, they are doing so at this late stage only to save themselves. I hardly think they should be lauded. One does not suddenly discover one’s integrity after years of collusion with murder, torture, oppression, corruption and all manner of human rights violations.

10 Comments Comment

  1. fanny says:

    He might decide to go for ‘death by cop’ as the Americans call it. Go out in a hail of bullets. I agree with you. I
    really can’t see him committing suicide at all. He will be deluded to the end.

    • kev says:

      I see, so Gonzi defects first, then he’s followed by Mrs Kevin and her CNi friend KMB.

      Do you happen to know when Gonzi is to defect? Is it when he finally lets us know about his decision over the fighter jets? Can you ask him, please, because so far it’s all been mere speculation.

      • The Grinch says:

        And you don’t need to know anything about the jets. They have been impounded until such a time as there is peace in Libya.

        Until that time these aircraft will remain in Malta. You should have known about this, being the silhouette of Inspector Clouseau.

    • Angus Black says:

      Will Joseph come forward with an opinion, at last?

    • A. Charles says:

      Kev, you have an insipid sense of humour. Shut up once and for all.

    • David says:

      The EU has in fact already accepted to pay money to Libya so that the latter will control immigration

  2. Patrik says:

    Isn’t it more likely that he will face Saddam’s fate and be prosecuted in a domestic court? The dictators of former Yugoslavia was a different cup of tea as they were tried on conflict and atrocities across country borders, but in Gaddafi’s case the majority of crimes have been aimed at the Libyan people.

  3. moxxu says:

    Mrs. Kevin u l-habib taghha KMB ma jafux x’inhuma jghidu basta tahdem fl-Ewropa ta’ Kajjin u l-iehor hsiebu fis-CNI. Vera cwiec u ta’ min jistmerrhom.

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