What is StundaHRRRdSSS u Pooh? Perhaps Toni Abela will explain.
February 8, 2011 at 10:51am
Does Winnie the Pooh have a boyfriend called Standards that we don’t know about?
The situation is getting desperate.
Labour deputy leader No. 1 talks about ‘petlor’ and ‘l-Empire Station’ (when what he meant was the Statue of Liberty), and now we have Labour deputy leader No. 2 talking about something called ‘StUNdaHRRRRdssss U Pooh’.
Viva l-Labour: the party where the lowest common denominator can rise to the top and nobody can stop it happening.
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Got it now, Standard & Poor’s
@ Helen – jien ukoll imlejt il-keyboard bil-kafe.
@ Rita – infittxu lil Daphne ghad-danni ;)
@ Anyone interested – guided tours to Disneyland Paris to meet StundaHRRRdSSS and Pooh
Good one! He must be referring to Standard & Poor’s, the credit rating agency.
StUNdaHRRRRdssss U Pooh is a cretin rating agency.
Toni’s angelic look says it all. Militating in a party that gave us Sant u Wistin and now Anglu u Toni feels like he is in heaven.
I wonder what these two use as a password for login. What do you think, Daphne?
I’ve no doubt that this pair have broad appeal, but how does that qualify them to run a country?
The two Ronnies.
It’s a photo of the Old Old Labour. The New Labour (Generazzjoni Gdida) is Karmenu Vella, George Vella, Reno Calleja, Joseph and Godfrey Grima, Alex Sciberras Trigona, and Joe Debono Grech.
Poo’s what’s between his ears,
Empire Stay Shin is where they used to arrest and torture Nationalists back in the day.
“Viva l-Labour: the party where the lowest common denominator can rise to the top and nobody can stop it happening.”
They say that shit floats to the top.
Qabda dilettanti if you ask me.
Veru tad-dahk! Lanqas fl-oppozizzjoni ma niflah narahom ‘l Toni u ‘l Anglu, ahseb u ara deputati tal-Prim Ministru fil-futur – zewg kavallieri bhal dawk!
Flok xabla ghandhom ilsienhom veru jaqta ghax imsenni sew.
Anglu is not used to the word ‘LIBERTY’
Gej b’Empire Station, kemm hu TUBA.
You’ve got a brilliant sense of humour, Daphne. Thank you for being YOU.
Iss Maria, mhux fjer hej! Rock on, Daphne :)
Had he said the StundaHRRRdSSS u Pooh in one of his stand-up-comedy speeches during the conference, then fine – the crowd doesn’t know any better. But saying it during Bondi+ which doesn’t exactly appeal to that sort of crowd, makes him look like a faffy.
I am still stuck on ‘l-Empire Station’ (when what he meant was the Statue of Liberty).
is it Power Station, Empire State Building, Empire Stadium…
Kemm jifilhu jkunu injoranti?