Would you buy a used electoral programme from this man?
February 2, 2011 at 11:43am
Karmenu Vella uploaded this photograph on Facebook – yes, our future (and 1970s, 1980s and 1990s) cabinet minister spends his time frigging around chatting with Ronnie Pellegrini and other detritus on Facebook.
Beneath this photograph, Vella commented:
“Il-vera kaz ta’ O zmien helu, kif ghaddejtli.”
It may have been zmien helu for you, sir, but ask around and see if the rest of us feel the same way about it.
Left to right: ‘Silvio of La Spiaggia’, Karmenu Vella, Dom Mintoff, and Valletta City footballer Carlo Seychell, out for the day on a yacht as usual while the country went to hell.
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No, I wouldn’t buy a used electoral programme from this man – but a map showing “duty free” harbours, yes.
You have put me off my food for a week. Put that picture away.
Ma tantx jidher li kien jissikkah ic-cintorin.
Good one!
MIntoff ma kienx jissikkah ic-cintorin, imma ahna iva.. Hu igawdi min fuq dhar haddiehor kien daqs kemm kien qammiel.
“O zmien helu kif ghaddejtli, kemm tnejjikt bil-poplu Malti. Ma gara xejn. Dak il-pastizz Joseph se jtini cans iehor.”
The adrenaline is still running high with Karmenu Vella. What is it with middle-aged men going on Facebook? Second childhood or what? Baqalom zmin ukoll.
Karmenu Vella is no longer middle-aged now, Etil. He’s a pensioner.
Come on Daphne, who would care, with what is evolving in the international sphere!
I’m a tad too young to remember, but I remember being told that if you couldn’t buy it, you could always barter using a colour TV.
Mintoff – the man who wanted Malta to become part of Britain. I was amazed when I came across this:
(you can skip the first couple of minutes about Malta’s role in WWII)
[Daphne – You mean you didn’t know that Mintoff fought FOR integration with Britain? It’s astonishing how Labour’s propaganda worked even on those who can’t stand the Labour Party.]
I remember the Mintoff of the seventies – the one you see here is a surpisingly different version.
How many MPs did he expect to have from Malta?
Two, or possibly three, were on offer.
Interesting idea
First they became cabinet ministers, and we did nothing. Then they got away with crimes and we did nothing. Then they kept their power and connections after 1987, and we did nothing. Now they upload photos and yearn for the old régime, and still we do nothing.
“and still we do nothing”? We’re gonna vote the fuckers back in – that what we’re gonna do.
We do nothing. Our journalists are spineless jellyfish. Our PN politicians are cynical oligarchs. Our MLP politicians, also cynical oligarchs, will of course support their fellow party members. And our electorate has been numbed into comfortable imbecility by twenty years of good life, Xarabank, Bonaci tripe, assorted stipends and the complacency of their leaders.
In another age, I would have been shouting “Woe betide thee!” in some barren desert.
Karmenu Vella is not middle-aged, but elderly.
“…and still we do nothing.” Like what? Fulfill their (hidden) ambition of creating a civil war and giving the Socialist regime reason to declare a state of emergency and clamp down even harder on those who did not share their evil policies?
‘The pen is mightier than the sword’ has worked reasonably well, but the majority of Labour supporters do not seem to decipher what comes from the pens of people who suffered in many ways while Mintoff & Co enjoyed yacht trips complete with all the luxuries money could buy. No canned mackerel on those outings, I can assure you.
In the meantime, Malta was thirsty, enjoyed a ‘state of the art’ party phone line, scarce electricity, loss of liberty, and for sheer entertainment attacking the law courts, damaging the Curia, ransacking Fenech Adami’s home, raiding Opposition party clubs and HQ, and for a final hurrah, burning The Times.
[Daphne – Oh, that was far from the final hurrah. The Times was burned down in October 1979, We had to stick them for another seven and a half years after that, with an election which they lost and still stayed on. Things only got worse after The Times was burned. Much worse.]
Yet some who lived in those times and were ministers in Mintoff’s and KMB’s cabinets surface again in Joseph’s shadow cabinet. It sends shivers down my spine and it behoves Nationalists, disgruntled or not and the ‘floating’ voter to prevent the return of such catastrophic times.
Karmenu should have posted on his Facebook wall a couple of photos of the ‘habiba’ who used to sit on his lap at the Blue Lagoon. You know, Karm, the one who used to come and meet you on ‘Stormy’. O zmien helu, kif ghaddejtli.
Dawn qalomli wiehed imma ma’ emmintux.
Dak ta’ hdejn il-Guy kellu bieb fuq wara ta’ l-Olives minn fejn kien idahhal u johrog lil xi tfajla. Lis-suldat ghassa kien jibaghtu jehodlu l-mara il-boghod minn Xintill Street minn quddiem il-villa, u jordna biex l-ghassa issir minn quddiem biss. X’cuc hu Berlusconi.
Gidba ohra:
Kien imur ghandu wiehed jismu Gwido, wiehed kuntrattur u MP John Dalli, u Censu Moran u xi ohrajn li insejt min huma u joqghodu jaghmlu Bunga Bunga ma’ dawn it-tfajliet iz-zghar . Wahda minnhom tghidx kemm hi popolari illum.
U ohra:
Biex jghatti xturu sew kien jibaghata iddur ma’ prezentatur ta’ Xandir Malta biex jekk tinqabad tqila in-nies issib f’min twahhal.
U hrafa ohra kienet li sawwtu huh b’hadida ghax marlu mal-mara, u kienu qalu li waqa’ minn fuq iz-ziemel.
Liema hi l-verita?
U mbaghad nistaghgbu li l-mass meetings tal-Labour ikunu mimlijin nies.
Do these people have a vote?
That yacht is none other than Noneta tal-Marsovin. Anzi m’hemmx xi wahda topless maghhom like there was when Oggi or Gente – can’t remember which one it was – took pictures of them and published them in a spread, and the government banned the importation of that particular edition.Anke fil-bunga bunga kien qammiel pesti, Mintoff: somebody else’s naked ladies on somebody else’s yacht, ma jmurx jonfoq sold.
I am 41. I remember that some bright spark in the 80s was bright enough to have wanted Japan to buy from Malta as much as Malta bought from Japan.
Since this was practically impossible, Japanese imports were prohibited. And another spark with an environmental conscience decided to prohibit the importation of cars with an engine of over 2000cc and motor bikes with an engine bigger than 250cc.
Consequently, a 2000cc car or a 250cc motor bike were looked upon with awe. But, if my memory does not deceive me, for some big shots back then, these rules did not apply.
This photo reminds me of Adolf Hitler with Albert Speer, Josef Goebbels and Hermann Goering in their Nazi run-up to take over Germany. The picture of fear, which gave us a green passport printed in Arabic and made us look like a mini-Soviet satellite in the Mediterranean, brothers to Gaddafi and Ceaucescu.
These were the years when the peasants ruled the country and we had to submit to daily persecution in a police-state which used to torture people at their HQ. A regime which was ousted after years of bloodshed and six years in government against the will of the people.
But having said all that, the two years under Alfred Sant’s Labour were nothing like that. Labour has evolved into a moderate party but is still investing in old school politicians like Karmenu Vella and Alex Sceberras Trigona.
[Daphne – I cannot understand how you can describe Sant’s government as moderate or say that it was ‘nothing like that’. It was exactly like that, minus the violence and corruption, but just as chaotic and crazy. And every day for those 22 months, just as we did in the 1980s, we would wake up wondering what fresh craziness the day would bring. Have you forgotten the first SIX MONTHS of his government, dedicated solely to finding a replacement for VAT while the economy ground to a halt? Or that blockheaded fight against EU membership – that all or nothing battle? How is that moderate?]