Gaddafi billions frozen in Germany

Published: March 14, 2011 at 1:57am

Der Spiegel reports that German banks have frozen more than 10 billion euros in Gaddafi money since EU sanctions came into force. The funds are in 193 accounts in 14 banks, including 1.96 billion euros in a single bank account at the central Bundesbank.

Gaddafi assets are being traced in Malta by a specially set up asset-tracking unit at the Office of the Prime Minister. It has been reported that the initial list will be completed by next week. There is no word yet on whether it will be made public.

20 Comments Comment

  1. I.R.A.B. says:

    As much as we would like it to be, it probably won’t be made public in Malta.

    • Days ago Mrs Dephine told us that Gaddafi’s assets ,in Malta were frozen. How come they are still looking for them?and to add insult to injury, the list will be ready by next week. I think that by than, Gaddafi’s flag will be flying , all over Libya again. it could save us a lot of explaining.

      [Daphne – Silvio, the assets are frozen as they are found. They are not frozen when the list is complete. And the sanctions stay in force whatever the situation next week.]

      • I really can’t understand how you can freeze anything, before you have actually found them. According to the statment, not even the ” Initial ” list has been completed. I think that once again the Govt is pussyfooting. Don’t you think so ? Maybe you were still young , the last time sanctions were imposed on Libya. You would have remembered the ‘Roaring” trade Malta had with Libya. Not official of course.

    • gaddafi says:

      Ovvja, ghax inkella kull min jahbi jibda jibza.

      Sadattant, is-sitwazzjoni fil-Libja hi inkwetanti hafna. Il-forzi ta Gaddafi dehlin fuq Benghazi u se jibdluha f’kamp ta koncentrament.

      Qed tara hux kemm il-kundanni generici ma jghinu xejn! Dan bhal meta lil Hitler kien joqghodu jikkundannawh ufficjalment. X’kien jigri imma? Kien jiehu ghalih u jifferocja aktar fil-qilla …. ahjar mill-prudenza m’hawnx. Konvint li Gonzi hu dan it-tip ta politku. Imn ‘Alla ghandna lilu bhalissa.

      • Another John says:

        Prudenza = appeasement. Taf xi tfisser? Taf ir-rizultati fl-istorja tad-dinja ghal “appeasement”. Jew forse trid nibqghu nghixu ta’ cowards u bla principji?

  2. Drinu says:

    What will happen with all these billions once Gaddafi is gone?

  3. Dr Francis Saliba says:

    Much bigger countries than us have already frozen the billions of Gaddafi euros in their banks belonging to a family whose paterfamilias owes onlt a desert tent. In Malta we are still counting. Are we using an abacus?

  4. fanny says:

    @drinu It takes quite some time for money to be unblocked as countries have to decide who to transfer to, is the government legitimate, democratic etc. For example here in Switzerland there is still money deposited by Ferdinand Marcos and by ‘Bébé Doc’ Duvalier.

    Personnes physiques, entreprises et entités soumises

    aux mesures prévues à l’art. 1

    Muammar Kadhafi

    Safia Al Barassi, épouse de Muammar Kadhafi, née en 1952

    Saif al-Islam Kadhafi, fils de Muammar Kadhafi, né le 25.06.1972

    Motassim Kadhafi, fils de Muammar Kadhafi, né en 1974

    Khamis Kadhafi, fils de Muammar Kadhafi, né le 27.05.1983

    Mohammad Kadhafi, fils de Muammar Kadhafi, né en 1971

    Hana Kadhafi, fille de Muammar Kadhafi, née le 11.11.1985

    Hanibal Kadhafi, fils de Muammar Kadhafi, né le 20.09.1975

    Aïsha Kadhafi, fille de Muammar Kadhafi, née le 25.12.1977

    Sief al-Arab, fils de Muammar Kadhafi, né en 1982

    Ahmed Gaddafaddam, cousin de Muammar Kadhafi, né en 1952

    Sayed Gaddafaddam, cousin de Muammar Kadhafi, né le 25.02.1948

    Mohamed Gaddafaddam, cousin de Muammar Kadhafi, né le 18.05.1972

    Massoud Abdulhafid Ahmed, membre de la famille de

    Muammar Kadhafi, né le 01.01.1937

    Naemia Saleh El Athram, membre de la famille de Muammar Kadhafi, née en 1953

    Ali Mohamed Farag, membre de la famille de Muammar Kadhafi, né en 1948

    Abushaaraya Mohamed, frère de Safia Al Barassi, né le 01.07.1949

    Rema Saleh al-Hadad, membre de la famille de Safia Al

    Barassi, née le 03.11.1953

    Mohamed al-Hadad, membre de la famille de Safia Al Barassi, né en 1943

    Ali Farkesh Mohammed Mohamer, membre de la famille de

    Safia Al Barassi, né en 1977

    Mabroka Farkesh Al Barassi, membre de la famille de Safia

    Al Barassi, né en 1954

    Juod Mohamed Farkesh al-Hadad, membre de la famille de

    Safia Al Barassi, né le 14.04.1979

    Salma al-Hadad, membre de la famille de Safia Al Barassi,

    née en 1924

    Bashir Saleh Bashir, chef de cabinet de Muammar Kadhafi, né en 1946

    El Badri Ali Salem Ben Hassan, directeur général Libyan

    Arab Airlines, né le 02.09.1947

    Abuzed Dorda, secrétaire du Housing and Services

    Implementation Board, né le 04.04.1944

    Mohamed El-Huwej, ministre de l’Industrie, de l’Economie et

    du Commerce, né le 01.07.1949

    Abdulftah Sharif, directeur général de la Libyan African

    Investment Company, né le 24.12.1956

    Mohamed Siala, directeur de la African Investment Fund, né le 27.05.1943

    This is a partial list of Libyans whose assets are blocked in Switzerland. Most of the money had been transferred out by Ghadaffi during the Swiss/Libyan crisis 18 months ago.

  5. red nose says:

    Anyone read Lino Spiteri’s Talking Point in The Times today? How very true.

  6. Maria says:

    I sincerely hope that the list will be published.Certain people can’t get away with “murder”, anymore.

  7. Dear, Another John, I have been around in this world for quite a number of years, I have never met with any Govt. which put PRINCIPJI before the well being of it’s country, nor do I recall having seen any bank account called PRINCIPJI nor have I ever met a family man feeding his children on PRINCIPJI. Wake, up this is a tough world ,meant for tough people. People like you should live in Disney World

  8. e. muscat says:

    Mr Loporto, By your own words you are saying publicly that you are not a man of principle. Who wpold dare trust a’ man’ like that?

    • What i’m saying is that I have never come across one, maybe exlcuding yourself. Of course you will meet many who say they are Men Of Principly but the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

  9. ciccio2011 says:

    Has the Asset Tracking Unit been to Grognet Street, Mosta?

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