Il-Kolonna tal-Injoranza
I can’t bear to remember that people as rude, stupid, crass and ignorant as this used to run the country. No wonder I get PTSD symptoms whenever I hear the word ‘Labour’.
Reno Calleja used to call himself Il-Kolonna tal-Partit Laburista. Earlier tonight, he was the token troll (there is always one – last week it was Deo Cassar) on Xarabank.
The insufferable git actually presumed to contradict an audience full of Libyan people about the nature of their own country and society (“Le, ha nghidlek jien…mhux hekk. Ghax ghandkom dawk it-tribujiet….”).
Here’s a stellar example of his behaviour:
“Ha nghidlek, siehbi, ghax jiena ghandi daqxejn esperjenza fil-politika internazzjonali. Jekk jaqa Gaddafi u tibdew taghtu bejnietkom…”
This, said to a Libyan man in a room full of Libyan people. Admirably, they didn’t rip him to shreds. A Maltese audience would have.
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If ignorance, stupidity and crassness were saleable commodities, the Labour Party would be flush with euros and would afford to give a raise to their Super One and One radio slaves.
While inspecting the carnival floats, Joseph discovered that one float was missing a clown. He didn’t have to look too far to find one and Reno Calleja saved the day.
Perfect timing on Carnival’s first day, Ren.
Statistical theory proves that one half of the ‘population’ is below average. I was taught that this cannot be refuted or questioned. Phenomenally, this theory has now been demolished. Joey and his followers have demonstrated that a whole ‘population’ of followers can be below average. Hopefully, one of his ‘intellectuals’, speaking in proper English or Maltese, can explain this anomaly.
Just saw Simon Busuttil on Xarabank. His logic and clear reasoning squashed Joe Grima and the unschooled Reno Calleja.
What the hell do people see in the Labour party? Their representatives are so protective of Gaddafi.
My impression was that Joe Grima was speaking out in no uncertain terms against Gaddafi, which I must admit surprised me as I expected otherwise.
I did only watch a few minutes though so I’ve no idea how he behaved or what he said during the rest of the programme.
It’s so good to have these Labour stalwarts around. They make the PN’s electoral job that much easier. Xarabank and all media spin….let’s have many more please now that Joseph Muscat has resuscitated them.
Mr. Mario Abdurrahman Farrugia-Borg embraced Islam on the 18th of March 1996 at the Malta branch of the World Islamic Call Society, after studying the Holy Qur’an and accept- ing its truths. He continued studying Islam under the guidance of the Imam, Muhammad el Sadi.
Mr. Abdurrahman Farrugia-Borg became active at the Islamic Centre through newspaper writings, appearances on TV and radio programmes, and helping new Maltese Muslims and non-Muslims to understand Islam.
He also represented the Maltese Muslim Community at various World Islamic Call Society and European Islamic Conference activities in Tripoli and abroad: Chad, Indonesia, Spain, France, Sweden etc. He performed Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) in March 2000. He was officially recognised by the World Islamic Call Society as a “daeyah” (preacher of Islam) in 2005, and is also considered as the Head of the Maltese Muslim Community.
My questions to the PL Leader Joseph Muscat:
1) If a Catholic preacher and head of a religious society wants to be a party delegate would you accept him/her?Isn’t PL a liberal and anticlerical party apart from being progressive and moderate?
2) What research and vetting did the party do before embracing the convert Qormi councillor?
3) After reading Farrugia Borg’s letter who does Dr Muscat believe?
Some questions to Mr Farrugia Borg:
1) Why don’t you always present yourself with your full Muslim name in public, aren’t you proud of it?
2) What are the connections of the World Islamic Call Society (founded by Gaddafi) and the Muslim Brotherhood?
Maybe Reno Calleja is not the expert in Libyan affairs that he claims he is, but he knows very well how despotic regimes and their leaders really tick, given his long-standing experience with China and its leaders:
And drawing some conclusions from the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989, where peaceful protesters were killed by the thousand for having manifested a degree of dissent towards the Chinese Communist Party in government, he might just think that Gaddafi might just pull it all off if things turn out like they did in China back then.
After what happened in 1989, and the way things have evolved since then, the People’s Republic of China is still attracting investments and its leaders are still rubbing shoulders with all the Western world’s elite.
According to Calleja’s warped way of seeing things, there is also some hope left for Gaddafi, after all!
Reno is so crass that his balls are made of brass and when he knocks them together they play ‘ Pajjiz tal- Mickey Mouse ‘
Why are they trying so hard to defend this tyrant? It seems that tyranny, for them, is quite normal – the Golden Years are a good example of this.
Why they do defend Gaddafi?
It’s called moolah.
One more reason why I vote PN.
Deo Cassar’s vulgar “contribution” was nothing compared to Reno Calleja’s. What an idiot. Yes, I have to say I admired the Libyan audience who expressed themselves very clearly and in an orderly manner, considering the insults Reno was throwing at them and their sufferings.
Although not one of my favourites, I have to say thumbs up to Joe Grima for his outspoken condemnation of Gaddafi, his family and his regime.
Yellow Notice issued by Interpol :
I once heard someone say – “dak il-konolla tal-partit hi, viva il-lejber”. How sad.
Does the Kolonna want us to be a colony of the Colonel?
I keep telling myself that, for the first time ever, I won`t vote PN and just abstain…..then the Kolonna of stupidity comes along and convinces me otherwise.
That’s why I agree with Village further up.
They shoot themselves in the foot.
Now I see the reasoning in Alfred Sant boycotting ‘Where’s Everybody?’ It was a damage limitation exercise.
I rarely watch Xarabank. Did this idiot really pass such comments?
[Daphne – No, I’m lying. Of course, he said that. Why would I say so, otherwise?]
Daphne, I never doubted what you said.
Yes, he did.
According to Malta Today Reno went to Xarabank against the PL leadership’s ‘advice’.
Regarding Reno Calleja When they were about to discuss the mediation offer by Chavez, Reno Calleja said that he knows of two persons who could help to bring peace. He mentioned Dalli and then when he was about to mention the other person, the subject turned to something else.
Can someone please confirm that I heard correctly?
You are perfectly correct.
Kolonna Mediterranja.
Mr Mario Abdulgahan Farrugia Borg is known to be very active in the Islamic school at Corradino heights, which school survives on money sent by Gheddafi. The school is run along Sharia princples , which principles are promoted regularly by the said Mr Farrugia Borg on the local media at every opportunity where he is invited to pass an opinion.
How can Joe Muscat be taken seriously when he says that within his PL there is no place for bigots or homphobes and at the same time, welcoming with such fanfare, a well-known Sharia promoter?
Meanwhile, Mr Farrugia Borg and Mr ElSadi the Imam have yet to pronounce themselves on whose side they are ….the Libjan people’s or the Gheddafi family’s.