It might be 'vindication'
I’m beginning to think that John Dalli said what he did on purpose, and not just because of his links to the Gaddafi regime. All the praise his erstwhile rival is getting for handling the situation so well must really rankle.
So he pops out with something that undermines Malta’s now clear stance against Gaddafi.
See the ‘dishonourable mention’ in The Guardian, beneath.
Cameron relief as Obama declares open mind on no-fly zones
Nicholas Watt, chief political correspondent, Friday 4 March 2011 20.14 GMT
Cameron and other European leaders have been left in no doubt by Washington that the EU should be in the lead or the moment in responding to the crisis in Libya. “The Americans think that Europe should get its act together in north Africa which really is in the EU’s sphere of influence,” one source said.
Downing Street said the prime minister has responded to this by giving a lead to other European leaders, some of whom want instinctively to move a little more slowly. “We are out there leading a bit,” the source said. “But you have to show a bit of leadership in these situations.”
Cameron is taking the lead with Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, in drawing up plans for an emergency EU summit that will be held in Brussels next Friday. But one key British idea – to link assistance given by the EU to north African and Middle Eastern countries with political reform – may run into trouble with the French because Sarkozy’s government uses the EU “neighbourhood policy” to deliver focused economic benefits to Francophone countries in the area. At least they will agree that John Dalli, Malta’s European commissioner, does not speak for the EU on Libya. He was quoted by as saying: “I think Gaddafi has made the first attempt towards conciliation.”
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Shame Shame Shame. Malta was and still is really lucky not to have him as Leader of the PN.
Tyranny, the West, and the Rest
Why is everyone acting so shocked about Muammar Qaddafi’s crackdown?
I don’t think it has to do with politics. More like Hyman Roth’s pragmatic line to doing business.
The report should have added that while Mr. Dalli was uttering this nonsense, Malta was celebrating the first day of Carnival.
The socks were white once, but the missus threw them in with the dark blue Abanderados.
If Gaddafi keeps on killing his own workers then he will need new ones and guess who is well placed to supply them.