Published: March 18, 2011 at 3:34pm

The leader of the Opposition has spoken at last. About divorce.

His party’s news website, Maltastar, reports the most momentous news of the day:

Opposition leader Dr Joseph Muscat has reacted to Parliament’s decision to accept the Labour Party Motion regarding the Divorce Referendum.

The motion was approved after all the Labour Party members of Parliament and Nationalist Members Jeffery Pullicino Orlando and Jesmond Mugliette voted in favor of the motion.

In his reaction to the motion’s approval, Dr Muscat said that the Labour Party proved to the country that although many members had opposite views on the subject of Divorce, the Party still showed a united front on the issue- emphasising the need for discussion and a clear question that was not misleading or could be interpreted wrongly.

Concluding, Dr Muscat said that this motion was a first step for Malta to become a true European country.

Incidentally, move your cursor over the photograph, which I have lifted straight from Maltastar, and see how the cretins have filed the image. I’ve left the name intact, for your amusement:


30 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    That photo is most appropriate. All he needs is a begging bowl in his outstretched hand.

    • Helen Cassar says:

      Please, sir, may I have some more?

      • bla vot says:

        Dak li jonqsu—“some more”—then his face will become completely round, he’s already developed two and a half chins going by goodpic3. Nahseb mhux pizza biss qed jiekol nhar ta’ Sibt.

  2. La Redoute says:

    This is how much Gaddafi’s promises are worth:

    Al-Jazeera TV is reporting heavy fire and artillery exchange between the rebels and pro-Gaddafi forces at the southern entrance to the city of Ajdabiyah, some 160km south of Benghazi.

  3. La Redoute says:

    And more:

    25 people have been killed as Gaddafi’s forces continue to shell Misurata.

  4. RF says:

    Can we see josephmuscatbadpic999?

  5. Ragunament bazwi - the Qala Ghawdex edition says:

    “We are Gaddafi’s friends” – comment on

    Whats all the fuss about, Col.Gaddafi is not after us the Maltese-we are his friends, but more like the Americans and the British. A.Zammit Qala

  6. Andrew Borg-Cardona says:

    That’s a goodpic?

  7. Joe Micallef says:

    Sharp sight!

    This thing of equating divorce with becoming true Europeans is insulting, especially coming from the goodpic moron.

    If we weren’t in a bit of a crisis, I would suggest a competition.

    FInding goodpic1 and goodpic2.

  8. Jean Paul says:

    I wonder what the bad pics look like then.

  9. Malcolm Bonnici says:

    Prime Minister to hold an urgent news conference in a few minutes time:

    Maybe he did read your blog.

  10. Alan says:

    …. on Net, live at 4.30.

    • Alan says:

      I hope there are foreign journalists there too.

      They will push the PM hard with tough questions and expect answers, not like our local bucket of sheep with their note-books & blank stares.

  11. Huffed and puffed says:

    Can Maltastar show us more of the three little pics?

  12. Antoine Vella says:

    The approval of a motion about the wording for the referendum question “was a first step for Malta to become a true European country.”

    So what was our joining the EU?

  13. dolce vita says:

    arani MA, kemm jien SABIH

  14. Karl Flores says:

    The bad pics will be reserved for when GonziPN wins the election, once more.

  15. ciccio2011 says:

    Joseph Muscat should wait until his Prime Minister has spoken.

  16. John F. says:

    I received an email from “arani ma” about being the best in Europe because we are having a divorce referendum. Was I the only ‘lucky’ one?

  17. .Angus Black says:

    Is this guy for real?

    Why did he not emphasize that he gave his MPs a FREE VOTE?

    Simply because he did not give them a chance, otherwise those who proclaimed that they are against divorce, would have voted accordingly.

    Nothing yet on the Libya situation, I see.

  18. Manuel Camilleri says:

    Europe is now convenient for Joseph Muscat. Before the European Membership Referendum, he had a completely different idea about Europe. A true timeserver indeed

  19. I.R.A.B. says:

    I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at the PL’s complete failure to grasp what is going on and how they should act.

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