Joseph Muscat loses hair and sleep over the Libyan crisis

Published: March 3, 2011 at 9:09am

The leader of the opposition is seen here collaborating with the prime minister on the Libyan crisis, while t-tifel tal-Pom Pom girl tal-blufims captures the hot action

Joseph Muscat cancelled his Sunday morning political outing and told us that it was because he is too ‘impenjat’ with the Libyan crisis. His Communications Coconut then released a statement saying that the Labour leader is being “constantly consulted” by the prime minister and that the Opposition is “collaborating” with the government.

Meanwhile, the Labour Party’s news website, Maltastar, is clearly off-message. Here it reports the boss’s activities as the neighbourhood crisis heats up.


Today, Dr Joseph Muscat visited a number of Carnival Float committee’s who showed him around the workshops and gave him a sneak preview of a few carnival floats.

I am not even going to being to suggest what Byon Jo Zammit of Super One plans to do with that film, but the way he’s going at it, you’d think it was the money shot.

But let’s not get started on that one.

24 Comments Comment

  1. red nose says:

    Perhaps the visit to the carnival floats was just a break from the very important consultations with prime Minister Gonzi on the Libyan crisis. A man needs a bit of a rest.

  2. Patrik says:

    Nonsense. This is a part of Muscat’s cunning plan. They will hide a handful of brave soldiers inside one of the floats, ship it to Libya as a peace-offering to Gaddafi. Then as as night falls they will jump out – led by Muscat himself – conquer Tripoli and be saluted as heroes of the Republic.

  3. Housewive says:

    Please give Joseph Muscat the benefit of the doubt. Maybe this time it was the Carnival Float Committee who wanted to consult with him. Those of you who want consultations with the opposition leader get in line.

    • Bus Driver says:

      Very apt, Housewive, ghax kull inizjattiva li jiehdu tal-Labour tispicca karnival.

      Ghalkemm xi kultant thallilhom xi kocc eluf ta’ ewro li jigbru minghand ic-cwiec – bhal ma gara fl-inizjattiva tar-refund tal-VAT fuq registrazzjoni tal-karozzi..

  4. Vanni says:

    Ah, the King of the Carnival inspects his domain.

  5. Antoine Vella says:

    Perhaps he’s looking for design ideas for the balcony he’s planning to build at the Ċentru Nazzjonali.

  6. Andrew Borg-Cardona says:

    “… visited a number of Carnival Float Committee’s” what?

    • John says:

      KMB no longer forms part of the PL. He was, yes, but not anymore. He made that very clear when he took off to form his futile CNi. So please, let’s not “inhalltu il hass mal bass”.

      [Daphne – KMB is a former Labour prime minister and was Labour Party leader until he lost the general election in 1992. Alfred Sant took over from him. His thinking informed the Labour Party for years and the Labour Party still thinks as he does – vide the brontosauruses who were in KMB’s cabinet and who are now running the Labour Party. Why, one of them is even writing its electoral programme for the bright new future. Stop trying to whitewash the dirty facts.]

      • John says:

        Stop trying to interpret what KMB as an official PL statement. We can further discuss this when the PL announces that it agrees with KMB’s position, or when it takes a similar stand. So far it did not, so its pointless to assume.

        [Daphne – The Labour Party was very quick to say it disagreed with Reno Calleja, who said similar dangerous rubbish. It has not done the same with its former leader. Have they included him in the Golden Years exhibition, or have they blipped over those eight years or so when he was party leader. Legendary quotes for the exhibition: If we join the European Union we’ll get AIDS and be invaded by Sicilian hairdressers. And to a meeting of L-Ghaqda Nisa Laburisti: you don’t want to join the European Union because you have nice houses and people in Europe live in rabbit-hatches. Hallina, John. I can’t believe you voted for that man to become prime minister – even after experiencing five years of BLISS after 1987. Kemm hawn min ihobb jigi msawwat. Poplu S & M.]

      • La Redoute says:

        When Reno Calleja shot his mouth off, the PL immediately dissociated itself.

        They haven’t done that with KMB.

      • maryanne says:

        “Outgoing leader Alfred Sant went to vote at about 2015CEST. He left party headquarters without commenting. His predecessor Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici, a delegate for life, cast his vote a short time later. Former Labour leader Dom Mintoff has no voting rights.”

      • John says:

        I never voted for him, I’m 26 years old.

        [Daphne – That explains it then. Now please go home and ask your parents WHY they voted for him in 1992, when they had had five years’ experience of something manifestly better. I don’t need to know the answer, but you do.]

      • John says:

        No I don’t either. I don’t care why they voted for him. As I said before, I care for the present (even though the past has to be given its appropriate weight). If I did care and if I let my parents beliefs influence the way I think, I wouldn’t have voted PN in 2003.

        [Daphne – You voted PN in 2003 because you wanted to be an EU citizen, punto e basta. It had nothing to do with assessing the relative merits or demerits of the political parties. If that were not the case, you would have voted for Sant in 2003 as you did in 2008. I doubt very much that Sant’s qualities improved in your eyes between 2003 and 2008, causing you to change your mind. You should ask your parents why they voted for KMB in 1992. It’s an important question and you need an answer. This is not to help you understand politics, but to help you understand them. If you don’t know your parents, you can never know yourself.]

        Furthermore, the party can take a stand on an issue but that doesn’t mean that all the delegates have to share the same views. This is also very evident on the divorce issue, with the PN taking a clear stand against divorce, yet some parliament members from the PN side are in favour of it.

        So, can we safely say that because JPO is in favour of divorce, then the PN is also in favour of it, simply because JPO is not A DELEGATE but forms part of the cabinet? No ux, it wouldn’t be fair to assume that, because “anyone with a brain” can clearly understand that it is impossible to share exactly the same views on every single issue.

        [Daphne – Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando is NOT part of the cabinet. The cabinet is made up of the prime minister and other ministers. Cabinet positions are government positions, so if the cabinet is in favour of divorce then de facto the government is. Pullicino Orlando is an MP. It is only the Labour Party which has ‘delegates’. They are the people who vote for the party’s positions and policy and who elect the party leader. Governments and parliament do not have delegates, and the Nationalist Party has a different system. Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici is a party delegate. But beyond that, you make one fundamental error of comparison: Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando was never a party kingpin, prime minister or party leader and he never shaped party policy. Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici was all of that and the Labour Party you see today is the Labour Party I knew when he led it, right down to same individuals, one of them writing the party electoral programme. THAT is why you should be interested in the past. Only flibbertigibbets live in the present.]

        The Labour Party has not said anything about constitution, neutrality, military base and what not. So until you hear an official statement coming from the PL, I think it would be unwise to assume.

        [Daphne – Not to be patronising or anything, John, but I am rather a lot older than you are and have almost three decades of adult experience of the Labour Party, so please. Allow that I might have a little insight into this one.]

        As I said before, should Malta be used as a military base and the PL lashes at the government with the constitution excuse, then I would be the first one to return to this blog saying that they are dead wrong.

  7. cat says:

    This picture turned out my stomach upside down. Our neighbours are dying for their freedom and democracy, and Malta is preparing for such a nonsense festival – the Carnival.

  8. Maria says:

    So we have parliament debating divorce and Joseph Muscat visiting carnival floats whilst Libya is burning? Is this the way of doing politics in Malta?

  9. .Angus Black says:

    Joseph ilu re tal-karnival, mil-mument li lahaq lijder u beda jmexxi skoss buffi u meta ma kellux bizzejjed gab ftit antikalji bhal Grima, AST, Vella u Vella etc.

    Issa li dawwar madwaru partita skaduti, qed ihossu xi ftit importanti.

    Mar izur il-karrijiet tal-karnival biex jiehu xi ideja jew tnejn u jtihom lill-Karmenu biex jinkludihom fil-programm elettorali li qed jikteb. Ghandu bzonn sentejn shah biex jikteb ta l-imbierek programm.

    Nispera li l-kompjuter tal partit ma jergax jiehu zbalji u jerga jwaqqa il-partit Laburista ghac-cajt.

  10. Fleur says:
    Unbelievable. Whilst all world leaders are focused on Libya, this unbearable young upstart of Joseph Muscat visits the Carnival Floats

  11. ciccio2011 says:

    Carnival float-ing voters.

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