Maaaaaa, xi stupidagni – look at this

Published: March 3, 2011 at 7:50pm

I didn't have a suitable photograph to go with this piece, so I thought I'd use one of the Empire Station

Divorce motion: JPO to vote with the Opposition – Maltastar 2 March

In a press conference held at the University today, Jeffery Pullicino Orlando confirmed he will be voting with the opposition on the 16 of March.

During the press conference held by the student organization Pulse, the organisation declared that they are in favour of the introduction of a responsible Divorce legislation.


What is this crap? The Opposition does not have a position on divorce, so how in the name of Gaddafi can Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando vote with the Opposition?

Joseph Muscat made sure that every last stray cat on these islands is aware that members of parliament of Il-Partit ta’ Joseph will not have to vote with the whip on divorce and will vote ‘according to their conscience’ (ahem).

The Nationalist Party has taken a position against divorce but any Nationalist MP who votes Yes to the divorce bill will not ‘be voting with the Opposition’ – not only because the Opposition does not have a position, but because there’s going to be no whip on the government side of the house either and they’re all going to vote ‘according to their conscience’ (ahem again).

And of course, there’s another reason why Pullicino Orlando can’t vote with the Opposition. Ding dong. This is not a government bill. It is a private bill, which he himself put before the house. This means that members of parliament on whichever side of the house will not be voting for or against the government or government policy, but for or against Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s bill.

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando will not be voting with the Opposition. Or against the government. Or vice versa. He will simply be voting for his own damned bill. And how could he do otherwise without being thought deranged? It IS his bill. So obviously he’s going to vote for it.

Note to Joseph Muscat and the Communications Coconut: tal-Maltastar ghandhom bzonn daqxejn lezzjoni fis-sistemi politici u l-procedura tal-parlament. Maltastar is the Labour Party’s official website and it does you no favours when it makes the Labour Party look like it doesn’t know the difference between a private bill and a government bill, a free vote and the use of the whip, or that MPs who bring a private bill before the house have no choice but to vote for it (otherwise why would they bother).


As for Pulse, they should get a grip or pack it in. This is the left-wing students’ group. You’d think that with all this going on in Libya, they’d find something other than divorce to talk about. But no, divorce it is, like we haven’t heard enough. And oh my, they’ve taken a position in favour of ‘responsible divorce legislation’, as though left-wingers in their late teens and early 20s have any other choice. They shouldn’t even have been discussing it, leaving all that up to the Studenti DemoKristjani. Please don’t tell me that these are the socialist leaders of tomorrow, because it looks like they’re going to be worse than yesterday’s.

20 Comments Comment

  1. Harry Purdie says:

    Beware, Nescafe moments have migrated to the rock!

  2. Here’s another spectacular piece of stupidity from Maltastar, the headline CHARLO BONNICI COMMENTS IRATE JPO IN PARLIAMENT.

    They think ‘irate’ is a verb – you know, like irritate.

  3. .Angus Black says:

    I wonder why JPO is so hot about getting his Private Member’s bill through!? Hot enough that he will vote with a party whose policy on divorce amounts to no more than ‘neither here nor there’.

    Seems to me this goes well beyond political suicide.

    Good riddance, says I.

  4. Daphne

    Vera JPO immissu jisthi. Qieghed iwwegga hafna nies li tellawh fil- parlament. Jiena nghidlu li what goes around comes around. Ma nafx kif il- parlament ghandu il- gazz ipparla fuq it-tkissir u mhux fuq il-ghaqda tal-familji, meta ftit il- boghod ghawn dan linkwiet kollu.

    Nirrigrazzjak hafna.

    Daphne inti mara tal-azzar. Il- bambin mieghek.

    • .Angus Black says:

      Nista nobsor ‘ghaliex’!

    • John says:

      It is proven that divorce in itself (as a legal option) does not increase the likelihood of marriage dissolutions. We are so keen on democracy, freedom of speech ecc .. and yet here you are saying “ma nafx kif il-parlament ghandu il-gazz iparla fuq it-tkissir tal-familja?”

      Mela we’re not living in the same century jew? It’s 2011. Only us and the Philippines did not legislate for divorce yet. But as usual, we are a supreme nation endowed with stratospheric intelligence, therefore we are better than the rest of the world … u la nghidu le ghad-divorzju ifisser li ahna biss ghandna ragun fid-dinja.

      What’s the big deal? If divorce is legislated .. so what? Let it be an option for those who wish to avail themselves from it. If you are strongly against it, then simply do not opt for divorce. And yes, same thing goes for abortion (an issue which will take another 50 years for someone to actually have the guts to really do something about it.) Let it be available for whoever opts for it .. if there are any consequences to it, then it will be that person who will suffer them, not you.

  5. P Shaw says:

    JPO must be fuming at the coverage that the PM is getting due to the precarious situation in Libya, while PL will clutch at any straw that will deviate public scrutiny away from their relationship with and inbred subordination to Gaddafi.

  6. TROY says:

    Mela issa JPO u Alfred Sant nahseb saru ‘friends’

  7. Dr Francis Saliba says:

    The JPO-Bartolo divorce bill is NOT a piece of responsible divorce legislation. It is clearly a bill intended to promote a “no fault”, no-contest, mutually connived “change-partners” divorce with an inadequate and irrelevant built-in excuse of a few years cooling off period with no pretence of contributing anything to stable marriage unions.

    The red herring of a so-called solution to “irrevocable marriage breakdowns” would only be a silly pretence in most cases.

    • Stefan Vella says:

      “mutually connived change-partners” ?

      A couple does not really need divorce to change partners. Obviously they are not happy together and the marriage has broken down. Divorce just unties an unwanted knot. I see no issue here.

      Arguments like this make the anti-divorce lobby seem petty and insecure.

  8. E Farrugia says:

    As soon as the spotlight is on Libya rather than his beloved divorce, he comes up with something banal to draw the attention back to him.

    I really cannot understand how one’s focus can be on petty things such as carnival or divorce during these turbulent times in Libya.

    I never dreamed I would live to see the day when the Libyan people would revolt against Gaddafi. This is history in the making, and all JPO can think about is making stupid statements on divorce.

  9. Dr Francis Saliba says:

    Dear E Farrugia

    Your “Divorce just unties an unwanted knot” is another way of agreeing with me when I referred to “mutually connived change-partners”.

    The anti-divorce lobby is not being “petty and insecure” unless you admit that you are being just as insecure and just as petty yourself.

  10. Lorna saliba says:

    I really don’t know how you bother with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando anymore, Daphne. He is an emotionally immature politician driven by the wrong kind of ambition: that of keeping himself in the headlines rather than doing this country any good.

    He has already commited political suicide particularly in his God-fearing constituency. It is a question of when, not if.

  11. Dr Francis Saliba says:

    It is obvious that my last comment is addressed at Stefan Vella not E Farrugia. Apologies.

  12. ciccio2011 says:

    Oh my gosh, is the Statue of Liberty copying Gaddafi’s hand gesture?

  13. Carmel Scicluna says:

    Waqqa’ wicc il-prim ministru fl-art bil-kas mahmug tal-Mistra.

    Jibki dmugh tal-kukkudrilli quddiem Alfred Sant.

    Jahdem minn wara dahar il-kap tal-partit tieghu stess.

    Jigdeb il-qorti taht gurament.

    Issa qalbi qed tehbirni li bi skop qed jilghaq lil tan-naha l-ohra.

    Nispera li fl-elezzjoni generali li jmiss in-Nazzjonalisti ma jerggghux itellghuh.

    Veru gakbin.

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