"Malta is the Libyan Trojan horse of the EU" – European Council on Foreign Relations

Published: March 11, 2011 at 12:04am

The Christian Science Monitor (yes, indeed – csmonitor.com) carries an article today called ‘Both sides of Libya’s conflict attempt to woo a divided Europe’.

It includes another fabulous public relations coup for Malta, thanks to our various politicians inability to understand that fence-sitting eventually means a fence-post up the butt.

Timing is crucial as forces loyal to the embattled Libyan leader appear to be swiftly retaking the military momentum. And Friday’s EU summit in Brussels will either result empty words that embolden Qaddafi or in a roadmap to build a broader international coalition to hold him off.

“Europe is divided and stretched. There is quite the confusion,” says José Ignacio Torreblanca, senior policy fellow in the European Council on Foreign Relations and office head in Madrid. “Many are serious about reorienting policy, and others are still disoriented.”

For now though, the EU is “paralyzed,” he says. “Libya has been smart the past few years building relations. Italy and Malta depend on Libya. Malta is the Libyan Trojan Horse of the EU. And Portugal is a mediator,” says Mr. Torreblanca.

The European Council on Foreign Relations, set up four years ago, is the first pan-European think tank, and is dedicated to evolving ideas on European foreign policy. Its founding members include former European prime ministers, parliamentarians, business leaders, and academics. It has offices in Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris, Rome and Sofia.


And African Intelligence (africanintelligence.com) reports today (‘European Union differs on response to uprising’):

(…)According to our sources, commissioners John Dalli (consumption) and the Italian Antonio Tajani (transportation) are fighting tooth and nail against any EU action against Kadhafi. Malta is highly dependent on its economic ties with Libya which arose out of years of anti-Libyan sanctions, (Valetta plays host to any number of joint Maltese-Libyan companies). As for Italy, its contracts with Libya are worth billions.(…)

25 Comments Comment

  1. pippo says:

    Din x itfisser? Ahna niddependu mil-Libya?

    Jien ma niddependi xejn mil-Libya, mela jien John Dalli?

    [Daphne – It means something used by the enemy as a vehicle for attacking from within. I don’t feel like running through a history of the Trojan war, but you’ll find something brief here: http://www.answers.com/topic/trojan-horse ]

  2. Min Weber says:

    Excuse me, Ladies and Gentlemen. But isn’t it absolutely crystal-clear that Mr Dalli has to go?

    Can’t we read the not-so-indirect hints?


    No more, no less.

  3. David says:

    Will the same action be taken against Saudi Arabia as that taken and may be taken against Libya?


    And what about China?

    [Daphne – We’ve been through that already, and you weren’t listened. A fight on your doorstep is more relevant to you than a fight in the next city.]

  4. La Redoute says:

    The question is, where?

  5. pippo says:

    min weber,

    Nahseb li l-ahjar John Dalli mhux wahdu jitlaq imma jiehu lil KMB mieghu, forsi nieqfu nithammgu minhabba fihom.

    • Min Weber says:

      KMB jitlaq fejn?

      Jien qieghed nghid li Dalli ghandu jitlaq minn Kummissarju tal-UE, mhux minn Malta!

      Jista’ joqghod Malta kemm irid, ghax – fl-ahhar mill-ahhar – cittadin Malti.

      Imma ghandu jitlaq minn Kummissarju Ewropew. Ma jibqax ihammrilna wiccna f’kariga ufficjali.

      Ghalhekk ukoll il-paragun ma’ KMB ma jghoddx. KMB ma jokkupa l-ebda kariga ufficcjali. Jigifieri m’hemmx minn fejn jitlaq.

      Dalli imma huwa sors ta’ misthija u imbarazzament enormi ghal pajjizna. Ga ghandna problemi kbar bl-immagni ta’ statarell fl-isfera ta’ influwenza Libika; Dalli bi kliemu u ghemilu qieghed jissokta jirrafforza dik l-immagni.

      U dan hu ta’ dannu kbir ghall-kredibilita’ ta’ Malta. Ghall-investiment barrani dirett (FDI), ghas-servizzi finanzjarji, ghat-turizmu… Kull settur tal-ekonomija Maltija qieghed jintlaqat – u jintlaqat hazina – mill-ebusija ta’ ras li qieghed juri Dalli f’dan il-mument delikat.

      KMB huwa relikwa tal-passat.

      Dalli hu zavorra tal-prezent.

      Ir-relikwi zzommhom imwarrbin fejn jarawhom il-kurjuzi.

      Iz-zavorra tehles minnha jekk trid titla’ ‘l fuq.

  6. Antoine Vella says:

    Dalli is not representing Malta in the EU commission but, inevitably, his actions are interpreted as being on behalf of Malta.

    • La Redoute says:

      He’s referred to as ‘the Maltese commissioner’ and not as’ the dissenting commissioner’. And invariably, that is followed by a note about his business interests in Libya.

  7. Antoine Vella says:

    Meanwhile MaltaToday continues to peddle rumours, only to contradict them later.

    The fantasy:
    “Malta ‘may be interested’ in proposing itself as a mediator for a ceasefire in Libya . . .”

    The reality:
    “The Maltese government has refused a request reportedly made by Col. Gaddafi for a possible mediation . . .”



  8. .Angus Black says:

    Yes, I agree with you one hundred and ten percent, but some are asking the Prime Minister to request his resignation.

    My impression is that the PM is not his boss any more but the EU President is. It is Jose Manuel Barroso who should ask for his resignation.

    Am I wrong?

    • La Redoute says:


    • Bus Driver says:

      Barroso should DEMAND Dalli’s resignation. Dalli’s long-established and personal interests in Libya, now temporarily controlled by his daughter, cannot but influence his standpoint on Libyan affairs

  9. red nose says:

    Unfortunately, there are a lot of people here and even abroad who think that Dalli represents Malta.

    • La Redoute says:

      He is seen to represent Malta’s perspective. That’s harmful enough and it’s much more difficult to shatter that image. Dalli will not be taking any firm political decisions that show where Malta stands so he will always be suspect as long as he remains where he is.

    • Angus Black says:

      It’s the way the international press is emphasizing that Dalli is Malta’s gift to the EU and occupies a key position as EU Commissioner.

      Mabe it’s time for a petition by Maltese, addressed to Mr. Barroso requesting that he asks for Dalli’s resignation.

      Better handle Dalli’s rage than the rage of the whole of Europe, if not the whole world.

      Too much damage to Malta’s image has already been done, although quite unfairly taking into account that Malta’s official position has been clear from day one and on the same side of the EU and UN.

  10. To the dreamer Mr.J.I.Torreblanca, was the US the Trojan horse of the whole universe when the ex president of the USA Richard Nixon said that general Franco was a loyal friend and ally of the United States, at the time when concentration camps were in operation throughout Spain?

    How can any of the readers here judge the Prime Minister of Malta and Tonio Borg on what they read on the newspapers. What is really going on between members of the EU we surely do not know. Anyone who believes all that he hears in any media is a sucker.

  11. pippo says:

    min weber,

    Fejn jitliqu mhux importanti. L-aqwa li jitilqu mix-xena ghax hlief ihammgu pajjizna mhumiex jaghmlu.

    KMB ukoll ghandu jitlaq ghax ilsienu jikkmandah u meta jghid xi haga, jghida biex jidher kemm hu importanti mhux jahseb kemm hu ridikolu, allura l-ahjar jitilqu it-tnejn.

    U minn hawn irrid nghid issa illi li ghamel Gonzi rigward il-Mirages u il-prim ministru ta’ Gaddafi jitolbu medjazzjoni, veru kaz illi kif qal xi hadd, THE RE MAKING OF LAWRENCE GONZI
    prosit par idejn sodi.

    Mur gib kieku kellna lil John Dalli prim ministru jihandilja din il-problema xi frakass kien jaghmel mil-relazzjoni diplomatika li ghandha Malta.

  12. baroso says:

    Dalli ma jirrapprezentax lili fil E.U.

    Wara kollox il-prim ministru lahhqu hemm mhux jien.

    Kieku jiddependi minni, diga nizel minn hemm u tellajtu fuq il-katamaran u mar joqghod il -Libya fid dar li ghandu mat-tfal. Hemmhekk forsi jaghlaq halqu.

  13. kev says:

    The European Council on Foreign Relations would say that wouldn’t it.

    Do you know anything about this ‘think tank’? Do you know what relation it has with the US Council on Foreign Relations?

    This is a globalist institution and if you still don’t know what ‘globalist’ means, then you need to do your research.

    • La Redoute says:

      And your position on Libya is…?

      • .Angus Black says:

        Wait a minute LaRedoute. Kev must ‘consult’ with Joseph first before he can answer your question.

    • Joseph A Borg says:

      What’s the alternative to a globalist institution? A parochial one?

      [Daphne – NO2EU. CNi. That sort of thing. Or the other one where they dress up as cows to protest in the corridors of the European Parliament. Kev knows all about those.]

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