More hindsight required here
Business Today/3 June 2002
Finance Minister John Dalli addresses the BoV ‘Libya – your neighbour and business partner’ conference. Mr Dalli emphasises that business between the Malta and Libya is a two-way stream that depends on strong economic, cultural and political links.
“It is always a great pleasure for me to address events that are in connection to Libya – our neighbour and also a friend. Indeed, history has bound Malta and Libya on various levels and over the years both countries have developed strong links of an economic, cultural and political nature.
“In fact, this is a partnership that has shown no restraint but a strong mutual drive to foster enhanced levels of co-operation in these fields. Today’s event is further evidence of this solid relationship that is built on trust, mutual understanding, and reciprocity.
“I sincerely believe that the level of two way business between Malta and Libya will receive a significant and welcome boost arising out of Malta’s accession to the European Union. With Malta becoming a full member of the European Union within the next few years, we have a role to play in acting as Libya’s partner and gateway into EU markets.
“The Libyans will stand to benefit from this eventuality since they can continue to count on Malta’s friendship, understanding and solidarity. In other words, EU membership offers all parties concerned a win-win opportunity. And one must not forget that even today, Libya’s biggest trading partners are European Union member states.”
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John Dalli, the noose around our necks.
I think it will be easier to get Gaddafi to resign than have John Dalli fall on his sword.
Din il-laqgha ghall li jista jkun kienet saret wara nofsinhar?
Qed tghid hekk ghax Dalli min Hal-Qormi?
Jiddispjacini ghal Qriema.
There is almost always a black sheep in a family.
How convenient the English language happens to be!
The plural of ‘sheep’ is ‘sheep’ and in this particular case it is so appropos.
But if it was held in the afternoon, he could claim he was talking in his sleep.