More insight into Maltese democratic thinking

Published: March 24, 2011 at 12:45pm

Another Maltese champion of democracy has spoken out on the comments-board at, about the right to protest in Malta. Apparently, if you’re Libyan, you have no such right.

It still hasn’t been drummed into these sods that human rights are universal, not territorial or linked to your passport.

anglu cilia
I am talking about these people breaking our peace and should be dealt with harshly, and yes make no mistake about it the police will give them a little extra sweet “bumpy umph”on the brisket with a size 12 boot with the lights out while in the holding cell, it is the only way they will understand. I do not feel sorry for their plight if they keep abusing our good nature in a most uncivilized manner and I would not make excuses for their animalistic behavior and I could not care less where they come from.

17 Comments Comment

  1. Gakku says:

    I wonder whether this mentality is linked to our education system. I now live in Sweden and my eight-year-old son goes to a Swedish school. During the last election campaign here, they had discussions at school on what democracy is, what values the different parties stand for, and why we have elections etc.

    They had politicians visit the school and staged a mini election there (using the names of the real parties – I was so glad my son went for the liberal Folkpartiet!). I don’t remember having this in my curriculum at his age in Malta.

    • Marku says:

      Nah, that’s just fluff. Our kids are doing just fine as long as the crucifix still hangs in the classroom.

    • Corinne Vella says:

      Neither did we. That’s because we were warned that you’d never know who was listening.

      Asked to explain the historical background to Jum il-Helsien, my history teacher reluctantly skimmed over the facts and then hurriedly said ‘and I hope that you’re not going home to tell your parents what I’ve just said’, such was the fear of retribution.

      • Nathaliv says:

        You think that’s bad? I sat for my History A’Level not so long ago and was forewarned not to write anything remotely against Mintoff or the like as there were some ‘Mintoffjani’ correcting that paper and I risked failing.

  2. Steve says:

    Someone who probably thinks that there is nothing wrong with Gaddafi’s secret police. It would be great if we could round up these people and swap them for Libyan refugees. Ironically these people think they are better than these refugees, but the only people they kid are themselves.

    [Daphne – He knows what brisket means. That should tell you something about his social circumstances.]

  3. Dr Francis Saliba says:

    What is animalistic is Cilia’s recommendation to our police to indulge in “a little extra sweet “bumpy umph”on the brisket with a size 12 boot with the lights out while in the holding cell, it is the only way they will understand”.

  4. So first it is “the police will give them a little extra BUMPY UMPY on the brisket with a size 12 boot” if They keep abusing our good nature, in that case ” I would not make excuses for their ANIMALISTIC BEHAVIOR, whose may I ask?

  5. Karl Flores says:

    ”indulge in “a little extra sweet “bumpy umph”on the brisket with a size 12 boot with the lights out while in the holding cell, it is the only way they will understand”.

    Could have read, ”the only way to remember Malta’s past”.

  6. Dee says:

    Mr Cilia, have you ever been manhandled by a police thug and given ”a little extra sweet “bumpy umph”on the brisket ”?

    Crawl back into the sewer you emerged from and dont emerge, not unless someone throws a tear gas canister at your general direction first!

  7. R. Camilleri says:

    On a slightly different note, I really wonder how let such a comment go through. Doesn’t that verge on hate speech?

    • David says:

      He had the cheek to call himself “good natured”. I wonder what classifies as politically incorrect for the moderators at Whenever I used words such as ‘homophobe’ or ‘bible basher’, I have had my message modified. But those people who are blatantly racist, or resort to hate speech, their messages are always left untouched by the moderator.

  8. drewsome says:

    Probably another relic from the Golden Years when the Police were not only experts in “bumpy umph”, but also in “framey-wamey”, “GBHy GBHy” and “deady deady”.

    What a rabid idiot.

  9. .Angus Black says:

    Maybe Anglu Cilia handed a few extra sweet “bumpy umph”on the briskets at tal-Barrani, Rabat…? He seems awfully familiar with the practice.

  10. Il-Cop says:

    This Anglu Cilia made only one mistake. He mispelled his surname. It should read Farrugia.

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