My god, what a liar

Published: March 1, 2011 at 10:11pm

Damn right - though Malta Today have certainly changed their tune since

Malta Today is running this story.

Journalists, bloggers told to ‘attack’ Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando

Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando does not exclude Richard Cachia Caruana behind the orders.

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Nationalist backbencher MP and a dissenting voice within his party, today admitted in court that he had been informed by blogger and publicist Daphne Caruana Galizia and other writers that they had been told to ‘attack’ him in the wake of the Mistra controversy.


I cannot believe that Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando said that under oath. I can’t. That he imagines the secret service is tapping his telephone, I can believe. That he fed his party leader a load of hogwash about Mistra, I can believe too.

But lying under oath? He must be spending far too much time with Consuelo Herrera, who did it so often when she spoke in court twice in ‘my’ case that I gave up taking notes.

Il-vera birds of a feather, marelli. Incredible.

1. I did not tell Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando that I had been told to attack him.

2. I was not told to attack him.

3. Nobody tells me what to do, say or write, and famously so. They don’t tell me because they know it’s pointless. I am 100% non-malleable and it is my most screamingly obvious character trait, so you have to be a really poor judge of people not to see this.

4. The person who is least likely to tell me what to do, say or write is – in fact – Richard Cachia Caruana, who has known me since I was 24 years old, for the very reasons described in point 3. above.

5. Malta Today and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando conveniently forget to mention that, far from attacking him, I was the only person – the ONLY person – defending his constitutional right to stay on in parliament after the 2008 debacle. I very much regret doing this but hindsight is a useless thing and I relied on him to have a change of heart and begin to behave like a gentleman from there on in once he was given the opportunity of proving himself. But I was wrong and he turned out to be truly abominable. If I were able to go back in time, I would be baying for his blood with the rest of them, and not because anyone had told me to do so but because I wanted to do so myself.


Fortunately, I have been called as a witness in the same law suit, and will say all of this under oath. And more, because I am well and truly fed up of these lies and of Saviour Balzan’s neurotic obsessions.


The background on the law suit: Richard Cachia Caruana sued Saviour Balzan for an article in Malta Today in which he claimed that the former tells me what to write. I didn’t sue because I couldn’t be bothered, but I’m now so sick of his outright lies that I have changed that policy. Every time he lies about me, I’m going to sue his ass off. Maybe that’s why they never mention me by name anymore.

Nice one, Jeffrey – it was really worth sticking my neck out for you, ja gakbin. Stick with Saviour and Consuelo, because it’s where you belong.

29 Comments Comment

  1. C Falzon says:

    Did you see that only on Malta Today or do you have confirmation of it?

    My immediate reaction is that it is more likely that Malta Today made it up than JPO having actually said that under oath. He does seem to be losing it but not to that extent, or so I think.

    [Daphne – Maltastar is running the same story, I’ve just realised. But then they do tend to do that. If Jeffrey didn’t say that under oath, then I expect him to insist on a clarification with Malta Today and Maltastar. He’s the darling of both, so they should oblige. The Maltastar story even quotes Jeffrey as calling me “a PN columnist”. Why – am I paid by the PN? Nittien.]

    • ciccio2011 says:

      One News also ran with this story in their 7.30pm bulletin. I said to myself: “There goes JPO competing with Gaddafi for the attention of the Labour media.”

      • He must be terribly annoyed that the Libyan rebellion blew up and pushed him out of the news.

      • David Buttigieg says:

        That’s exactly what I thought, ‘his heroic push for a referendum’ has, naturally, been forgotten as real events in the real world unfold, and he must be really seething at this.

        Perhaps he thinks the Libyan people started the revolution just to spite him.

    • Bajd u Laham says:

      “The Maltastar story even quotes Jeffrey as calling me “a PN columnist”. Why – am I paid by the PN? Nittien.”

      Not to play the devil’s advocate here but, since when it is money the main determinant of affiliation?

      It is like reasoning that most of the suicide bombers are not effectively driven by Al-Qaeda since, probably, they aren’t on Al Qaeda’s payroll? Do you really think that your ‘enemies’ think you do what you they say you do for money?

      [Daphne – Obviously, I am not dealing with somebody who understands English here. “A Nationalist Party columnist” means somebody who works for and is paid by the Nationalist Party – like, say, the people who work for Media Link. A Nationalist Party columnist is NOT a columnist who votes for the Nationalist Party. For example, my colleague Marie Benoit is out-and-out Labour. But I would never dream of calling her a Labour Party columnist, for the simple reason that she is patently not one. She is a Malta Independent columnist, just like me. Get a grip.]

  2. C Falzon says:

    Maltastar seems to have published it almost eleven hours ago if the timestamp is to be believed (they do get such things wrong occasionally).

    If it is indeed so I wonder why Malta Today took so long to find out and why there is no mention of it on The Times or The Malta Independent.

  3. The chemist says:

    It was also on Super One news this evening. No surprises there.

  4. Cannot-Resist-Anymore says:

    I heard the story on One News this evening as well. The language on One News was so Malta Today like.

  5. Grezz says:

    What an utterly spineless bunch of people that sorry lot are!

    What is an oath worth, anyway? I have absolutely no faith in the system at all. People who have no qualms about certain behaviour are not going to have any qualms about perjury, are they?

    • La Redoute says:

      Magistrate Herrera lied under oath. Why is anyone surprised that Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando did the same thing?

  6. The chemist says:

    Can anyone explain how the Nationalist Party keeps putting up with someone like JPO who is clearly doing his best to put it and the government in a difficult position time and again. If it’s just that 1-seat majority, I am starting to think it’s not worth it. Just call his bluff.

    • Or send him on KMB’s mediation mission to Tripoli, with Hugo Chavez. He can take Saviour with him, too – he’s dying to be part of the revolution.

    • red nose says:

      Just like Sant did with Mintoff – it was impossible for Sant to work with Mintoff a constant thorn in his side. Sant acted correctly in his actions

  7. R. Camilleri says:

    Totally unrelated question so feel free not to post it, or reply by email. Would appreciate a reply however if you do know the answer.

    Does the insult “gakbin” have anything to do with the Scottish story of the Jacobites?

    [Daphne – No. Gakbin/Jacobin: ]

    • Antoine Vella says:

      No, ġakbin is derived from giacobino, from the time of the French Revolution.

      • R. Camilleri says:

        Cheers both of you.

        I thought the Jacobite story made sense as it is a story of betrayal. But I wondered how a Scottish tale would leave its mark on the Maltese language.

        A term from the French revolution is much more like it.

      • A. Charles says:

        They are called Jacobins because they used to meet in a building near a church in Paris dedicated to St. Jacob.

    • Anthony Farrugia says:

      I thought it was associated with the French Revolution.

  8. P Shaw says:

    “He must be spending far too much time with Consuelo Herrera” – or rather he might have a hotline to a prison in Brussels. We should expect more of these ‘orders’ in order to reverse the current tide in favour of Gonzi’ standing.

  9. kev says:

    Is-Secret Service jittappjaw it-telephones, ho ho ho… Fiha dahqa din, e!

    I heard some horrendous stories myself. Nahseb ahjar tindaga ftit, Sherlock.

    [Daphne – The Secret Service does tap telephones, Kevin, you and I both know that. In fact, there’s a story about it in The Times today, a law report. It is Jeffrey’s and Evarist’s assumption that, because one of their mobile phone calls was interrupted, then their phones are being tapped, which is utterly absurd.]

  10. .Angus Black says:

    Lying under oath is a very serious criminal offence in any jurisdiction and punishable in many cases by a jail term depending on the case.

    Will Consuelo and JPO be prosecuted for the alleged perjuries? If not, why not?

    [Daphne – The cases have to be concluded first, and then the presiding magistrate or judge must direct accordingly. ]

  11. Anthony says:

    I cannot understand all this kerfuffle about JPO lying under oath.

    After the Mistra farce, I would only be very surprised if this guy ever told the truth.

    He must be a pathological liar. He cannot help it.

  12. Stacey says:

    I am now beginning to wonder who exactly stopped the footage on Super One to air.
    Daphne you might regret sticking your neck out for Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, but at least at the time his daughter found a little solace.
    Loads of people felt sorry for Jeffrey, especially when he was CRYING on television. Perhaps a good alternative for him at this point would be taking on a new job as a tutor for acting classes.

    Jenny Pullicino Orlando says:
    Dearest Daphne,
    Thank you for shedding a human light on the situation.
    I am now at home, unable to attend University in peace, because I know that if I do I will be bombarded with questions. To add insult to injury, Labour journalists are adding me on Facebook, in an attempt to scrounge up some dirt, no doubt. I call for these people to leave me alone, let me be. Let us be. I was enraged when they used your son for political gain. I was also targeted by Super One on the same day- they filmed me for a substantial amount of time, so much so that I was prompted by my friends to stop gesticulating wildly.
    Obviously, using clips of me showing public disgust at Sant’s behaviour could not be used on Super One, especially once I put glasses on, which made me look all the more like my mother, a candidate for MLP. Hats off to your son for telling them off! You should honestly be proud of him. The unprecedented lows that they have reached- using children for political gain and infantile propaganda, has only attracted disgust!
    I have made it public that I have particular political affiliations. And while I encourage my mother to follow what she feels is right, I have defended my right to an opinion, which she has gracefully accepted. This is in no way an attack on my mother’s credibility as a politician, I think she is a clever woman who can give a lot to the MLP if she is given the chance to so do. No, I was not informed by my mother about the situation, because she seems to not have known anything about it. No, Alfred Sant did not inform my mother. He kept it within an inner circle, ignoring the fact that his candidate’s ex-husband was going to be under fire and her daughter (a first-time voter) would, along with her father, suffer considerably for no apparent reason.
    You are not a man of honour, Dr.Sant. Nor are you a Hero. Nor are you capable of running a country. The ‘hamalli’ at University refused to stand by your side- and I was one of them. Your deceitful tactics have
    jolted you into a low that is yet to be defined. Non, je ne regrette rien? Well Done!
    I hope you did not show the same contempt for your own daughter as you have shown to the daughter of one of your candidates! Thanks for making my father the HERO that he now is. I am more proud of him than I ever was.
    Thanks again, Daphne
    Have a lovely day :)

  13. Stacey says:

    Breaking News :
    Daphne was mentioned by name in Malta Today.

    Did Jeffrey mention the names of the other writers? If not, why not? If so, why was only Daphne’s name mentioned.

  14. TROY says:

    Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has lost the little credibility he had left. This man is a wash – out.

  15. Maria says:

    Daphne, if I am considered a “blogger”, then JPO can rest assured that nobody has ever ordered me what to write in here.

    [Daphne – The only blogger they mean is me. I can’t think of any others and I’m quite sure he didn’t mean Jacques Rene Zammit, whose opinion is irrelevant to all but his immediate circle.]

  16. John Micallef says:

    Vanessa Macdonald was also mentioned

    “Pullicino Orlando said in court that at the time, he was told by Mrs Caruana Galizia that she had been told to attack him in the Mistra saga. He said that he also heard of this from other journalists including Vanessa Macdonald. When asked who the other journalists were he said he couldn’t remember. When asked if the person was Richard Cachia Caruana, he answered rather evasively that he could not exclude this. But he did not confirm.”

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