"That's what Gaddafi does. He kills people. He never made a secret of it."

Published: March 16, 2011 at 10:44pm

In The Guardian’s online edition, tonight:


Defiance and fear as main stronghold of revolution faces up to prospect of fighting Gadaffi’s forces to preserve its new freedom

Chris McGreal in Benghazi

(…) The young revolutionaries follow each twist of the diplomatic wrangling, scoffing at western professions of support for their cause when no practical help is forthcoming.

A couple of young men latched on to Lady Ashton’s opposition, as the EU’s foreign minister, to a no-fly zone on the grounds that it could lead to targeted air strikes and civilian casualties. Or as Ashton put it, “collateral damage”.

“That’s just an excuse not to do anything,” said Jamal Mahmoud. “What does she think we’ll be if Gaddafi catches us?

“A lot more people will die if the west lets Gaddafi win. That’s what Gaddafi does. He kills people. He never made a secret of it.”


5 Comments Comment

  1. Mark VB says:


    by ShababLibya
    It was almost painful to see supposedly professional news networks eating up and regurgitating Gaddafi’s propaganda!

    AJA correspondent in Libya confirms the Independence flag of #Libya was raised from the building of an important conference hall in Sirte

    Gaddafi forces reported to have suffered heavy loses today as they attempted to take the city of Misrata

    Flame throwers used in Misrata, charred bodies in the streets

    AJ reports that the Free Libyan Airforce attacked gaddafi forces outside Ajdabia today

    And the confusion and bloodshed goes on and on!

  2. Anthony says:

    Cathy Ashton is part of the legacy of that shambolic period of British politics that was the Blair-Brown administration.

    An erstwhile great country was reduced to the brink of bankruptcy. The economy of the country, for more than a decade, was built on a mountain of debt.

    Ashton was one of the Blair Babes. Her CV is shocking. It lacks everything.

    Unfortunately she was offloaded onto the EU. Pure political expedience.

    Collateral damage, yes. None so great as that caused by Ashton’s landing in Brussels.

    • George Mifsud says:

      @ Anthony

      I think this lady is Commissioner Dalli’s boss. She must have consulted with is – sur Johnny before putting her foot in her mouth! Boy do they deserve each other.

  3. willywonka says:

    There’s reason why flame throwers were used today. Read the news about Khamis Ghaddafi and Mohammed Mohtar? No? Well there lies your answer to the flame throwers.

    Quite frankly I’m not so much in favour of a NFZ as much as I am for targeted air-strikes and now i’m begining to think that they could actually topple Gaddafi all on their own, without anyone’s help.

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