We want a No Gaddafi Zone

Published: March 18, 2011 at 4:51pm

The final result of any action is that Gaddafi must leave - Hillary Clinton

A Libyan dissident is on BBC World right now, saying that the Libyan people did not take to the streets for a no-fly zone.

They took to the streets for a No Gaddafi Zone, and they won’t stop until that’s what they get.

Hillary Clinton said this morning that the ultimate aim of all action is to remove Gaddafi. Action will be kept up until he goes or is removed. Yesterday’s vote sent a strong message that must be heeded, she said.

They’re going to watch the situation on the ground and not be impressed by words or talk of ceasefires.

Luis Moreno Ocampo, prosecutor at the International Criminal Court, says that if Gaddafi’s forces attack civilians, that is a war crime and he will issue an international warrant for the arrest of their commanding officers. He said it is irrelevant that Benghazi citizens were given advance notice of the attack and told to flee. “That is no excuse or defence,” he said.

In the House of Commons this morning, a Labour MP for Northern Ireland said: “Those of us in Northern Ireland will shed no tears for Colonel Gaddafi. He sponsored the IRA and terrorism that led to the deaths of many British citizens there. I congratulate the prime minister and foreign minister on their persistence and initiative.”

7 Comments Comment

  1. willywonka says:

    Yellow lilly-livered Tonio Borg has just told his confidantes that the Maltese government will not accept to be used as a base, UNSC resolution or not.

  2. TROY says:

    Looks like some people in Malta would shed some though!

  3. john says:

    No Gaddafi Zone – that’s it. Make Gozo a no fly zone.

  4. ciccio2011 says:

    It is time for this squatter, who has been occupying an oil-rich space in our neighbourhood, who has repeatedly rendered our neighbourhood a dangerous zone, and who was aggressive with us when it suited him, to be evicted with his family and made to pay for his actions.

  5. *1981* says:

    Gaddafi must go!

    And the US will see that he will. I just hope no more blood is shed because of him. Enough is enough. How can we keep watching while the freedom-fighters are being slaughtered?

  6. .Angus Black says:

    “Luis Moreno Ocampo, prosecutor at the International Criminal Court, says that if Gaddafi’s forces attack civilians, that is a war crime and he will issue an international warrant for the arrest of their commanding officers”.

    Oh lovely!

    I smell a rat, or maybe Mr. Ocampo does not have a good command of the English language?

    Do I read this right? He will issue an international warrant IF Gaddafi’s forces attack civilians? Hasn’t he already? There would be hundreds of witnesses, living or dead.

    Is this statement an escape clause? Or perhaps it means that only those civilians who got or get killed from the date of Ocampo’s statement on, which count?

    The others who died thus far, died by accident and were not victims of crime against humanity. .

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