
Published: May 6, 2011 at 4:33pm

Apparently, they’re turning gay people straight at the Sapphire Hall in Haz-Zebbug. It might be worth turning up just to look at the magic rites.


Anger over ‘gay conversion’ claim – protest planned

A claim by a pastor of the Evangelical Church in Malta that the Lord had ‘converted’ three men out of their homosexuality has angered the local gay community and many others.

Gordon John Manche earlier today posted an event on facebook called “Gay no more- Made new by the power of Christ” to encourage young people to attend a “spiritual gathering” where three formerly gay youths would speak about their conversion out of homosexuality.

Hundreds of comments appeared on the site protesting against Manche’s ideas. The post was later removed.

A large number of those who posted comments said they would protest tomorrow outside the Saphire Suite in Zebbug where Mr Manche said he would hold the event.

The protest organisers complained that Mr Manche’ had said that homosexuality was a perversion and a sin. They insisted that his comments were hurtful and constituted hate.

55 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio2011 says:

    “Apparently, they’re turning gay people straight at the Sapphire Hall in Haz-Zebbug.”

    Must be why we never heard much from Labour’s LGBT, despite that party’s zeal with progressive and moderate politics.

  2. What scares me is that the wife of this Manche character seems to be using Reparative Therapy on young teenage boys and girls. I consider such practices as criminal.

    On another note, is this a symptom that Malta is descending even further down the slope of religious fanaticism?

    • Dr Francis Saliba says:

      No! But is a strong indication that anti-religious fanaticism is descending further than the slope of intolerance towards anything related to any religion.

      • Kenneth Cassar says:

        Intolerance? What do you mean by intolerance? Or did you perhaps mean criticism?

        As far as I know, no one has been prevented from having beliefs and practising them (within the law, of course).

  3. I haven’t figured out that man yet. I don’t know whether he’s a simpleton or a very astute business man.

    • La Redoute says:

      The latter seems most likely. Have you seen his TV programmes?

    • Joseph A Borg says:

      A foreigner who takes on the empire’s religion of choice is doing it for lucre. He was obnoxious on Xarabank. I’m sure many Roman Catholics in Malta fall for his brand of certainty. He makes them believe that their fairy tales are true by sheer showmanship…

  4. john says:

    Well it IS A PERVERSION, stop fooling around.

    [Daphne – Tsk tsk tsk, describing the Catholic God’s work as perversion!]

  5. il-Ginger says:

    Are these 3 youths going to end up like Ted Haggard?

  6. Get me out of here says:

    It’s sad that some people in this country remain so ignorant and intolerant.

  7. Hibernating from Malta says:

    And Malta has no anti-LGBT hate laws. Great!

  8. Vanni says:

    Wonder if Manche will be doing any testing to check if they have been ‘cured’, something along these lines maybe?:


  9. El Topo says:

    Iehor li jrid jiehdu f’sormu bin-nies.

    • John Schembri says:

      Hekk m’hinix sejjer zball dan jidher fuq l-iSmash bis-‘sub-titles’ ghaddejjin il-hin kollu jappella ghad-donazzjonijiet.

      Dan m’ghandu x’jaqsam xejn mal-Knisja u l-Knisja m’ghandiex xi kontrol fuqu u fuq min hu bhalu.

      Li jiskantani hu li jsibu boloh li jigru warajhom u jatuhom il-flus. Min jaghmel il-gid f’isem Kristu ma’ jitlobx flus. Nisthajjilhom li jridu ‘the best of both worlds’.

  10. The King's Breech says:

    F**k me, isn’t the endemic Catholic fundamentalism already enough? Must we also have Evangelical redneck stupidity too? I wonder how long it will be before we start seeing hoards of bearded salafis calling for cartoonists and authors to be killed and burning flags in our streets…

    • ciccio2011 says:

      With this divorce campaign, the fundamentalists are “coming out.”
      I am expecting the Evangelical pastor to put up a poster at the Sapphire Hall with the words “Kristu Iva, Gay le.”

    • john says:

      Seeing how you started” F**me”, one could come to the conclusion,that you are somewhat biased in this regard.

      • The King's Breech says:

        There are always those few who come up with the strangest of conclusions, so it’s hardly surprising. But yes, I do happen to be biased and prejudiced against superstition and religious bigots if we come to that.

  11. Steve Forster says:

    “Thoult shall arise and not be gay, hallelujah”
    Fox news anyone?

  12. Harry Purdie says:

    Daphne, reading your four or five previous threads, our ‘country’, ‘town’, ‘village’, is seriously deranged. The childrens’ ‘sand box’ comes to mind. Somewhat sad.

  13. Drew says:

    Daphne, have you heard the Zwieg Bla Divorzju anthem? It’s rather brilliant:


  14. Joe Galea says:

    God made gays who they are and they should live their life as the persons God intended them to be. There is no need for guys like Mr Manche to convert them.

    • john says:

      Did GOD make maniacs like Gaddafi and Bin LADEN, and they “should live their life as the persons God intended..”

      [Daphne – That’s what you believe, isn’t it – that God made them. It’s certainly what is taught in Tal-Muzew doctrine classes, and I remember reciting this refrain at St Dorothy’s primary school in Sliema: ‘Who made me? God made me.’ That was before I knew how babies were made, so I accepted it. I must have been about six, and I didn’t know about bad people yet so I couldn’t ask whether God made them too – though I did, later, and got little joy. I might be able to answer your question from what I remember of my long-ago catechism classes: God made Gaddafi and Osama Bin Laden (but let’s not get started on the Islam issues). However, they were born with free will and chose to exercise that will against the laws of God. But it makes no difference anyway, because as Muslims, they will go to limbo. But no, limbo doesn’t exist. So they will go to hell for killing people, being cruel and failing to repent. If they repent (too late for Osama) they will go to….heaven, I suppose. But you won’t get a clear answer on that because you won’t find any Catholic doctrine teacher prepared to explain the great mystery of whether good Catholics and good Muslims end up in the same heaven. I hope that suffices.]

      • john says:

        No, that’s not what I believe, it is what Joe Galea believes.
        As a matter of fact, I agree with what you say “they were born with a free will………exercise that will against the laws of God.. That is exactly what these FAIRIES are doing, going against the laws of NATURE, and they do it because they like it.

        [Daphne – Having homosexual sex when you are homosexual is not a perversion. Having heterosexual sex when you are homosexual is a perversion. Work it out. Then I recommend booking an appointment with a psychologist to talk through your difficulties dealing with homosexuality.]

      • Interested Bystander AKA non-Catholic outsider says:

        How do they decide who is telling the truth about being visited by Virgin Mary? We know about Lourdes and Fatima but how many others have not been believed? Is it only remote areas that can handle large groups of pilgrims, impoverished ones that need the tourism, that get accepted as confirmed? Imagine a pilgrimage to a city centre.

        And the Catholics go on about the Bible being the word of God yet they have the Assumption of Mary down as fact when there is no mention of that in the Bible.

      • Interested Bystander AKA non-Catholic outsider says:

        My granny nursed her sick mother for years and shortly before great-granny died a Catholic priest promised she would go to heaven if she left all her money to the Catholic Church and my gran got nothing.

      • red nose says:

        Man has a truly free will — God is merciful .

    • red nose says:

      But I think that these guys were not “forced” to go to Manche; I think they went out of their own free will – right?

  15. Kenneth Cassar says:

    It would be interesting to find out how they can prove that the people “converted” were actually gay, and to further prove that they no longer are.

    I wouldn’t even bother with protesting.

  16. JS says:

    This Gordon John Manche defines the acronym WOFT to perfection: ‘Waste of F****n Time’

  17. Dr Francis Saliba says:

    God made man with the potential of turning himself into a St Gorg Preca or a Ghaddafi. It is not God, but man who is responsible for his later development.

  18. me says:

    There is no such thing as free will when the basic will of choosing whether to be born or not cannot be exercised.
    Even if one were to have that option will is defined by genes and the environment one is born into.
    Ask any child in some ‘third world’ country like Ivory Coast.

  19. John says:

    Wahda ahjar mil-ohra hawn Malta! His wife Mariella Blackman is said to use ‘psychology’ to try to turn gay people straight because she appears to think that it is a “condition” that can be reversed.

  20. cat says:

    Is it true that there is Mariella Blackman involved in all this?

  21. Trevor Westacott says:

    It is truly sad. Gordon John Manche should be ashamed of himself, not so much for his opinions, which he is entitled to like everyone else but for preying on the minds of fools for his own fame. He practises in the name of God. I’d expect a reaction from his (God’s) self-appointed representatives in Malta. Surely even they understand that what he is preaching is wrong,

    Those of you who like me don’t have time for such ignorance and stupidity seek out a movie called Prayers for Bobby. It narrates the story of a mother and her inner conflict between loving her gay son and staying true to her faith.

  22. cat says:

    Yesterday, during an interview, Prince Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia described himself as “ragazzino”.

    One of the journalists in the panel told him immediately that now he is a man with all his responsibilities and not “ragazzino”. And she was right. He is a thirty-eight-year-old married man with two children.

    The stupid prince reminded me the leader of the opposition when the describes himself as “zaghzugh” (bir-responsabilita li ggib maghha familja).

  23. Jack says:

    The baptism gallery on his website is quite entertaining… http://www.riveroflovemalta.org/modules/xcgal/index.php?cat=3

    Wet t-shirt competition anyone? :)

  24. Francesca says:

    Hmmm.. so Norman Lowell gets sent to jail and fined for racist comments and this guy lives freely without anyone telling him off and he’s also carrying out discriminatory actions and yet he lives freely and is allowed to carry on.

    I don’t want to seem like I’m sticking up for Lowell because I disagree with his discriminatory remarks and actions, but if the government is going to take action against discrimination shouldn’t it be against all kinds of discrimination and not merely against the discrimination they will get told off about by the EU?

  25. Pecksniff says:

    At a tangent : Tunisian immigrant speaks about his experience in getting from Tunisis to Lampedus and mainland Italy.


  26. Rita Camilleri says:

    Maaaaaaaa…. xi dwejjaq ta pajjiz! And I was screaming it out aloud. Why does everyone moan and groan about everything and meddle and interfere in people’s lives…and I will say it again….xi dwejjaq ta’ pajjiz.

  27. Carmel Scicluna says:

    Nittama li min qed jaghmel il-kritika harxa b’rispons ghall-artikolett ta’ DCG ghamel talanqas dawn l-affarijiet: jaf sewwa lil Manche; jaf x’qed jghid u l-konsegwenzi li jgibu kliemu; attenda kemm-il darba l-prayer meetings u l-healing services tieghu; ra x’gara u ma garax b’ghajnejh stess fuq dil-bicca.

    Fil-bqija paroli, spekulazzjonijiet, xnighat u ilsna hazin li ma jwasslu ghal imkien hlief ghat-tkeskis kontra bniedem t’Alla li qed jaghmel hafna u hafna gid hawn Malta. U nigi naqa’ u nqum li Manche mhux Kattoliku Ruman bhali!

    • Kenneth Cassar says:

      Rajt darbtejn programmi tieghu fuq Smash, u kkonkludejt li, kontra dak li ikkonkludejt int, qed jghamel hafna hsara.

      Bniedem t’Alla! Hallina sur Scicluna.

  28. Lino Cert says:

    Can they also turn straight people gay? Cos I’ve had enough with women.

  29. A Grech says:

    This morning, listening to an item on Libyan investments in Africa on the BBC World Service The World Today programme, made me understand better the reluctance of our politicians to take a stand against Gaddafi in the early days of the Libyan conflict. It is worth listening to, the item starts 33 mins into the programme.


  30. Ronnie says:

    Funny how this Mariella Blackman finds time to perform reparative therapy on gay people and not try and cure her delusional husband who claims that God appeared to him on a cloud.

    [Daphne – These visions and ecstasies are all subliminated sexual fantasies. People didn’t know that up to a hundred years ago, but we know it now and have no excuse.]

  31. cat says:

    Mariella Blackman managed to become famous in Malta thanks to television. Production houses gave her plenty of importance.

    Some years ago she was the psychologist of a reality show, in which overweight people tried to lose weight. She guided the participants psychologically to lose weight.

    But how could the producers choose her when she was overweight herself, and how could she accept?

  32. cat says:

    Kien hawn hafna kazi fejn kien hemm omosesswali li zzewgu biex jahbu l-orjentazzjoni sesswali taghhom u povri l-mara u t-tfal li kellhom ihabbtu wicchom ma din is-sitwazzjoni.

    Li jbezzani hu li dawk il-gays li ma jaccettawx is-sitwazzjoni facilment jigu manipulati u jaqghu jaccettaw il-genn ta’ dawn in-nies.

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