Oh, put a sock in it, Paul – you're so damned patronising to women

Published: May 23, 2011 at 4:58pm

Oh my! If Malta gets divorce legislation then I'm in business.

The tedious and exasperating chief of the Gift of Life Movement has given us his words of wisdom: Maltese women are frumpy, helpless, penniless and unattractive, and their husbands (all of whom are presumably wildly attractive and extremely desirable) are just gagging for divorce legislation to be able to walk out on them for “a younger, more attractive woman”.


I mean, honestly.


Letters to the editor, The Times, today – PAUL VINCENTI

Will women be worse off with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s divorce Bill? I believe they will.

The divorce law will force a woman into a divorce that she may not even want. It will allow a married man to divorce his wife, possibly in exchange for a younger, more attractive woman. He will be able to just walk out on his marriage and family to get a divorce – no questions asked. I have never heard of anyone being allowed to negate on a legal contract without incurring penalties. Not until Dr Pullicino Orlando presented his no-fault divorce law that is wholly geared against women.

A divorced man may choose to remarry and have another child. Provided that he is able to demonstrate that he cannot financially support his new family and at the same time pay maintenance in respect of his first marriage, he may quite possibly apply to the courts to request that he stops any child maintenance allocated to his first wife and children. This is a travesty.

The divorce movement claim that a battered woman should be given a second chance. Who in their right mind wants a woman to undergo such abuse anyway? Of course, the wife-beater was kept conveniently out of sight in their billboard that depicted the grim looking woman with a black eye.

The truth is that the wife-beater will also be set free with divorce. Freed to remarry and in all likelihood continue to abuse another wife. How then did divorce solve the issue of wife beating? Simply, it did not solve anything. It just shifted the problem onto another woman.

The proposed divorce law is perfectly crafted to suit men with the divorced women of Malta and their children becoming poorer and even more dependent on men.

This is of course the worst possible kind of divorce as it favours one sex over the other and the siblings of the second marriage over those of the first. This divorce law will create a subgroup, a new minority class of divorced women and their fatherless children.

The anti-family movement have gone to enormous lengths to disguise the implications of this law by reframing it and calling it “responsible”. I feel that the women of Malta deserve far better than a divorce law that places them at a disadvantage to men.

27 Comments Comment

  1. Kenneth Cassar says:

    Will someone sue his ass for libel and shut him up, please?

  2. ciccio2011 says:

    The market price of young chicks is going to explode. I had better invest in a few of them.

  3. ciccio2011 says:

    Paul Vincenti has forgotten that Joseph Muscat, the son of a fire-works merchant (or was it a poor salesman?), has promised that this time he will illuminate the Maltese skies by re-igniting the flame of feminism.

    I just hope he does not get that flame anwhere close to his father’s stores.

  4. Mike Wagstaff says:

    Patronising rubbish but, nevertheless, a breakthrough. He didn’t mention abortion once.

  5. dudu says:

    I don’t think for a second that he believes what he’s written. It is part of a wajs plan to scare the biggest undecided cohort, that is, young and middle-aged married women.

    • ciccio2011 says:

      I believe Joyce Cassar was targeting the same group on Xarabank. But I would redefine that category as the “young and middle-aged unattractive married women who do not work (and who consequently do not need to look attractive).”

  6. I’ve said it once, I say it again: Paul Vincenti is so pro life he believes life begins at erection.

  7. john says:

    Actually I would have thought that Paul Vincenti would be all out for divorce. I agree with him when it comes to abortion, some of which could be the result of a married woman finding herself pregnant by someone else’s husband.

    I am not saying this is right or wrong, who am I to judge.

    But I am sure that the unborn baby would have a better chance of living (if the husband could divorce his wife and marry the mother to be) than resorting to abortion, to hide their mistake.
    That is the reason why I thought that P.Vincenti would support the Yes movement.

  8. They are so wrong with going after women. Here are five reasons why the anti divorce movement would have been better off going after men – http://www.alisonbezzina.com/divorce-in-malta-why-pink/

  9. Pat says:

    Dan m’ahniex, jew? Imma possibli jemmen f’li kiteb dan?

    Ilni ma nghaddi kumment hawn, seklu, imma kuljum naqra kollox u illum ma flahtx ma nikteb xejn.

    Mela kif qed jirraguna is-sur Vincenti, il-mara imsawwta, tibqa tissawwat halli tiffrankaha lil mara ohra? Tajjeb ukoll!

    U z zwieg sar qisu xi beauty contest issa? Fuq dawk il-kriterja qed nibbazaw relazzjoni, fuq il-gmiel u l-eta`? Mara tikber u tikrieh, imma ragel jibqa Adonis? X`fiducja hejj, u mhabba u rispett.

    Hawn xi mara li trid ragel jibqa maghha ghax helwa u zghira, jew biex imantniha? Ma nahsibx, anqas jekk tkun “middle-aged”.

    U kif qeghdin issa, mhux xorta ragel jista jiddeciedi li l-ewwel mara u tfal ma jmantnihomx?

    Mhux xorta jitilqu qeghdin, divorzju jew le?

    U trid toqghod tqarrat u imbaghad biex forsi tiehu xi haga. Veru tal-biki ehh.

    B`din il-mentalita` nistghu lanqas biss immorru nivvutaw nahseb, u naqtghu qalbna min issa, ghax il-veru pajjiz mimli basal. U qdusijja.

  10. La Redoute says:

    Is the only reason he has remained married is that he is unable to divorce?

    Why does he assume the worst of everyone else?

  11. yor/malta says:

    Bananas .

  12. ray says:

    And how does this low-life comes to the conclusion that all men are flesh-hunting monsters?

  13. Emanuel Borg says:

    The arguments against the introduction of divorce get more stupid and ridiculous by the day.

    The masses of comments I read online on this subject so far suggests that the Maltese are simply immature and unable to take a balanced view.

    I cannot believe that there are so many people who think that the whole world (except The Phillippines) have got it all wrong regarding this issue, which is nothing less than a human right. The church does not help either. It is about time the church leaders were politely shown the middle finger by the majority of its ‘flock’ by their voting for divorce.

  14. davidg says:

    What’s next? East European women forcing us to divorce our Maltese wives?

  15. Charles Darwin says:

    Poor sod. Are we to infer that had there been divorce he would automatically dump his wife for someone younger? The more they talk the more I want to vote yes, yes, yes!

  16. cogito says:

    What an unfortunate accident to be born in this country. There’s none like it.

    Unfortunately, one is born only once and cannot learn from experience in the matter. The inanities, the deceit, the deviousness, the thick-headedness, the absurdities, the extremism of the no-brigade are beyond belief.

    I wish I could be here in fifty years’ time to hear the laughter of future generations when they learn of the no-faction antics. How can those who propound such arguments be trusted with our vote?

    If absurdity is what they can come up with in divorce, I cannot understand how they can suddenly switch to logic in other matters.

    How can one blame someone who has lost faith in those whom he once trusted? Einstein said that God does not play dice with the universe but some in Malta play dice with our lives.

  17. Rover says:

    Paul Vincenti had a lightbulb moment and wanted to share it with us, the dregs of society. We are all fifty-something males, on the verge of brandishing our first dentures, waiting eagerly for divorce legislation to pounce on the first twenty-year-old woman in sight.

    Equally I have visions of young Maltese women waiting for divorce to snatch Maltese men, middle-age spread and all, to go off and start new families.

    I think not, Paul. It’s all gone to their heads.

  18. The Governator says:

    He’s had enough of this debate:


  19. Rachel says:

    I am so glad Mr Vincenti wrote this letter and opened my naive woman’s eyes.

    Without his enlightened words, I would still be under the impression that women could support not only themselves but their kids too. I would still be labouring under the delusion that (almost) equal employment opportunities exist, that women are just as capable of desiring a legal recognition of the dissolution of their marriage and that marriages break down for reasons other than physical abuse or infidelity.

    Imnalla kont int, Mr Vincenti. A true champion for the uterus-bearing citizens of our hallowed island.

  20. Sophie says:

    Errrm – Is Paul Vincenti assuming that “married men” only have children with their wives? Has he never come across a case where a married man – despite there being no divorce – left his wife and children (or maybe not even that!) to form another family with another woman?

  21. El Topo says:

    I suppose it wouldn’t cross Vincenti’s mind that a man might leave his wife for an older, more attractive woman.

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