The Malta Labour Party – more in common with Chairman Mao than Nick Clegg

One of Chairman Mao's political enemies is paraded through the streets and subjected to public humiliation and scorn. The Malta Labour Party uses Super One for the same purpose.
You know, what amazes me about the Labour Party (not really, because I’ve known it long enough) is the way it puts on the mantel of ‘liberal’ while targetting its enemies in a way that can best be described as North Korean or Chinese Cultural Revolution-esque.
The true nature of the Malta Labour Party is to be found in its Chinese Cultural Revolution behaviour towards its perceived enemies and the way it persecutes individuals using – instead of the fire and abusive police arrests of the past – Super One and the other parts of its propaganda machinery and the human tools who work for it.
Someone should tell Joseph Muscat that talking about divorce does not make you liberal. The Ayatollah Komeini took divorce for granted and so did Saddam Hussein, Chairman Mao and Pol Pot.
Corralling homosexuals in a group called LGBT Labour as though they are handicapped or special needs does not make you liberal, either. Liberalism goes a lot deeper than that, and Labour has none of it.
You only have to watch with a growing feeling of revulsion, as Super One and its human tools – who like all human tools have half a brain to share between them – drag the Labour Party’s chosen targets through the gutter and do the 21st-century equivalent of putting them in the public stocks for trial by the mob.
I have no respect for the Labour Party, I never had, and at this rate, it looks like I never will. The only thing that keeps the Nationalist Party from being truly 21st-century European is the way some of its more prominent figures let their Roman Catholicism come between them and their civic duties. But with the Labour Party, it’s everything – it’s very essence is non-European, unless we’re talking East Germany prior to 1989.
To describe the Malta Labour Party, as Fr Peter Serracino Inglott did on Bondi Plus, as a ‘partit bla karattru’ is wrong. What we’re looking at here – what we have been looking at for decades – is not a lack of character but a bad character.
For years, the Labour Party has been a lethal mix of hatred, spite and envy coupled most perillously with stupidity, closed-mindedness, poor education, the absence of principles (peasant amorality) and lack of breeding. It is the very same mix that has given the world its ultimately fatal ‘socialist’ revolutions. Instead, it occasionally gives us a government.
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Change the rules then.
Have balanced programme making.
Or at least the right to reply on a programme-by-programme basis.
Or are Net tv just as bad?
“For years, the Labour Party has been a lethal mix of hatred, spite and envy coupled most perillously with stupidity, closed-mindedness, poor education, the absence of principles (peasant amorality) and lack of breeding. It is the very same mix that has given the world its ultimately fatal ‘socialist’ revolutions. Instead, it occasionally gives us a government.”
Amen to that. With a small addendum: Labour, not fit for purpose.
What does Joseph Muscat understand?
Maybe the concept of middle class? Maybe that of living wage? Maybe that of the European Union?
Given the undisputable parallel with the Chinese, these do have a proverb which fits him like a glove.
The one who understands does not speak; the one who speaks does not understand.
Joseph Muscat understands nothing about politics and good governance. The more time passes, the more that becomes evident. He was truthful about one thing at least, when he claimed that as far as he was concerned, THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS.
Well said, Daphne. No wonder Mintoff tried so hard to have strong ties with North Korea.
The problem is that despite their gutter politics they still seem to draw voters (the worst kind) to their fold. They are truly the pits. I fear they will drag us all into it in 2013.
I do so wish not to use the word ‘peasants’. It is an insult to the genuine ones. Hamalli ? Not really. Even the woman who sells us strawberries is a lady compared to Julia. So is there anyone out there with the right descriptive word ? Bet you ‘rednecks’ will feature prominently in the list.
Any particular occasion which you are referring to? Or was this post just a counterbalance to your recent criticism of the PN?
[Daphne – Bit slow today, aren’t we? J-O-E M-I-Z-Z-I.]
Whoever posted the Mizzi video on Youtube also uploaded a bunch of Russian soft porn candid cameras, a video against divorce and another one comparing Mintoff to Einstein, Elvis, Churchill, Princess Di. JFK, Castro . . . .
Gives an idea how confused this ‘maltanejk’ person must be.
You mean “maltabass”.
Can’t seem to find it on Youtube now funnily enough…….
I could not agree more with your analysis of the Labour Party. I have always voted PN and never regretted my choice.
Tthe divorce issue may weaken a bit more the Nationalists, but what this government achieved faced with a global recession is just remarkable. I have no doubt to whom I’ll cast my vote come next general election, but am afraid that others are not reasoning the way I am.
These same characteristics – “a lethal mix of hatred, spite and envy coupled most perillously with stupidity, closed-mindedness, poor education, the absence of principles (peasant amorality) and lack of breeding” – fit Saviour Balzan like a glove.
No wonder he is often seen having a pizza with Toni Abela, deputy leader of the Labour Party, in Rabat.
Ghira bazwija, mibgheda, lanzit, pregudizzji, paranoija, persecution-mania u inferiority complex tboss. THAT describes the likes of Mr. Balzan. One would have expected that fatherhood and a new family life would have mellowed him.
“One would have expected that fatherhood and a new family life would have mellowed him.”
He must be having sleepless nights! Daphne had predicted all this months ago.
Besides, he is one of those who cannot make ends meet, so occasionally he shares a pizza with Toni Abela, instead of indulging in meat.
As an example of full respect for people who are of different political views one might mention the PN media and its allies. For example thy always treated Alfred Sant with esteem and dignity. Never once attacking his personality but only his ideas. Never once mentioning anything about his personal life, or about his marriage, or about him as a person. Truly the PN media and its allies are a shining example of how one can show disagreement without falling to base personal attacks.
Albert, you must be surely taking the piss or otherwise totally oblivious to reality.
Is “lack of breeding” in the penultimate sentence a misprint? I fail to get its significance in the context.
[Daphne – Not at all a misprint. ]
I still don’t get it.
lack of breeding jigifieri klassi baxxa
[Reuben Scicluna – lack of breeding jigifieri klassi baxxa].
Mhux necessarjament. Breeding f’dan is-sens tfisser edukazzjoni dwar etikett.
Ah…now I get it. I was assuming you were using breeding in the sense of having offspring.
Your apt description of the Labour Party reminds me of a mongrel dog with rabies.
And it’s their hatred, spite, and sense of vindictiveness towards the Church that the Yes camp will bank on this Saturday.
Who did they subject to public scorn? (Sorry, I don’t watch Maltese TV).
[Daphne – Oh, so many people. The latest is Joe Mizzi.]
But one could also mention JPO (pre-2008 elections) and Jesmond Mugliett (Regional Road bridge).
Joe Mizzi? The fool lost his argument the very moment he said he ONLY had 4 Jagermeisters and 2 glasses of wine whilst knowing he was not well in the first place. What was he thinking? During my bartending experience (oh, the good old university days) I’ve seen people getting wasted with less than that.
[Daphne – Yes, and how old were they? University students. ]
Daphne, sometimes I think that Malta is and has been in the same position the Spanish were just before their bloody civil war. If Malta were larger then blood would have been spilt, but being small helped avert bloodshed yet a deep underlying class war still goes on.
One man could have propelled the PL in a new direction – he has the character that allows respect to his persona even if of a different opinion. The PN played their cards right and eliminated the threat, but ultimately the PN’s gain has been Malta’s loss.
Blood had been spilt, but just not a lot of it.
Let’s not forget the murder of Mr Cachia and frame up of Pietru Pawl Busuttil, and Karin Grech.
Fenech Adami kept Malta from going into a civil war, because if the Labour Party sent its thugs to ransack my house and beat up my wife, and I was the leader of a large political movement, mhux civil war kont nibda.
EFA took decisions that were in our interest , he used brains not brawn , he got his way and the islands moved forward .
Il-Laburisti iffissatti wisq fuq in-Nazzjonalisti. Ossesosjonati fuq in-Nazzjonalisti.
I am embarrassed to say that half of my family are Labour supporters. Interestingly, they all have one characteristic in common- they are envious of others who they see as financially better than them.
Erroneously, Labour supporters feel that those people are successful because they are PN supporters. It doesn’t occur to them that hard work and education played an important role.
[Daphne – Successful people (and this doesn’t only mean money, though that’s how Labour supporters define success) are not successful because they are PN supporters. They are PN supporters because they are successful: the same qualities that make them successful (the ability to reason clearly, sound judgement and good decision-making skills) are the very same ones that make it screamingly obvious to them that they should choose the Nationalists over Labour. Labour has long been a magnet for losers, even losers with money – bitter people, nasty people, revenge-seeking people. Voting Labour in Malta is the legal equivalent of going nuts with a machinegun in a crowded mall – the motivation is the same. People feel screwed, they vote Labour. It’s the Ugly Party, full of ugly people (and I don’t mean physical appearance). As I keep repeating, nobody in my family ever voted Nationalist. Both my mother’s and my father’s family were diehard Stricklandjani, and that meant anti-Nationalist. But when it came time to choose between Labour and PN – then my god, the choice was blindingly obvious.]
The PN government is full of flaws and I am very critical of them for not doing enough to be more transparent and getting rid of fraudulent people in the government. In spite of their shortcomings the PN is by far a better party.
Running a country within the EU is a difficult task as Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain can attest. Dr. Muscat has no idea how to run Malta in the EU.
Joseph Muscat has no idea how to run Malta. Full stop. He doesn’t even know how to run the Labour Party.
@ Daphne
Il-maggoranza kbira tal-haddiema w il-bdiewa li kienu Striklandjani ghazlu l-Labour kif beda jispicca il-Constitutional Party. Il-kaz tal-Mellieha hu prova ta dan. Ma kienux Slimizi tal-pepe dawn. L-istess gara fl-irhlua tan-naha t’isfel. Tas-Sliema kienet l-eccezzjoni minhabba li din it-transizzjoni tal-alleanzi sehhet tard (fis-sebghinijiet) mentri fl-irhula bdiet tigri snin qabel.
Hemm ragunijiet socjo/antropologici ghalxiex gara hekk. Saqsi lil Mark Anthony Falzon u suppost jghidlek. Pero ghandi dubju jifhimx ghala …
“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”
Winston Churchill
A quote that describes The Malta Labour Party.
Winnie got his reward in the 45 election.
Winston was outed in 45 because service wages were so low ( got the answer first hand from my Irish/English grandmother a couple of years ago ) .
A lot was decided on the poor decision not to return the conscript soldiers from overseas earlier.
I always hated the ingratitude to Churchill shown by the people in the 1945 election. At least they returned him later, but I always feel it was a lost opportunity to tackle the power of post-war Stalin. Truman and Churchill in hindsight maybe would have changed the landscape in the early post-war years, when the military might was so overwhelming in favour of the West.
Last night I watched a referendum programme on Super One: four Iva against three Le, and Simone to give a helping hand to the Iva. So they were 5 against 3.
But the star was Saviour Balzan who said that all MLP supporters must go and vote Yes. I never saw him on television before last night – he’s very rude and has the attitude of a bully. He said he has a short fuse and that he has no friends but only colleagues – no wonder. Such a cross character.
Many of the SMSes coming in said they were appalled by his behaviour. If he talks to his employees like that, then they must be one big happy family at Malta Today. I am against the introduction of divorce and when I see Saviour’s hdura against all that is PN and those voting No, I convince myself more I am making the right choice.
Good thing you’re voting No for all the right reasons. Keep it up.
@R. Camilleri. I take it that you’re being sarcastic.
@ Mark. Voting one way or the other just for the eff of it or out of spite towards a relevant party in the matter is stupid beyond recognition. This is voting for or against divorce legislation. Period. Why should one give a flying hoot about whether Saviour Balzan is ‘ahdar’, JPO a douche bag or the people from the NO camp a sad bunch of sorry, egotistical conservative p##cks?
The Yes camp seems to be putting into the same bed some very very strange bedfellows indeed. One wonders what a monster of an offspring will be born after this fornication! Saviour Balzan-DCG Vs Lawrene Gonzi-Marie Lousie Coleiro!
JPO-Joseph Muscat vs Austin Gatt-Adrian Vassallo!
Varist Bartolo-Michael Falzon vs Carm Mifsud Bonnici-Justyne Caruana!
[Daphne – Those who think a democratic state should have divorce legislation are not a ‘camp’. They are just people with standard views.]
Joseph Muscat and JPO are hardly strange bedfellows!
“I am against the introduction of divorce and when I see Saviour’s hdura against all that is PN and those voting No, I convince myself more I am making the right choice.”
Both you and Saviour are part of the problem. Saviour is hijacking what should be a politically neutral cause (which was hardly unpredictable) and you are petty minded and see the world through monochrome..
Do yourself and the rest of us a favour and try to see beyond the partisan squabbles just this once and vote Yes.
“Do yourself and the rest of us a favour and try to see beyond the partisan squabbles just this once and vote Yes.”
Joseph Muscat and his merry band of cob-webbed pr-men would agree with you I guess.
I bet Norman Lowell would also agree with me if I were to say that something should be done about illegal immigration. It doesn’t necessarily mean that I share any of his views or think highly of him either.
You are really no better than those pr-men if you are going to use your vote to spite the MLP.
I am inclined to agree with you on PL, but of late the PN has by no means been acting any better.
It’s becoming the monster the PL is, but simply on the opposite side of the political spectrum.
It’s telling separated people ‘ahjar ghalik, poggi!’ with its adamant stand against divorce, it treats gay people like some second-rate citizens (now with the biggest offence in the cohabitation bill being proposed saying that a same-sex couple living together can only register themselves as house mates) and it treats transexuals who have had full gender reassignment surgery as inferior women (or men).
In my view, the inability of not letting Roman Catholicism come between you and your civic duties is also a sign of bad character, and it is irking people who may not be separated, gay or transexual but are also of the vision that church and state should be separate. The PN may not be Chairmain Mao, but it is getting as close to an Ayatollah Khomeini as a political party in an EU state can.
“Someone should tell Joseph Muscat that talking about divorce does not make you liberal.”
True, Daph, those that talk in favour of divorce are not necessarily liberals. What’s also true, however, is that those against it are anything but liberals.
Once you are against divorce legislation you automatically become the antithesis of a liberal. There is no such thing as ‘liberal but against divorce’ and whoever claims to be so is nothing short of a charlatan. With their official stance on divorce the PN pisses on the very concept of liberty and one’s pursuit of happiness.
Even if you claim that prior to this divorce saga the PN were essentially liberal (which is extremely debatable given that they have always been against divorce in the first place), once you give your principles away they are no longer yours to claim. In politics, you’re as good as your last policy and your harping that the PN are the ‘quintessence of liberalism’ is akin to claiming that Ghandi was a promoter of violence.
Saviour Balzan was on Super One yesterday spewing hatred for the prime minister and the Catholic Church, and doing untold damage to the Yes vote. I pitied the others on the panel. He kept shouting and pushing in to make himself heard.
Saviour Balzan was the absolute pits yesterday. He let his deep-seated prejudices and hatred take over, and in so doing lost all his credibility.
Did Saviour Balzan ever have any credibility ?
Spot on. I tell you the sorry lot won’t even win the next election. They are their own worst enemy.
Jien niskanta bikhom kif tissaportu taraw lil dak il-bniedem jitkellem. Inhares lejh wkoll iqabadni il-hakk bhal meta nara xi berawt fuq kelb.
This article is really spot on. Prosit.
If anyone thinks that Super One TV have gone overboard with their Soviet-style propaganda, try listening to One radio in the afternoon.
They seem to have brought down from the attic all their dusty and rusty ex-suldati tal-azzar to educate the poplu about the nefarious goings-ón against the povru haddiem Laburist Malti conspired against by the wicked Nazzjonalisti and the tyrannical Catholic Church and how now is the right time for the Maltin ta’ rieda tajba to get one’s revenge, by voting IVA as their new mexxej progressiv u liberali has (not) directed them.
The phone calls broadcast during such programmes have to be listened to to be believed. Straight out of a Don Camillo /Peppone 50s black and white film.
Three reasons why I won’t be voting next Saturday even though I favour the introduction of divorce:
1. Joseph Muscat
2. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
3. Saviour Balzan
[Daphne – That’s called cutting off your nose to spite your face.]
Dear Daphne,
Maybe A Grech would be cutting his/her nose to spite his/her nose, but I am sure you recognise the fact that the referendum question is loaded and full of false promises. No-one can deny that.
I am sure you also recognise the fact that the undue haste that has characterised the procedure to introduce divorce (I agree that the discussion has been long overdue) is somewhat suspicious.
I admire you for usually calling a spade, a spade, but on this issue you left me a bit disappointed.
[Daphne – Malta should have divorce legislation. Therefore I shall vote Yes. You’re right in saying I call a spade a spade. I also keep my eyes on the ball. That’s why I don’t do what others do and stay home on election day because I’m pissed off at the PN. Or vote Labour.]
Thanks for letting us know. Excuse me for not joining in the standing ovation you may be expecting after this comment.
You got me wrong, I do need need any ovations, standing or otherwise. I just don’t want to be sitting on the same side of the fence as those three. My gut feeling, flawed as it may be, tells me that if those three are supporting then there must be something not quite right with it.
[Daphne – That’s because you are thinking in isolationist terms: Malta in a bubble. It is not “those three” who are in favour of divorce legislation, but the entire world. Also, I could take offence at your comment. So is there something wrong with it because I support it too?]
Precisely, Daphne. There are too many people who think that the very idea of divorce is a new thing, and a totally Maltese phenomenon (invented by Lou Bondi, I was told last night!).
A Grech: Vote no, vote yes, don’t bother to vote at all – but never along these lines of reasoning. That would be an injustice to nobody but yourself.
Jew kif jghidu, ”taqta l-bajd biex tinki l-mara”. Dik logika ! Hallina gbin.
How curious! MaltaToday have made no mention of today’s news, i.e. that Mr. Mizzi has asked the police to intervene. The last related story they have is yesterday’s resignation.
At the same time, their damning video evidence seems to have disappeared from youtube. I was hoping to view it again to hear the spoken Maltese that was in there originally, but was then ‘conveniently’ edited out for use on the MT website. That would make a very interesting news item in itself.
Very shoddy, and extremely unprofessional.
Someone must have downloaded it.
Somebody got greedy and went for a full length shoot of the episode unfolding and posted as such , this shows that there was more than a passing interest in Mr Mizzi .
Not to be a pain in the neck, Daph, but, out of curiousity, have my recent comments been junked or are you simply ignorning me ? :)
[Daphne – I have a backlog.]
I’m voting No not because of Saviour. I’m not that stupid, even if 50% are going to vote Yes because Dear Leader said so.
[Daphne – 50% of electors are NOT going to vote Yes because the Labour leader told them to. Look at the numbers. There are throngs of Nationalists who are voting Yes, and yet still the No vote is in the lead. If all Labour supporters are going to vote Yes together with the circa 30% of PN supporters who plan to do so, then it would be a landslide. But you know what? I suspect more PN supporters than Labour are actually voting Yes.]
I’m voting No because the question put forward raises up more questions that need to be answered!
Pension for the non contributing (social services) first wife?
Minimum wage earner, who’s gonna pay for two families now?etc..
[Daphne – I don’t think you get it. Parents are OBLIGED BY LAW to maintain their children, whether they live with them or not, whether they are married to the other parent or not. You seem to think that if a man (or woman) gets divorced and has more children, then the law permits him/her to abandon the first lot. It doesn’t. One’s obligations to one’s minor children exist independently of one’s relationship to the other parent. People on a minimum wage don’t even have one family, let alone two. These are decisions adults make for themselves already. They’re not waiting for divorce to start second families, and you divorce your spouse, not your children. The legal obligations to your children remain.]
I think this divorce bill will only protect the second family while discarding the burden of the first family on the taxpayer.
[Daphne – No. See my point about the legal obligations towards children, above. You have been the victim of misinformation, perhaps because you don’t know enough about the law.]
I respect your views, Moshe Dayan, but you have to respect others too. It’s not that I’m doing something wrong if I vote against the introduction of divorce!
[Daphne – Of course you are. You are doing something very wrong indeed. You are seeking to control other people’s lives and choices, which is COMPLETELY unacceptable in a democratic environment. What next – a Chinese-style one-child policy for those who can’t afford more children?]
Mela if I vote Yes I’m open minded but if I vote No antikwat? Dik tolleranza! I already made up my mind before I saw Saviour shouting and insulting everyone who is against him.
On the Libya crisis I wrote against how it was handled but on this matter maybe I’m wrong who knows, I choose to vote No.
“I respect your views, Moshe Dayan, but you have to respect others too. It’s not that I’m doing something wrong if I vote against the introduction of divorce! ”
Depends on what those views are. I would understand why someone would personally choose not to divorce but denying it as an option to others who would actually benefit from it is something else..
“Mela if I vote Yes I’m open minded but if I vote No antikwat? Dik tolleranza!”
No it is more of a case of being realistic and considerate if you vote yes and an ostrich with its head in the sand if you vote no. What am I going to have to tolerate next then? People voting to deny women the possibility of serving as PM in a referendum ?
For years, the Labour Party has been a lethal mix of hatred, spite and envy coupled most perillously with stupidity, closed-mindedness, poor education, the absence of principles (peasant amorality) and lack of breeding. It is the very same mix that has given the world its ultimately fatal ‘socialist’ revolutions. Instead, it occasionally gives us a government.
L-orizzont, kulhadd u Super One jikkonfermaw dan.
Bhalissa l-Knisja (the safest target) hija fil-mira taghhom ghal ragunijiet ovvji
Serrhu raskom, pero, mhumiex se jaghmlu xi 25 sena fil-gvern. Jekk jitilghu fit-2013 jaghmlu hames snin u jergghu koppi fl-Oppozizzjoni. Joseph Muscat ikun xjah u sar qisu l-Golum ta’ The Lord of the Rings meta l-Partit Laburista jerga’ jitla’ fil-gvern.
Unfortunately I have to fly to London on Friday and return on Sunday so that’s one “yes” vote lost.
You could have voted last Saturday …
I got back from Lagos today….
A. Grech, I really admire your sound principles, indeed.
Frans Cassar, Gonzi will have no one to blame but himself when, not if, he loses hundreds, probably thousands of votes come next election, for the way he handled the divorce issue.
His insensitivity towards those who went through a broken marriage, his arbitrary decision to declare the PN against divorce, ignoring thousands of NP voters who are in favour and his kowtowing to the diktats of the Church in a purely civil matter will take their toll.
Daphne since I will vote no next Saturday, I am tempted to ask you to follow Joey on TX on One after which you would probably be tempted to vote no too – I won’t do it because that will be terribly unfair.
I bet even HE would like to know. :)
Does he stand for the national anthem?
Sewwa ghedt Joe. Jien alabieb mill-isqof w il-kurja. Imma meta rajtu li Joey ma flahtx nissaporti. W ghalhekk bi hgari se nivvota LE.
I gave up watching that wannabe-PM on TX within a few minutes.
The glaring lack of spontaneity in his speech and body language, the theatrical simpering, posturing and smirking, the ridiculous habit of pontificating and speaking down to people was just too much. He is as genuine as a made-in-Taiwan lampuka pie.
Uff, kif gbajt nisma cucati. Tivvota iva, jew le, habba Joey, jew Gonzi, jew Saver, jew Cikku jew Peppu? Mela din xi elezzjoni jew?
Ha nivvutaw ghal-dritt, dritt ghac-cittadin f`pajjiz demokratiku, mhux ghal-partit jew iehor.
Irrelevanti x`jahsbu il- mexxejja tal-partiti jew il-knisja.
Dawk jghidu taghhom, imma il-votant, la bil-fors wahhlulna ir-risponsabbilta` tar-referendum, jivvota skond xi jhoss u anki skond iz-zmienijiet. Ara johorgux barra idoqqu issa ukoll wara ir-risultat,ghax rebah l-IVA jew il-LE. Hemm zgur igibuna fil-headlines kollha tal-gazzetti tad-dinja.
Labour will not change.
The abominable culture inculcated by Dom Mintoff in the Labour movement has rooted because it was injected at a crucial stage of its development.
There may be flashes of apparent shift in behaviour from time to time but the formation genes cannot be modified and the awful characteristics will re-emerge sooner or later.
daphne maybe i’m wrong and maybe you are right. but i know i’m right .call me a conservative or whatever you want but i’m voting no cause that’s what i think and beleive. daphne i think this time the yes campaign got it wrong except for the chairperson who is very calm and constructs good arguments. what she manages to build , jpo and varist will quickly erode and the arrogance of micheal falzon do help to destroy the final bit. though we don’t see eye to eye on this issue i know you call a spade a spade but i’m keeping my eyes on the ball too.
Mark – you’ll vote no on Saturday because that’s what you think and believe. Fine – that is your absolute right and prerogative, particularly if that is in fact based your own considered opinion.
What I mean is, the rest of your comment seems to indicate that you may have been influenced against voting Yes by the performance of some of those heading the IVA campaign. It’s as if you’re scoring them on their personal credibility and ability of persuasion.
Rather than being swayed by any poor behaviour from those on either side of the IVA/LE fence, doesn’t it seem more logical to rely on our own common sense, and what goes on in the much bigger picture that is the world around us? It’s all readily available to us 24/7.
Depending on the individual, that could still result in either an IVA or a LE in the voting booth, but at least it would be a vote based on knowledge and integrity rather than on a bunch of irate local politicians on a TV debate, bulletin or chat show.
Spot on, Daphne! Well written, but although this particular blog may have been partly inspired by Super One’s – and Malta Today’s – unethical (mis)handling of the Joe Mizzi case, it is worth keeping in mind that this whole situation represents all that is wrong at One.
Case in point is the divorce issue. Now one may not agree with how Dr. Gonzi lumped the issue on the PN – you certainly don’t agree and I don’t agree with him either even though I’m voting No.
However, One’s reporting on this issue is both obscene and revolting and much worse than the PN media’s barrel-scraping. That the pro-divorce group seems happy with such a situation simply gives legitimacy to those who will vote No simply ‘to cut their nose to spite their face’.
An article worth noting!
‘Successful people (and this doesn’t only mean money, though that’s how Labour supporters define success) are not successful because they are PN supporters. They are PN supporters because they are successful: the same qualities that make them successful (the ability to reason clearly, sound judgement and good decision-making skills) are the very same ones that make it screamingly obvious to them that they should choose the Nationalists over Labour. Labour has long been a magnet for losers, even losers with money – bitter people, nasty people, revenge-seeking people. Voting Labour in Malta is the legal equivalent of going nuts with a machinegun in a crowded mall – the motivation is the same. People feel screwed, they vote Labour. It’s the Ugly Party, full of ugly people (and I don’t mean physical appearance)’. —–
Spot on! Could anyone else have put it better? Prosit.
Ifimni ir-religjon reghet gejja moda. Allura kif tghid li jekk tkun Roman Catholic int xi haga tas-seklu li ghadda Infakkrek, li is-seklu li ghadda kien fortement sekulari u bla alla. Rega hemm revival tar-religjon.
[Robert Galea – Infakkrek, li is-seklu li ghadda kien fortement sekulari u bla alla].
F’liema dinja kont qed tghix is-seklu li ghadda?
U f’dan is-seklu rega’ wasal alla?