Has Malta Today put even more cretins on the payroll?

Published: June 4, 2011 at 10:19pm

I work for Malta Today

What’s more, they must be cretins who hover constantly over my website while pretending they don’t and that I’m not worth reading because I’m an apologist for GonziPN, can’t think straight and can’t write – not like Saviour ‘Sad Bastard’ Balzan and you know, Matthew ‘Hdura’ Vella.

So at 11.55pm last night, after watching Xarabank, I uploaded a piece giving my reactions to Deborah Schembri’s announcement that she will stand for election on the Labour ticket.

At 12.05am, I realised it was long enough to be my Sunday column, which was due the following morning. So I wiped it off, pasted it into a Word document, and sent it to my editor.

Then I put a note on the post saying that Deborah Schembri will be the subject of my column in The Malta Independent on Sunday.

This afternoon somebody emailed me a link to the headline news on Malta Today:


……Late last night blogger and Nationalist apologist Daphne Caruana Galizia criticised the Nationalist party for not having poached Schembri before Labour. But later she removed her comment from the blog….

Pay them cashews, Roger. You never know – you might get apes.

6 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio2011 says:

    I laughed when I read the article on Malta Today earlier today, because I had seen your post and how you changed it.

    And this was exactly what I thought: those at Malta Today ARE reading Daphne’s blog after all!

    But I also thought: why can’t those Labour apologists, like all the others in that class, tell their readers the truth?

  2. Joe Micallef says:

    Malta Today is the precursor in the process that will culminate in the not-so-far-away- date when Malta will be run by (human) apes. The real apes are nice.

  3. Daphne, everybody reads your blog, whether they get it or not is another story :)

  4. Joseph Agius says:

    I am saving myself one euro a week because I stopped buying Malta Today. I also deleted ‘Malta Today’ from my favourite list. It’s a pity cause I had high hopes for this newspaper. Even though my family were never really impressed, I still prayed it would be different. But I was wrong. Now, I only know what they write via Daphne.

  5. denis says:

    Malta Today is a lost cause – another newspaper down the drain.

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