The people have spoken? No, they're still at it on Radio 101

Published: June 3, 2011 at 12:50pm

If the Nationalist Party had any sense, it would stop those phone-in shows on Radio 101, where all the nutters and bigots and nies ta’ wara l-muntanji are ringing in to explain why partnership won this referendum, why Malta is Catholic and Catholics should fight on against divorce legislation, Il-Papa this, Gesu Kristu that, why the end of the world is nigh, and why MPs should vote to over-rule the referendum result because religion is more important than democracy.

This is not because I don’t believe in freedom of expression (heaven knows I do), but because for its own sake – and more pertinently, for the sake of those of us who don’t wish to get saddled with Muscat as prime minister in 2013 – the Nationalist Party cannot afford to be associated with such crackpots, backwater bigots and village idiots.

It’s like listening to the kind of people of sub-normal intelligence who ring in to bellyache with Alfred ‘Jekk Alla Irid’ Zammit on Super One.

You don’t put those sorts of supporters on full view to the rest of us. You hide them and pretend they don’t exist. Otherwise the rest of us might think that, you know, the Nationalist Party actually agrees with them and thinks as they do.

24 Comments Comment

  1. Kenneth Cassar says:

    What do you expect from a media group that tries to give the impression that as soon as divorce is introduced, smoking and drug abuse will increase.

    • Stephen Forster says:

      Don’t forget abortion too…..and holding same sex weddings in St John’s.

    • Patrik says:

      Genuine comment from the article “19-year-old pleads not guilty to attempted murder”:

      “Mr John Borg
      Today, 14:27
      I’m imagining these headlines to become more frequent once the divorce bill is introduced. Statistically proven, divorce opens flood gates for more separation cases. When you watch crime scene investigation on discovery channel, the murderer would always be some jealous spouse. Concidence? I don’t think so.

      we live in a sad world, but unfortnately we wanted to be like the rest of the world.”

      You really couldn’t make this stuff up.

      • Stephen Forster says:

        CSI Vegas, Miami or New York? C’mon we need more statistical information to justify the referendum result! Truly a sad situation. Why not throw in “Cold Case” and “Law & Order” as well.

        Obviously we should have stuck to Xandir Malta or was it Rediffusion. None of that nasty filth corrupting our “way of life”.

      • ninu says:

        I agree with Patrik and should have added mercy killing.

  2. Interested Bystander says:

    Labour folk could be phoning to stir things up.

  3. Macduff says:

    I think we’re overlooking another problem: the President. George Abela was touted as more conservative than Gonzi during the Labour leadership race. Will he sign the Bill quietly, or would he want to consider his “conscience”, too?

    • chavsRus says:

      He can’t. The constitution is very clear about that. He has to sign it. The only other option would be to resign.

  4. Edward Caruana Galizia says:

    Why can’t we ever have a referendum in Malta and just take the result for what it is, Yes or No?

    Something I’ve always noticed about some Maltese people is they never like reality when it slaps them in the face.

    There are those who vote No and think that they are going to win because they have their friends who are voting No and their politicians are voting No and there is the Church who is going to encourage people to Vote No.

    They think they have all their “friends” and ” friends of friends” etc backing them, making them believe blindly that they are going to win.

    So when the moment of disillusionment comes they cannot handle it and spend forever talking about how it cannot be and what must be wrong with the world that would lead to their defeat.

    Democracy is simple: you have your say and the majority wins. Now get over it.

  5. Etil says:

    Spot on, Daphne – it was the same tirade on Radio 101 two weeks or so before the actual referendum. It seems most politicians are still treating the electorate as if they are idiots (- although one cannot blame them at times judging by the type of phone-ins. If they persist I can only think that they are trying to convince us why they are voting ‘No’ or abstaining, and that they cannot accept the ‘Yes’ result.

  6. lino says:

    This is the essence of all my posts. Which ever way they vote, the referendum result has to be respected and the bill passed. The PM has promised that; I don’t know how he’s going to do that, but that’s his f***en problem.

  7. Marvic Camilleri says:

    I experienced one of these radio shows while I was driving home from work. It was presented by a young and educated person, probably hoping for a political career, but the result was sadly reminicsent of Super 1’s Manwel Cuschieri”rebah il-partnership” shows.

  8. Heather says:

    Divorce should not have been decided by referendum because the rights of individuals should never be gambled with by the disinterested majority (an example of ‘disinterested’ is people voting on such an important issue to save their soul and not because they had any particular opinion on it).

    [Daphne – I thought so too, but guess what, I’ve changed my mind. It’s now obvious that our legislators would never have done the job if left to their own devices. Look at the way they’re behaving even now, with the referendum decision staring them in the face.]

    But now that it happened, it’s nice to know that this minority issue also happens to have majority backing. So, with it being a civil right that should not need majority backing AND with it having majority backing anyway… I find it remarkable that we still have a problem.

  9. Dominic Chircop says:

    All these comments are being instigated by the shilly-shally approach of the honourable Prome Minister. Rather than trying to heal the gaping wound left on Maltese society by the divorce referendum, he is showing his usual penchant for not deciding.

    It now appears that his past presidency of the Catholic Action did not afford him a good political formation.

  10. Ronnie says:

    Daphne you state that “the Nationalist Party cannot afford to be associated with such crackpots, backwater bigots and village idiots”, well the PN has a few of them in parliament; Tonio Fenech’s crying Madonna comes to mind for example.

  11. Luigi says:

    The referendum and its aftermath did a good job of revealing so much hypocrisy among our politicians (and others).

  12. Anthony Farrugia says:

    How in God’s name do you manage to listen to all that rubbish on Radio 101 and Super One in any case?

    Give me your ‘Eastenders’ in exchange any day.

    [Daphne – All my readers know by now that I am fascinated by chav culture and chav thinking. But I will admit that Eastenders is better produced than Super One shows at least (phone-ins are phone-ins).]

  13. Joseph Vassallo - crackpot says:

    Catholics cannot be in favour of Divorce and abortion. Jesus was very clear on these issues. I do not imagine that MP\s would have voted in favour of abortion in parliament regardless of what a majority of the Maltese people would have said.Likewise, I do not expect committed Catholic MP’s to vote in favour of Divorce. Afterall, the Nationalist party did not even vote in favour of the Referendum on Divorce motion presented and approved by parliament. Only two members from the Nationalist Party voted in favour.

    • Kenneth Cassar says:

      I’ve never read anything from Jesus regarding abortion, even though it was widely practised in his time.

  14. Evelyn says:

    Good for you, Joseph Vassallo! I cannot understand all this vitriol against the Church.

    The Church has a right to speak and teach Christ’s teachings. That includes Gozo’s Bishop! Christ should be part of our daily lives and not put in a cupboard and brought out when serious problems hit our family.

    If a family is struck by some illness or misfortune then we remember Christ and our Lady. But not in our daily lives.

    Everyone wants to live as he pleases. Well then do not call yourselves Catholics.

    When the crowds left Jesus because of his teachings, he turned towards the apostles and told them “Do you want to leave as well?’ Everyone knows Peter’s answer. One cannot serve two masters.

  15. Evelyn says:

    Kenneth Cassar, wonder how you got the idea that abortion was practised in Jesus’ time. You sound like a real wise guy!

    Well this is what Jesus said about abortion” Truly I say to you, for one innocent life cut short as soon as concieved by the monstrous of iniquities a hundred guilty lives will pay for this crime by their eternal punishment. In the name of the justice and right which they invoke, they assassinate with impunity the work of the Creator in His creature, the little one in his mother’s womb. She herself is guilty in consenting to the most horrible crime, placing herself lower than the animals who faithfully maintain their maternal instinct in all its beauty and abnegation.”

    Quote take from the book Message of Merciful Love to little souls. Will do you a world of good to read this book, me thinks.

    [Daphne – That isn’t what Christ said. It’s what some 20th century mystic imagines he said. The reality of the matter is that, as Kenneth said, abortion was practised throughout the ages because there have always been situations in which women would rather die than have a baby and indeed, when having a baby (in certain situations) would mean death anyway. You might need to know that in that period, babies were not regarded as fully human – still less foetuses. I am not telling you this to provoke an argument – this is not an abortion thread and we don’t need one, thank you – but merely to point out that you would be better off reading social history than mysticism.]

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